package org.openntf.domino.big; import; import org.openntf.domino.Document; import org.openntf.domino.NoteCollection; import org.openntf.domino.utils.DominoUtils; import; import; import; import; public interface NoteCoordinate extends Externalizable, Comparable<NoteCoordinate> { public static enum Utils { ; public static String getUnidFromBytes(final byte[] bytes) { if (bytes.length >= 16) { long first = Longs.fromBytes(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7]); long last = Longs.fromBytes(bytes[8], bytes[9], bytes[10], bytes[11], bytes[12], bytes[13], bytes[14], bytes[15]); return getUnidFromLongs(first, last); } else { //TODO NTF Something here... throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert a byte array of length " + bytes.length + " to a unid"); } } public static String getUnidFromLongs(final long first, final long last) { String fStr = Long.toHexString(first).toUpperCase(); String lStr = Long.toHexString(last).toUpperCase(); return Strings.padStart(fStr, 16, '0') + Strings.padStart(lStr, 16, '0'); } public static String getReplidFromBytes(final byte[] bytes) { if (bytes.length >= 8) { long l = Longs.fromByteArray(bytes); return getReplidFromLong(l); } else { //TODO NTF Something here... throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert a byte array of length " + bytes.length + " to a replica id"); } } public static String getReplidFromLong(final long l) { String c = Long.toHexString(l).toUpperCase(); return Strings.padStart(c, 16, '0'); } public static byte[] getBytesFromDocument(final Document doc) { byte[] result = new byte[24]; byte[] replbytes = getBytesFromReplid(doc.getAncestorDatabase().getReplicaID()); byte[] unidbytes = getBytesFromUnid(doc.getUniversalID()); System.arraycopy(replbytes, 0, result, 0, 8); System.arraycopy(unidbytes, 0, result, 8, 16); return result; } public static byte[] getBytesFromUnid(final CharSequence unid) { if (unid == null) return null; if (DominoUtils.isUnid(unid)) { String first = "0x" + unid.subSequence(0, 16); long flong = UnsignedLongs.decode(first); byte[] fbytes = Longs.toByteArray(flong); String last = "0x" + unid.subSequence(16, 32); long llong = UnsignedLongs.decode(last); byte[] lbytes = Longs.toByteArray(llong); return Bytes.concat(fbytes, lbytes); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert a String of length " + unid.length() + ": " + unid); } } public static byte[] getBytesFromReplid(final CharSequence replid) throws IllegalArgumentException { long l = getLongFromReplid(replid); return Longs.toByteArray(l); } public static long getLongFromReplid(final CharSequence replid) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (replid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null is not a valid replica id"); if (DominoUtils.isReplicaId(replid)) { String decode = "0x" + replid.toString(); long result = UnsignedLongs.decode(decode); return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert a String of length " + replid.length() + ": " + replid); } } public static long[] getLongsFromUnid(final CharSequence unid) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (unid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null is not a valid unid"); if (DominoUtils.isUnid(unid)) { long[] result = new long[2]; String first = "0x" + unid.subSequence(0, 16); result[0] = UnsignedLongs.decode(first); String last = "0x" + unid.subSequence(16, 32); result[1] = UnsignedLongs.decode(last); return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert a String of length " + unid.length() + ": " + unid); } } public static void insertByteArray(long value, final byte[] bytes, final int start) { for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) { bytes[i + start] = (byte) (int) (value & 0xFF); value >>= 8; } } public static org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate getNoteCoordinate(final NoteCollection notecoll, final String nid) { return new org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate(notecoll, nid); } public static org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate getNoteCoordinate(final Document doc) { return new org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate(doc); } public static org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate getNoteCoordinate(final CharSequence replicaid, final CharSequence unid) { return new org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate(replicaid, unid); } public static org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate getNoteCoordinate(final CharSequence metaversalid) { return new org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate(metaversalid); } public static org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate getNoteCoordinate(final byte[] bytes) { return new org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate(bytes); } public static org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate getNoteCoordinate(final long db, final long x, final long y) { return new org.openntf.domino.big.impl.NoteCoordinate(db, x, y); } } public String getReplicaId(); public Long getReplicaLong(); public String getUNID(); public Document getDocument(); public Document getDocument(final String serverName); public Object get(final String key); public boolean isView(); public int insertToByteArray(final byte[] bytes, final int pos); public byte[] toByteArray(); }