package com.tinkerpop.pipes.util; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.Pipe; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.PipeFunction; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.iterators.SingleIterator; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.structures.AsMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public class FluentUtility { /** * Get all the AsPipes in the provided MetaPipe. * * @return all the AsPipes */ public static List<AsPipe> getAsPipes(final MetaPipe metaPipe) { final List<AsPipe> asPipes = new ArrayList<AsPipe>(); for (final Pipe subPipe : metaPipe.getPipes()) { if (subPipe instanceof AsPipe) { asPipes.add((AsPipe) subPipe); } if (subPipe instanceof MetaPipe) { asPipes.addAll(FluentUtility.getAsPipes((MetaPipe) subPipe)); } } return asPipes; } /** * Get an AsPipe by name in the respective MetaPipe. * * @param metaPipe the MetaPipe containing the AsPipe * @param namedStep the name of the AsPipe * @return the AsPipe with provided name */ public static AsPipe getAsPipe(final MetaPipe metaPipe, final String namedStep) { for (final AsPipe asPipe : FluentUtility.getAsPipes(metaPipe)) { if (asPipe.getName().equals(namedStep)) return asPipe; } throw new RuntimeException("No AsPipe with provided name: " + namedStep); } /** * A utility method to remove all the pipes back some number of steps and return them as a list. * * @param numberedStep the number of steps back to remove from the pipeline * @return the removed pipes */ public static List<Pipe> removePreviousPipes(final Pipeline pipeline, final int numberedStep) { final List<Pipe> previousPipes = new ArrayList<Pipe>(); for (int i = pipeline.size() - 1; i > ((pipeline.size() - 1) - numberedStep); i--) { previousPipes.add(0, pipeline.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < numberedStep; i++) { pipeline.remove(pipeline.size() - 1); } if (pipeline.size() == 1) pipeline.setStarts(pipeline.getStarts()); return previousPipes; } /** * A utility method to remove all the pipes back some partition step and return them as a list. * * @param namedStep the name of the step previous to remove from the pipeline * @return the removed pipes */ public static List<Pipe> removePreviousPipes(final Pipeline pipeline, final String namedStep) { final List<Pipe> previousPipes = new ArrayList<Pipe>(); for (int i = pipeline.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final Pipe pipe = pipeline.get(i); if (pipe instanceof AsPipe && ((AsPipe) pipe).getName().equals(namedStep)) { break; } else { previousPipes.add(0, pipe); } } for (int i = 0; i < previousPipes.size(); i++) { pipeline.remove(pipeline.size() - 1); } if (pipeline.size() == 1) pipeline.setStarts(pipeline.getStarts()); return previousPipes; } /** * Get the last pipe in the Pipeline * * @param pipeline the Pipeline * @return the last pipe in the Pipeline */ public static Pipe getPreviousPipe(final Pipeline pipeline) { return pipeline.get(pipeline.size() - 1); } public static List<Pipe> getPreviousPipes(final Pipeline pipeline, final int numberedStep) { final List<Pipe> previousPipes = new ArrayList<Pipe>(); int pipelineSize = pipeline.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numberedStep; i++) { previousPipes.add(pipeline.get(pipelineSize - i + 1)); } return previousPipes; } public static void setStarts(final Pipeline pipeline, final Object starts) { if (starts instanceof Iterator) { pipeline.setStarts((Iterator) starts); } else if (starts instanceof Iterable) { pipeline.setStarts(((Iterable) starts).iterator()); } else { pipeline.setStarts(new SingleIterator(starts)); } } public static PipeFunction prepareFunction(final AsMap asMap, final PipeFunction function) { if (function instanceof PipesFunction) ((PipesFunction) function).setAsMap(asMap); return function; } public static PipeFunction[] prepareFunctions(final AsMap asMap, final PipeFunction... functions) { for (final PipeFunction function : functions) { prepareFunction(asMap, function); } return functions; } }