package com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.VertexQuery; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.FastNoSuchElementException; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.PipeHelper; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * VertexQueryPipe makes use of the Vertex.query() method in Blueprints which allows for intelligent edge look ups from the underlying graph. * * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public class VertexQueryPipe<E extends Element> extends QueryPipe<Vertex, E> { private Direction direction = Direction.BOTH; private String[] labels; private int branchFactor; /** * Construct a new VertexQuery pipe that wraps an underlying Blueprints VertexQuery object. * Given the optional nature of many of the parameters, note the "wildcard" settings for each parameter. * * @param resultingElementClass this must be either Vertex.class or Edge.class (anything else will throw an IllegalArgumentException) * @param direction this must be a legal direction representing the direction of the edge. * @param hasContainers this must be a collection of 'has'-filters (i.e. property filters). Provide an empty list if no such filters are to be applied. * @param intervalContainers this must be a collection of 'interval'-filters (i.e. property filters within a range). Provide an empty list if no such filters are to be applied. * @param branchFactor the branch factor for a particular vertex (determines the limit() of the VertexQuery) * @param lowRange this must be a long value representing the low range of elements to emit * @param highRange this must be a long value representing the high range of elements to emit * @param labels this is a list of Strings representing the edge label filters to apply. Do not provide any Strings if no such filtering is desired. */ public VertexQueryPipe(final Class<E> resultingElementClass, final Direction direction, final List<HasContainer> hasContainers, final List<IntervalContainer> intervalContainers, final int branchFactor, final int lowRange, final int highRange, final String... labels) { this.setResultingElementClass(resultingElementClass); this.direction = direction; if (null != hasContainers) { for (final HasContainer container : hasContainers) { super.addHasContainer(container); } } if (null != intervalContainers) { for (final IntervalContainer container : intervalContainers) { super.addIntervalContainer(container); } } this.branchFactor = branchFactor; super.setLowRange(lowRange); super.setHighRange(highRange); this.labels = labels; } public void setDirection(final Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; } public void setLabels(final String... labels) { this.labels = labels; } public void setBranchFactor(final int branchFactor) { this.branchFactor = branchFactor; } public String toString() { return (this.branchFactor == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? PipeHelper.makePipeString(this,, Arrays.asList(this.labels), super.toString()) : PipeHelper.makePipeString(this,, "branch:" + branchFactor, Arrays.asList(this.labels), super.toString()); } public E processNextStart() { while (true) { if (this.count >= this.highRange) { throw FastNoSuchElementException.instance(); } else if (this.currentIterator.hasNext()) { this.count++; final E e =; if (this.count > this.lowRange) return e; } else { final Vertex vertex =; VertexQuery query = vertex.query(); query = query.direction(this.direction); if (this.labels.length > 0) query = query.labels(this.labels); if (null != this.hasContainers) { for (final HasContainer hasContainer : this.hasContainers) { query = query.has(hasContainer.key, hasContainer.predicate, hasContainer.value); } } if (null != this.intervalContainers) { for (final IntervalContainer intervalContainer : this.intervalContainers) { query = query.interval(intervalContainer.key, intervalContainer.startValue, intervalContainer.endValue); } } if (this.branchFactor == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { if (this.highRange != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { int temp = this.highRange - this.count; query = temp > 0 ? query.limit(temp) : query; } } else { if (this.highRange == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { query = query.limit(this.branchFactor); } else { int temp = this.highRange - this.count; query = query.limit(temp < this.branchFactor ? temp : this.branchFactor); } } this.currentIterator = this.elementClass.equals(Vertex.class) ? (Iterator<E>) query.vertices().iterator() : (Iterator<E>) query.edges().iterator(); } } } }