package org.openntf.domino.logging; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory; /** * Introduces a highly configurable new logging mechanism. (Details are to be found in If no configuration property * file is found, logging is statically initialized as before (as a fallback solution ). If the configuration is changed, logging will * update itself within 1 minute. * * @author steinsiek * */ public class Logging { private static ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> sdfISO = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() { @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } }; public static String dateToString(final Date value) { return sdfISO.get().format(value); } private static Logging _theLogger = new Logging(); private Logging() { } public static Logging getInstance() { return _theLogger; } private LogConfig _activeConfig = null; private Timer _supervisor = null; private static final long _supervisorInterval = 60000; // 1 minute public void startUp() throws IOException { if (!activateCfgFromPropFile()) { System.err.println("Logging: Couldn't initialize from PropertyFile; activating fallback ..."); startUpFallback(); return; } System.out.println("Logging: LogConfig successfully initialized from " + _logConfigPropFile); // TODO: if we want to access a Config-DB we can use @Tasklet here // Xots.getService().schedule(new Runnable() { // @Override // public void run() { // Logging.getInstance().lookForCfgChange(); // } // }, _supervisorInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); _supervisor = new Timer("LoggingSupervisor", true); _supervisor.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { Logging.getInstance().lookForCfgChange(); } }, _supervisorInterval, _supervisorInterval); } private boolean activateCfgFromPropFile() { LogConfig logCfg; if ((logCfg = loadCfgFromPropFile()) == null) return false; if (!createFilterHandlers(logCfg)) return false; if (_activeConfig == null) // Necessary only if starting up if (!getCfgPropFileNumbers()) return false; activateFilterHandlers(logCfg); _activeConfig = logCfg; return true; } static String _logConfigPropFile = null; private LogConfig loadCfgFromPropFile() { File logConfigFile = logCfgFilePrecheck(); if (logConfigFile == null) return null; Properties props; try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(logConfigFile); props = new Properties(); props.load(fis); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Logging.loadFromPropFile: Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + ":"); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return LogConfig.fromProperties(props); } private File logCfgFilePrecheck() { if (_logConfigPropFile == null) _logConfigPropFile = Factory.getDataPath() + "/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/"; File ret = new File(_logConfigPropFile); String errMsg = null; if (!ret.exists()) errMsg = "not found"; else if (!ret.isFile()) errMsg = "isn't a normal file"; if (errMsg == null) return ret; System.err.println("Logging.logCfgFilePrecheck: File '" + _logConfigPropFile + "' " + errMsg); return null; } private boolean createFilterHandlers(final LogConfig logCfg) { try { for (LogConfig.L_LogFilterHandler llfh : logCfg._logFilterHandlers.values()) LogFilterHandler.getInitializedInstance(llfh, _activeConfig); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); for (LogConfig.L_LogFilterHandler llfh : logCfg._logFilterHandlers.values()) if (llfh._myHandler != null) { llfh._myHandler.finishUp(); llfh._myHandler = null; } return false; } } private void activateFilterHandlers(final LogConfig logCfg) { int sz = (_activeConfig == null) ? 0 : _activeConfig._logFilterHandlers.size(); LogFilterHandler[] oldLFHs = new LogFilterHandler[sz]; if (_activeConfig != null) { int i = 0; for (LogConfig.L_LogFilterHandler llfh : _activeConfig._logFilterHandlers.values()) oldLFHs[i++] = llfh._myHandler; } for (LogConfig.L_LogFilterHandler llfh : logCfg._logFilterHandlers.values()) llfh._myHandler.activateYourself(oldLFHs); } private void startUpFallback() throws IOException { String pattern = Factory.getDataPath() + "/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/org.openntf.%u.%g.log"; Logger oodLogger = Logger.getLogger("org.openntf.domino"); oodLogger.setLevel(Level.WARNING); DefaultFileHandler dfh = new DefaultFileHandler(pattern, 50000, 100, true); dfh.setFormatter(new FileFormatter()); dfh.setLevel(Level.WARNING); oodLogger.addHandler(dfh); DefaultConsoleHandler dch = new DefaultConsoleHandler(); dch.setFormatter(new ConsoleFormatter()); dch.setLevel(Level.WARNING); oodLogger.addHandler(dch); OpenLogHandler olh = new OpenLogHandler(); olh.setLogDbPath("OpenLog.nsf"); olh.setLevel(Level.WARNING); oodLogger.addHandler(olh); LogManager.getLogManager().addLogger(oodLogger); } private long _propFileLh; private long _propFileCRC; private boolean getCfgPropFileNumbers() { long fileLh = 0; long fileCRC = 0; File f = logCfgFilePrecheck(); if (f == null) return false; try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); byte[] buff = new byte[16384]; int got; while ((got = > 0) { fileLh += got; crc.update(buff, 0, got); } fis.close(); fileCRC = crc.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Logging.getCfgPropFileNumbers: " + "Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return false; } _propFileLh = fileLh; _propFileCRC = fileCRC; return true; } private static enum ConfigChangeFlag { CFG_UNCHANGED, CFG_UPDATED, CFG_ERROR; } private ConfigChangeFlag lookForCfgChange() { long oldFileLh = _propFileLh; long oldFileCRC = _propFileCRC; if (!getCfgPropFileNumbers()) return ConfigChangeFlag.CFG_ERROR; if (_propFileLh == oldFileLh && _propFileCRC == oldFileCRC) return ConfigChangeFlag.CFG_UNCHANGED; if (activateCfgFromPropFile()) { System.out.println("Logging: Updated LogConfig from changed PropertyFile"); return ConfigChangeFlag.CFG_UPDATED; } _propFileLh = oldFileLh; _propFileCRC = oldFileCRC; System.err.println("Logging: Couldn't update LogConfig from changed PropertyFile because of errors"); return ConfigChangeFlag.CFG_ERROR; } static boolean _verbose = false; // For testing public static void setVerbose(final boolean how) { _verbose = how; } }