package org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs; /** * This structure contains the common fields for the graphical elements in a layout region of a form. * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public class ELEMENTHEADER extends AbstractStruct { /** * Location of the left edge of the element in twips */ public final Unsigned16 wLeft = new Unsigned16(); /** * Location of the top of the element in twips */ public final Unsigned16 wTop = new Unsigned16(); /** * Width of the element in twips */ public final Unsigned16 wWidth = new Unsigned16(); /** * Height of the element in twips */ public final Unsigned16 wHeight = new Unsigned16(); /** * Font used to display text in the element */ public final FONTID FontID = inner(new FONTID()); /** * Background color for the element */ public final Unsigned8 byBackColor = new Unsigned8(); public final Unsigned8 bSpare = new Unsigned8(); public final COLOR_VALUE BackgroundColor = inner(new COLOR_VALUE()); @Override public String toString() { return "[" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Left=" + wLeft.get() + ", Top=" + wTop.get() + ", Width=" + wWidth.get() + ", Height=" + wHeight.get() + ", FontID=" + FontID + ", BackColor=" + byBackColor.get() + ", BackgroundColor=" + BackgroundColor + "]"; } }