package; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.SIG; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.WSIG; /** * This structure specifies a format for paragraphs in a rich-text field. There may be more than one paragraph using the same paragraph * format, but there may be no more than one CDPABDEFINITION with the same ID in a rich-text field. (editods.h) * */ public class CDPABDEFINITION extends CDRecord { public static final int MAXTABS = 20; public final WSIG Header = inner(new WSIG()); public final Unsigned16 PABID = new Unsigned16(); // TODO make enum public final Unsigned16 JustifyMode = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 LineSpacing = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 ParagraphSpacingBefore = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 ParagraphSpacingAfter = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 LeftMargin = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 RightMargin = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 FirstLineLeftMargin = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 Tabs = new Unsigned16(); public final Signed16[] Tab = array(new Signed16[MAXTABS]); // TODO make enum public final Unsigned16 Flags = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned32 TabTypes = new Unsigned32(); // TODO make enum public final Unsigned16 Flags2 = new Unsigned16(); @Override public SIG getHeader() { return Header; } // @Override // public int getExtraLength() { // // This is a weird one. There may be several types of extra data following this: // // 0-6 WORDs based on flags in Flags2 // // a potential DWORD based on Flags2 matching PABFLAG2_MORE_FLAGS // // a potential final DWORD if the previous one exists and is EXTENDEDPABFLAGS3 // // // TODO property enum-ify these, from editdlft.h // int PABFLAG2_LM_OFFSET = 0x0004; // int PABFLAG2_LM_PERCENT = 0x0008; // int PABFLAG2_FLLM_OFFSET = 0x0010; // int PABFLAG2_FLLM_PERCENT = 0x0020; // int PABFLAG2_RM_OFFSET = 0x0040; // int PABFLAG2_RM_PERCENT = 0x0080; // // short flags2 = getFlags2(); // // int result = 0; // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_LM_OFFSET) > 0) { // result += 2; // } // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_LM_PERCENT) > 0) { // result += 2; // } // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_FLLM_OFFSET) > 0) { // result += 2; // } // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_FLLM_PERCENT) > 0) { // result += 2; // } // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_RM_OFFSET) > 0) { // result += 2; // } // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_RM_PERCENT) > 0) { // result += 2; // } // // // now we want to see if there's a DWORD after whatever that result was // int PABFLAG2_MORE_FLAGS = 0x8000; // if ((flags2 & PABFLAG2_MORE_FLAGS) > 0) { // // Not only do we want to note that this value exists, but we also // // want to read it, as it could denote ANOTHER value // int extDword = getData().getInt(getData().position() + result); // result += 4; // // long EXTENDEDPABFLAGS3 = 0x00000001L; // if (extDword == EXTENDEDPABFLAGS3) { // result += 4; // } // } // // return result; // } // @Override // public String toString() { // return "[" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ", ID: " + getId() + ", Justify Mode: " + getJustifyMode() + ", Line Spacing: " // + getLineSpacing() + ", Paragraph Spacing Before: " + getParagraphSpacingBefore() + ", Paragraph Spacing After: " // + getParagraphSpacingAfter() + ", Left Margin: " + getLeftMargin() + ", Right Margin: " + getRightMargin() // + ", First Line Left Margin: " + getFirstLineLeftMargin() + ", Tab: " + getTab() + ", Flags: " + getFlags() // + ", Tab Types: " + getTabTypes() + ", Flags2: " + getFlags2() + "]"; // } }