package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * The strategy for executing a transaction. * * @author Stephen Mallette ( */ public interface TransactionRetryStrategy<T> { /** * Executes the TransactionWork with a give strategy. * * @param graph The TransactionalGraph to mutate. * @param work The work to do on the Graph. * @return The return value from TransactionWork. */ public T execute(TransactionalGraph graph, TransactionWork<T> work); /** * Executes the work committing if possible and rolling back on failure. On failure, an exception is reported. */ public static class OneAndDone<T> implements TransactionRetryStrategy<T> { public T execute(final TransactionalGraph graph, final TransactionWork<T> work) { T returnValue; try { returnValue = work.execute(graph); graph.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { graph.rollback(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return returnValue; } } /** * Executes the work committing if possible and rolling back on failure. On failure no exception is reported. */ public static class FireAndForget<T> implements TransactionRetryStrategy<T> { public T execute(final TransactionalGraph graph, final TransactionWork<T> work) { T returnValue = null; try { returnValue = work.execute(graph); graph.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { graph.rollback(); } return returnValue; } } /** * Executes the work with a number of retries and with a number of milliseconds delay between each try. */ public static class DelayedRetry<T> extends AbstractRetryStrategy<T> { public static final long DEFAULT_DELAY_MS = 20; private final long delayBetweenRetry; public DelayedRetry() { this(DEFAULT_TRIES, DEFAULT_DELAY_MS); } public DelayedRetry(final int tries, final long delayBetweenRetry) { this(tries, delayBetweenRetry, new HashSet<Class>()); } public DelayedRetry(final int tries, final long delayBetweenRetry, final Set<Class> exceptionsToRetryOn) { super(tries, exceptionsToRetryOn); this.delayBetweenRetry = delayBetweenRetry; } @Override long getDelay(final int retryCount) { return this.delayBetweenRetry; } } /** * Executes the work with a number of retries and with a exponentially increasing number of milliseconds * between each retry. */ public static class ExponentialBackoff<T> extends AbstractRetryStrategy<T> { public static final long DEFAULT_DELAY_MS = 20; private final long initialDelay; public ExponentialBackoff() { this(DEFAULT_TRIES, DEFAULT_DELAY_MS); } public ExponentialBackoff(final int tries, final long initialDelay) { this(tries, initialDelay, new HashSet<Class>()); } public ExponentialBackoff(final int tries, final long initialDelay, final Set<Class> exceptionsToRetryOn) { super(tries, exceptionsToRetryOn); this.initialDelay = initialDelay; } @Override long getDelay(final int retryCount) { return (long) (initialDelay * Math.pow(2, retryCount)); } } /** * Base class for strategy that require a retry. */ public static abstract class AbstractRetryStrategy<T> implements TransactionRetryStrategy<T> { public static final int DEFAULT_TRIES = 8; protected final int tries; protected final Set<Class> exceptionsToRetryOn; public AbstractRetryStrategy() { this(DEFAULT_TRIES, new HashSet<Class>()); } public AbstractRetryStrategy(final int tries, final Set<Class> exceptionsToRetryOn) { this.tries = tries; this.exceptionsToRetryOn = exceptionsToRetryOn; } abstract long getDelay(int retryCount); public T execute(final TransactionalGraph graph, final TransactionWork<T> work) { T returnValue; // this is the default may get reassgined during retries Exception previousException = new RuntimeException("Exception initialized when trying commit."); // try to commit a few times for (int ix = 0; ix < tries; ix++) { // increase time after each failed attempt though there is no delay on the first try if (ix > 0) try { Thread.sleep(getDelay(ix)); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } try { returnValue = work.execute(graph); graph.commit(); // need to exit the function here so that retries don't happen return returnValue; } catch (Exception ex) { graph.rollback(); // retry if this is an allowed exception otherwise, just throw and go boolean retry = false; if (this.exceptionsToRetryOn.size() == 0) retry = true; else { for (Class exceptionToRetryOn : this.exceptionsToRetryOn) { if (ex.getClass().equals(exceptionToRetryOn)) { retry = true; break; } } } if (!retry) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } previousException = ex; } } // the exception just won't go away after all the retries throw new RuntimeException(previousException); } } }