package; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Graph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Predicate; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.gremlin.Tokens; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.Pipe; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.PipeFunction; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.branch.LoopPipe; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform.TransformPipe; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.structures.Pair; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.structures.Row; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.structures.Table; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.structures.Tree; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public interface GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> { /** * Add a FunctionPipe to the end of the pipeline. * The provide provided PipeFunction emits whatever is defined by the function. * This serves as an arbitrary step computation. * * @param function the function of the FunctionPipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> step(final PipeFunction function); /** * Add an arbitrary Pipe to the end of the pipeline. * * @param pipe The provided pipe. * @param <T> the object type emitted by the provided pipe. * @return the extended Pipeline */ public <T> GremlinFluentPipeline<S, T> step(final Pipe<E, T> pipe); //////////////////// /// BRANCH PIPES /// //////////////////// /** * Add a CopySplitPipe to the end of the pipeline. * The incoming objects are copied to the provided pipes. * This "split-pipe" is used in conjunction with some type of "merge-pipe." * * @param pipes the internal pipes of the CopySplitPipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> copySplit(final Pipe<E, ?>... pipes); /** * Add an ExhaustMergePipe to the end of the pipeline. * The one-step previous MetaPipe in the pipeline's pipes are used as the internal pipes. * The pipes' emitted objects are merged where the first pipe's objects are exhausted, then the second, etc. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> exhaustMerge(); /** * Add a FairMergePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The one-step previous MetaPipe in the pipeline's pipes are used as the internal pipes. * The pipes' emitted objects are merged in a round robin fashion. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> fairMerge(); /** * Add an IfThenElsePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the ifFunction is true, then the results of the thenFunction are emitted. * If the ifFunction is false, then the results of the elseFunction are emitted. * * @param ifFunction the function denoting the "if" part of the pipe * @param thenFunction the function denoting the "then" part of the pipe * @param elseFunction the function denoting the "else" part of the pipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> ifThenElse(final PipeFunction<E, Boolean> ifFunction, final PipeFunction<E, ?> thenFunction, final PipeFunction<E, ?> elseFunction); /** * Add a LoopPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Looping is useful for repeating a section of a pipeline. * The provided whileFunction determines when to drop out of the loop. * The whileFunction is provided a LoopBundle object which contains the object in loop along with other useful metadata. * * @param numberedStep the number of steps to loop back to * @param whileFunction whether or not to continue looping on the current object * @return the extended Pipeline */ @Deprecated public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> loop(final int numberedStep, final PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<E>, Boolean> whileFunction); /** * Add a LoopPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Looping is useful for repeating a section of a pipeline. * The provided whileFunction determines when to drop out of the loop. * The whileFunction is provided a LoopBundle object which contains the object in loop along with other useful metadata. * * @param namedStep the name of the step to loop back to * @param whileFunction whether or not to continue looping on the current object * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> loop(final String namedStep, final PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<E>, Boolean> whileFunction); /** * Add a LoopPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Looping is useful for repeating a section of a pipeline. * The provided whileFunction determines when to drop out of the loop. * The provided emitFunction can be used to emit objects that are still going through a loop. * The whileFunction and emitFunctions are provided a LoopBundle object which contains the object in loop along with other useful metadata. * * @param numberedStep the number of steps to loop back to * @param whileFunction whether or not to continue looping on the current object * @param emitFunction whether or not to emit the current object (irrespective of looping) * @return the extended Pipeline */ @Deprecated public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> loop(final int numberedStep, final PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<E>, Boolean> whileFunction, final PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<E>, Boolean> emitFunction); /** * Add a LoopPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Looping is useful for repeating a section of a pipeline. * The provided whileFunction determines when to drop out of the loop. * The provided emitFunction can be used to emit objects that are still going through a loop. * The whileFunction and emitFunctions are provided a LoopBundle object which contains the object in loop along with other useful metadata. * * @param namedStep the number of steps to loop back to * @param whileFunction whether or not to continue looping on the current object * @param emitFunction whether or not to emit the current object (irrespective of looping) * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> loop(final String namedStep, final PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<E>, Boolean> whileFunction, final PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<E>, Boolean> emitFunction); //////////////////// /// FILTER PIPES /// //////////////////// /** * Add an AndFilterPipe to the end the Pipeline. * If the internal pipes all yield objects, then the object is not filtered. * The provided pipes are provided the object as their starts. * * @param pipes the internal pipes of the AndFilterPipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> and(final Pipe<E, ?>... pipes); /** * Add a BackFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The object that was seen numberedSteps ago is emitted. * * @param numberedStep the number of steps previous to back up to * @return the extended Pipeline */ @Deprecated public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> back(final int numberedStep); /** * Add a BackFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The object that was seen namedSteps ago is emitted. * * @param namedStep the name of the step previous to back up to * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> back(final String namedStep); /** * Add a DuplicateFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Will only emit the object if it has not been seen before. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> dedup(); /** * Add a DuplicateFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Will only emit the object if the object generated by its function hasn't been seen before. * * @param dedupFunction a function to call on the object to yield the object to dedup on * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> dedup(final PipeFunction<E, ?> dedupFunction); /** * Add an ExceptFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Will only emit the object if it is not in the provided collection. * * @param collection the collection except from the stream * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> except(final Collection<E> collection); /** * Add an ExceptFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Will only emit the object if it is not equal to any of the objects contained at the named steps. * * @param namedSteps the named steps in the pipeline * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> except(final String... namedSteps); /** * Add an FilterFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The serves are an arbitrary filter where the filter criteria is provided by the filterFunction. * * @param filterFunction the filter function of the pipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> filter(final PipeFunction<E, Boolean> filterFunction); /** * Add an OrFilterPipe to the end the Pipeline. * Will only emit the object if one or more of the provides pipes yields an object. * The provided pipes are provided the object as their starts. * * @param pipes the internal pipes of the OrFilterPipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> or(final Pipe<E, ?>... pipes); /** * Add a RandomFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * A biased coin toss determines if the object is emitted or not. * * @param bias the bias of the random coin * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> random(final Double bias); /** * Add a RageFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Analogous to a high/low index lookup. * * @param low the low end of the range * @param high the high end of the range * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> range(final int low, final int high); /** * Add a RetainFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Will emit the object only if it is in the provided collection. * * @param collection the collection to retain * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> retain(final Collection<E> collection); /** * Add a RetainFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Will only emit the object if it is equal to any of the objects contained at the named steps. * * @param namedSteps the named steps in the pipeline * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> retain(final String... namedSteps); /** * Add a CyclicPathFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the object's path is repeating (looping), then the object is filtered. * Thus, what is emitted are those objects whose history is composed of unique objects. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> simplePath(); /** * Check if the element has a property with provided key. * * @param key the property key to check * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> has(final String key); /** * Check if the element does not have a property with provided key. * * @param key the property key to check * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> hasNot(final String key); /** * Add an IdFilterPipe, LabelFilterPipe, or PropertyFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the incoming element has the provided key/value as check with .equals(), then let the element pass. * If the key is id or label, then use respect id or label filtering. * * @param key the property key to check * @param value the object to filter on (in an OR manner) * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> has(final String key, final Object value); /** * Add an IdFilterPipe, LabelFilterPipe, or PropertyFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the incoming element has the provided key/value as check with .equals(), then let the element pass. * If the key is id or label, then use respect id or label filtering. * * @param key the property key to check * @param compareToken the comparison to use * @param value the object to filter on * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> has(final String key, final Tokens.T compareToken, final Object value); /** * Add an IdFilterPipe, LabelFilterPipe, or PropertyFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the incoming element has the provided key/value as check with .equals(), then let the element pass. * If the key is id or label, then use respect id or label filtering. * * @param key the property key to check * @param predicate the comparison to use * @param value the object to filter on * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> has(final String key, final Predicate predicate, final Object value); /** * Add an IdFilterPipe, LabelFilterPipe, or PropertyFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the incoming element has the provided key/value as check with .equals(), then filter the element. * If the key is id or label, then use respect id or label filtering. * * @param key the property key to check * @param value the objects to filter on (in an OR manner) * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> hasNot(final String key, final Object value); /** * Add an IntervalFilterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * If the incoming element has a value that is within the interval value range specified, then the element is allows to pass. * If hte incoming element's value for the key is null, the element is filtered. * * @param key the property key to check * @param startValue the start of the interval (inclusive) * @param endValue the end of the interval (exclusive) * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> interval(final String key, final Comparable startValue, final Comparable endValue); /////////////////////// /// TRANSFORM PIPES /// /////////////////////// /** * Add a GatherPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * All the objects previous to this step are aggregated in a greedy fashion and emitted as a List. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, List> gather(); /** * Add a GatherPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * All the objects previous to this step are aggregated in a greedy fashion into a List. * The provided function is applied to the aggregate and the results of the function are emitted. * Typically, the output of the function is a pruned List. * This is good for selective breadth-first searching. * * @param function a transformation to apply to the gathered list * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> gather(final PipeFunction<List, ?> function); /** * Add an IdentityPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Useful in various situations where a step is needed without processing. * For example, useful when two as-steps are needed in a row. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> _(); /** * Add a MemoizePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will hold a Map of the objects that have entered into its pipeline section. * If an input is seen twice, then the map stored output is emitted instead of recomputing the pipeline section. * * @param namedStep the name of the step previous to memoize to * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> memoize(final String namedStep); /** * Add a MemoizePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will hold a Map of the objects that have entered into its pipeline section. * If an input is seen twice, then the map stored output is emitted instead of recomputing the pipeline section. * * @param numberedStep the number of the step previous to memoize to * @return the extended Pipeline */ @Deprecated public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> memoize(final int numberedStep); /** * Add a MemoizePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will hold a Map of the objects that have entered into its pipeline section. * If an input is seen twice, then the map stored output is emitted instead of recomputing the pipeline section. * * @param namedStep the name of the step previous to memoize to * @param map the memoization map * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> memoize(final String namedStep, final Map map); /** * Add a MemoizePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will hold a Map of the objects that have entered into its pipeline section. * If an input is seen twice, then the map stored output is emitted instead of recomputing the pipeline section. * * @param numberedStep the number of the step previous to memoize to * @param map the memoization map * @return the extended Pipeline */ @Deprecated public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> memoize(final int numberedStep, final Map map); /** * Add an OrderPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will sort the objects in the stream in a default Comparable order. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> order(); /** * Add an OrderPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will sort the objects in the stream in a default Comparable order. * * @param order if the stream is composed of comparable objects, then increment or decrement can be specified * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> order(TransformPipe.Order order); /** * Add an OrderPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step will sort the objects in the stream according to a comparator defined in the provided function. * * @param compareFunction a comparator function of two objects of type E * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> order(final PipeFunction<Pair<E, E>, Integer> compareFunction); /** * Add a PathPipe or PathPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This will emit the path that has been seen thus far. * If path functions are provided, then they are evaluated in a round robin fashion on the objects of the path. * * @param pathFunctions the path function of the PathPipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, List> path(final PipeFunction... pathFunctions); /** * Add a ScatterPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Any inputted iterator or iterable is unrolled and the iterator/iterable's objects are emitted one at a time. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> scatter(); /** * Add a SelectPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The objects of the named steps (via as) previous in the pipeline are emitted as a Row object. * A Row object extends ArrayList and simply provides named columns and some helper methods. * If column functions are provided, then they are evaluated in a round robin fashion on the objects of the Row. * * @param stepNames the name of the steps in the expression to retrieve the objects from * @param columnFunctions the functions to apply to the column objects prior to filling the Row * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Row> select(final Collection<String> stepNames, final PipeFunction... columnFunctions); /** * Add a SelectPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The objects of the named steps (via as) previous in the pipeline are emitted as a Row object. * A Row object extends ArrayList and simply provides named columns and some helper methods. * If column functions are provided, then they are evaluated in a round robin fashion on the objects of the Row. * * @param columnFunctions the functions to apply to the column objects prior to filling the Row * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Row> select(final PipeFunction... columnFunctions); /** * Add a SelectPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The objects of the named steps (via as) previous in the pipeline are emitted as a Row object. * A Row object extends ArrayList and simply provides named columns and some helper methods. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Row> select(); /** * Add a ShufflePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * All the objects previous to this step are aggregated in a greedy fashion, their order randomized and emitted * as a List. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, List> shuffle(); /** * Add a SideEffectCapPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * When the previous step in the pipeline is implements SideEffectPipe, then it has a method called getSideEffect(). * The cap step will greedily iterate the pipeline and then, when its empty, emit the side effect of the previous pipe. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> cap(); /** * Add a OrderMapPipe to the end of the Pipeline * Given a Map as an input, the map is first ordered and then the keys are emitted in the order. * * @param order if the values implement Comparable, then a increment or decrement sort is usable * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> orderMap(TransformPipe.Order order); /** * Add a OrderMapPipe to the end of the Pipeline * Given a Map as an input, the map is first ordered and then the keys are emitted in the order. * * @param compareFunction a function to compare to map entries * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> orderMap(PipeFunction<Pair<Map.Entry, Map.Entry>, Integer> compareFunction); /** * Add a TransformFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Given an input, the provided function is computed on the input and the output of that function is emitted. * * @param function the transformation function of the pipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public <T> GremlinFluentPipeline<S, T> transform(final PipeFunction<E, T> function); /** * Add a BothEdgesPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit both incoming and outgoing edges for the incoming vertex. * * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> bothE(final String... labels); /** * Add a BothEdgesPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent incoming edges for the incoming vertex. * * @param branchFactor the number of max incident edges for each incoming vertex * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> bothE(final int branchFactor, final String... labels); /** * Add a BothPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit both the incoming and outgoing adjacent vertices for the incoming vertex. * * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> both(final String... labels); /** * Add a BothPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent incoming vertices for the incoming vertex. * * @param branchFactor the number of max adjacent vertices for each incoming vertex * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> both(final int branchFactor, final String... labels); /** * Add a BothVerticesPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit both the tail and head vertices of the incoming edge. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> bothV(); /** * Add an IdEdgePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the edges of the graph whose ids are those of the incoming id objects. * * @param graph the graph of the pipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> idEdge(final Graph graph); /** * Add an IdPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the id of the incoming element. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Object> id(); /** * Add an IdVertexPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the vertices of the graph whose ids are those of the incoming id objects. * * @param graph the graph of the pipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> idVertex(final Graph graph); /** * Add an InEdgesPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming edges for the incoming vertex. * * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> inE(final String... labels); /** * Add a InPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent incoming vertices for the incoming vertex. * * @param branchFactor the number of max incident edges for each incoming vertex * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> inE(final int branchFactor, final String... labels); /** * Add a InPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent incoming vertices for the incoming vertex. * * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> in(final String... labels); /** * Add a InPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent incoming vertices for the incoming vertex. * * @param branchFactor the number of max adjacent vertices for each incoming vertex * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> in(final int branchFactor, final String... labels); /** * Add an InVertexPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the head vertex of the incoming edge. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> inV(); /** * Add an LabelPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the label of the incoming edge. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, String> label(); /** * Add an OutEdgesPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the outgoing edges for the incoming vertex. * * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> outE(final String... labels); /** * Add an OutEdgesPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the outgoing edges for the incoming vertex. * * @param branchFactor the number of max incident edges for each incoming vertex * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Edge> outE(final int branchFactor, final String... labels); /** * Add an OutPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent outgoing vertices of the incoming vertex. * * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> out(final String... labels); /** * Add an OutPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the adjacent outgoing vertices of the incoming vertex. * * @param branchFactor the number of max adjacent vertices for each incoming vertex * @param labels the edge labels to traverse * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> out(final int branchFactor, final String... labels); /** * Add an OutVertexPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the tail vertex of the incoming edge. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Vertex> outV(); /** * Add a PropertyMapPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the properties of the incoming element as a java.util.Map. * * @param keys the keys to get from the element (if none provided, all keys retrieved) * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Map<String, Object>> map(final String... keys); /** * Add a PropertyPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the respective property of the incoming element. * * @param key the property key * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, Object> property(final String key); ///////////////////////// /// SIDE-EFFECT PIPES /// ///////////////////////// /** * Add an AggregatePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The objects prior to aggregate are greedily collected into an ArrayList. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> aggregate(); /** * Add an AggregatePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The objects prior to aggregate are greedily collected into the provided collection. * * @param aggregate the collection to aggregate results into * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> aggregate(final Collection<E> aggregate); /** * Add an AggregatePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The results of the function evaluated on the objects prior to the aggregate are greedily collected into the provided collection. * * @param aggregate the collection to aggregate results into * @param aggregateFunction the function to run over each object prior to insertion into the aggregate * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> aggregate(final Collection aggregate, final PipeFunction<E, ?> aggregateFunction); /** * Add an AggregatePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The results of the function evaluated on the objects prior to the aggregate are greedily collected into an ArrayList. * * @param aggregateFunction the function to run over each object prior to insertion into the aggregate * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> aggregate(final PipeFunction<E, ?> aggregateFunction); /** * Add an OptionalPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The section of pipeline back to the numbered step is evaluated. * * @param numberedStep the number of steps previous to optional back to * @return the extended Pipeline */ @Deprecated public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> optional(final int numberedStep); /** * Add an OptionalPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The section of pipeline back to the partition step is evaluated. * * @param namedStep the name of the step previous to optional back to * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ?> optional(final String namedStep); /** * Add a GroupByPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Group the objects inputted objects according to a key generated from the object and a value generated from the object. * The grouping map has values that are Lists. * * @param map the map to store the grouping in * @param keyFunction the function that generates the key from the object * @param valueFunction the function that generates the value from the function * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupBy(final Map<?, List<?>> map, final PipeFunction keyFunction, final PipeFunction valueFunction); /** * Add a GroupByPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Group the objects inputted objects according to a key generated from the object and a value generated from the object. * The grouping map has values that are Lists. * * @param keyFunction the function that generates the key from the object * @param valueFunction the function that generates the value from the function * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupBy(final PipeFunction keyFunction, final PipeFunction valueFunction); /** * Add a GroupByReducePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Group the objects inputted objects according to a key generated from the object and a value generated from the object. * The grouping map has values that are Lists. * When the pipe has no more incoming objects, apply the reduce function to the keyed Lists. * The sideEffect is only fully available when the pipe is empty. * * @param reduceMap a map to perform the reduce operation on (good for having a later reference) * @param keyFunction the function that generates the key from the object * @param valueFunction the function that generates the value from the function * @param reduceFunction the function that reduces the value lists * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupBy(final Map reduceMap, final PipeFunction keyFunction, final PipeFunction valueFunction, final PipeFunction reduceFunction); /** * Add a GroupByReducePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Group the objects inputted objects according to a key generated from the object and a value generated from the object. * The grouping map has values that are Lists. * When the pipe has no more incoming objects, apply the reduce function to the keyed Lists. * The sideEffect is only fully available when the pipe is empty. * * @param keyFunction the function that generates the key from the object * @param valueFunction the function that generates the value from the function * @param reduceFunction the function that reduces the value lists * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupBy(final PipeFunction keyFunction, final PipeFunction valueFunction, final PipeFunction reduceFunction); /** * Add a GroupCountPipe or GroupCountFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * A map is maintained of counts. * The map keys are determined by the function on the incoming object. * The map values are determined by the function on the incoming object (getA()) and the previous value (getB()). * * @param map a provided count map * @param keyFunction the key function to determine map key * @param valueFunction the value function to determine map value * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupCount(final Map<?, Number> map, final PipeFunction keyFunction, final PipeFunction<Pair<?, Number>, Number> valueFunction); /** * Add a GroupCountPipe or GroupCountFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * map is maintained of counts. * The map keys are determined by the function on the incoming object. * The map values are determined by the function on the incoming object (getA()) and the previous value (getB()). * * @param keyFunction the key function to determine map key * @param valueFunction the value function to determine map value * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupCount(final PipeFunction keyFunction, final PipeFunction<Pair<?, Number>, Number> valueFunction); /** * Add a GroupCountPipe or GroupCountFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * A map is maintained of counts. * The map keys are determined by the function on the incoming object. * The map values are 1 plus the previous value for that key. * * @param map a provided count map * @param keyFunction the key function to determine map key * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupCount(final Map<?, Number> map, final PipeFunction keyFunction); /** * Add a GroupCountPipe or GroupCountFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * A map is maintained of counts. * The map keys are determined by the function on the incoming object. * The map values are 1 plus the previous value for that key. * * @param keyFunction the key function to determine map key * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupCount(final PipeFunction keyFunction); /** * Add a GroupCountPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * A map is maintained of counts. * The map keys are the incoming objects. * The map values are 1 plus the previous value for that key. * * @param map a provided count map * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupCount(final Map<?, Number> map); /** * Add a GroupCountPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * A map is maintained of counts. * The map keys are the incoming objects. * The map values are 1 plus the previous value for that key. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> groupCount(); /** * Add a SideEffectFunctionPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * The provided function is evaluated and the incoming object is the outgoing object. * * @param sideEffectFunction the function of the pipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> sideEffect(final PipeFunction<E, ?> sideEffectFunction); /** * Add a StorePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Lazily store the incoming objects into the provided collection. * * @param storage the collection to store results into * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> store(final Collection<E> storage); /** * Add a StorePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Lazily store the object returned by the function over the incoming object into the provided collection. * * @param storage the collection to store results into * @param storageFunction the function to run over each object prior to insertion into the storage collection * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> store(final Collection storage, final PipeFunction<E, ?> storageFunction); /** * Add an StorePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * An ArrayList storage collection is provided and filled lazily with incoming objects. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> store(); /** * Add a StorePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * An ArrayList storage collection is provided and filled lazily with the return of the function evaluated over the incoming objects. * * @param storageFunction the function to run over each object prior to insertion into the storage collection * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> store(final PipeFunction<E, ?> storageFunction); /** * Add a TablePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step is used for grabbing previously seen objects the pipeline as identified by as-steps. * * @param table the table to fill * @param stepNames the partition steps to include in the filling * @param columnFunctions the post-processing function for each column * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> table(final Table table, final Collection<String> stepNames, final PipeFunction... columnFunctions); /** * Add a TablePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step is used for grabbing previously seen objects the pipeline as identified by as-steps. * * @param table the table to fill * @param columnFunctions the post-processing function for each column * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> table(final Table table, final PipeFunction... columnFunctions); /** * Add a TablePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step is used for grabbing previously seen objects the pipeline as identified by as-steps. * * @param columnFunctions the post-processing function for each column * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> table(final PipeFunction... columnFunctions); /** * Add a TablePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step is used for grabbing previously seen objects the pipeline as identified by as-steps. * * @param table the table to fill * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> table(final Table table); /** * Add a TablePipe to the end of the Pipeline. * This step is used for grabbing previously seen objects the pipeline as identified by as-steps. * * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> table(); /** * Add a TreePipe to the end of the Pipeline * This step maintains an internal tree representation of the paths that have flowed through the step. * * @param tree an embedded Map data structure to store the tree representation in * @param branchFunctions functions to apply to each path object in a round robin fashion * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> tree(final Tree tree, final PipeFunction... branchFunctions); /** * Add a TreePipe to the end of the Pipeline * This step maintains an internal tree representation of the paths that have flowed through the step. * * @param branchFunctions functions to apply to each path object in a round robin fashion * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> tree(final PipeFunction... branchFunctions); /** * Add a LinkPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming vertex, but have other vertex provide an outgoing edge to incoming vertex. * * @param label the edge label * @param namedStep the step name that has the other vertex to link to * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> linkOut(final String label, final String namedStep); /** * Add a LinkPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming vertex, but have other vertex provide an incoming edge to incoming vertex. * * @param label the edge label * @param namedStep the step name that has the other vertex to link to * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> linkIn(final String label, final String namedStep); /** * Add a LinkPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming vertex, but have other vertex provide an incoming and outgoing edge to incoming vertex. * * @param label the edge label * @param namedStep the step name that has the other vertex to link to * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> linkBoth(final String label, final String namedStep); /** * Add a LinkPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming vertex, but have other vertex provide an outgoing edge to incoming vertex. * * @param label the edge label * @param other the other vertex * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> linkOut(final String label, final Vertex other); /** * Add a LinkPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming vertex, but have other vertex provide an incoming edge to incoming vertex. * * @param label the edge label * @param other the other vertex * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> linkIn(final String label, final Vertex other); /** * Add a LinkPipe to the end of the Pipeline. * Emit the incoming vertex, but have other vertex provide an incoming and outgoing edge to incoming vertex. * * @param label the edge label * @param other the other vertex * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, ? extends Element> linkBoth(final String label, final Vertex other); ////////////////////// /// UTILITY PIPES /// ////////////////////// /** * Wrap the previous step in an AsPipe. * Useful for naming steps and is used in conjunction with various other steps including: loop, select, back, table, etc. * * @param name the name of the AsPipe * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> as(final String name); /** * Add a StartPipe to the end of the pipeline. * Though, in practice, a StartPipe is usually the beginning. * Moreover, the constructor of the Pipeline will internally use StartPipe. * * @param object the object that serves as the start of the pipeline (iterator/iterable are unfolded) * @return the extended Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, S> start(final S object); /////////////////////// /// UTILITY METHODS /// /////////////////////// /** * Return the number of objects iterated through the pipeline. * * @return the number of objects iterated */ public long count(); /** * Completely drain the pipeline of its objects. * Useful when a sideEffect of the pipeline is desired. */ public void iterate(); /** * Return the next X objects in the pipeline as a list. * * @param number the number of objects to return * @return a list of X objects (if X objects occur) */ public List<E> next(final int number); /** * Return a list of all the objects in the pipeline. * * @return a list of all the objects */ public List<E> toList(); /** * Fill the provided collection with the objects in the pipeline. * * @param collection the collection to fill * @return the collection filled */ public Collection<E> fill(final Collection<E> collection); /** * Enable path calculations in the pipeline. * This is typically handled automatically and on rare occasions requires an explicit call. * * @return the path-enabled Pipeline */ public GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> enablePath(); /** * Returns the current pipeline with a new end type. * Useful if the end type of the pipeline cannot be implicitly derived. * * @return returns the current pipeline with the new end type. */ public <E> GremlinFluentPipeline<S, E> cast(Class<E> end); }