package org.openntf.domino.graph2.impl; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javolution.util.FastMap; import javolution.util.FastSet; import javolution.util.FastTable; import org.openntf.domino.Database; import org.openntf.domino.Document; import org.openntf.domino.NoteCollection; import org.openntf.domino.ViewEntry; import org.openntf.domino.big.NoteCoordinate; import org.openntf.domino.big.ViewEntryCoordinate; import org.openntf.domino.exceptions.UnimplementedException; import org.openntf.domino.graph2.DIdentityFactory; import org.openntf.domino.graph2.builtin.CategoryVertex; import org.openntf.domino.graph2.builtin.ViewVertex; import org.openntf.domino.utils.DominoUtils; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory; import; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.frames.VertexFrame; public class DElementStore implements org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElementStore { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(DElementStore.class.getName()); private List<Class<?>> types_; private Object delegate_; private Long delegateKey_; private Object provisionalDelegateKey_; private Object proxyDelegate_; private Long proxyDelegateKey_; private Object provisionalProxyDelegateKey_; private DIdentityFactory identityFactory_; private CustomProxyResolver proxyResolver_; private transient Map<Object, NoteCoordinate> keyCache_; private transient Map<Object, Element> elementCache_; private transient org.openntf.domino.graph2.DConfiguration configuration_; protected void setTypes(final List<Class<?>> types) { types_ = types; } protected Map<Object, Element> getElementCache() { if (elementCache_ == null) { elementCache_ = new FastMap<Object, Element>().atomic(); } return elementCache_; } protected Map<Object, NoteCoordinate> getKeyCache() { if (keyCache_ == null) { keyCache_ = new FastMap<Object, NoteCoordinate>().atomic(); } return keyCache_; } public DElementStore() { addType(ViewVertex.class); addType(CategoryVertex.class); } @Override public void uncache(final Element elem) { getElementCache().remove(elem); } @Override public org.openntf.domino.graph2.DConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration_; } public void setConfiguration(final DConfiguration config) { configuration_ = config; } @Override public void readExternal(final ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { delegateKey_ = in.readLong(); int count = in.readInt(); types_ = new FastTable<Class<?>>(); ClassLoader cl = Factory.getClassLoader(); if (cl == null) cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String className = in.readUTF(); Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass(className); types_.add(clazz); } } @Override public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeLong(delegateKey_); out.writeInt(getTypes().size()); for (Class<?> clazz : getTypes()) { out.writeUTF(clazz.getName()); } } @Override public void addType(final Class<?> type) { List<Class<?>> types = getTypes(); if (!types.contains(type)) { types.add(type); } // for (Class<?> subtype : type.getClasses()) { // if (subtype.isInterface()) { // addType(subtype); // } // } } @Override public void removeType(final Class<?> type) { List<Class<?>> types = getTypes(); types.remove(type); for (Class<?> subtype : type.getClasses()) { removeType(subtype); } } @Override public List<Class<?>> getTypes() { if (types_ == null) { types_ = new FastTable<Class<?>>(); } return types_; } @Override public Object getStoreDelegate() { if (delegate_ == null) { org.openntf.domino.graph2.DConfiguration config = getConfiguration(); org.openntf.domino.graph2.DGraph graph = config.getGraph(); if (delegateKey_ == null) { delegate_ = graph.getStoreDelegate(this, provisionalDelegateKey_); } else { delegate_ = graph.getStoreDelegate(this); } } return delegate_; } @Override public Object getProxyStoreDelegate() { if (proxyDelegate_ == null) { org.openntf.domino.graph2.DConfiguration config = getConfiguration(); org.openntf.domino.graph2.DGraph graph = config.getGraph(); if (proxyDelegateKey_ == null) { proxyDelegate_ = graph.getProxyStoreDelegate(this, provisionalProxyDelegateKey_); } else { proxyDelegate_ = graph.getProxyStoreDelegate(this); } } return proxyDelegate_; } @Override public void setStoreDelegate(final Object store) { delegate_ = store; if (store instanceof Database) { String rid = ((Database) store).getReplicaID(); delegateKey_ = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getLongFromReplid(rid); } else { //TODO Some other mechanism to get the key } } @Override public void setProxyStoreDelegate(final Object store) { proxyDelegate_ = store; if (store instanceof Database) { String rid = ((Database) store).getReplicaID(); proxyDelegateKey_ = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getLongFromReplid(rid); } else if (store instanceof DElementStore) { proxyDelegateKey_ = ((DElementStore) store).getStoreKey(); } else { //TODO Some other mechanism to get the key } } @Override public Long getStoreKey() { if (delegateKey_ == null) { if (provisionalDelegateKey_ != null) { Object delegate = getStoreDelegate(); if (delegate != null) { if (delegate instanceof Database) { String rid = ((Database) delegate).getReplicaID(); delegateKey_ = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getLongFromReplid(rid); } else { //TODO Some other mechanism to get the key } } } } return delegateKey_; } @Override public Long getProxyStoreKey() { if (proxyDelegateKey_ == null) { if (provisionalProxyDelegateKey_ != null) { // System.out.println("Setting up proxy key using provisional delegate " + provisionalProxyDelegateKey_); Object delegate = getProxyStoreDelegate(); if (delegate != null) { if (delegate instanceof Database) { String rid = ((Database) delegate).getReplicaID(); proxyDelegateKey_ = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getLongFromReplid(rid); // System.out.println("Proxy database is " + System.identityHashCode(this) + " at " // + ((Database) delegate).getApiPath() + " (" + ((Database) getStoreDelegate()).getApiPath() + ")"); // Throwable t = new Throwable(); // t.printStackTrace(); } else { //TODO Some other mechanism to get the key } } } } return proxyDelegateKey_; } @Override public void setStoreKey(final Long storeKey) { delegateKey_ = storeKey; } @Override public void setStoreKey(final CharSequence storeKey) { if (DominoUtils.isReplicaId(storeKey)) { setStoreKey(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getLongFromReplid(storeKey)); } else { if (storeKey.toString().contains("!!")) { provisionalDelegateKey_ = storeKey; } else { provisionalDelegateKey_ = storeKey; } } } @Override public void setProxyStoreKey(final Long storeKey) { proxyDelegateKey_ = storeKey; } @Override public void setProxyStoreKey(final CharSequence storeKey) { if (DominoUtils.isReplicaId(storeKey)) { setProxyStoreKey(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getLongFromReplid(storeKey)); } else { if (storeKey.toString().contains("!!")) { this.provisionalProxyDelegateKey_ = storeKey; } else { this.provisionalProxyDelegateKey_ = storeKey; } } } protected Object localizeKey(final Object id) { if (id instanceof CharSequence) { String idStr = id.toString(); if (idStr.length() > 16) { String prefix = idStr.substring(0, 16); String keyStr = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getReplidFromLong(getStoreKey()); // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG: prefix on key is " + prefix + " while store key is " + keyStr); if (prefix.equalsIgnoreCase(keyStr)) { String localKey = idStr.substring(16); // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG: adding element with local key " + localKey); return localKey; } else { return idStr; } } else { return idStr; } } else { return id; } } @Override public Vertex addVertex(final Object id) { Vertex result = null; Element chk = getCachedElement(id, Vertex.class); if (chk != null) { result = (Vertex) chk; } else { Object localkey = localizeKey(id); Map<String, Object> delegate = addElementDelegate(localkey, Vertex.class); if (delegate != null) { if (isProxied()) { result = setupProxy(delegate, (Serializable) id); } else { DVertex vertex = new DVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), delegate); result = vertex; } getElementCache().put(result.getId(), result); getKeyCache().put(id, (NoteCoordinate) result.getId()); //TODO shouldn't force NoteCoordinate, but it covers all current use cases getConfiguration().getGraph().startTransaction(result); } } return result; } @Override public Vertex getVertex(final Object id) { return (Vertex) getElement(id, Vertex.class); } @Override public void removeVertex(final Vertex vertex) { startTransaction(vertex); DVertex dv = (DVertex) vertex; Iterable<Edge> edges = dv.getEdges(Direction.BOTH); if (edges != null) { int i = 0; try { if (edges instanceof List) { ListIterator<Edge> li = ((List<Edge>) edges).listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { getConfiguration().getGraph().removeEdge(, dv); // li.remove(); i++; } } else { for (Edge edge : edges) { getConfiguration().getGraph().removeEdge(edge, dv); i++; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Problem with a " + dv.getClass().getName() + " with id " + dv.getId() + " on edgelist " + (edges == null ? "null" : edges.getClass().getName()) + " on iteration " + i); DominoUtils.handleException(e); } } removeCache(vertex); dv._remove(); } @Override public Edge addEdge(final Object id) { Edge result = null; Element chk = getCachedElement(id, Edge.class); if (chk != null) { result = (Edge) chk; } else { Object localkey = localizeKey(id); Map<String, Object> delegate = addElementDelegate(localkey, Edge.class); if (delegate != null) { DEdge edge = new DEdge(getConfiguration().getGraph(), delegate); result = edge; getElementCache().put(result.getId(), result); getKeyCache().put(id, (NoteCoordinate) result.getId()); //TODO shouldn't force NoteCoordinate, but it covers all current use cases getConfiguration().getGraph().startTransaction(result); } } return result; } protected Element getCachedElement(final Object id, final Class<? extends Element> type) { if (id == null) return null; Element chk = getElementCache().get(id); if (chk == null) { NoteCoordinate nc = getKeyCache().get(id); if (nc != null) { chk = getElementCache().get(nc); } } if (chk != null) { if (type.isAssignableFrom(chk.getClass())) { return chk; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Requested id of " + String.valueOf(id) + " is already in cache but is a " + chk.getClass().getName()); } } return null; } public Element getElement(final Object id, final Class<? extends Element> type) throws IllegalStateException { Element result = null; Element chk = getCachedElement(id, Element.class); if (chk != null) { result = chk; } else { boolean isProxiedSource = false; Object delegate = null; if (id instanceof NoteCoordinate && isProxied()) { NoteCoordinate nc = (NoteCoordinate) id; if (getStoreKey().equals(nc.getReplicaLong())) { //this is a request for a vertex out of the proxied store, not the proxy itself // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG Attempted to get a proxied source vertex at " + nc.toString()); // Throwable t = new Throwable(); // t.printStackTrace(); Database db = (Database) getStoreDelegate(); String unid = nc.getUNID(); delegate = db.getDocumentByUNID(unid, true); if (delegate != null) { isProxiedSource = true; // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG Got our original source from the proxy's proxiedid"); } } } if (delegate == null) { Object localkey = localizeKey(id); // try { delegate = findElementDelegate(localkey, type); // } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // ise.printStackTrace(); // } } if (delegate != null) { if (delegate instanceof Element) { result = (Element) delegate; } else if (delegate instanceof Document) { if (isProxiedSource) { DVertex vertex = new DVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (Document) delegate); result = vertex; } else if (((Document) delegate).hasItem("$Index")) { DVertex vertex = new DVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (Document) delegate); result = vertex; } else { Object typeChk = ((Document) delegate).get(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD); String strChk = org.openntf.domino.utils.TypeUtils.toString(typeChk); if (org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE.equals(strChk)) { DVertex vertex = new DVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (Document) delegate); result = vertex; } else if (org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE.equals(strChk)) { DEdge edge = new DEdge(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (Document) delegate); result = edge; } else { DVertex vertex = new DVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (Document) delegate); result = vertex; } } } else if (delegate instanceof ViewEntry) { if (id instanceof ViewEntryCoordinate) { ViewEntryCoordinate vec = (ViewEntryCoordinate) id; String entryType = vec.getEntryType(); if (entryType.startsWith("E")) { DEdge edge = new DEntryEdge(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (ViewEntry) delegate, (ViewEntryCoordinate) id, this); result = edge; } else if (entryType.startsWith("V")) { ViewEntry entry = (ViewEntry) delegate; if (entry.isCategory()) { Map<String, Object> delegateMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); delegateMap.put("value", entry.getCategoryValue()); delegateMap.put("position", entry.getPosition()); delegateMap.put("noteid", entry.getNoteID()); DCategoryVertex vertex = new DCategoryVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), delegateMap, entry.getParentView()); vertex.delegateKey_ = vec; result = vertex; } } } } getElementCache().put(result.getId(), result); getKeyCache().put(id, (NoteCoordinate) result.getId()); //TODO shouldn't force NoteCoordinate, but it covers all current use cases } } return result; } @Override public Element getElement(final Object id) throws IllegalStateException { return getElement(id, Element.class); } @Override public Edge getEdge(final Object id) { return (Edge) getElement(id, Edge.class); } @Override public void removeEdge(final Edge edge) { if (edge instanceof DEdge) { if (org.openntf.domino.ViewEntry.class.equals(((DEdge) edge).getDelegateType())) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ViewEntry edges cannot be removed."); } } startTransaction(edge); Vertex in = edge.getVertex(Direction.IN); ((DVertex) in).removeEdge(edge); Vertex out = edge.getVertex(Direction.OUT); ((DVertex) out).removeEdge(edge); removeCache(edge); ((DEdge) edge)._remove(); } @Override public void removeEdge(final Edge edge, final Vertex removingVertex) { if (edge instanceof DEdge) { if (org.openntf.domino.ViewEntry.class.equals(((DEdge) edge).getDelegateType())) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ViewEntry edges cannot be removed."); } } startTransaction(edge); Vertex in = edge.getVertex(Direction.IN); if (!in.equals(removingVertex)) { ((DVertex) in).removeEdge(edge); } Vertex out = edge.getVertex(Direction.OUT); if (!out.equals(removingVertex)) { ((DVertex) out).removeEdge(edge); } removeCache(edge); ((DEdge) edge)._remove(); } private void startTransaction(final Element element) { getConfiguration().getGraph().startTransaction(element); } private void removeCache(final Element element) { Object key = element.getId(); getElementCache().remove(key); getKeyCache().remove(key); } @Override public boolean isProxied() { // Object pDelegate = getProxyStoreDelegate(); boolean result = getProxyStoreKey() != null; // if (!result) { // System.out.println("Checking proxy status on store " + System.identityHashCode(this) + " in thread " // + System.identityHashCode(Thread.currentThread())); // Throwable t = new Throwable(); // t.printStackTrace(); // } return result; } protected Serializable getKeyProperty(final Map<String, Object> delegate) { Object result = null; String key = ""; //TODO NTF map determination of key property //first find out if this delegate has a key property if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(key)) { result = delegate.get(key); } return (Serializable) result; } public DProxyVertex wrapProxiedVertex(final Map<String, Object> delegate) { // System.out.println("Wrapping a proxied vertex..."); DVertex vertex = new DVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), delegate); Object pDelegate = getProxyStoreDelegate(); Serializable pKey = null; Map<String, Object> proxyDelegate = null; pKey = getKeyProperty(delegate); if (pKey == null) { if (delegate instanceof Document) { pKey = ((Document) delegate).getMetaversalID(); } else { //TODO future implementations... } } if (pDelegate instanceof Database) { Database pDb = ((Database) pDelegate); // System.out.println("Creating proxy version in database " + pDb.getApiPath()); Document pDoc = pDb.getDocumentWithKey(pKey, true); proxyDelegate = pDoc; } else { //TODO future implementations... } DProxyVertex result = new DProxyVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), vertex, proxyDelegate); return result; } protected DProxyVertex setupProxy(final Object proxy, final Serializable originalKey) { // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG Setting up proxy vertex"); DProxyVertex result = new DProxyVertex(getConfiguration().getGraph(), (Map<String, Object>) proxy); Object rawpid = result.getProxiedId(); DElement elem = (DElement) getConfiguration().getGraph().getElement(rawpid); if (elem == null) { rawpid = null; } if (rawpid == null) { CustomProxyResolver resolver = getCustomProxyResolver(); if (resolver == null) { System.err.println("No default resolver implemented yet"); throw new UnimplementedException("Non-custom resolution of proxied vertices not yet implemented"); } else { // System.out.println("Resolving using a " + resolver.getClass().getName()); Map<String, Object> originalDelegate = resolver.getOriginalDelegate(originalKey); if (originalDelegate instanceof Document) { String pid = ((Document) originalDelegate).getMetaversalID(); NoteCoordinate nc = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(pid); // System.out.println("Setting up proxy with id " + nc.toString()); try { result.setProxiedId(nc); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (originalDelegate == null) { // System.out.println("No original delegate found for key " + String.valueOf(originalKey)); } else { // System.err.println("original delegate returned a " + originalDelegate.getClass().getName()); } } } } else { } // System.out.println("Setup a proxy with an id of " + String.valueOf(result.getProxiedId())); return result; } @Override public Object findElementDelegate(final Object delegateKey, final Class<? extends Element> type) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { Object result = null; Object del = null; del = getStoreDelegate(); if (isProxied()) { NoteCoordinate nc = null; if (delegateKey instanceof NoteCoordinate) { nc = (NoteCoordinate) delegateKey; } else if (delegateKey instanceof CharSequence) { nc = NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate((CharSequence) delegateKey); } if (nc != null) { long dbkey = nc.getReplicaLong(); if (getProxyStoreKey().equals(dbkey)) { del = getProxyStoreDelegate(); } // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG Retrieving from proxied store"); } } if (del instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) del; if (delegateKey instanceof Serializable) { if (delegateKey instanceof ViewEntryCoordinate) { result = ((ViewEntryCoordinate) delegateKey).getViewEntry(); } else if (delegateKey instanceof NoteCoordinate) { String unid = ((NoteCoordinate) delegateKey).getUNID(); result = db.getDocumentWithKey(unid, false); // System.out.println("Retrieved result using NoteCoordinate with unid " + unid); } else if (delegateKey instanceof CharSequence) { String skey = ((CharSequence) delegateKey).toString(); if (skey.length() > 50) { String prefix = skey.subSequence(0, 2).toString(); String mid = skey.subSequence(2, 50).toString(); if ((prefix.equals("EC") || prefix.equals("ED") || prefix.equals("ET") || prefix.equals("EU")) && DominoUtils.isMetaversalId(mid)) { ViewEntryCoordinate vec = ViewEntryCoordinate.Utils.getViewEntryCoordinate(skey); result = vec.getViewEntry(); } else if ((prefix.equals("VC") || prefix.equals("VD") || prefix.equals("VT") || prefix.equals("VU")) && DominoUtils.isMetaversalId(mid)) { ViewEntryCoordinate vec = ViewEntryCoordinate.Utils.getViewEntryCoordinate(skey); result = vec.getViewEntry(); } } } if (result == null) { result = db.getDocumentWithKey((Serializable) delegateKey, false); } if (result != null) { // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG Checking for proxy status for type " + type.getSimpleName()); boolean isProxy = false; if (result instanceof Document) { isProxy = ((Document) result).hasItem(DProxyVertex.PROXY_ITEM); } if (isProxied() && (isProxy || Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || VertexFrame.class.isAssignableFrom(type))) { // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG Setting up a proxied vertex..."); result = setupProxy(result, (Serializable) delegateKey); } } } else { if (delegateKey != null) { System.out.println("WARNING: Unknown delegatekey of type " + delegateKey.getClass().getName() + ". Creating a brand new delegate."); } //null is a perfectly valid key, since it means we want to let the system assign it. result = db.createDocument(); // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find a delegate with a key of type " // + (delegateKey == null ? "null" : delegateKey.getClass().getName())); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("ElementStore delegate is not a Database; it's a " + (del == null ? "null" : del.getClass().getName()) + ". We don't handle this case yet."); //TODO NTF alternative strategies... } // if (result == null && Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { // if (isProxied()) { // Object proxyDel = getProxyStoreDelegate(); // if (proxyDel instanceof Database) { // Database db = (Database) proxyDel; // if (delegateKey instanceof NoteCoordinate) { // String unid = ((NoteCoordinate) delegateKey).getUNID(); // result = db.getDocumentWithKey(unid, false); // } else { // result = db.getDocumentWithKey((Serializable) delegateKey, false); // } // } else if (proxyDel instanceof DElementStore) { // result = ((DElementStore) proxyDel).findElementDelegate(delegateKey, type); // } else { // //TODO NTF unimplemented // } // } // } // if (result == null) { // System.out // .println("Request with delegatekey " + delegateKey.getClass().getName() + " (" + delegateKey + ")" + " returned null"); // } if (result != null) { if (type.equals(Element.class)) { return result; } if (result instanceof org.openntf.domino.ViewEntry) { return result; } if (delegateKey instanceof NoteCoordinate && ((NoteCoordinate) delegateKey).isView()) { return result; } Object typeChk = ((Map<String, Object>) result).get(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD); String strChk = org.openntf.domino.utils.TypeUtils.toString(typeChk); if (org.openntf.domino.utils.Strings.isBlankString(strChk)) {//NTF new delegate if (Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { ((Map<String, Object>) result).put(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD, org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE); } else if (Edge.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { ((Map<String, Object>) result).put(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD, org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE); } else { //Illegal request } } else {//NTF existing delegate that's a vertex if (Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE.equals(strChk)) { //okay } else if (Edge.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE.equals(strChk)) { //okay } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Requested id of " + String.valueOf(delegateKey) + " results in a delegate with a graph type of " + strChk); } } } return result; } @Override public void removeElementDelegate(final Element element) { if (element instanceof DElement) { Object del = ((DElement) element).getDelegate(); if (del instanceof Document) { ((Document) del).remove(true); } else { System.err.println("Cannot remove a delegate of type " + (del == null ? "null" : del.getClass().getName())); } ((DElement) element).setDelegate(null); } else { System.err.println("Cannot remove a delegate for element of type " + (element == null ? "null" : element.getClass().getName())); } } protected Map<String, Object> addElementDelegate(final Object delegateKey, final Class<? extends Element> type) { Map<String, Object> result = null; // System.out.println("Adding a " + type.getName() + " to Element Store " + System.identityHashCode(this)); Object del = null; if (isProxied()) { del = getProxyStoreDelegate(); } else { del = getStoreDelegate(); } if (del instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) del; if (delegateKey == null || delegateKey instanceof Serializable) { result = db.getDocumentWithKey((Serializable) delegateKey, true); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add a delegate with a key of type " + delegateKey.getClass().getName()); } } else { if (del == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Store delegate is null!"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Store delegate is not a Database. It is a " + del.getClass().getName()); } } if (result != null) { Object typeChk = result.get(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD); String strChk = org.openntf.domino.utils.TypeUtils.toString(typeChk); if (org.openntf.domino.utils.Strings.isBlankString(strChk)) {//NTF new delegate // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG: New delegate for key " + String.valueOf(delegateKey)); if (Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG: New vertex for key " + String.valueOf(delegateKey)); result.put(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD, org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE); } else if (Edge.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG: New edge for key " + String.valueOf(delegateKey)); result.put(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DElement.TYPE_FIELD, org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE); } else { //Illegal request } } else {//NTF existing delegate // System.out.println("TEMP DEBUG: Delegate already exists for " + String.valueOf(delegateKey)); if (Vertex.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE.equals(strChk)) { //okay } else if (Edge.class.isAssignableFrom(type) && org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE.equals(strChk)) { //okay } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Requested id of " + String.valueOf(delegateKey) + " results in a delegate with a graph type of " + strChk); } } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Requested id of " + String.valueOf(delegateKey) + " results in a null delegate and therefore cannot be persisted."); } return result; } @Override public void setConfiguration(final org.openntf.domino.graph2.DConfiguration config) { configuration_ = config; } @Override public DVertexIterable getVertices() { return new DVertexIterable(this, getVertexIds()); } @Override public DEdgeIterable getEdges() { return new DEdgeIterable(this, getEdgeIds()); } @Override public DElementIterable getElements(final String formulaFilter) { return new DElementIterable(this, getElementIds(formulaFilter)); } @Override public DVertexIterable getVertices(final String formulaFilter) { return new DVertexIterable(this, getVertexIds(formulaFilter)); } @Override public DEdgeIterable getEdges(final String formulaFilter) { return new DEdgeIterable(this, getEdgeIds(formulaFilter)); } @Override public DVertexIterable getVertices(final String key, final Object value) { String formulaFilter = org.openntf.domino.graph2.DGraph.Utils.getVertexFormula(key, value); return getVertices(formulaFilter); } @Override public DEdgeIterable getEdges(final String key, final Object value) { String formulaFilter = org.openntf.domino.graph2.DGraph.Utils.getEdgeFormula(key, value); return getEdges(formulaFilter); } @Override public DElementIterable getElements(final String key, final Object value) { String formulaFilter = org.openntf.domino.graph2.DGraph.Utils.getElementFormula(key, value); return getElements(formulaFilter); } @Override public Set<Vertex> getCachedVertices() { FastSet<Vertex> result = new FastSet<Vertex>(); for (Element elem : getElementCache().values()) { if (elem instanceof Vertex) { result.add((Vertex) elem); } } return result.unmodifiable(); } protected List<NoteCoordinate> getVertexIds() { FastTable<NoteCoordinate> result = new FastTable<NoteCoordinate>(); Object raw = getStoreDelegate(); if (raw instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) raw; NoteCollection nc = db.createNoteCollection(false); nc.setSelectDocuments(true); nc.setSelectionFormula(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.FORMULA_FILTER); nc.buildCollection(); for (String noteid : nc) { result.add(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(nc, noteid)); } } else { //TODO NTF implement alternative throw new IllegalStateException("Non-Domino implementations not yet available"); } return result; } protected List<NoteCoordinate> getVertexIds(final String formulaFilter) { FastTable<NoteCoordinate> result = new FastTable<NoteCoordinate>(); Object raw = getStoreDelegate(); if (raw instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) raw; NoteCollection nc = db.createNoteCollection(false); nc.setSelectDocuments(true); nc.setSelectionFormula(formulaFilter); nc.buildCollection(); for (String noteid : nc) { result.add(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(nc, noteid)); } } else { //TODO NTF implement alternative throw new IllegalStateException("Non-Domino implementations not yet available"); } return result; } @Override public Set<Edge> getCachedEdges() { FastSet<Edge> result = new FastSet<Edge>(); for (Element elem : getElementCache().values()) { if (elem instanceof Edge) { result.add((Edge) elem); } } return result.unmodifiable(); } protected List<NoteCoordinate> getEdgeIds() { FastTable<NoteCoordinate> result = new FastTable<NoteCoordinate>(); Object raw = getStoreDelegate(); if (raw instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) raw; NoteCollection nc = db.createNoteCollection(false); nc.setSelectDocuments(true); nc.setSelectionFormula(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.FORMULA_FILTER); nc.buildCollection(); for (String noteid : nc) { result.add(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(nc, noteid)); } } else { //TODO NTF implement alternative throw new IllegalStateException("Non-Domino implementations not yet available"); } return result; } protected List<NoteCoordinate> getEdgeIds(final String formulaFilter) { FastTable<NoteCoordinate> result = new FastTable<NoteCoordinate>(); Object raw = getStoreDelegate(); if (raw instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) raw; NoteCollection nc = db.createNoteCollection(false); nc.setSelectDocuments(true); nc.setSelectionFormula(formulaFilter); nc.buildCollection(); for (String noteid : nc) { result.add(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(nc, noteid)); } } else { //TODO NTF implement alternative throw new IllegalStateException("Non-Domino implementations not yet available"); } return result; } protected List<NoteCoordinate> getElementIds() { FastTable<NoteCoordinate> result = new FastTable<NoteCoordinate>(); Object raw = getStoreDelegate(); if (raw instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) raw; NoteCollection nc = db.createNoteCollection(false); nc.setSelectDocuments(true); nc.setSelectionFormula(org.openntf.domino.graph2.DEdge.FORMULA_FILTER + " | " + org.openntf.domino.graph2.DVertex.FORMULA_FILTER); nc.buildCollection(); for (String noteid : nc) { result.add(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(nc, noteid)); } } else { //TODO NTF implement alternative throw new IllegalStateException("Non-Domino implementations not yet available"); } return result; } protected List<NoteCoordinate> getElementIds(final String formulaFilter) { FastTable<NoteCoordinate> result = new FastTable<NoteCoordinate>(); Object raw = getStoreDelegate(); if (raw instanceof Database) { Database db = (Database) raw; NoteCollection nc = db.createNoteCollection(false); nc.setSelectDocuments(true); nc.setSelectionFormula(formulaFilter); nc.buildCollection(); for (String noteid : nc) { result.add(NoteCoordinate.Utils.getNoteCoordinate(nc, noteid)); } } else { //TODO NTF implement alternative throw new IllegalStateException("Non-Domino implementations not yet available"); } return result; } @Override public DIdentityFactory getIdentityFactory() { return identityFactory_; } @Override public void setIdentityFactory(final DIdentityFactory identFactory) { identityFactory_ = identFactory; } @Override public Object getIdentity(final Class<?> type, final Object context, final Object... args) { DIdentityFactory factory = getIdentityFactory(); if (factory != null) { return factory.getId(this, type, context, args); } return null; } @Override public void setCustomProxyResolver(final CustomProxyResolver resolver) { proxyResolver_ = resolver; resolver.setProxiedElementStore(this); } protected CustomProxyResolver getCustomProxyResolver() { return proxyResolver_; } @Override public void flushCache() { keyCache_ = null; elementCache_ = null; } }