package org.openntf.domino.config; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.openntf.domino.Database; import org.openntf.domino.Document; import org.openntf.domino.thread.DominoExecutor; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory; import org.openntf.domino.xots.Tasklet; public class XotsConfiguration extends ConfigurationObject { private String apiPath_; private String taskletName_; private boolean isDatabase_; private String bundle_; public XotsConfiguration(final String path, final String taskletName, final boolean isDatabase) { if (isDatabase) { bundle_ = ""; if (path.indexOf("!!") < 0) { apiPath_ = Factory.getLocalServerName() + "!!" + path; } else { apiPath_ = path; } } else { bundle_ = path; apiPath_ = Factory.getLocalServerName() + "!!bundle:" + path; } taskletName_ = taskletName; isDatabase_ = isDatabase; } @Override protected Object[] schema() { // @formatter:off return new Object[] { "SchedulesDefault", String[].class, "OnAllServers", Boolean.class, "TaskletName", String.class, "ApiPaths", String[].class, "Enabled", Boolean.class, "Location", String.class, "ReplicaId", String.class, "Bundle", String.class, "ApplicationName", String.class }; // @formatter:on } public String[] getSchedulesDefault() { return get("SchedulesDefault"); } public void setSchedulesDefault(final String[] schedules) { if (get("Schedules") == null) { put("Schedules", schedules); } put("SchedulesDefault", schedules); } public boolean isOnAllServers() { return get("OnAllServers"); } public void setOnAllServers(final boolean onAllServers) { if (onAllServers) { put("RunOnServer", "*"); // not changeable } else { if (get("RunOnServer") == null) { put("RunOnServer", "$CLUSTER1"); } } put("OnAllServers", onAllServers); } public String getTaskletName() { return get("TaskletName"); } public String[] getApiPaths() { return get("ApiPaths"); } public boolean isEnabled() { return get("Enabled"); } public String getLocation() { return get("Location"); } public String getReplicaId() { return get("ReplicaId"); } public String getBundle() { return get("Bundle"); } public String getApplicationName() { return get("ApplicationName"); } /** * Returns the document for this server * * @return */ @Override protected Document getDocument(final boolean create) { Database odaDb_ = Configuration.getOdaDb(); if (odaDb_ == null) return null; Database db = null; String unid; boolean dirty = false; if (isDatabase_) { db = odaDb_.getAncestorSession().getDatabase(apiPath_); unid = Configuration.computeUNID(taskletName_, db); } else { unid = Configuration.computeUNID(bundle_ + ":" + taskletName_, odaDb_); // use a valid ReplicaID } Document currentConfig = odaDb_.getDocumentByUNID(unid); if (currentConfig == null) { if (!create) return null; currentConfig = odaDb_.createDocument(); currentConfig.setUniversalID(unid); currentConfig.replaceItemValue("Form", "XotsTasklet"); currentConfig.replaceItemValue("TaskletName", taskletName_); currentConfig.replaceItemValue("ApiPaths", apiPath_); // APIPath is just for UI - internally we always use replica ID currentConfig.replaceItemValue("Enabled", true); if (isDatabase_) { if (db != null) { // Java's wrong about this potentially being null currentConfig.replaceItemValue("ReplicaId", db.getReplicaID()); } currentConfig.replaceItemValue("Location", "NSF"); } else { currentConfig.replaceItemValue("Bundle", bundle_); currentConfig.replaceItemValue("Location", "BUNDLE"); } currentConfig.replaceItemValue("$ConflictAction", "3"); // merge - no conflicts dirty = true; } // update the DB-Title in document if (db != null && !db.getTitle().equals(currentConfig.getItemValueString("ApplicationName"))) { currentConfig.replaceItemValue("ApplicationName", db.getTitle()); dirty = true; } // add all api-paths of all servers boolean found = false; List<String> paths = currentConfig.getItemValues("ApiPaths", String.class); for (String apiPath : paths) { if (apiPath.equalsIgnoreCase(apiPath_)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { paths.add(apiPath_); currentConfig.replaceItemValue("ApiPaths", paths); dirty = true; } if (dirty) {; } return currentConfig; } @Tasklet(session = Tasklet.Session.NATIVE, threadConfig = Tasklet.ThreadConfig.STRICT) protected class _Logger implements Runnable { private String[] keys; private Object[] values; public _Logger(final String[] keys, final Object[] values) { super(); this.keys = keys; this.values = values; } protected Document getLogDocument() { Document taskletDoc = getDocument(true); if (taskletDoc != null) { for (Document resp : taskletDoc.getResponses()) { if (resp.getItemValueString("Server").equals(Factory.getLocalServerName())) { return resp; } } Document srvDoc = new ServerConfiguration(Factory.getLocalServerName()).getDocument(true); Document resp = taskletDoc.getAncestorDatabase().createDocument(); resp.makeResponse(srvDoc, "$REFServer"); resp.makeResponse(taskletDoc); resp.replaceItemValue("Server", Factory.getLocalServerName()).setNames(true); resp.replaceItemValue("Form", "XotsLog"); resp.replaceItemValue("Tasklet", taskletName_); resp.replaceItemValue("ApiPath", apiPath_);; return resp; } return null; } @Override public void run() { Document doc = getLogDocument(); if (doc != null) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { System.out.println("Writing " + keys[i] + "=" + values[i]); doc.put(keys[i], values[i]); }; } } } public void logStart() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("### LOGSTART"); DominoExecutor executor = Configuration.getExecutor(); if (executor != null) { String[] keys = new String[3]; Object[] values = new Object[3]; keys[0] = "Start"; values[0] = new Date(); keys[1] = "Stop"; values[1] = null; keys[2] = "State"; values[2] = "RUNNING"; executor.submit(new _Logger(keys, values)); } } public void logError(final Exception e) { System.out.println("### LOGERR " + e); DominoExecutor executor = Configuration.getExecutor(); if (executor != null) { String[] keys = new String[4]; Object[] values = new Object[4]; keys[0] = "Stop"; values[0] = new Date(); keys[1] = "State"; values[1] = "ERROR"; keys[2] = "ErrorDate"; values[2] = new Date(); keys[3] = "ErrorMessage"; values[3] = e.getMessage(); executor.submit(new _Logger(keys, values)); } } public void logSuccess() { System.out.println("### LOGSUCCESS"); DominoExecutor executor = Configuration.getExecutor(); if (executor != null) { String[] keys = new String[2]; Object[] values = new Object[2]; keys[0] = "Stop"; values[0] = new Date(); keys[1] = "State"; values[1] = "IDLE"; executor.submit(new _Logger(keys, values)); } } }