package water.score; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import water.parser.PMMLParser; import water.*; public class ScoreTest extends TestUtil { static final HashMap<String, Comparable> ROW; static { ROW = new HashMap<String, Comparable>(); ROW.put("id", "80457298"); ROW.put("name", "AOS"); ROW.put("age", "71"); ROW.put("income", 399L); } @Test public void testScorecard() throws Exception { File file = find_test_file("smalldata/pmml/SampleScorecard.pmml"); ScorecardModel scm = (ScorecardModel)PMMLParser.parse(new FileInputStream(file)); Assert.assertEquals(5.505753, scm.score_interpreter(ROW), 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals(5.505753, scm.score(ROW), 1e-6); } // Load and score a simple PMML RF model against the iris dataset. //@Test //public void testRandomForest1() throws Exception { // // The 1-tree set scores with 2 errors. // // The 500-tree set scores perfectly, takes slightly long to load. // //File file = find_test_file("smalldata/pmml/iris_rf_500trees.pmml"); // File file = find_test_file("smalldata/pmml/iris_rf_1tree.pmml"); // //File file = find_test_file("smalldata/pmml/cars-cater-rf-1tree.pmml"); // RFScoreModel rfm = (RFScoreModel)PMMLParser.parse(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))); // // Key irisk = loadAndParseFile("iris.hex","smalldata/iris/iris2.csv"); // ValueArray ary = DKV.get(irisk).get(); // AutoBuffer bits = ary.getChunk(0); // int rows = ary.rpc(0); // int errs = 0; // for( int i=0; i<rows; i++ ) { // HashMap<String,Comparable> row = new HashMap(); // for( int j=0; j<ary._cols.length; j++ ) // row.put(ary._cols[j]._name,ary.datad(bits,i,j)); // int pr = (int)rfm.score(row); // int ac = (int),i,4); // if( pr != ac ) // errs++; // } // Assert.assertEquals(2,errs); // ary.delete(); //} }