package hex.singlenoderf; import dontweave.gson.JsonObject; import hex.ConfusionMatrix; import hex.FrameTask; import hex.VarImp; import hex.drf.DRF; import water.*; import water.Timer; import water.api.AUCData; import water.api.Constants; import water.api.DocGen; import water.api.ParamImportance; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.*; import java.util.*; import static water.util.MRUtils.sampleFrameStratified; public class SpeeDRF extends Job.ValidatedJob { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields public static DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; public static final String DOC_GET = "SpeeDRF"; @API(help = "Number of trees", filter = Default.class, json = true, lmin = 1, lmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) public int ntrees = 50; @API(help = "Number of features to randomly select at each split.", filter = Default.class, json = true, lmin = -1, lmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public int mtries = -1; @API(help = "Max Depth", filter = Default.class, json = true, lmin = 0, lmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) public int max_depth = 20; @API(help = "Split Criterion Type", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public Tree.SelectStatType select_stat_type = Tree.SelectStatType.ENTROPY; // @API(help = "Use local data. Auto-enabled if data does not fit in a single node.") /*, filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) */ // public boolean local_mode = false; /* Legacy parameter: */ public double[] class_weights = null; @API(help = "Sampling Strategy", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public Sampling.Strategy sampling_strategy = Sampling.Strategy.RANDOM; @API(help = "Sampling Rate at each split.", filter = Default.class, json = true, dmin = 0, dmax = 1, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public double sample_rate = 0.67; // @API(help ="Score each iteration", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public boolean score_each_iteration = false; @API(help = "Create the Score POJO", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public boolean score_pojo = true; /*Imbalanced Classes*/ /** * For imbalanced data, balance training data class counts via * over/under-sampling. This can result in improved predictive accuracy. */ @API(help = "Balance training data class counts via over/under-sampling (for imbalanced data)", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public boolean balance_classes = false; /** * When classes are balanced, limit the resulting dataset size to the * specified multiple of the original dataset size. */ @API(help = "Maximum relative size of the training data after balancing class counts (can be less than 1.0)", filter = Default.class, json = true, dmin=1e-3, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public float max_after_balance_size = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; @API(help = "Out of bag error estimate", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public boolean oobee = true; @API(help = "Variable Importance", filter = Default.class, json = true) public boolean importance = false; public Key _modelKey = dest(); /* Advanced settings */ @API(help = "bin limit", filter = Default.class, json = true, lmin = 0, lmax = 65534, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public int nbins = 1024; @API(help = "seed", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public long seed = -1; @API(help = "Tree splits and extra statistics printed to stdout.", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public boolean verbose = false; @API(help = "split limit", importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) public int _exclusiveSplitLimit = 0; private static Random _seedGenerator = Utils.getDeterRNG( new Random().nextLong() );//0xd280524ad7fe0602L); private boolean regression; public DRFParams drfParams; private long use_seed; Tree.StatType stat_type; /** Return the query link to this page */ public static String link(Key k, String content) { RString rs = new RString("<a href='/2/SpeeDRF.query?source=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key", k.toString()); rs.replace("content", content); return rs.toString(); } protected SpeeDRFModel makeModel( SpeeDRFModel model, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) { return new SpeeDRFModel(model, err, cm, varimp, validAUC); } @Override protected void queryArgumentValueSet(Argument arg, java.util.Properties inputArgs) { super.queryArgumentValueSet(arg, inputArgs); if (arg._name.equals("classification")) { arg._hideInQuery = true; } if (arg._name.equals("balance_classes")) { arg.setRefreshOnChange(); if(regression) { arg.disable("Class balancing is only for classification."); } } // Regression is selected if classification is false and vice-versa. if (arg._name.equals("classification")) { regression = !this.classification; } // Regression only accepts the MSE stat type. if (arg._name.equals("select_stat_type")) { if(regression) { arg.disable("Minimize MSE for regression."); } } // Class weights depend on the source data set an response value to be specified and are invalid for regression if (arg._name.equals("class_weights")) { if (source == null || response == null) { arg.disable("Requires source and response to be specified."); } if (regression) { arg.disable("No class weights for regression."); } } // Prevent Stratified Local when building regression tress. if (arg._name.equals("sampling_strategy")) { arg.setRefreshOnChange(); if (regression) { arg.disable("Random Sampling for regression trees."); } } // Variable Importance disabled in SpeeDRF regression currently if (arg._name.equals("importance")) { if (regression) { arg.disable("Variable Importance not supported in SpeeDRF regression."); } } // max balance size depends on balance_classes to be enabled if(classification) { if(arg._name.equals("max_after_balance_size") && !balance_classes) { arg.disable("Requires balance classes flag to be set.", inputArgs); } } } // Put here all precondition verification @Override protected void init() { super.init(); assert 0 <= ntrees && ntrees < 1000000; // Sanity check // Not enough rows to run if (source.numRows() - response.naCnt() <=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dataset contains too many NAs!"); if( !classification && (!(response.isEnum() || response.isInt()))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Classification cannot be performed on a float column!"); if(classification) { if (0.0f > sample_rate || sample_rate > 1.0f) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sampling rate must be in [0,1] but found " + sample_rate); } if(regression) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SpeeDRF does not currently support regression."); } @Override protected void execImpl() { SpeeDRFModel rf_model; try { source.read_lock(self()); if (validation != null && validation != source) validation.read_lock(self()); buildForest(); if (n_folds > 0) CrossValUtils.crossValidate(this); } catch (JobCancelledException ex){ rf_model = UKV.get(dest()); state = JobState.CANCELLED; //for JSON REST response rf_model.get_params().state = state; //for parameter JSON on the HTML page"Random Forest was cancelled."); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { source.unlock(self()); if (validation != null && validation != source) validation.unlock(self()); remove(); state = UKV.<Job>get(self()).state; // Argh, this is horrible new TAtomic<SpeeDRFModel>() { @Override public SpeeDRFModel atomic(SpeeDRFModel m) { if (m != null) m.get_params().state = state; return m; } }.invoke(dest()); emptyLTrash(); cleanup(); } } @Override protected Response redirect() { return SpeeDRFProgressPage.redirect(this, self(), dest()); } private void buildForest() { logStart(); SpeeDRFModel model = null; try { Frame train = setTrain(); Frame test = setTest(); Vec resp = regression ? null : train.lastVec().toEnum(); if (resp != null) gtrash(resp); float[] priorDist = setPriorDist(train); train = setStrat(train, test, resp); model = initModel(train, test, priorDist); model.start_training(null); model.write_lock(self()); drfParams = DRFParams.create(train.find(resp), model.N, model.max_depth, (int) train.numRows(), model.nbins, model.statType, use_seed, model.weights, mtries, model.sampling_strategy, (float) sample_rate, model.strata_samples, model.verbose ? 100 : 1, _exclusiveSplitLimit, true, regression); DRFTask tsk = new DRFTask(self(), train, drfParams, model._key, model.src_key); tsk.validateInputData(train); tsk.invokeOnAllNodes();"Tree building complete. Scoring..."); model = UKV.get(dest()); model.scoreAllTrees(test == null ? train : test, resp); // Launch a Variable Importance Task if (importance && !regression) {"Scoring complete. Performing Variable Importance Calculations."); model.current_status = "Performing Variable Importance Calculation."; Timer VITimer = new Timer(); model.variableImportanceCalc(train, resp);"Variable Importance on "+(train.numCols()-1)+" variables and "+ ntrees +" trees done in " + VITimer); }"Generating Tree Stats"); JsonObject trees = new JsonObject(); trees.addProperty(Constants.TREE_COUNT, model.size()); if( model.size() > 0 ) { trees.add(Constants.TREE_DEPTH, model.depth().toJson()); trees.add(Constants.TREE_LEAVES, model.leaves().toJson()); } model.generateHTMLTreeStats(new StringBuilder(), trees); model.current_status = "Model Complete"; } finally { if (model != null) { model.unlock(self()); model.stop_training(); } } } public SpeeDRFModel initModel(Frame train, Frame test, float[] priorDist) { setStatType(); setSeed(seed); if (mtries == -1) setMtry(regression, train.numCols() - 1); Key src_key = source._key; int src_ncols = source.numCols(); SpeeDRFModel model = new SpeeDRFModel(dest(), src_key, train, regression ? null : train.lastVec().domain(), this, priorDist); // Model INPUTS model.src_key = src_key.toString(); model.verbose = verbose; model.verbose_output = new String[]{""}; model.validation = test != null; model.confusion = null; model.zeed = use_seed; model.cmDomain = getCMDomain(); model.nbins = nbins; model.max_depth = max_depth; model.oobee = validation == null && oobee; model.statType = regression ? Tree.StatType.MSE : stat_type; model.testKey = validation == null ? null : validation._key; model.importance = importance; model.regression = regression; model.features = src_ncols; model.sampling_strategy = regression ? Sampling.Strategy.RANDOM : sampling_strategy; model.sample = (float) sample_rate; model.weights = regression ? null : class_weights; model.time = 0; model.N = ntrees; model.useNonLocal = true; if (!regression) model.setModelClassDistribution(new MRUtils.ClassDist(train.lastVec()).doAll(train.lastVec()).rel_dist()); model.resp_min = (int) train.lastVec().min(); model.mtry = mtries; int csize = H2O.CLOUD.size(); model.local_forests = new Key[csize][]; for(int i=0;i<csize;i++) model.local_forests[i] = new Key[0]; model.node_split_features = new int[csize]; model.t_keys = new Key[0]; model.dtreeKeys = new Key[ntrees][regression ? 1 : model.classes()]; model.time = 0; for( Key tkey : model.t_keys ) assert DKV.get(tkey)!=null; model.jobKey = self(); model.score_pojo = score_pojo; model.current_status = "Initializing Model"; // Model OUTPUTS model.varimp = null; model.validAUC = null; model.cms = new ConfusionMatrix[1]; model.errs = new double[]{-1.0}; return model; } private void setStatType() { if (regression) stat_type = Tree.StatType.MSE; stat_type = select_stat_type == Tree.SelectStatType.ENTROPY ? Tree.StatType.ENTROPY : Tree.StatType.GINI; if (select_stat_type == Tree.SelectStatType.TWOING) stat_type = Tree.StatType.TWOING; } private void setSeed(long s) { if (s == -1) { seed = _seedGenerator.nextLong(); use_seed = seed; } else { _seedGenerator = Utils.getDeterRNG(s); use_seed = _seedGenerator.nextLong(); } } private void setMtry(boolean reg, int numCols) { mtries = reg ? (int) Math.floor((float) (numCols) / 3.0f) : (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(numCols)); } private Frame setTrain() { Frame train = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(source, response, ignored_cols, !regression /*toEnum is TRUE if regression is FALSE*/, false, false); if (train.lastVec().masterVec() != null && train.lastVec() != response) gtrash(train.lastVec()); return train; } private Frame setTest() { if (validation == null) return null; Frame test = null; ArrayList<Integer> v_ignored_cols = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int ignored_col : ignored_cols) if (validation.find(source.names()[ignored_col]) != -1) v_ignored_cols.add(ignored_col); int[] v_ignored = new int[v_ignored_cols.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < v_ignored.length; ++i) v_ignored[i] = v_ignored_cols.get(i); if (validation != null) test = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(validation, validation.vecs()[validation.find(source.names()[source.find(response)])], v_ignored, !regression, false, false); if (test != null && test.lastVec().masterVec() != null) gtrash(test.lastVec()); return test; } private Frame setStrat(Frame train, Frame test, Vec resp) { Frame fr = train; float[] trainSamplingFactors; if (classification && balance_classes) { assert resp != null : "Regression called and stratified sampling was invoked to balance classes!"; // Handle imbalanced classes by stratified over/under-sampling // initWorkFrame sets the modeled class distribution, and model.score() corrects the probabilities back using the distribution ratios int response_idx = fr.find(_responseName); fr.replace(response_idx, resp); trainSamplingFactors = new float[resp.domain().length]; //leave initialized to 0 -> will be filled up below Frame stratified = sampleFrameStratified(fr, resp, trainSamplingFactors, (long) (max_after_balance_size * fr.numRows()), use_seed, true, false); if (stratified != fr) { fr = stratified; gtrash(stratified); } } // Check that that test/train data are consistent, throw warning if not if(classification && validation != null) { assert resp != null : "Regression called and stratified sampling was invoked to balance classes!"; Vec testresp = test.lastVec().toEnum(); gtrash(testresp); if (!isSubset(testresp.domain(), resp.domain())) { Log.warn("Test set domain: " + Arrays.toString(testresp.domain()) + " \nTrain set domain: " + Arrays.toString(resp.domain())); Log.warn("Train and Validation data have inconsistent response columns! Test data has a response not found in the Train data!"); } } return fr; } private float[] setPriorDist(Frame train) { return classification ? new MRUtils.ClassDist(train.lastVec()).doAll(train.lastVec()).rel_dist() : null; } public Frame score( Frame fr ) { return ((SpeeDRFModel)UKV.get(dest())).score(fr); } private boolean isSubset(String[] sub, String[] container) { HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>(); Collections.addAll(hs, container); for (String s: sub) { if (!hs.contains(s)) return false; } return true; } public final static class DRFTask extends DRemoteTask { /** The RF Model. Contains the dataset being worked on, the classification * column, and the training columns. */ // private final SpeeDRFModel _rfmodel; private final Key _rfmodel; /** Job representing this DRF execution. */ private final Key _jobKey; /** RF parameters. */ private final DRFParams _params; private final Frame _fr; private final String _key; DRFTask(Key jobKey, Frame frameKey, DRFParams params, Key rfmodel, String src_key) { _jobKey = jobKey; _fr = frameKey; _params = params; _rfmodel = rfmodel; _key = src_key; } /**Inhale the data, build a DataAdapter and kick-off the computation. * */ @Override public final void lcompute() { final DataAdapter dapt = DABuilder.create(_params, _rfmodel).build(_fr, _params._useNonLocalData); if (dapt == null) { tryComplete(); return; } Data localData = Data.make(dapt); int numSplitFeatures = howManySplitFeatures(); int ntrees = howManyTrees(); int[] rowsPerChunks = howManyRPC(_fr); updateRFModel(_rfmodel, numSplitFeatures); updateRFModelStatus(_rfmodel, "Building Forest"); updateRFModelLocalForests(_rfmodel, ntrees);"Dispalying local forest stats:");, _rfmodel, _params, localData, ntrees, numSplitFeatures, rowsPerChunks); tryComplete(); } static void updateRFModel(Key modelKey, final int numSplitFeatures) { final int idx = H2O.SELF.index(); new TAtomic<SpeeDRFModel>() { @Override public SpeeDRFModel atomic(SpeeDRFModel old) { if(old == null) return null; SpeeDRFModel newModel = (SpeeDRFModel)old.clone(); newModel.node_split_features[idx] = numSplitFeatures; return newModel; } }.invoke(modelKey); } static void updateRFModelLocalForests(Key modelKey, final int num_trees) { final int selfIdx = H2O.SELF.index(); new TAtomic<SpeeDRFModel>() { @Override public SpeeDRFModel atomic(SpeeDRFModel old) { if (old == null) return null; SpeeDRFModel newModel = (SpeeDRFModel)old.clone(); newModel.local_forests[selfIdx] = new Key[num_trees]; return newModel; } }.invoke(modelKey); } static void updateRFModelStatus(Key modelKey, final String status) { new TAtomic<SpeeDRFModel>() { @Override public SpeeDRFModel atomic(SpeeDRFModel old) { if(old == null) return null; SpeeDRFModel newModel = (SpeeDRFModel)old.clone(); newModel.current_status = status; return newModel; } }.invoke(modelKey); } /** Unless otherwise specified each split looks at sqrt(#features). */ private int howManySplitFeatures() { return _params.num_split_features; } /** Figure the number of trees to make locally, so the total hits ntrees. * Divide equally amongst all the nodes that actually have data. First: * compute how many nodes have data. Give each Node ntrees/#nodes worth of * trees. Round down for later nodes, and round up for earlier nodes. */ private int howManyTrees() { Frame fr = _fr; final long num_chunks = fr.anyVec().nChunks(); final int num_nodes = H2O.CLOUD.size(); HashSet<H2ONode> nodes = new HashSet<H2ONode>(); for( int i=0; i<num_chunks; i++ ) { nodes.add(fr.anyVec().chunkKey(i).home_node()); if( nodes.size() == num_nodes ) // All of nodes covered? break; // That means we are done. } H2ONode[] array = nodes.toArray(new H2ONode[nodes.size()]); Arrays.sort(array); // Give each H2ONode ntrees/#nodes worth of trees. Round down for later nodes, // and round up for earlier nodes int ntrees = _params.num_trees / nodes.size(); if( Arrays.binarySearch(array, H2O.SELF) < _params.num_trees - ntrees*nodes.size() ) ++ntrees; return ntrees; } private int[] howManyRPC(Frame fr) { int[] result = new int[fr.anyVec().nChunks()]; for(int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) { result[i] = fr.anyVec().chunkLen(i); } return result; } private void validateInputData(Frame fr) { Vec[] vecs = fr.vecs(); Vec c = vecs[vecs.length-1]; if (!_params.regression) { final int classes = c.cardinality(); if (!(2 <= classes && classes <= 254)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Response contains " + classes + " classes, but algorithm supports only 254 levels"); } if (_params.num_split_features!=-1 && (_params.num_split_features< 1 || _params.num_split_features>vecs.length-1)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of split features exceeds available data. Should be in [1,"+(vecs.length-1)+"]"); ChunkAllocInfo cai = new ChunkAllocInfo(); boolean can_load_all = canLoadAll(fr, cai); if (_params._useNonLocalData && !can_load_all) { String heap_warning = "This algorithm requires loading of all data from remote nodes." + "\nThe node " + cai.node + " requires " + PrettyPrint.bytes(cai.requiredMemory) + " more memory to load all data and perform computation but there is only " + PrettyPrint.bytes(cai.availableMemory) + " of available memory." + "\n\nPlease provide more memory for JVMs \n\n-OR-\n\n Try Big Data Random Forest: "; Log.warn(heap_warning); throw new IllegalArgumentException(heap_warning +, "Big Data Random Forest") ); } if (can_load_all) { _params._useNonLocalData = true;"Enough available free memory to compute on all data. Pulling all data locally and then launching RF."); } } private boolean canLoadAll(final Frame fr, ChunkAllocInfo cai) { int nchks = fr.anyVec().nChunks(); long localBytes = 0l; for (int i = 0; i < nchks; ++i) { Key k = fr.anyVec().chunkKey(i); if (k.home()) { localBytes += fr.anyVec().chunkForChunkIdx(i).byteSize(); } } long memForNonLocal = fr.byteSize() - localBytes; // Also must add in the RF internal data structure overhead memForNonLocal += fr.numRows() * fr.numCols(); for(int i = 0; i < H2O.CLOUD._memary.length; i++) { HeartBeat hb = H2O.CLOUD._memary[i]._heartbeat; long nodeFreeMemory = (long)(hb.get_max_mem() * 0.8); // * OVERHEAD_MAGIC; Log.debug(Log.Tag.Sys.RANDF, i + ": computed available mem: " + PrettyPrint.bytes(nodeFreeMemory)); Log.debug(Log.Tag.Sys.RANDF, i + ": remote chunks require: " + PrettyPrint.bytes(memForNonLocal)); if (nodeFreeMemory - memForNonLocal <= 0 || (nodeFreeMemory <= TWO_HUNDRED_MB && memForNonLocal >= ONE_FIFTY_MB)) {"Node free memory raw: "+nodeFreeMemory); cai.node = H2O.CLOUD._memary[i]; cai.availableMemory = nodeFreeMemory; cai.requiredMemory = memForNonLocal; return false; } } return true; } /** Helper POJO to store required chunk allocation. */ private static class ChunkAllocInfo { H2ONode node; long availableMemory; long requiredMemory; } static final float OVERHEAD_MAGIC = 3/8.f; // memory overhead magic static final long TWO_HUNDRED_MB = 200 * 1024 * 1024; static final long ONE_FIFTY_MB = 150 * 1024 * 1024; @Override public void reduce(DRemoteTask drt) { } } private static final long ROOT_SEED_ADD = 0x026244fd935c5111L; private static final long TREE_SEED_INIT = 0x1321e74a0192470cL; /** Build random forest for data stored on this node. */ public static void build( final Key jobKey, final Key modelKey, final DRFParams drfParams, final Data localData, int ntrees, int numSplitFeatures, int[] rowsPerChunks) { Timer t_alltrees = new Timer(); Tree[] trees = new Tree[ntrees];,"Building "+ntrees+" trees");,"Number of split features: "+ numSplitFeatures);,"Starting RF computation with "+ localData.rows()+" rows "); Random rnd = Utils.getRNG(localData.seed() + ROOT_SEED_ADD); Sampling sampler = createSampler(drfParams, rowsPerChunks); byte producerId = (byte) H2O.SELF.index(); for (int i = 0; i < ntrees; ++i) { long treeSeed = rnd.nextLong() + TREE_SEED_INIT; // make sure that enough bits is initialized trees[i] = new Tree(jobKey, modelKey, localData, producerId, drfParams.max_depth, drfParams.stat_type, numSplitFeatures, treeSeed, i, drfParams._exclusiveSplitLimit, sampler, drfParams._verbose, drfParams.regression, !drfParams._useNonLocalData, ((SpeeDRFModel)UKV.get(modelKey)).score_pojo); }"Invoking the tree build tasks on all nodes."); DRemoteTask.invokeAll(trees);,"All trees ("+ntrees+") done in "+ t_alltrees); } static Sampling createSampler(final DRFParams params, int[] rowsPerChunks) { switch(params.sampling_strategy) { case RANDOM : return new Sampling.Random(params.sample, rowsPerChunks); default: assert false : "Unsupported sampling strategy"; return null; } } /** RF execution parameters. */ public final static class DRFParams extends Iced { /** Total number of trees */ int num_trees; /** If true, build trees in parallel (default: true) */ boolean parallel; /** Maximum depth for trees (default MaxInt) */ int max_depth; /** Split statistic */ Tree.StatType stat_type; /** Feature holding the classifier (default: #features-1) */ int classcol; /** Utilized sampling method */ Sampling.Strategy sampling_strategy; /** Proportion of observations to use for building each individual tree (default: .67)*/ float sample; /** Limit of the cardinality of a feature before we bin. */ int bin_limit; /** Weights of the different features (default: 1/features) */ double[] class_weights; /** Arity under which we may use exclusive splits */ public int _exclusiveSplitLimit; /** Output warnings and info*/ public int _verbose; /** Number of features which are tried at each split * If it is equal to -1 then it is computed as sqrt(num of usable columns) */ int num_split_features; /** Defined stratas samples for each class */ float[] strata_samples; /** Utilize not only local data but try to use data from other nodes. */ boolean _useNonLocalData; /** Number of rows per chunk - used to replay sampling */ int _numrows; /** Pseudo random seed initializing RF algorithm */ long seed; /** Build regression trees if true */ boolean regression; public static DRFParams create(int col, int ntrees, int depth, int numrows, int binLimit, Tree.StatType statType, long seed, double[] classWt, int numSplitFeatures, Sampling.Strategy samplingStrategy, float sample, float[] strataSamples, int verbose, int exclusiveSplitLimit, boolean useNonLocalData, boolean regression) { DRFParams drfp = new DRFParams(); drfp.num_trees = ntrees; drfp.max_depth = depth; drfp.sample = sample; drfp.bin_limit = binLimit; drfp.stat_type = statType; drfp.seed = seed; drfp.class_weights = classWt; drfp.num_split_features = numSplitFeatures; drfp.sampling_strategy = samplingStrategy; drfp.strata_samples = strataSamples; drfp._numrows = numrows; drfp._useNonLocalData = useNonLocalData; drfp._exclusiveSplitLimit = exclusiveSplitLimit; drfp._verbose = verbose; drfp.classcol = col; drfp.regression = regression; drfp.parallel = true; return drfp; } } /** * Cross-Validate a SpeeDRF model by building new models on N train/test holdout splits * @param splits Frames containing train/test splits * @param cv_preds Array of Frames to store the predictions for each cross-validation run * @param offsets Array to store the offsets of starting row indices for each cross-validation run * @param i Which fold of cross-validation to perform */ @Override public void crossValidate(Frame[] splits, Frame[] cv_preds, long[] offsets, int i) { // Train a clone with slightly modified parameters (to account for cross-validation) final SpeeDRF cv = (SpeeDRF) this.clone(); cv.genericCrossValidation(splits, offsets, i); cv_preds[i] = ((SpeeDRFModel) UKV.get(cv.dest())).score(cv.validation); new TAtomic<SpeeDRFModel>() { @Override public SpeeDRFModel atomic(SpeeDRFModel m) { if (!keep_cross_validation_splits && /*paranoid*/ cv.dest().toString().contains("xval")) { m.get_params().source = null; m.get_params().validation=null; m.get_params().response=null; } return m; } }.invoke(cv.dest()); } }