package water.deploy; import*; import; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils; import water.Boot; import water.H2O; import water.util.Log; /** * Executes code in a separate VM. */ public abstract class VM { private final ArrayList<String> _args; private Process _process; private boolean _inherit; private File _out, _err; public VM(String[] java, String[] args) { _args = new ArrayList<String>(); _args.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); // Iterate on URIs in case jar has been unpacked by Boot _args.add("-cp"); String cp = ""; for( URL url : ((URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()).getURLs() ) { try { cp += new File(new URI(url.toString())) + File.pathSeparator; } catch( URISyntaxException e ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(e); } } _args.add(cp); _args.addAll(Arrays.asList(java)); if( args != null ) _args.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); } static String[] javaArgs(String main) { RuntimeMXBean r = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for( String s : r.getInputArguments() ) if( !s.startsWith("-agentlib") ) if( !s.startsWith("-Xbootclasspath") ) list.add(s); if( System.getProperty(H2O.DEBUG_ARG) != null ) if( list.indexOf("-D" + H2O.DEBUG_ARG) < 0 ) list.add("-D" + H2O.DEBUG_ARG); list.add(main); return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } public Process process() { return _process; } public void inheritIO() { _inherit = true; } public void persistIO(String out, String err) throws IOException { _out = new File(out); _err = new File(err); } public void start() { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(_args); try { assert !_inherit || (_out == null); _process = builder.start(); if( _inherit ) inheritIO(_process, null); if( _out != null ) persistIO(_process, _out, _err); } catch( IOException e ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(e); } } public boolean isAlive() { try { _process.exitValue(); return false; } catch( IllegalThreadStateException xe ) { return true; } catch( Exception e ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(e); } } public int waitFor() { try { return _process.waitFor(); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(e); } } public void kill() { _process.destroy(); try { _process.waitFor(); } catch( InterruptedException xe ) { // Ignore } } public static void exitWithParent() { Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // Avoid on Windows as it exits immediately. Seems to work using Java7 // ProcessBuilder.redirectInput, but we need to run on Java 6 for now if( !System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("win") ) { for( ;; ) { int b; try { b =; } catch( Exception e ) { b = -1; } if( b < 0 ) {"Assuming parent done, exit(0)"); H2O.exit(0); } } } } }; thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); } public static void inheritIO(Process process, final String header) { forward(process, header, process.getInputStream(), System.out); forward(process, header, process.getErrorStream(), System.err); } public static void persistIO(Process process, File out, File err) throws IOException { forward(process, null, process.getInputStream(), new PrintStream(out)); forward(process, null, process.getErrorStream(), new PrintStream(err)); } private static void forward(Process process, final String header, InputStream source, final PrintStream target) { final BufferedReader source_ = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source)); Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { for( ;; ) { String line = source_.readLine(); if( line == null ) break; String s = header == null ? line : header + line; Log.unwrap(target, s); } } catch( IOException e ) { // Ignore, process probably done } } }; thread.start(); } /** * A VM whose only job is to wait for its parent to be gone, then kill its child process. * Otherwise every killed test leaves a bunch of orphan ssh and java processes. */ public static class Watchdog extends VM { public Watchdog(String[] java, String[] node) { super(java, node); } protected static void exec(ArrayList<String> list) throws Exception { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(list); final Process process = builder.start(); NodeVM.inheritIO(process, null); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { process.destroy(); } }); process.waitFor(); } } static class Params implements Serializable { String[] _host, _java, _node; Params(Host host, String[] java, String[] node) { _host = new String[] { host.address(), host.user(), host.key() }; _java = java; _node = node; } } public static File h2oFolder() { File target; if( Boot._init.fromJar() ) target = new File(Boot._init.jarPath()); else { try { URL url = Boot._init.getResource(H2O.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"); target = new File(url.toURI()).getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(); } catch( URISyntaxException e ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return target.getParentFile(); } /** * A remote JVM, launched over SSH. */ public static class SSH extends Watchdog { Host _host; Thread _thread; public SSH(Host host, String[] java, String[] node) { this(new String[] { SSH.class.getName() }, host, java, node); } public SSH(String[] localJava, Host host, String[] java, String[] node) { super(localJava, new String[] { write(new Params(host, java, node)) }); _host = host; } public Host host() { return _host; } final void startThread() { _thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { SSH.this.start(); SSH.this.waitFor(); } catch( Exception ex ) { Log.err(ex); } } }; _thread.setDaemon(true); _thread.start(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { exitWithParent(); Params p = read(args[0]); Host host = new Host(p._host[0], p._host[1], p._host[2]); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.addAll(Arrays.asList(host.sshWithArgs().split(" "))); list.add(host.address()); list.add(command(p._java, p._node)); exec(list); } static String command(String[] javaArgs, String[] nodeArgs) { String cp = ""; try { String h2o = h2oFolder().getCanonicalPath(); for( String s : System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(File.pathSeparator) ) { cp += cp.length() != 0 ? ":" : ""; String path = new File(s).getCanonicalPath(); if( path.startsWith(h2o) ) path = path.substring(h2o.length() + 1); cp += path.replace('\\', '/').replace(" ", "\\ "); } } catch( IOException e ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(e); } String java = Cloud.JRE != null ? new File(Cloud.JRE).getName() + "/bin/java" : "java"; String command = "cd " + Host.FOLDER + ";" + java + " -cp " + cp; for( String s : javaArgs ) command += " " + s; for( String s : nodeArgs ) command += " " + s; return command.replace("$", "\\$"); } } static String write(Serializable s) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = null; try { out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeObject(s); return StringUtils.newStringUtf8(Base64.encodeBase64(bos.toByteArray(), false)); } finally { out.close(); bos.close(); } } catch( Exception ex ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(ex); } } static <T> T read(String s) { try { ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.decodeBase64(s))); try { return (T) in.readObject(); } finally { in.close(); } } catch( Exception ex ) { throw Log.errRTExcept(ex); } } }