package water.api; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import water.DKV; import water.persist.PersistHdfs; import water.util.Log; import dontweave.gson.*; import dontweave.gson.internal.Streams; public class ImportHdfs extends Request { public class PathArg extends TypeaheadInputText<String> { public PathArg(String name) { super(TypeaheadHdfsPathRequest.class, name, true); } @Override protected String parse(String input) throws IllegalArgumentException { return input; } @Override protected String queryDescription() { return "existing HDFS path"; } @Override protected String defaultValue() { return null; } } protected final PathArg _path = new PathArg(PATH); public ImportHdfs() { _requestHelp = "Imports the given HDFS path. All nodes in the " + "cloud must have permission to access the HDFS path."; _path._requestHelp = "HDFS path to import."; } boolean isBareS3NBucketWithoutTrailingSlash(String s) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("s3n://[^/]*"); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); boolean b = m.matches(); return b; } @Override protected Response serve() { String pstr = _path.value(); if (isBareS3NBucketWithoutTrailingSlash(_path.value())) { pstr = pstr + "/"; }"ImportHDFS processing (" + pstr + ")"); JsonArray succ = new JsonArray(); JsonArray fail = new JsonArray(); try { PersistHdfs.addFolder(new Path(pstr), succ, fail); } catch( IOException e ) { return Response.error(e); } DKV.write_barrier(); JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json.add(NUM_SUCCEEDED, new JsonPrimitive(succ.size())); json.add(SUCCEEDED, succ); json.add(NUM_FAILED, new JsonPrimitive(fail.size())); json.add(FAILED, fail); Response r = Response.done(json); r.setBuilder(SUCCEEDED + "." + KEY, new KeyCellBuilder()); // Add quick link if (succ.size() > 1) r.addHeader("<div class='alert'>" // +"*"+pstr+"*", "Parse all into hex format") + " </div>"); return r; } }