package water.parser; import; import; import java.util.*; import water.*; import water.fvec.ParseDataset2.ParseProgressMonitor; public abstract class CustomParser extends Iced { public static final byte CHAR_TAB = '\t'; public static final byte CHAR_LF = 10; public static final byte CHAR_SPACE = ' '; public static final byte CHAR_CR = 13; public static final byte CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'; public static final byte CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE = '\''; public final static int MAX_PREVIEW_COLS = 100; public final static int MAX_PREVIEW_LINES = 50; public final static int STRING_DOMINANCE_RATIO = 4; public final ParserSetup _setup; public CustomParser(ParserSetup setup){_setup = setup;} public static class PSetupGuess extends Iced { public final ParserSetup _setup; public final int _invalidLines; public final int _validLines; public final String [] _errors; public Key _setupFromFile; public Key _hdrFromFile; public String [][] _data; public final boolean _isValid; public PSetupGuess(ParserSetup ps, int vlines, int ilines, String [][] data, boolean isValid, String [] errors){ _setup = ps; _invalidLines = ilines; _validLines = vlines; _errors = errors; _data = data; _isValid = isValid; } public Set<String> checkDupColumnNames(){ return _setup.checkDupColumnNames(); } public final boolean hasErrors(){ return _errors != null && _errors.length > 0; } @Override public String toString(){ if(!_isValid) return "Parser setup appears to be broken, got " + _setup.toString(); else if(hasErrors()) return "Parser setup appears to work with some errors, got " + _setup.toString(); else return "Parser setup working fine, got " + _setup.toString(); } } public enum ParserType { AUTO(false),XLS(false),XLSX(false),CSV(true), SVMLight(true); public final boolean parallelParseSupported; ParserType(boolean par){parallelParseSupported = par;} } public static class ParserSetup extends Iced implements Cloneable{ public final ParserType _pType; public final byte _separator; public boolean _header; public boolean _hashHeader; public boolean _singleQuotes; public String [] _columnNames; public final int _ncols; public enum Coltype { NUM,ZERO,STR,AUTO,INVALID; } public static class TypeInfo extends Iced{ Coltype _type; ValueString _naStr = new ValueString(""); boolean _strongGuess; public void merge(TypeInfo tinfo){ if(_type == Coltype.AUTO || !_strongGuess && tinfo._strongGuess){ // copy over stuff from the other _type = tinfo._type; _naStr = tinfo._naStr; _strongGuess = tinfo._strongGuess; } else if(tinfo._type != Coltype.AUTO && !_strongGuess){ tinfo._type = Coltype.INVALID; } // else just keep mine } } public String [][] domains; public double [] _min; public double [] _max; public int _nnums; public int _nstr; public int _missing; public int _nzeros; TypeInfo [] _types; public ParserSetup() { _pType = ParserType.AUTO; _separator = CsvParser.AUTO_SEP; _header = false; _hashHeader = false; _ncols = 0; _columnNames = null; } protected ParserSetup(ParserType t) { this(t,CsvParser.AUTO_SEP,0,false,null,false); } public ParserSetup(ParserType t, byte sep, boolean header) { _pType = t; _separator = sep; _header = header; _hashHeader = false; _columnNames = null; _ncols = 0; } public ParserSetup(ParserType t, byte sep, boolean header, boolean hashHeader, boolean singleQuotes) { _pType = t; _separator = sep; _header = header || hashHeader; _hashHeader = hashHeader; _columnNames = null; _ncols = 0; _singleQuotes = singleQuotes; } public ParserSetup(ParserType t, byte sep, int ncolumns, boolean header, String [] columnNames, boolean singleQuotes) { _pType = t; _separator = sep; _ncols = ncolumns; _header = header; _hashHeader = false; _columnNames = columnNames; _singleQuotes = singleQuotes; } public boolean isSpecified(){ return _pType != ParserType.AUTO && _separator != CsvParser.AUTO_SEP && (_header || _ncols > 0); } public Set<String> checkDupColumnNames(){ HashSet<String> uniqueNames = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> conflictingNames = new HashSet<String>(); if(_header){ for(String n:_columnNames){ if(!uniqueNames.contains(n)){ uniqueNames.add(n); } else { conflictingNames.add(n); } } } return conflictingNames; } @Override public ParserSetup clone(){ return new ParserSetup(_pType, _separator, _ncols,_header,null,_singleQuotes); } public boolean isCompatible(ParserSetup other){ if(other == null || _pType != other._pType)return false; if(_pType == ParserType.CSV && (_separator != other._separator || _ncols != other._ncols)) return false; if(_types == null) _types = other._types; else if(other._types != null){ for(int i = 0; i < _types.length; ++i) _types[i].merge(other._types[i]); } return true; } public CustomParser parser(){ switch(this._pType){ case CSV: return new CsvParser(this); case SVMLight: return new SVMLightParser(this); case XLS: return new XlsParser(this); default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(; switch(_pType){ case SVMLight: sb.append(" data with (estimated) " + _ncols + " columns."); break; case CSV: sb.append(" data with " + _ncols + " columns using '" + (char)_separator + "' (\\" + _separator + "04d) as separator."); break; case XLS: sb.append(" data with " + _ncols + " columns."); break; case AUTO: sb.append(""); break; default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } return sb.toString(); } } public boolean isCompatible(CustomParser p){return _setup == p._setup || (_setup != null && _setup.isCompatible(p._setup));} public DataOut parallelParse(int cidx, final DataIn din, final DataOut dout) {throw new UnsupportedOperationException();} public boolean parallelParseSupported(){return false;} public DataOut streamParse( final InputStream is, final DataOut dout) throws Exception { if(_setup._pType.parallelParseSupported){ StreamData din = new StreamData(is); int cidx=0; while( is.available() > 0 ) parallelParse(cidx++,din,dout); parallelParse(cidx++,din,dout); // Parse the remaining partial 32K buffer } else { throw H2O.unimpl(); } return dout; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Zipped file; no parallel decompression; decompress into local chunks, // parse local chunks; distribute chunks later. public DataOut streamParse( final InputStream is, final StreamDataOut dout, ParseProgressMonitor pmon) throws IOException { // All output into a fresh pile of NewChunks, one per column if(_setup._pType.parallelParseSupported){ StreamData din = new StreamData(is); int cidx=0; StreamDataOut nextChunk = dout; long lastProgress = pmon.progress(); while( is.available() > 0 ){ if (pmon.progress() > lastProgress) { lastProgress = pmon.progress(); nextChunk.close(); if(dout != nextChunk) dout.reduce(nextChunk); nextChunk = nextChunk.nextChunk(); } parallelParse(cidx++,din,nextChunk); } parallelParse(cidx++,din,nextChunk); // Parse the remaining partial 32K buffer nextChunk.close(); if(dout != nextChunk)dout.reduce(nextChunk); } else { throw H2O.unimpl(); } return dout; } protected static final boolean isWhitespace(byte c) { return (c == CHAR_SPACE) || (c == CHAR_TAB); } protected static final boolean isEOL(byte c) { return ((c == CHAR_LF) || (c == CHAR_CR)); } public interface DataIn { // Get another chunk of byte data public abstract byte[] getChunkData( int cidx ); public abstract int getChunkDataStart( int cidx ); public abstract void setChunkDataStart( int cidx, int offset ); } public interface DataOut extends Freezable { public void setColumnNames(String [] names); // Register a newLine from the parser public void newLine(); // True if already forced into a string column (skip number parsing) public boolean isString(int colIdx); // Add a number column with given digits & exp public void addNumCol(int colIdx, long number, int exp); // Add a number column with given digits & exp public void addNumCol(int colIdx, double d); // An an invalid / missing entry public void addInvalidCol(int colIdx); // Add a String column public void addStrCol( int colIdx, ValueString str ); // Final rolling back of partial line public void rollbackLine(); public void invalidLine(String err); public void invalidValue(int line, int col); } public interface StreamDataOut extends DataOut { StreamDataOut nextChunk(); StreamDataOut reduce(StreamDataOut dout); StreamDataOut close(); StreamDataOut close(Futures fs); int nChunks(); } public static class StreamData implements CustomParser.DataIn { final transient InputStream _is; private byte[] _bits0 = new byte[2*1024*1024]; //allows for row lengths up to 2M private byte[] _bits1 = new byte[2*1024*1024]; private int _cidx0=-1, _cidx1=-1; // Chunk #s private int _coff0=-1, _coff1=-1; // Last used byte in a chunk public StreamData(InputStream is){_is = is;} @Override public byte[] getChunkData(int cidx) { if(cidx == _cidx0)return _bits0; if(cidx == _cidx1)return _bits1; assert cidx==_cidx0+1 || cidx==_cidx1+1; byte[] bits = _cidx0<_cidx1 ? _bits0 : _bits1; if( _cidx0<_cidx1 ) { _cidx0 = cidx; _coff0 = -1; } else { _cidx1 = cidx; _coff1 = -1; } // Read as much as the buffer will hold int off=0; try { while( off < bits.length ) { int len =,off,bits.length-off); if( len == -1 ) break; off += len; } assert off == bits.length || _is.available() <= 0; } catch( IOException ioe ) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } if( off == bits.length ) return bits; // Final read is short; cache the short-read byte[] bits2 = (off == 0) ? null : Arrays.copyOf(bits,off); if( _cidx0==cidx ) _bits0 = bits2; else _bits1 = bits2; return bits2; } @Override public int getChunkDataStart(int cidx) { if( _cidx0 == cidx ) return _coff0; if( _cidx1 == cidx ) return _coff1; return 0; } @Override public void setChunkDataStart(int cidx, int offset) { if( _cidx0 == cidx ) _coff0 = offset; if( _cidx1 == cidx ) _coff1 = offset; } } public abstract CustomParser clone(); public String [] headers(){return null;} protected static class TypeGuesserDataOut extends Iced implements DataOut { transient private HashSet<String> [] _domains; int [] _nnums; int [] _nstrings; int [] _nzeros; int _nlines = 0; final int _ncols; public TypeGuesserDataOut(int ncols){ _ncols = ncols; _domains = new HashSet[ncols]; _nzeros = new int[ncols]; _nstrings = new int[ncols]; _nnums = new int[ncols]; for(int i = 0; i < ncols; ++i) _domains[i] = new HashSet<String>(); } // TODO: ugly quick hack, needs revisit public ParserSetup.TypeInfo[] guessTypes() { ParserSetup.TypeInfo [] res = new ParserSetup.TypeInfo[_ncols]; for(int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) res[i] = new ParserSetup.TypeInfo(); for(int i = 0; i < _ncols; ++i){ if(_domains[i].size() <= 1) // only consider enums with multiple strings (otherwise it's probably garbage on NA) res[i]._type = ParserSetup.Coltype.NUM; else if(_nzeros[i] > 0 && (Math.abs(_nzeros[i] + _nstrings[i] - _nlines) <= 1)) { // enum with 0s for NAs res[i]._naStr = new ValueString("0"); res[i]._type = ParserSetup.Coltype.STR; res[i]._strongGuess = true; } else if(_nstrings[i] >= STRING_DOMINANCE_RATIO*(_nnums[i]+_nzeros[i])) { // probably generic enum res[i]._type = ParserSetup.Coltype.STR; } } return res; } @Override public void setColumnNames(String[] names) {} @Override public void newLine() { ++_nlines; } @Override public boolean isString(int colIdx) { return false; } @Override public void addNumCol(int colIdx, long number, int exp) { if(colIdx < _nnums.length) if (number == 0) ++_nzeros[colIdx]; else ++_nnums[colIdx]; } @Override public void addNumCol(int colIdx, double d) { if(colIdx < _nnums.length) if (d == 0) ++_nzeros[colIdx]; else ++_nnums[colIdx]; } @Override public void addInvalidCol(int colIdx) { } @Override public void addStrCol(int colIdx, ValueString str) { if(colIdx < _nstrings.length) { ++_nstrings[colIdx]; _domains[colIdx].add(str.toString()); } } @Override public void rollbackLine() {--_nlines;} @Override public void invalidLine(String err) {} @Override public void invalidValue(int line, int col) {} } protected static class CustomInspectDataOut extends Iced implements DataOut { public int _nlines; public int _ncols; public int _invalidLines; public boolean _header; private String [] _colNames; private String [][] _data = new String[MAX_PREVIEW_LINES][MAX_PREVIEW_COLS]; transient ArrayList<String> _errors; public CustomInspectDataOut() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PREVIEW_LINES;++i) Arrays.fill(_data[i],"NA"); } public String [][] data(){ String [][] res = Arrays.copyOf(_data, Math.min(MAX_PREVIEW_LINES, _nlines)); for(int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) res[i] = Arrays.copyOf(_data[i], Math.min(MAX_PREVIEW_COLS,_ncols)); return (_data = res); } @Override public void setColumnNames(String[] names) { _colNames = names; _data[0] = names; ++_nlines; _ncols = names.length; _header = true; } @Override public void newLine() { ++_nlines; } @Override public boolean isString(int colIdx) {return false;} @Override public void addNumCol(int colIdx, long number, int exp) { if(colIdx < _ncols && _nlines < MAX_PREVIEW_LINES) _data[_nlines][colIdx] = Double.toString(number*PrettyPrint.pow10(exp)); } @Override public void addNumCol(int colIdx, double d) { if(colIdx < _ncols) { _ncols = Math.max(_ncols, colIdx); if (_nlines < MAX_PREVIEW_LINES && colIdx < MAX_PREVIEW_COLS) _data[_nlines][colIdx] = Double.toString(d); } } @Override public void addInvalidCol(int colIdx) { if(colIdx < _ncols && _nlines < MAX_PREVIEW_LINES) _data[_nlines][colIdx] = "NA"; } @Override public void addStrCol(int colIdx, ValueString str) { if(colIdx < _ncols && _nlines < MAX_PREVIEW_LINES) _data[_nlines][colIdx] = str.toString(); } @Override public void rollbackLine() {--_nlines;} @Override public void invalidLine(String err) { ++_invalidLines; _errors.add("Error at line: " + _nlines + ", reason: " + err); } @Override public void invalidValue(int linenum, int colnum) {} } }