package water.exec; import water.MRTask2; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.FrameUtils; /** Parse a generic R string and build an AST, in the context of an H2O Cloud * @author */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // R's Apply. Function is limited to taking a single column and returning // a single column. Double is limited to 1 or 2, statically determined. class ASTRApply extends ASTOp { static final String VARS[] = new String[]{ "", "ary", "dbl1.2", "fcn"}; ASTRApply( ) { super(VARS, new Type[]{ Type.ARY, Type.dblary(), Type.dblary(), Type.fcn(new Type[]{Type.dblary(),Type.ARY}) }, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } protected ASTRApply( String vars[], Type ts[], int form, int prec, int asso) { super(vars,ts,form,prec,asso); } @Override String opStr(){ return "apply";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTRApply();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // Peek everything from the stack final ASTOp op = env.fcn(-1); // ary->dblary but better be ary[,1]->dblary[,1] double d = env.dbl(-2); // MARGIN: ROW=1, COLUMN=2 selector Frame fr = env.ary(-3); // The Frame to work on if( d==2 || d== -1 ) { // Work on columns? int ncols = fr.numCols(); double ds[][] = null; // If results are doubles, gather in small array Frame fr2 = null; // If the results are Vecs, gather them in this Frame String err = "apply requires that "+op+" return 1 column"; if( op._t.ret().isDbl() ) ds = new double[ncols][1]; else fr2 = new Frame(new String[0],new Vec[0]); // Apply the function across columns try { Vec vecs[] = fr.vecs(); for( int i=0; i<ncols; i++ ) { env.push(op); env.push(new Frame(new String[]{fr._names[i]},new Vec[]{vecs[i]})); env.fcn(-2).apply(env, 2, null); if( ds != null ) { // Doubles or Frame results? ds[i][0] = env.popDbl(); } else { // Frame results fr2.add(fr._names[i], env.popXAry().theVec(err)); } } } catch( IllegalArgumentException iae ) { env.subRef(fr2,null); throw iae; } env.pop(4); if( ds != null ) env.push(FrameUtils.frame(new String[]{"C1"},ds)); else env.push(fr2); assert env.isAry(); return; } if( d==1 || d==-2) { // Work on rows // apply on rows is essentially a map function Type ts[] = new Type[2]; ts[0] = Type.unbound(); ts[1] = Type.ARY; Type ft1 = Type.fcn(ts); Type ft2 = op._t.find(); // Should be a function type if( !ft1.union(ft2) ) { if( ft2._ts.length != 2 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("FCN " + op.toString() + " cannot accept one argument."); if( !ft2._ts[1].union(ts[1]) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arg " + op._vars[1] + " typed " + ft2._ts[1].find() + " but passed as " + ts[1]); assert false; } // find out return type double[] rowin = new double[fr.vecs().length]; for (int c = 0; c < rowin.length; c++) rowin[c] = fr.vecs()[c].at(0); final int outlen =,rowin,null).length; final Env env0 = env; MRTask2 mrt = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) { double rowin [] = new double[cs.length]; double rowout[] = new double[outlen]; for (int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) { for (int c = 0; c < cs.length; c++) rowin[c] = cs[c].at0(row);, rowin, rowout); for (int c = 0; c < ncs.length; c++) ncs[c].addNum(rowout[c]); } } }; String[] names = new String[outlen]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) names[i] = "C"+(i+1); Frame res = mrt.doAll(outlen,fr).outputFrame(names, null); env.poppush(4,res,null); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("MARGIN limited to 1 (rows) or 2 (cols)"); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Same as "apply" but defaults to columns. class ASTSApply extends ASTRApply { static final String VARS[] = new String[]{ "", "ary", "fcn"}; ASTSApply( ) { super(VARS, new Type[]{ Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.fcn(new Type[]{Type.dblary(),Type.ARY}) }, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "sapply";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSApply();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // Stack: SApply, ary, fcn // -->: RApply, ary, 2, fcn assert env.isFcn(-3); env._fcn[env._sp-3] = new ASTRApply(); ASTOp fcn = env.popFcn(); // Pop, no ref-cnt env.push(2.0); env.push(1); env._fcn[env._sp-1] = fcn; // Push, no ref-cnt super.apply(env,argcnt+1,null); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // unique(ary) // Returns only the unique rows class ASTUnique extends ASTddply { static final String VARS[] = new String[]{ "", "ary"}; ASTUnique( ) { super(VARS, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr(){ return "unique";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTUnique();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Thread cThr = Thread.currentThread(); Frame fr = env.peekAry(); int cols[] = new int[fr.numCols()]; for( int i=0; i<cols.length; i++ ) cols[i]=i; ddplyPass1 p1 = new ddplyPass1( false, cols ).doAll(fr); double dss[][] = new double[p1._groups.size()][]; int i=0; for( Group g : p1._groups.keySet() ) dss[i++] = g._ds; Frame res = FrameUtils.frame(fr._names,dss); env.poppush(2,res,null); } }