package water.fvec; import water.*; /** A compression scheme, over a chunk - a single array of bytes. The *actual* * vector header info is in the Vec struct - which contains info to find all * the bytes of the distributed vector. This struct is basically a 1-entry * chunk cache of the total vector. Subclasses of this abstract class * implement (possibly empty) compression schemes. */ public abstract class Chunk extends Iced implements Cloneable { public transient long _start = -1; // Start element; filled after public transient int _len; // Number of elements in this chunk public int len() { return _len; } public int set_len(int l) { _len = l; return _len; } protected transient Chunk _chk2; // Normally==null, changed if chunk is written to public transient Vec _vec; // Owning Vec; filled after public byte[] _mem; // Short-cut to the embedded memory; WARNING: holds onto a large array public final boolean readable( ) { return _vec.readable(); } public final boolean writable( ) { return _vec.writable(); } public final byte[] getBytes() { return _mem; } /** Load a long value. Floating point values are silently rounded to an * integer. Throws if the value is missing. * <p> * Loads from the 1-entry chunk cache, or misses-out. This version uses * absolute element numbers, but must convert them to chunk-relative indices * - requiring a load from an aliasing local var, leading to lower quality * JIT'd code (similar issue to using iterator objects). * <p> * Slightly slower than 'at0' since it range checks within a chunk. */ public final long at8( long i ) { long x = i - (_start>0 ? _start : 0); if( 0 <= x && x < _len ) return at80((int)x); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(""+_start+" <= "+i+" < "+(_start+_len)); } /** Load a double value. Returns Double.NaN if value is missing. * <p> * Loads from the 1-entry chunk cache, or misses-out. This version uses * absolute element numbers, but must convert them to chunk-relative indices * - requiring a load from an aliasing local var, leading to lower quality * JIT'd code (similar issue to using iterator objects). * <p> * Slightly slower than 'at80' since it range checks within a chunk. */ public final double at( long i ) { long x = i - (_start>0 ? _start : 0); if( 0 <= x && x < _len ) return at0((int)x); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " " +_start+" <= "+i+" < "+(_start+_len)); } /** Fetch the missing-status the slow way. */ public final boolean isNA(long i) { long x = i - (_start>0 ? _start : 0); if( 0 <= x && x < _len ) return isNA0((int)x); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " " +_start+" <= "+i+" < "+(_start+_len)); } public final long at16l( long i ) { long x = i - (_start>0 ? _start : 0); if( 0 <= x && x < _len ) return at16l0((int)x); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " " +_start+" <= "+i+" < "+(_start+_len)); } public final long at16h( long i ) { long x = i - (_start>0 ? _start : 0); if( 0 <= x && x < _len ) return at16h0((int)x); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(getClass().getSimpleName() + " " +_start+" <= "+i+" < "+(_start+_len)); } /** The zero-based API. Somewhere between 10% to 30% faster in a tight-loop * over the data than the generic at() API. Probably no gain on larger * loops. The row reference is zero-based on the chunk, and should * range-check by the JIT as expected. */ public final double at0 ( int i ) { return _chk2 == null ? atd_impl(i) : _chk2. atd_impl(i); } public final long at80 ( int i ) { return _chk2 == null ? at8_impl(i) : _chk2. at8_impl(i); } public final boolean isNA0( int i ) { return _chk2 == null ?isNA_impl(i) : _chk2.isNA_impl(i); } public final long at16l0( int i ) { return _chk2 == null ? at16l_impl(i) : _chk2.at16l_impl(i); } public final long at16h0( int i ) { return _chk2 == null ? at16h_impl(i) : _chk2.at16h_impl(i); } /** Slightly slower than 'at0' inside a chunk; goes (very) slow outside the * chunk instead of throwing. First outside-chunk fetches and caches whole * chunk; maybe takes multiple msecs. 2nd and later touches in the same * outside-chunk probably run 100x slower than inside-chunk accesses. */ public final double at_slow( long i ) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? at0((int)x) : _vec. at(i); } public final long at8_slow( long i ) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? at80((int)x) : _vec.at8(i); } public final boolean isNA_slow( long i ) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? isNA0((int)x) : _vec.isNA(i); } /** Write element the slow way, as a long. There is no way to write a * missing value with this call. Under rare circumstances this can throw: * if the long does not fit in a double (value is larger magnitude than * 2^52), AND float values are stored in Vector. In this case, there is no * common compatible data representation. */ public final long set( long i, long l) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? set0((int)x,l) : _vec.set(i,l); } /** Write element the slow way, as a double. Double.NaN will be treated as * a set of a missing element. */ public final double set( long i, double d) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? set0((int)x,d) : _vec.set(i,d); } /** Write element the slow way, as a float. Float.NaN will be treated as * a set of a missing element. */ public final float set( long i, float f) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? set0((int)x,f) : _vec.set(i,f); } /** Set the element as missing the slow way. */ public final boolean setNA( long i ) { long x = i-_start; return (0 <= x && x < _len) ? setNA0((int)x) : _vec.setNA(i); } public void setAll(double [] vals) { setWrite(); _chk2 = new NewChunk(_vec,cidx(),vals).compress(); } public Chunk modifiedChunk(){return _chk2;} private void setWrite() { if( _chk2 != null ) return; // Already setWrite assert !(this instanceof NewChunk) : "Cannot direct-write into a NewChunk, only append"; _vec.preWriting(); // One-shot writing-init _chk2 = clone(); // Flag this chunk as having been written into assert _chk2._chk2 == null; // Clone has NOT been written into } /** * Set a long element in a chunk given a 0-based chunk local index. * * Write into a chunk. * May rewrite/replace chunks if the chunk needs to be * "inflated" to hold larger values. Returns the input value. * * Note that the idx is an int (instead of a long), which tells you * that index 0 is the first row in the chunk, not the whole Vec. */ public final long set0(int idx, long l) { setWrite(); if( _chk2.set_impl(idx,l) ) return l; (_chk2 = inflate_impl(new NewChunk(this))).set_impl(idx,l); return l; } /** Set a double element in a chunk given a 0-based chunk local index. */ public final double set0(int idx, double d) { setWrite(); if( _chk2.set_impl(idx,d) ) return d; (_chk2 = inflate_impl(new NewChunk(this))).set_impl(idx,d); return d; } /** Set a floating element in a chunk given a 0-based chunk local index. */ public final float set0(int idx, float f) { setWrite(); if( _chk2.set_impl(idx,f) ) return f; (_chk2 = inflate_impl(new NewChunk(this))).set_impl(idx,f); return f; } /** Set the element in a chunk as missing given a 0-based chunk local index. */ public final boolean setNA0(int idx) { setWrite(); if( _chk2.setNA_impl(idx) ) return true; (_chk2 = inflate_impl(new NewChunk(this))).setNA_impl(idx); return true; } /** After writing we must call close() to register the bulk changes */ public void close( int cidx, Futures fs ) { int len = _len; if( this instanceof NewChunk ) _chk2 = this; if( _chk2 == null ) return; // No change? if( _chk2 instanceof NewChunk ) _chk2 = ((NewChunk)_chk2).new_close(); assert _chk2._len == len:"incompatible length after compression, " + len + " != " + _chk2._len + ", " + ", chunk = " + _chk2.getClass().getSimpleName(); DKV.put(_vec.chunkKey(cidx),_chk2,fs,true); // Write updated chunk back into K/V if( _vec._cache == this ) _vec._cache = null; } public int cidx() { return _vec.elem2ChunkIdx(_start); } /** Chunk-specific readers. */ abstract protected double atd_impl(int idx); abstract protected long at8_impl(int idx); abstract protected boolean isNA_impl(int idx); protected long at16l_impl(int idx) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a UUID"); } protected long at16h_impl(int idx) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a UUID"); } /** Chunk-specific writer. Returns false if the value does not fit in the * current compression scheme. */ abstract boolean set_impl (int idx, long l ); abstract boolean set_impl (int idx, double d ); abstract boolean set_impl (int idx, float f ); abstract boolean setNA_impl(int idx); public int nextNZ(int rid){return rid+1;} public boolean isSparse() {return false;} public int sparseLen(){return _len;} /** * Get chunk-relative indexes of values (nonzeros for sparse, all for dense) stored in this chunk. * For desne chunks, this will contain indeces of all the rows in this chunk. * * @return array of chunk-relative indeces of values stored in this chunk. */ public int nonzeros(int [] res){ if(!isSparse()) for( int i = 0; i < _len; ++i) res[i] = i; else { int j = 0; for (int i = nextNZ(-1); i < _len; i = nextNZ(i)) res[j++] = i; assert res.length == j; } return _len; } /** * Get chunk-relative indeces of values (nonzeros for sparse, all for dense) stored in this chunk. * For desne chunks, this will contain indeces of all the rows in this chunk. * * @return array of chunk-relative indeces of values stored in this chunk. */ public final int [] nonzeros () { int [] res = MemoryManager.malloc4(sparseLen()); nonzeros(res); return res; } public NewChunk inflate(){ return inflate_impl(new NewChunk(this)); } /** Chunk-specific bulk inflator back to NewChunk. Used when writing into a * chunk and written value is out-of-range for an update-in-place operation. * Bulk copy from the compressed form into the nc._ls array. */ abstract NewChunk inflate_impl(NewChunk nc); abstract boolean hasFloat(); /** Chunk-specific implementations of read and write */ public abstract AutoBuffer write(AutoBuffer bb); public abstract Chunk read (AutoBuffer bb); // Support for fixed-width format printing public String pformat () { return pformat0(); } public int pformat_len() { return pformat_len0(); } protected String pformat0() { assert !hasFloat() : "need impl:"+getClass(); // Floats handled in subclasses long min = (long)_vec.min(); if( min < 0 ) return "% "+pformat_len0()+"d"; return "%"+pformat_len0()+"d"; } protected int pformat_len0() { assert !hasFloat(); // Floats handled in subclasses int len=0; long min = (long)_vec.min(); if( min < 0 ) len++; long max = Math.max(Math.abs(min),Math.abs((long)_vec.max())); for( int i=1; i<PrettyPrint.powers10i.length; i++ ) if( max < PrettyPrint.powers10i[i] ) return i+len; return 20; } protected int pformat_len0( double scale, int lg ) { double dx = Math.log10(scale); int x = (int)dx; if( x >= 0 && PrettyPrint.pow10i(x) != scale ) throw H2O.unimpl(); int w=1/*blank/sign*/+lg/*compression limits digits*/+1/*dot*/+1/*e*/+1/*neg exp*/+2/*digits of exp*/; return w; } @Override public Chunk clone() { return (Chunk)super.clone(); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(start = " + _start + ", len = " + _len + ")"; } public long byteSize() { long s= _mem == null ? 0 : _mem.length; s += (2+5)*8 + 12; // 2 hdr words, 5 other words, @8bytes each, plus mem array hdr if( _chk2 != null ) s += _chk2.byteSize(); return s; } }