package hex.pca; import Jama.Matrix; import Jama.SingularValueDecomposition; import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo; import hex.gram.Gram.GramTask; import water.Job.ColumnsJob; import water.*; import water.api.DocGen; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.RString; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Principal Components Analysis * This is an algorithm for dimensionality reduction of numerical data. * <a href = "">PCA on Wikipedia</a> * @author anqi_fu * */ public class PCA extends ColumnsJob { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; static final String DOC_GET = "pca"; static final int MAX_COL = 5000; @API(help = "The PCA Model") public PCAModel pca_model; @API(help = "Maximum number of principal components to return.", filter = Default.class, lmin = 1, lmax = 5000, json=true) int max_pc = 5000; @API(help = "Omit components with std dev <= tol times std dev of first component.", filter = Default.class, lmin = 0, lmax = 1, json=true) double tolerance = 0; @API(help = "If true, data will be standardized on the fly when computing the model.", filter = Default.class, json=true) boolean standardize = true; public PCA() {} public PCA(String desc, Key dest, Frame src, double tolerance, boolean standardize) { this(desc, dest, src, 5000, tolerance, standardize); } public PCA(String desc, Key dest, Frame src, int max_pc, double tolerance, boolean standardize) { description = desc; destination_key = dest; source = src; this.max_pc = max_pc; this.tolerance = tolerance; this.standardize = standardize; } @Override public boolean toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { return makeJsonBox(sb); } @Override protected void execImpl() { Frame fr = selectFrame(source); Vec[] vecs = fr.vecs(); // Remove constant cols and cols with too many NAs ArrayList<Integer> removeCols = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) { if(vecs[i].min() == vecs[i].max() || vecs[i].naCnt() > vecs[i].length()*0.2) // if(vecs[i].min() == vecs[i].max() || vecs[i].naCnt() > vecs[i].length()*0.2 || vecs[i].domain() != null) removeCols.add(i); } if(!removeCols.isEmpty()) { int[] cols = new int[removeCols.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) cols[i] = removeCols.get(i); fr.remove(cols); } if( fr.numCols() < 2 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need more than one column to run PCA"); DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(fr, 0, false, false, standardize ? DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE : DataInfo.TransformType.NONE); GramTask tsk = new GramTask(self(), dinfo, false,false).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame); PCAModel myModel = buildModel(dinfo, tsk); myModel.delete_and_lock(self()); myModel.unlock(self()); remove(); // Close/remove job final JobState state = UKV.<Job>get(self()).state; new TAtomic<PCAModel>() { @Override public PCAModel atomic(PCAModel m) { if (m != null) m.get_params().state = state; return m; } }.invoke(dest()); } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); int num_ecols = selectFrame(source).numExpCols();"Running PCA on dataset with " + num_ecols + " expanded columns in Gram matrix"); if(num_ecols > MAX_COL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot process more than " + MAX_COL + " columns, taking into account expanded categoricals"); } @Override protected Response redirect() { return PCAProgressPage.redirect(this, self(), dest()); } public PCAModel buildModel(DataInfo dinfo, GramTask tsk) { logStart(); Matrix myGram = new Matrix(tsk._gram.getXX()); // X'X/n where n = num rows SingularValueDecomposition mySVD = myGram.svd(); // Extract eigenvalues and eigenvectors // Note: Singular values ordered in weakly descending order by algorithm double[] Sval = mySVD.getSingularValues(); double[][] eigVec = mySVD.getV().getArray(); // rows = features, cols = principal components assert Sval.length == eigVec.length; // DKV.put(EigenvectorMatrix.makeKey(input("source"), destination_key), new EigenvectorMatrix(eigVec)); // Compute standard deviation double[] sdev = new double[Sval.length]; double totVar = 0; double dfcorr = dinfo._adaptedFrame.numRows()/(dinfo._adaptedFrame.numRows() - 1.0); for(int i = 0; i < Sval.length; i++) { // if(standardize) Sval[i] = dfcorr*Sval[i]; // Correct since degrees of freedom = n-1 sdev[i] = Math.sqrt(Sval[i]); totVar += Sval[i]; } double[] propVar = new double[Sval.length]; // Proportion of total variance double[] cumVar = new double[Sval.length]; // Cumulative proportion of total variance for(int i = 0; i < Sval.length; i++) { propVar[i] = Sval[i]/totVar; cumVar[i] = i == 0 ? propVar[0] : cumVar[i-1] + propVar[i]; } Key dataKey = input("source") == null ? null : Key.make(input("source")); int ncomp = Math.min(getNumPC(sdev, tolerance), max_pc); return new PCAModel(this, destination_key, dataKey, dinfo, tsk, sdev, propVar, cumVar, eigVec, mySVD.rank(), ncomp); } public static int getNumPC(double[] sdev, double tol) { if(sdev == null) return 0; double cutoff = tol*sdev[0]; for( int i=0; i<sdev.length; i++ ) if( sdev[i] < cutoff ) return i; return sdev.length; } public static String link(Key src_key, String content) { RString rs = new RString("<a href='/2/PCA.query?%key_param=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key_param", "source"); rs.replace("key", src_key.toString()); rs.replace("content", content); return rs.toString(); } }