package water.parser; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import water.Iced; import water.PrettyPrint; /** * Parser for SVM light format. * @author tomasnykodym * */ public class SVMLightParser extends CustomParser{ private static final byte SKIP_LINE = 0; private static final byte EXPECT_COND_LF = 1; private static final byte EOL = 2; private static final byte TOKEN = 3; private static final byte SKIP_TOKEN = 4; private static final byte NUMBER = 5; private static final byte NUMBER_FRACTION = 6; private static final byte NUMBER_EXP = 7; private static final byte INVALID_NUMBER = 8; private static final byte NUMBER_EXP_START = 9; private static final byte NUMBER_END = 10; private static final byte WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN = 11; private static final byte POSSIBLE_EMPTY_LINE = 12; private static final byte QID0 = 13; private static final byte QID1 = 14; // line global states private static final int TGT = 1; private static final int COL = 2; private static final int VAL = 3; private static final long LARGEST_DIGIT_NUMBER = 1000000000000000000L; final static char DECIMAL_SEP = '.'; public SVMLightParser(ParserSetup setup) {super(setup);} @Override public SVMLightParser clone(){return new SVMLightParser(_setup);} @Override public boolean parallelParseSupported(){return true;} /** * Try to parse the bytes as svm light format, return SVMParser instance if the input is in svm light format, null otherwise. * @param bytes * @return SVMLightPArser instance or null */ public static PSetupGuess guessSetup(byte [] bytes){ // find the last eof int i = bytes.length-1; while(i > 0 && bytes[i] != '\n')--i; assert i >= 0; InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(Arrays.copyOf(bytes,i)); SVMLightParser p = new SVMLightParser(new ParserSetup(ParserType.SVMLight, CsvParser.AUTO_SEP, false)); InspectDataOut dout = new InspectDataOut(); try{p.streamParse(is, dout);}catch(Exception e){throw new RuntimeException(e);} return new PSetupGuess(new ParserSetup(ParserType.SVMLight, CsvParser.AUTO_SEP, dout._ncols,false,null,false),dout._nlines,dout._invalidLines,,dout._ncols > 0 && dout._nlines > 0 && dout._nlines > dout._invalidLines,dout.errors()); } @Override public boolean isCompatible(CustomParser p){return p instanceof SVMLightParser;} @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") @Override public final DataOut parallelParse(int cidx, final CustomParser.DataIn din, final CustomParser.DataOut dout) { ValueString _str = new ValueString(); byte[] bits = din.getChunkData(cidx); if( bits == null ) return dout; final byte[] bits0 = bits; // Bits for chunk0 boolean firstChunk = true; // Have not rolled into the 2nd chunk byte[] bits1 = null; // Bits for chunk1, loaded lazily. int offset = 0; // General cursor into the giant array of bytes // Starting state. Are we skipping the first (partial) line, or not? Skip // a header line, or a partial line if we're in the 2nd and later chunks. int lstate = (cidx > 0)? SKIP_LINE : WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN; int gstate = TGT; long number = 0; int zeros = 0; int exp = 0; int sgn_exp = 1; boolean decimal = false; int fractionDigits = 0; int colIdx = 0; byte c = bits[offset]; // skip comments for the first chunk (or if not a chunk) if( cidx == 0 ) { while (c == '#') { while ((offset < bits.length) && (bits[offset] != CHAR_CR) && (bits[offset ] != CHAR_LF)) ++offset; if ((offset+1 < bits.length) && (bits[offset] == CHAR_CR) && (bits[offset+1] == CHAR_LF)) ++offset; ++offset; if (offset >= bits.length) return dout; c = bits[offset]; } } //dout.newLine(); int linestart = 0; // String linePrefix = ""; MAIN_LOOP: while (true) { NEXT_CHAR: switch (lstate) { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case SKIP_LINE: if (!isEOL(c)) break NEXT_CHAR; // fall through case EOL: if (colIdx != 0) { colIdx = 0; linestart = offset+1; if(lstate != SKIP_LINE) dout.newLine(); } if( !firstChunk ) break MAIN_LOOP; // second chunk only does the first row lstate = (c == CHAR_CR) ? EXPECT_COND_LF : POSSIBLE_EMPTY_LINE; gstate = TGT; linestart = offset; break NEXT_CHAR; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case EXPECT_COND_LF: lstate = POSSIBLE_EMPTY_LINE; if (c == CHAR_LF) break NEXT_CHAR; continue MAIN_LOOP; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case POSSIBLE_EMPTY_LINE: if (isEOL(c)) { if (c == CHAR_CR) lstate = EXPECT_COND_LF; break NEXT_CHAR; } lstate = WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN; // fallthrough to WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN: if (isWhitespace(c)) break NEXT_CHAR; if (isEOL(c)){ lstate = EOL; continue MAIN_LOOP; } // fallthrough to TOKEN case TOKEN: if (((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || (c == '-') || (c == DECIMAL_SEP) || (c == '+')) { lstate = NUMBER; number = 0; fractionDigits = 0; decimal = false; if (c == '-') { exp = -1; break NEXT_CHAR; } else if(c == '+'){ exp = 1; break NEXT_CHAR; } else { exp = 1; } // fallthrough } else if(c == 'q'){ lstate = QID0; } else { // failed, skip the line // TODO dout.invalidLine("Unexpected character, expected number or qid, got '" + new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(bits, offset,Math.min(bits.length,offset+5))) + "...'"); lstate = SKIP_LINE; continue MAIN_LOOP; } // fallthrough to NUMBER // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case NUMBER: if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { number = (number*10)+(c-'0'); if (number >= LARGEST_DIGIT_NUMBER) lstate = INVALID_NUMBER; break NEXT_CHAR; } else if (c == DECIMAL_SEP) { lstate = NUMBER_FRACTION; fractionDigits = offset; decimal = true; break NEXT_CHAR; } else if ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E')) { lstate = NUMBER_EXP_START; sgn_exp = 1; break NEXT_CHAR; } if (exp == -1) { number = -number; } exp = 0; // fallthrough NUMBER_END case NUMBER_END: exp = exp - fractionDigits; switch(gstate){ case COL: if(c == ':'){ if(exp == 0 && number >= colIdx && (int)number == number){ colIdx = (int)number; gstate = VAL; lstate = WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN; } else { // wrong col Idx, just skip the token and try to continue // col idx is either too small (according to spec, cols must come in strictly increasing order) // or too small (col ids currently must fit into int) String err = ""; if(number <= colIdx) err = "Columns come in non-increasing sequence. Got " + number + " after " + colIdx + "."; else if(exp != 0) err = "Got non-integer as column id: " + number*PrettyPrint.pow10(exp); else err = "column index out of range, " + number + " does not fit into integer."; dout.invalidLine("invalid column id:" + err); lstate = SKIP_LINE; } } else { // we're probably out of sync, skip the rest of the line dout.invalidLine("unexpected character after column id: " + c); lstate = SKIP_LINE; // TODO output error } break NEXT_CHAR; case TGT: case VAL: dout.addNumCol(colIdx++,number,exp); lstate = WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN; gstate = COL; continue MAIN_LOOP; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case NUMBER_FRACTION: if(c == '0'){ ++zeros; break NEXT_CHAR; } if ((c > '0') && (c <= '9')) { if (number < LARGEST_DIGIT_NUMBER) { number = (number*PrettyPrint.pow10i(zeros+1))+(c-'0'); } else { dout.invalidLine("number " + number + " is out of bounds."); lstate = SKIP_LINE; } zeros = 0; break NEXT_CHAR; } else if ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E')) { if (decimal) fractionDigits = offset - zeros - 1 - fractionDigits; lstate = NUMBER_EXP_START; sgn_exp = 1; zeros = 0; break NEXT_CHAR; } lstate = NUMBER_END; if (decimal) fractionDigits = offset - zeros - fractionDigits-1; if (exp == -1) { number = -number; } exp = 0; zeros = 0; continue MAIN_LOOP; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case NUMBER_EXP_START: if (exp == -1) { number = -number; } exp = 0; if (c == '-') { sgn_exp *= -1; break NEXT_CHAR; } else if (c == '+'){ break NEXT_CHAR; } if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')){ lstate = INVALID_NUMBER; continue MAIN_LOOP; } lstate = NUMBER_EXP; // fall through to NUMBER_EXP // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case NUMBER_EXP: if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { exp = (exp*10)+(c-'0'); break NEXT_CHAR; } exp *= sgn_exp; lstate = NUMBER_END; continue MAIN_LOOP; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- case INVALID_NUMBER: if(gstate == TGT) { // invalid tgt -> skip the whole row lstate = SKIP_LINE; dout.invalidLine("invalid number (expecting target)"); continue MAIN_LOOP; } if(gstate == VAL){ // add invalid value and skip until whitespace or eol dout.addInvalidCol(colIdx++); gstate = COL; } case QID0: if(c == 'i'){ lstate = QID1; break NEXT_CHAR; } else { lstate = SKIP_TOKEN; break NEXT_CHAR; } case QID1: if(c == 'd'){ lstate = SKIP_TOKEN; // skip qid for now break NEXT_CHAR; } else { // TODO report an error lstate = SKIP_TOKEN;; break NEXT_CHAR; } // fall through case SKIP_TOKEN: if(isEOL(c)) lstate = EOL; else if(isWhitespace(c)) lstate = WHITESPACE_BEFORE_TOKEN; break NEXT_CHAR; default: assert (false) : " We have wrong state "+lstate; } // end NEXT_CHAR ++offset; // do not need to adjust for offset increase here - the offset is set to tokenStart-1! if (offset < 0) { // Offset is negative? assert !firstChunk; // Caused by backing up from 2nd chunk into 1st chunk firstChunk = true; bits = bits0; offset += bits.length; _str.set(bits,offset,0); } else if (offset >= bits.length) { // Off end of 1st chunk? Parse into 2nd chunk // Attempt to get more data. if( firstChunk && bits1 == null ){ bits1 = din.getChunkData(cidx+1); // linePrefix = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(bits, linestart, bits.length)); linestart = 0; } // if we can't get further we might have been the last one and we must // commit the latest guy if we had one. if( !firstChunk || bits1 == null ) { // No more data available or allowed // If we are mid-parse of something, act like we saw a LF to end the // current token. if ((lstate != EXPECT_COND_LF) && (lstate != POSSIBLE_EMPTY_LINE)) { c = CHAR_LF; continue MAIN_LOOP; } break MAIN_LOOP; // Else we are just done } // Now parsing in the 2nd chunk. All offsets relative to the 2nd chunk start. firstChunk = false; if (lstate == NUMBER_FRACTION) fractionDigits -= bits.length; offset -= bits.length; bits = bits1; // Set main parsing loop bits if( bits[0] == CHAR_LF && lstate == EXPECT_COND_LF ) break MAIN_LOOP; // when the first character we see is a line end } c = bits[offset]; } // end MAIN_LOOP return dout; } private static class InspectDataOut extends Iced implements DataOut { public int _nlines; public int _ncols; public int _invalidLines; public final static int MAX_COLS = 100; public final static int MAX_LINES = 10; private String [][] _data = new String[MAX_LINES][MAX_COLS]; transient ArrayList<String> _errors = new ArrayList<String>(); public InspectDataOut() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LINES;++i) Arrays.fill(_data[i],"0"); } public String [][] data(){ if(_data.length <= _nlines && _data[0].length <= _ncols) return _data; String [][] res = Arrays.copyOf(_data, Math.min(MAX_LINES, _nlines)); for(int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) res[i] = Arrays.copyOf(_data[i], Math.min(MAX_COLS,_ncols)); return (_data = res); } @Override public void setColumnNames(String[] names) {} @Override public void newLine() { ++_nlines; } @Override public boolean isString(int colIdx) {return false;} @Override public void addNumCol(int colIdx, long number, int exp) { _ncols = Math.max(_ncols,colIdx); if(colIdx < MAX_COLS && _nlines < MAX_LINES) _data[_nlines][colIdx] = Double.toString(number*PrettyPrint.pow10(exp)); } @Override public void addNumCol(int colIdx, double d) { _ncols = Math.max(_ncols,colIdx); if(colIdx < MAX_COLS) _data[_nlines][colIdx] = Double.toString(d); } @Override public void addInvalidCol(int colIdx) {} @Override public void addStrCol(int colIdx, ValueString str) {} @Override public void rollbackLine() {--_nlines;} @Override public void invalidLine(String error) { ++_invalidLines; if(_errors.size() < 10) _errors.add("error at line " + (_nlines +_invalidLines) + ", cause: " + error); } @Override public void invalidValue(int linenum, int colnum) {} public String [] errors(){ String [] res = new String[_errors.size()]; return _errors.toArray(res); } } }