package hex; import water.*; import water.api.DocGen; import water.api.Request.API; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Utils; import java.util.Random; /** * Neural network layer. * * @author cypof */ public abstract class Layer extends Iced { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; public static DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; @API(help = "Number of neurons") @ParamsSearch.Ignore public int units; public NeuralNet params; // Layer state: activity, error protected transient float[] _a, _e; // Shared state: weights and biases (and their momenta) protected transient float[] _w, _wm; protected transient float[] _b, _bm; // Previous and input layers protected transient Layer _previous; transient Input _input; // Dropout (for input + hidden layers) transient Dropout dropout; /** * Start of refactoring in specification & running data, for layers and trainers. */ static abstract class Training { abstract long processed(); } transient Training _training; /** * We need a way to encode a missing value in the neural net forward/back-propagation scheme. * For simplicity and performance, we simply use the largest values to encode a missing value. * If we run into exactly one of those values with regular neural net updates, then we're very * likely also running into overflow problems, which will trigger a NaN somewhere, which will be * caught and lead to automatic job cancellation. */ public static final int missing_int_value = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //encode missing label or target public static final float missing_float_value = Float.MAX_VALUE; //encode missing input /** * Helper class for dropout, only to be used from within a Layer */ public class Dropout { private transient Random _rand; private transient byte[] _bits; @Override public String toString() { String s = "Dropout: " + super.toString(); s += "\nRandom: " + _rand.toString(); s += "\nbits: "; for (int i=0; i< _bits.length*8; ++i) s += unit_active(i) ? "1":"0"; s += "\n"; return s; } Dropout(int units) { _bits = new byte[(units+7)/8]; _rand = new Random(0); } // for input layer public void randomlySparsifyActivation(float[] a, double rate, long seed) { if (rate == 0) return; setSeed(seed); for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) if (_rand.nextFloat() < rate) a[i] = 0; } // for hidden layers public void fillBytes(long seed) { setSeed(seed); _rand.nextBytes(_bits); } public boolean unit_active(int o) { return (_bits[o / 8] & (1 << (o % 8))) != 0; } private void setSeed(long seed) { if ((seed >>> 32) < 0x0000ffffL) seed |= 0x5b93000000000000L; if (((seed << 32) >>> 32) < 0x0000ffffL) seed |= 0xdb910000L; _rand.setSeed(seed); } } public final void init(Layer[] ls, int index, NeuralNet p) { params = (NeuralNet)p.clone(); init(ls, index, true); } public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { params.rate *= Math.pow(params.rate_decay, index-1); _a = new float[units]; if (!(this instanceof Output) && !(this instanceof Input)) { _e = new float[units]; } _previous = ls[index - 1]; _input = (Input) ls[0]; if (this instanceof MaxoutDropout || this instanceof TanhDropout || this instanceof RectifierDropout) { dropout = new Dropout(units); } if( weights ) { _w = new float[units * _previous.units]; _b = new float[units]; if( params.momentum_start != 0 || params.momentum_stable != 0 ) { _wm = new float[_w.length]; _bm = new float[_b.length]; } } } /** * // helper to initialize weights // adaptive initialization uses prefactor * sqrt(6 / (units_input_layer + units_this_layer)) * @param seed random generator seed to use * @param prefactor prefactor for initialization (typical value: 1.0) */ // cf. void randomize(long seed, double prefactor) { if (_w == null) return; final Random rng = water.util.Utils.getDeterRNG(seed); if (params.initial_weight_distribution == NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive) { final double range = prefactor * Math.sqrt(6. / (_previous.units + units)); for( int i = 0; i < _w.length; i++ ) _w[i] = (float)uniformDist(rng, -range, range); } else { if (params.initial_weight_distribution == NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform) { for (int i = 0; i < _w.length; i++) { _w[i] = (float)uniformDist(rng, -params.initial_weight_scale, params.initial_weight_scale); } } else if (params.initial_weight_distribution == NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal) { for (int i = 0; i < _w.length; i++) { _w[i] = (float) (0 + rng.nextGaussian() * params.initial_weight_scale); } } } } // TODO: Add "subset randomize" function // int count = Math.min(15, _previous.units); // double min = -.1f, max = +.1f; // //double min = -1f, max = +1f; // for( int o = 0; o < units; o++ ) { // for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { // int i = rand.nextInt(_previous.units); // int w = o * _previous.units + i; // _w[w] = uniformDist(rand, min, max); // } // } public void close() { } protected abstract void fprop(long seed, boolean training); protected abstract void bprop(); /** * Apply gradient g to unit u with rate r and momentum m. */ final void bprop(int u, float g, float r, float m) { // only correct weights if the gradient is large enough if (params.fast_mode || (_w == null && params.l1 == 0.0 && params.l2 == 0.0)) { if (g == 0f) return; } final float l1 = (float)params.l1; final float l2 = (float)params.l2; double r2 = 0; final int off = u * _previous._a.length; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) { int w = off + i; if( _previous._e != null ) _previous._e[i] += g * _w[w]; if (params.fast_mode && _previous._a[i] == 0) continue; float d = g * _previous._a[i] - Math.signum(_w[w]) * l1 - _w[w] * l2; // TODO finish per-weight acceleration, doesn't help for now // if( _wp != null && d != 0 ) { // boolean sign = _wp[w] >= 0; // double mult = Math.abs(_wp[w]); // // If the gradient kept its sign, increase // if( (d >= 0) == sign ) // mult += .05f; // else { // if( mult > 1 ) // mult *= .95f; // else // sign = !sign; // } // d *= mult; // _wp[w] = sign ? mult : -mult; // } if( _wm != null ) { _wm[w] *= m; _wm[w] += d; d = _wm[w]; } _w[w] += r * d; if (params.max_w2 != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) r2 += _w[w] * _w[w]; } if( params.max_w2 != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY && r2 > params.max_w2 ) { // C.f. Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors final float scale = Utils.approxSqrt((float)(params.max_w2 / r2)); for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _w[off + i] *= scale; } float d = g; if( _bm != null ) { _bm[u] *= m; _bm[u] += d; d = _bm[u]; } _b[u] += r * d; } public float rate(long n) { return (float)(params.rate / (1 + params.rate_annealing * n)); } public float momentum(long n) { double m = params.momentum_start; if( params.momentum_ramp > 0 ) { if( n >= params.momentum_ramp ) m = params.momentum_stable; else m += (params.momentum_stable - params.momentum_start) * n / params.momentum_ramp; } return (float)m; } public static abstract class Input extends Layer { @ParamsSearch.Ignore protected long _pos, _len; @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { _a = new float[units]; dropout = new Dropout(units); } public void inputDropout(long seed) { double rate = params.input_dropout_ratio; seed += params.seed + 0x1337B4BE; dropout.randomlySparsifyActivation(_a, rate, seed); } @Override protected void bprop() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public final long move() { return _pos = _pos == _len - 1 ? 0 : _pos + 1; } } public static class VecsInput extends Input { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; public static DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; public Vec[] vecs; @API(help = "Categorical classes identified on the training set") int[] categoricals_lens; @API(help = "Categorical minimums identified on the training set") int[] categoricals_mins; @API(help = "Normalisation stats used during training") double[] subs, muls; transient Chunk[] _chunks; @Override public Layer clone() { VecsInput o = (VecsInput) super.clone(); if( o._chunks != null ) o._chunks = new Chunk[o._chunks.length]; return o; } public VecsInput(Vec[] vecs, VecsInput train) { Init(vecs, train); } public void Init(Vec[] vecs, VecsInput train) { units = train != null ? train.subs.length : expand(vecs); this.vecs = vecs; _len = vecs[0].length(); if( train != null ) { int a = train.categoricals_lens.length; int b = vecs.length; assert a == b; categoricals_lens = train.categoricals_lens; categoricals_mins = train.categoricals_mins; assert train.subs.length == units; subs = train.subs; muls = train.muls; } else { categoricals_lens = new int[vecs.length]; categoricals_mins = new int[vecs.length]; for( int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++ ) { categoricals_lens[i] = categories(vecs[i]); categoricals_mins[i] = (int) vecs[i].min(); } subs = new double[units]; muls = new double[units]; stats(vecs); } } static int categories(Vec vec) { String[] dom = vec.domain(); return dom == null ? 1 : dom.length - 1; } static int expand(Vec[] vecs) { int n = 0; for (Vec vec : vecs) n += categories(vec); return n; } private void stats(Vec[] vecs) { Stats stats = new Stats(); stats._units = units; stats._categoricals_lens = categoricals_lens; stats._categoricals_mins = categoricals_mins; stats.doAll(vecs); for( int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++ ) { subs[i] = stats._means[i]; double sigma = Math.sqrt(stats._sigms[i] / (stats._rows - 1)); muls[i] = sigma > 1e-6 ? 1 / sigma : 1; } } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { if( _chunks == null ) _chunks = new Chunk[vecs.length]; for( int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++ ) { Chunk c = _chunks[i]; if( c == null || c._vec != vecs[i] || _pos < c._start || _pos >= c._start + c._len ) _chunks[i] = vecs[i].chunkForRow(_pos); } ChunksInput.set(_chunks, _a, (int) (_pos - _chunks[0]._start), subs, muls, categoricals_lens, categoricals_mins); if (training) inputDropout(seed); } } /** * Stats with expanded categoricals. Used to normalize the data in the input layer. */ static class Stats extends MRTask2<Stats> { int _units; int[] _categoricals_lens, _categoricals_mins; double[] _means, _sigms; long _rows; transient double[] _subs, _muls; @Override protected void setupLocal() { _subs = new double[_units]; _muls = new double[_units]; for( int i = 0; i < _muls.length; i++ ) _muls[i] = 1; } @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { _means = new double[_units]; _sigms = new double[_units]; float[] a = new float[_means.length]; for( int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; r++ ) { ChunksInput.set(cs, a, r, _subs, _muls, _categoricals_lens, _categoricals_mins); for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ ) _means[c] += a[c]; } for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ ) _means[c] /= cs[0]._len; for( int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; r++ ) { ChunksInput.set(cs, a, r, _subs, _muls, _categoricals_lens, _categoricals_mins); for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ ) _sigms[c] += (a[c] - _means[c]) * (a[c] - _means[c]); } _rows += cs[0]._len; } @Override public void reduce(Stats rs) { reduce(_means, _sigms, _rows, rs._means, rs._sigms, rs._rows); _rows += rs._rows; } static void reduce(double[] ma, double[] sa, long ra, double[] mb, double[] sb, long rb) { for( int c = 0; c < ma.length; c++ ) { double delta = ma[c] - mb[c]; ma[c] = (ma[c] * ra + mb[c] * rb) / (ra + rb); sa[c] = sa[c] + sb[c] + delta * delta * ra * rb / (ra + rb); } } @Override public boolean logVerbose() { return !H2O.DEBUG; } } /** * A ChunksInput layer populates the activation values from a FVec chunk. * Missing values will lead to a 0 activation value in the input layer, which is equivalent to * setting it to the *average* column value before normalizing. In effect, missing column values are ignored. */ static class ChunksInput extends Input { transient Chunk[] _chunks; double[] _subs, _muls; int[] _categoricals_lens; int[] _categoricals_mins; public ChunksInput(Chunk[] chunks, VecsInput stats) { units = stats.subs.length; _chunks = chunks; _subs = stats.subs; _muls = stats.muls; _categoricals_lens = stats.categoricals_lens; _categoricals_mins = stats.categoricals_mins; } /** * forward propagation means filling the activation values with all the row's column values */ @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { set(_chunks, _a, (int) _pos, _subs, _muls, _categoricals_lens, _categoricals_mins); if (training) inputDropout(seed); } static void set(Chunk[] chunks, float[] a, int row, double[] subs, double[] muls, int[] catLens, int[] catMins) { int n = 0; // loop over all columns for( int i = 0; i < catLens.length; i++ ) { final boolean missing = chunks[i].isNA0(row); double d = chunks[i].at0(row); if( catLens[i] == 1 ) { //numerical value: normalize d -= subs[n]; d *= muls[n]; a[n++] = missing ? 0f : (float)d; } else { // categorical values: use precomputed stats int cat = catLens[i]; for( int c = 0; c < cat; c++ ) a[n + c] = missing ? 0f : (float)-subs[n + c]; int c = (int) d - catMins[i] - 1; if( c >= 0 ) a[n + c] = missing ? 0f : (float)((1 - subs[n + c]) * muls[n + c]); n += cat; } } assert n == a.length; } } public static abstract class Output extends Layer { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; public static DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; protected final long pos() { return _input._pos; } } /** * Softmax output layer is used for classification * Rows with missing values in the response column will be ignored **/ public static abstract class Softmax extends Output { protected abstract int target(); @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); if( weights ) { randomize(params.seed + 0xBAD5EED + index, 4.0f); } } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _a[o] += _w[o * _previous._a.length + i] * _previous._a[i]; _a[o] += _b[o]; } final float max = Utils.maxValue(_a); float scale = 0; for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = (float)Math.exp(_a[o] - max); scale += _a[o]; } for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) _a[o] /= scale; } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); float m = momentum(processed); float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); int label = target(); if (label == missing_int_value) return; //ignore missing response values for( int u = 0; u < _a.length; u++ ) { final float targetval = (u == label ? 1f : 0f); float g = targetval - _a[u]; if (params.loss == NeuralNet.Loss.CrossEntropy) { //nothing else needed } else if (params.loss == NeuralNet.Loss.MeanSquare) { g *= (1 - _a[u]) * _a[u]; } bprop(u, g, r, m); } } } public static class VecSoftmax extends Softmax { public Vec vec; private Vec _toClose; VecSoftmax() { } public VecSoftmax(Vec vec, VecSoftmax stats) { // Waiting for Michal stuff, for now enum must start at 0 // if( vec.domain() == null ) { // vec = vec.toEnum(); // _toClose = vec; // } this.units = stats != null ? stats.units : (int) (vec.max() + 1); this.vec = vec; params = stats != null ? (NeuralNet)stats.params.clone() : null; } @Override protected int target() { if( vec.isNA(_input._pos) ) return missing_int_value; return (int) vec.at8(_input._pos); } @Override public void close() { super.close(); if( _toClose != null ) UKV.remove(_toClose._key); } } static class ChunkSoftmax extends Softmax { transient Chunk _chunk; public ChunkSoftmax(Chunk chunk, VecSoftmax stats) { units = stats.units; _chunk = chunk; params = (NeuralNet)stats.params.clone(); } @Override protected int target() { if( _chunk.isNA0((int) _input._pos) ) return missing_int_value; return (int) _chunk.at80((int) _input._pos); } } /** * Linear output layer is used for regression * Rows with missing values in the response column will be ignored **/ public static abstract class Linear extends Output { abstract float[] target(); @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); if( weights ) { randomize(params.seed + 0xBAD5EED + index, 1.0f); } } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _a[o] += _w[o * _previous._a.length + i] * _previous._a[i]; _a[o] += _b[o]; } } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); float m = momentum(processed); float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); float[] v = target(); assert(params.loss == NeuralNet.Loss.MeanSquare); for( int u = 0; u < _a.length; u++ ) { if (v[u] == missing_float_value) continue; //ignore missing regression targets float g = v[u] - _a[u]; bprop(u, g, r, m); } } } public static class VecLinear extends Linear { Vec _vec; transient float[] _values; public VecLinear(Vec vec, VecLinear stats) { assert(stats == null || stats.units == 1); units = 1; //regression _vec = vec; params = stats != null ? (NeuralNet)stats.params.clone() : null; } @Override float[] target() { if( _values == null ) _values = new float[units]; long pos = _input._pos; //pos is a global index into the vector _values[0] = _vec.isNA(pos) ? missing_float_value : (float); return _values; } } static class ChunkLinear extends Linear { transient Chunk _chunk; transient float[] _values; public ChunkLinear(Chunk chunk, VecLinear stats) { assert(stats == null || stats.units == 1); units = 1; _chunk = chunk; params = (NeuralNet) (stats != null ? stats.params.clone() : null); } @Override float[] target() { if( _values == null ) _values = new float[units]; int pos = (int)_input._pos; //pos is a local index for this chunk _values[0] = _chunk.isNA0(pos) ? missing_float_value : (float)_chunk.at0(pos); return _values; } } public static class Tanh extends Layer { public Tanh(int units) { this.units = units; } @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); if( weights ) { randomize(params.seed + 0xBAD5EED + index, 1.0f); } } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; if( !training || dropout == null || dropout.unit_active(o) ) { for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) { _a[o] += _w[o * _previous._a.length + i] * _previous._a[i]; } _a[o] += _b[o]; _a[o] = 1f - 2f / (1f + (float)Math.exp(2*_a[o])); //evals faster than tanh(x), but is slightly less numerically stable - OK } } } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); float m = momentum(processed); float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); for( int u = 0; u < _a.length; u++ ) { // Gradient is error * derivative of hyperbolic tangent: (1 - x^2) float g = _e[u] * (1f - _a[u] * _a[u]); bprop(u, g, r, m); } } } public static class TanhDropout extends Tanh { public TanhDropout(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { if (training) { seed += params.seed + 0xDA7A6000; dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true); } else { super.fprop(seed, false); Utils.div(_a, 2.f); } } } /** * Apply tanh to the weights' transpose. Used for auto-encoders. */ public static class TanhPrime extends Tanh { public TanhPrime(int units) { super(units); } @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); // Auto encoder has its own bias vector _b = new float[units]; } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _a[o] += _w[i * _a.length + o] * _previous._a[i]; _a[o] += _b[o]; _a[o] = (float)Math.tanh(_a[o]); } } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); float m = momentum(processed); float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { assert _previous._previous.units == units; float e = _previous._previous._a[o] - _a[o]; float g = e; // * (1 - _a[o]) * _a[o]; // Square error for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) { int w = i * _a.length + o; if( _previous._e != null ) _previous._e[i] += g * _w[w]; _w[w] += r * (g * _previous._a[i] - _w[w] * params.l2 - Math.signum(_w[w]) * params.l1); } _b[o] += r * g; } } } public static class Maxout extends Layer { public Maxout(int units) { this.units = units; } @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); if( weights ) { randomize(params.seed + 0xBAD5EED + index, 1.0f); for( int i = 0; i < _b.length; i++ ) _b[i] = index == 1 ? 0.5f : 1f; } } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { float max = 0; for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; if( !training || dropout == null || dropout.unit_active(o)) { final int off = o * _previous._a.length; _a[o] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _a[o] = Math.max(_a[o], _w[off+i] * _previous._a[i]); _a[o] += _b[o]; max = Math.max(_a[o], max); } } if( max > 1 ) Utils.div(_a, max); } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); float m = momentum(processed); float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); for( int u = 0; u < _a.length; u++ ) { float g = _e[u]; // if( _a[o] < 0 ) Not sure if we should be using maxout with a hard zero bottom // g = 0; bprop(u, g, r, m); } } } public static class MaxoutDropout extends Maxout { public MaxoutDropout(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { if (training) { seed += params.seed + 0x51C8D00D; dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true); } else { super.fprop(seed, false); Utils.div(_a, 2.f); } } } public static class Rectifier extends Layer { public Rectifier(int units) { this.units = units; } @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); if( weights ) { randomize(params.seed + 0xBAD5EED + index, 1.0f); for( int i = 0; i < _b.length; i++ ) _b[i] = index == 1 ? 0.5f : 1f; } } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; if( !training || dropout == null || dropout.unit_active(o) ) { for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _a[o] += _w[o * _previous._a.length + i] * _previous._a[i]; _a[o] += _b[o]; _a[o] = Math.max(_a[o], 0f); } } } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); final float m = momentum(processed); final float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); for( int u = 0; u < _a.length; u++ ) { //(d/dx)(max(0,x)) = 1 if x > 0, otherwise 0 final float g = _a[u] > 0 ? _e[u] : 0; // * 1.0 (from derivative of rectifier) bprop(u, g, r, m); // otherwise g = _e[u] * 0.0 = 0 and we don't allow other contributions by (and to) weights and momenta } } } public static class RectifierDropout extends Rectifier { public RectifierDropout(int units) { super(units); } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { if (training) { seed += params.seed + 0x3C71F1ED; dropout.fillBytes(seed); super.fprop(seed, true); } else { super.fprop(seed, false); Utils.div(_a, 2.f); } } } public static class RectifierPrime extends Rectifier { public RectifierPrime(int units) { super(units); } @Override public void init(Layer[] ls, int index, boolean weights) { super.init(ls, index, weights); // Auto encoder has its own bias vector _b = new float[units]; for( int i = 0; i < _b.length; i++ ) _b[i] = index == 1 ? 0.5f : 1f; } @Override protected void fprop(long seed, boolean training) { for( int o = 0; o < _a.length; o++ ) { _a[o] = 0; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _a[o] += _w[i * _a.length + o] * _previous._a[i]; _a[o] += _b[o]; if( _a[o] < 0 ) _a[o] = 0; } } @Override protected void bprop() { long processed = _training.processed(); float m = momentum(processed); float r = rate(processed) * (1 - m); for( int u = 0; u < _a.length; u++ ) { assert _previous._previous.units == units; float e = _previous._previous._a[u] - _a[u]; float g = e;//* (1 - _a[o]) * _a[o]; //float g = e * (1 - _a[o]) * _a[o]; // Square error double r2 = 0; for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) { int w = i * _a.length + u; if( _previous._e != null ) _previous._e[i] += g * _w[w]; float d = g * _previous._a[i] - (float)(_w[w] * params.l2) - (float)(Math.signum(_w[w]) * params.l1); _w[w] += r * d; if (params.max_w2 != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) r2 += _w[w] * _w[w]; } if( params.max_w2 != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY && r2 > params.max_w2 ) { // C.f. Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors final double scale = Math.sqrt(params.max_w2 / r2); for( int i = 0; i < _previous._a.length; i++ ) _w[i * _a.length + u] *= scale; } _b[u] += r * g; } } } @Override public Layer clone() { Layer l = (Layer) super.clone(); if (dropout != null) l.dropout = new Dropout(units); return l; } public static void shareWeights(Layer src, Layer dst) { dst._w = src._w; if (dst._b == null || dst._b.length == src._b.length) dst._b = src._b; dst._wm = src._wm; if (dst._bm == null || dst._bm.length == src._bm.length) dst._bm = src._bm; } public static void shareWeights(Layer[] src, Layer[] dst) { for( int y = 1; y < src.length; y++ ) shareWeights(src[y], dst[y]); } private static double uniformDist(Random rand, double min, double max) { return min + rand.nextFloat() * (max - min); } @Override public AutoBuffer writeJSON(AutoBuffer bb) { bb.put1('{'); bb.putJSONStr("type").put1(':').putJSONStr(getClass().getName()); bb.put1(','); writeJSONFields(bb); bb.put1('}'); return bb; } }