package hex; import hex.pca.PCA; import hex.pca.PCAModel; import hex.pca.PCAModelView; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.*; import water.deploy.Node; import water.deploy.NodeVM; import water.fvec.FVecTest; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NFSFileVec; import water.fvec.ParseDataset2; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; public class PCATest extends TestUtil { public final double threshold = 0.000001; private final void testHTML(PCAModel m) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); PCAModelView pcav = new PCAModelView(); pcav.pca_model = m; pcav.toHTML(sb); assert(sb.length() > 0); } @BeforeClass public static void stall() { stall_till_cloudsize(3); } private static Frame getFrameForFile(Key outputKey, String path, String [] ignores) { File f = TestUtil.find_test_file(path); Key k = NFSFileVec.make(f); Frame fr = ParseDataset2.parse(outputKey, new Key[]{k}); if(ignores != null) for(String s:ignores) UKV.remove(fr.remove(s)._key); return fr; } public void checkSdev(double[] expected, double[] actual) { for(int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) Assert.assertEquals(expected[i], actual[i], threshold); } public void checkEigvec(double[][] expected, double[][] actual) { int nfeat = actual.length; int ncomp = actual[0].length; for(int j = 0; j < ncomp; j++) { boolean flipped = Math.abs(expected[0][j] - actual[0][j]) > threshold; for(int i = 0; i < nfeat; i++) { if(flipped) Assert.assertEquals(expected[i][j], -actual[i][j], threshold); else Assert.assertEquals(expected[i][j], actual[i][j], threshold); } } } @Test public void testBasic() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException{ boolean standardize = true; PCAModel model = null; Frame fr = null; try { Key kraw = Key.make("basicdata.raw"); FVecTest.makeByteVec(kraw, "x1,x2,x3\n0,1.0,-120.4\n1,0.5,89.3\n2,0.3333333,291.0\n3,0.25,-2.5\n4,0.20,-2.5\n5,0.1666667,-123.4\n6,0.1428571,-0.1\n7,0.1250000,18.3"); fr = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make("basicdata.hex"), new Key[]{kraw}); Key kpca = Key.make("basicdata.pca"); new PCA("PCA on basic small dataset", kpca, fr, 0.0, standardize).invoke(); model = DKV.get(kpca).get(); Job.JobState jstate = model.get_params().state; Assert.assertTrue(jstate == Job.JobState.DONE); //HEX-1817 testHTML(model); } finally { if( fr != null ) fr .delete(); if( model != null ) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testLinDep() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Key kdata = Key.make("depdata.hex"); PCAModel model = null; Frame fr = null; double[] sdev_R = {1.414214, 0}; try { Key kraw = Key.make("depdata.raw"); FVecTest.makeByteVec(kraw, "x1,x2\n0,0\n1,2\n2,4\n3,6\n4,8\n5,10"); fr = ParseDataset2.parse(kdata, new Key[]{kraw}); Key kpca = Key.make("depdata.pca"); new PCA("PCA on data with dependent cols", kpca, fr, 0.0, true).invoke(); model = DKV.get(kpca).get(); testHTML(model); for(int i = 0; i < model.sdev().length; i++) Assert.assertEquals(sdev_R[i], model.sdev()[i], threshold); } finally { if( fr != null ) fr .delete(); if( model != null ) model.delete(); } } @Test public void testArrests() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { double tol = 0.25; boolean standardize = true; PCAModel model = null; Frame fr = null; double[] sdev_R = {1.5748783, 0.9948694, 0.5971291, 0.4164494}; double[][] eigv_R = {{-0.5358995, 0.4181809, -0.3412327, 0.64922780}, {-0.5831836, 0.1879856, -0.2681484, -0.74340748}, {-0.2781909, -0.8728062, -0.3780158, 0.13387773}, {-0.5434321, -0.1673186, 0.8177779, 0.08902432}}; try { Key ksrc = Key.make("arrests.hex"); fr = getFrameForFile(ksrc, "smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv", null); // Build PCA model on all columns Key kdst = Key.make("arrests.pca"); new PCA("PCA test on USArrests", kdst, fr, tol, standardize).invoke(); model = DKV.get(kdst).get(); testHTML(model); // Compare standard deviation and eigenvectors to R results checkSdev(sdev_R, model.sdev()); checkEigvec(eigv_R, model.eigVec()); // Score original data set using PCA model // Key kscore = Key.make("arrests.score"); // Frame score = PCAScoreTask.score(df, model._eigVec, kscore); } finally { if( fr != null ) fr .delete(); if( model != null ) model.delete(); } } public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("Running PCATest"); final int nnodes = 1; for( int i = 1; i < nnodes; i++ ) { Node n = new NodeVM(args); n.inheritIO(); n.start(); } H2O.waitForCloudSize(nnodes); System.out.println("Cloud formed"); System.out.println("Running testBasic..."); new PCATest().testBasic(); System.out.println("Running testLinDep..."); new PCATest().testLinDep(); System.out.println("Running testArrests..."); new PCATest().testArrests(); System.out.println("DONE!!!"); } }