package hex.singlenoderf; import hex.singlenoderf.Data.Row; import water.util.Utils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; /** Keeps track of the column distributions and analyzes the column splits in the * end producing the single split that will be used for the node. */ abstract class Statistic { /** Column distributions: column x arity x classes * Remembers the number of rows of the given column index, encodedValue, class. */ protected final int[][][] _columnDists; protected final int[] _features; // Columns/features that are currently used. protected Random _random; // Pseudo random number generator private long _seed; // Seed for prng private HashSet<Integer> _remembered; // Features already used final double[] _classWt; // Class weights private int _exclusiveSplitLimit; protected final int[/*num_features*/][/*column_bins*/][/*response_bins*/] _columnDistsRegression; boolean _regression; /** Returns the best split for a given column */ protected abstract Split ltSplit(int colIndex, Data d, int[] dist, int distWeight, Random rand); protected abstract Split eqSplit(int colIndex, Data d, int[] dist, int distWeight, Random rand); protected abstract Split ltSplit(int colIndex, Data d, float[] dist, float distWeight, Random rand); protected abstract Split eqSplit(int colIndex, Data d, float[] dist, float distWeight, Random rand); /** Split descriptor for a particular column. * Holds the column name and the split point, which is the last column class * that will go to the left tree. If the column index is -1 then the split * value indicates the return value of the node. */ static class Split { final int _column, _split; final float _splitReg; final double _fitness; Split(int column, int split, double fitness) { _column = column; _split = split; _fitness = fitness; _splitReg = -1.f; } /** A constant split used for true leaf nodes where all rows are of the same class. */ static Split constant(int result) { return new Split(-1, result, -1); } /** An impossible split, which behaves like a constant split. However impossible split * occurs when there are different row classes present, but they all have * the same column value and therefore no split can be made. */ static Split impossible(int result) { return new Split(-2, result, -1); } /** Classic split. All lower or equal than split value go left, all greater go right. */ static Split split(int column, int split, double fitness) { return new Split(column, split,fitness); } /** Return an impossible split that has the best fitness */ static Split defaultSplit() { return new Split(-2,0,-Double.MAX_VALUE); } /** Exclusion split. All equal to split value go left, all different go right. */ static Split exclusion(int column, int split, double fitness) { return new ExclusionSplit(column,split,fitness); } final boolean isLeafNode() { return _column < 0; } final boolean isConstant() { return _column == -1; } final boolean isImpossible() { return _column == -2; } final boolean betterThan(Split other) { return _fitness > other._fitness; } final boolean isExclusion() { return this instanceof ExclusionSplit; } } /** An exclusion split. */ static class ExclusionSplit extends Split { ExclusionSplit(int column, int split, double fitness) { super(column, split,fitness); } } /** Aggregates the given column's distribution to the provided array and * returns the sum of weights of that array. */ private int aggregateColumn(int colIndex, int[] dist) { int sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < _columnDists[colIndex].length; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < dist.length; ++i) { int tmp = _columnDists[colIndex][j][i]; sum += tmp; dist[i] += tmp; } } return sum; } /** Sum up the target responses and return that value (this will be the unweighted "mean" * * @param colIndex: The column we're summing over * @param dist: The *raw* response value for each bin. * @return The unweighted mean. */ private float aggregateColumn(int colIndex, float[] dist) { float sum = 0.f; for (int j = 0; j < _columnDistsRegression[colIndex].length; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < dist.length; ++i) { float tmp = _columnDistsRegression[colIndex][j][i]; sum += tmp; dist[i] += tmp; } } return sum; } Statistic(Data data, int featuresPerSplit, long seed, int exclusiveSplitLimit, boolean regression) { _columnDistsRegression = new int[data.columns() - 1][][]; _columnDists = new int[data.columns()-1][][]; _regression = regression; if (!regression) { _random = Utils.getRNG(seed); // first create the column distributions for (int i = 0; i < _columnDists.length; ++i) if (!data.isIgnored(i)) _columnDists[i] = new int[data.columnArity(i)+1][data.classes()]; // create the columns themselves _features = new int[featuresPerSplit]; _remembered = null; _classWt = data.classWt(); // Class weights _exclusiveSplitLimit = exclusiveSplitLimit; } else { _random = Utils.getRNG(seed); for (int i = 0; i < _columnDistsRegression.length; ++i) if(!data.isIgnored(i)) { DataAdapter.Col c = data._dapt._c[i]; int colBins = c._isByte ? Utils.maxValue(c._rawB) : c._binned.length; _columnDistsRegression[i] = new int[colBins + 1][ data.columnArityOfClassCol()]; } _features = new int[featuresPerSplit]; _remembered = null; _classWt = data.classWt(); _exclusiveSplitLimit = exclusiveSplitLimit; } } /** Remember features used for this split so we can grab different features * and avoid these useless ones. Returns false if no more features are left. */ boolean rememberFeatures(Data data) { if( _remembered == null ) _remembered = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(int f : _features) if ( f != -1 ) _remembered.add(f); for(int i=0;i<data.columns()-1;i++) if(isColumnUsable(data,i)) return true; return false; } /**We are done with this particular split and can forget the features we have * used to compute it.*/ void forgetFeatures() { _remembered = null; } /**Features can be used in a split if they are not already used. */ private boolean isColumnUsable(Data d, int i) { assert i < d.columns()-1; // Last column is class return !d.isIgnored(i) && (_remembered == null || !_remembered.contains(i)) && d.colMaxIdx(i) != d.colMinIdx(i); } /** Resets the statistic for the next split. Pick a subset of the features and zero out * distributions. Implementation uses reservoir sampling ( * to select features. Features that (a) have been marked as ignore, (b) that have already been * tried at this split, (c) the class feature, will not be selected. */ void reset(Data data, long seed, boolean regression) { if (!regression) { _random = Utils.getRNG(_seed = seed); int i = 0, j = 0, featuresPerSplit = _features.length; Arrays.fill(_features, -1); for( ; j < featuresPerSplit && i < data.columns()-1; i++) if (isColumnUsable(data, i)) _features[j++] = i; for( ; i < data.columns()-1; i++ ) { if( !isColumnUsable(data, i) ) continue; int k = _random.nextInt(j+1); // Reservoir sampling: take a random number in the interval [0,index] (inclusive) if( k < featuresPerSplit ) _features[k] = i; j++; } for( int f : _features) if (f != -1) for( int[] d: _columnDists[f]) Arrays.fill(d,0); // reset the column distributions } else { _random = Utils.getRNG(_seed = seed); int i = 0, j = 0, featuresPerSplit = _features.length; Arrays.fill(_features, -1); for( ; j < featuresPerSplit && i < data.columns()-1; i++) if (isColumnUsable(data, i)) _features[j++] = i; for( ; i < data.columns()-1; i++ ) { if( !isColumnUsable(data, i) ) continue; int k = _random.nextInt(j+1); // Reservoir sampling: take a random number in the interval [0,index] (inclusive) if( k < featuresPerSplit ) _features[k] = i; j++; } for( int f : _features) if (f != -1) for( int[] d: _columnDistsRegression[f]) Arrays.fill(d,0); // reset the column distributions } } /** Adds the given row to the statistic. Updates the column distributions for * the analyzed columns. */ void addQ(Row row, boolean regression) { final int cls = row.classOf(); //regression ? -1 : row.classOf(); for (int f : _features) if ( f != -1) { if (row.isValid() && row.hasValidValue(f)) { if (!regression) { short val = row.getEncodedColumnValue(f); _columnDists[f][val][cls]++; } else { short val = row.getEncodedColumnValue(f); if (val == DataAdapter.BAD) continue; int resp = row.getEncodedClassColumnValue(); if (resp == DataAdapter.BAD) continue; // short val2 = row.getEncodedClassColumnValue(); _columnDistsRegression[f][val][resp]++; // = row.getRawClassColumnValueFromBin(); } } } } /** Adds the given row to the statistic. Updates the column distributions for * the analyzed columns. This version knows the row is always valid (always * has a valid class), and is hand-inlined. */ // void addQValid( final int cls, final int ridx, final DataAdapter.Col cs[]) { // for (int f : _features) { // if (f == -1) break; // short[] bins = cs[f]._binned; // null if byte col, otherwise bin# // int val; // if (bins != null) { // binned? // val = bins[ridx]; // Grab bin# // if (val == DataAdapter.BAD) continue; // ignore bad rows // } else { // not binned? // val = (0xFF & cs[f]._rawB[ridx]); // raw byte value, has no bad rows // } // _columnDists[f][val][cls]++; // } // } /** Apply any class weights to the distributions.*/ void applyClassWeights() { if( _classWt == null ) return; if (_regression) return; for( int f : _features ) // For all columns, get the distribution if ( f != -1) for( int[] clss : _columnDists[f] ) // For all distributions, get the class distribution for( int cls=0; cls<clss.length; cls++ ) clss[cls] = (int)(clss[cls]*_classWt[cls]); // Scale by the class weights } /** Calculates the best split and returns it. The split can be either a split * which is a node where all rows with given column value smaller or equal to * the split value will go to the left and all greater will go to the right. * Or it can be an exclusion split, where all rows with column value equal to * split value go to the left and all others go to the right. */ Split split(Data d, boolean expectLeaf) { if(!_regression) { int[] dist = new int[d.classes()]; boolean valid = false; for(int f : _features) valid |= f != -1; if (!valid) return Split.defaultSplit(); // there are no features left... int distWeight = aggregateColumn(_features[0], dist); // initialize the distribution array int m = Utils.maxIndex(dist, _random); if( expectLeaf || (dist[m] == distWeight )) return Split.constant(m); // check if we are leaf node Split bestSplit = Split.defaultSplit(); for( int f : _features ) { // try the splits if ( f == -1 ) continue; Split s = pickAndSplit(d,f, dist, distWeight, _random); if( s.betterThan(bestSplit) ) bestSplit = s; } if( !bestSplit.isImpossible() ) return bestSplit; if( !rememberFeatures(d) ) return bestSplit; // Enough features to try again? reset(d,_seed+(1L<<16), _regression); // Reset with new features for(Row r: d) addQ(r, _regression); // Reload the distributions applyClassWeights(); // Weight the distributions return split(d,expectLeaf); } else { float[] dist = new float[d.columnArityOfClassCol()]; boolean valid = false; for(int f: _features) valid |= f != -1; if(!valid) return Split.defaultSplit(); float unweightedMean = aggregateColumn(_features[0], dist); int m = Utils.maxIndex(dist, _random); if(expectLeaf || (dist[m] == unweightedMean)) return Split.constant(m); Split bestSplit = Split.defaultSplit(); for (int f: _features) { if (f == -1) continue; Split s = pickAndSplit(d,f,dist,unweightedMean,_random); if (s.betterThan(bestSplit)) bestSplit = s; } if (!bestSplit.isImpossible()) return bestSplit; if (!rememberFeatures(d)) return bestSplit; reset(d, _seed+(1L<<16), _regression); for(Row r: d) addQ(r,_regression); return split(d, expectLeaf); } } private Split pickAndSplit(Data d, int col, int[] dist, int distWeight, Random rand) { boolean isBool = d.columnArity(col) == 1; //screwed up api, 1 means 2. boolean isBig = d.columnArity(col) > _exclusiveSplitLimit; boolean isFloat = d.isFloat(col); if (isBool) return eqSplit(col,d,dist,distWeight,_random); else if (isBig || isFloat) return ltSplit(col,d, dist, distWeight, _random); else { Split s1 = eqSplit(col,d,dist,distWeight,_random); if (s1.isImpossible()) return s1; Split s2 = ltSplit(col,d, dist, distWeight, _random); return s1.betterThan(s2) ? s1 : s2; } } private Split pickAndSplit(Data d, int col, float[] dist, float distWeight, Random rand) { boolean isBool = d.columnArity(col) == 1; //screwed up api, 1 means 2. boolean isBig = d.columnArity(col) > _exclusiveSplitLimit; boolean isFloat = d.isFloat(col); if (isBool) return eqSplit(col,d,dist,distWeight,_random); else if (isBig || isFloat) return ltSplit(col,d, dist, distWeight, _random); else { Split s1 = eqSplit(col,d,dist,distWeight,_random); if (s1.isImpossible()) return s1; Split s2 = ltSplit(col,d, dist, distWeight, _random); return s1.betterThan(s2) ? s1 : s2; } } }