package water.util; import; import; import water.Job.ProgressMonitor; import; public abstract class RIStream extends InputStream { InputStream _is; ProgressMonitor _pmon; public final int _retries = 5; String [] _bk; private long _off; boolean _knownSize; long _expectedSz; protected RIStream( long off, ProgressMonitor pmon){ _off = off; } public final long off(){return _off;} public final long expectedSz(){ return _knownSize?_expectedSz:-1; } public void setExpectedSz(long sz){ _knownSize = true; _expectedSz = sz; } public final void open(){ assert _is == null; try{ _is = open(_off); } catch(IOException e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected abstract InputStream open(long offset) throws IOException; public void closeQuietly(){ try{close();} catch(Exception e){} // ignore any errors } private void try2Recover(int attempt, IOException e) { if(attempt == _retries) Throwables.propagate(e); Log.warn("[H2OS3InputStream] Attempt("+attempt + ") to recover from " + e.getMessage() + "), off = " + _off); try{_is.close();}catch(IOException ex){} _is = null; if(attempt > 0) try {Thread.sleep(256 << attempt);}catch(InterruptedException ex){} open(); return; } private void updateOffset(int off) { if(_knownSize)assert (off + _off) <= _expectedSz; _off += off; } @Override public boolean markSupported(){ return false; } @Override public void mark(int readLimit){throw new UnsupportedOperationException();} @Override public void reset(){throw new UnsupportedOperationException();} private void checkEof() throws IOException { if(_knownSize && _off < _expectedSz) throw new IOException("premature end of file reported, expected " + _expectedSz + " bytes, but got eof after " + _off + " bytes"); } @Override public final int available() throws IOException { int attempts = 0; while(true){ try { int res = _is.available(); if(res == 0) checkEof(); return _is.available(); } catch (IOException e) { try2Recover(attempts++,e); } } } @Override public int read() throws IOException { int attempts = 0; while(true){ try{ int res =; if(res == -1) checkEof(); if(res != -1){ updateOffset(1); if(_pmon != null)_pmon.update(1); } return res; }catch (IOException e){ try2Recover(attempts++,e); } } } @Override public int read(byte [] b) throws IOException { int attempts = 0; while(true){ try { int res =; if(res == -1) checkEof(); if(res > 0){ updateOffset(res); if(_pmon != null)_pmon.update(res); } return res; } catch(IOException e) { try2Recover(attempts++,e); } } } @Override public int read(byte [] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int attempts = 0; while(true){ try { int res =,off,len); if(res == -1) checkEof(); if(res > 0){ updateOffset(res); if(_pmon != null)_pmon.update(res); } return res; } catch(IOException e) { try2Recover(attempts++,e); } } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if(_is != null){ _is.close(); _is = null; } } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { int attempts = 0; while(true){ try{ long res = _is.skip(n); if(res > 0){ updateOffset((int)res); if(_pmon != null)_pmon.update(res); } return res; } catch (IOException e) { try2Recover(attempts++,e); } } } }