package water; import java.util.*; import javassist.*; import javassist.bytecode.*; import javassist.bytecode.SignatureAttribute.ClassSignature; import javassist.bytecode.SignatureAttribute.TypeArgument; import water.api.Request.API; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Log.Tag.Sys; public class Weaver { private final ClassPool _pool; private final CtClass _dtask, _iced, _enum, _freezable; private final CtClass[] _serBases; private final CtClass _fielddoc; private final CtClass _arg; // Versioning // private final CtClass _apiSchema; // private final CtClass _apiAdaptor; // private final CtClass _apiHandler; // --- public static Class _typeMap; public static volatile String[] _packages = new String[] { "water", "hex", "org.junit", "com.oxdata", "ai.h2o" }; Weaver() { try { _pool = ClassPool.getDefault(); _pool.insertClassPath(new ClassClassPath(Weaver.class)); _iced = _pool.get("water.Iced"); // Needs serialization _dtask= _pool.get("water.DTask");// Needs serialization and remote execution _enum = _pool.get("java.lang.Enum"); // Needs serialization _freezable = _pool.get("water.Freezable"); // Needs serialization // _apiSchema = _pool.get(""); // _apiAdaptor = _pool.get(""); // _apiHandler = _pool.get(""); //_versioned = _pool.get("$Versioned"); _serBases = new CtClass[] { _iced, _dtask, _enum, _freezable }; for( CtClass c : _serBases ) c.freeze(); _fielddoc = _pool.get("water.api.DocGen$FieldDoc");// Is auto-documentation result _arg = _pool.get("water.api.RequestArguments$Argument"); // Needs auto-documentation } catch( NotFoundException e ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void registerPackage(String name) { synchronized( Weaver.class ) { String[] a = _packages; if(Arrays.asList(a).indexOf(name) < 0) { String[] t = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length + 1); t[t.length-1] = name; _packages = t; } } } public Class weaveAndLoad(String name, ClassLoader cl) { try { CtClass w = javassistLoadClass(name); if( w == null ) return null; return w.toClass(cl, null); } catch( CannotCompileException e ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // See if javaassist can find this class; if so then check to see if it is a // subclass of water.DTask, and if so - alter the class before returning it. private synchronized CtClass javassistLoadClass(String name) { // Always use this weaver's classloader to preserve correct top-level classloader // for loading H2O's classes. // The point is to load all the time weaved classes by the same classloader // and do not let JavaAssist to use thread context classloader. // For normal H2O execution it will be always the same classloader // but for running from 3rd party code, we preserve Boot's parent loader // for all H2O internal classes. final ClassLoader ccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader()); try { if( name.equals("water.Boot") ) return null; CtClass cc = _pool.get(name); // Full Name Lookup if( cc == null ) return null; // Oops? Try the system loader, but expected to work if( !inPackages(cc.getPackageName()) ) return null; for( CtClass base : _serBases ) if( cc.subclassOf(base) ) return javassistLoadClass(cc); // Subtype of an alternative freezable? if( cc.subtypeOf( _freezable ) ) { // Find the alternative freezable base CtClass xcc = cc; CtClass ycc = null; while( xcc.subtypeOf(_freezable) ) { ycc = xcc; xcc = xcc.getSuperclass(); } if( !ycc.isFrozen() ) ycc.freeze(); // Freeze the alternative base return cc == ycc ? cc : javassistLoadClass(cc); // And weave the subclass } return cc; } catch( NotFoundException nfe ) { return null; // Not found? Use the normal loader then } catch( CannotCompileException e ) { // Expected to compile throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (BadBytecode e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { // Do not forget to configure classloader back to original value Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(ccl); } } private static boolean inPackages(String pack) { if( pack==null ) return false; String[] p = _packages; for( int i = 0; i < p.length; i++ ) if( pack.startsWith(p[i]) ) return true; return false; } private synchronized CtClass javassistLoadClass( CtClass cc ) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException, BadBytecode { if( cc.isFrozen() ) return cc; // serialize parent javassistLoadClass(cc.getSuperclass()); // Serialize enums first, since we need the raw_enum function for this class for( CtField ctf : cc.getDeclaredFields() ) { CtClass base = ctf.getType(); while( base.isArray() ) base = base.getComponentType(); if( base.subclassOf(_enum) && base != cc ) javassistLoadClass(base); } CtClass ccr = addSerializationMethods(cc); ccr.freeze(); return ccr; } // Returns true if this method pre-exists *in the local class*. // Returns false otherwise, which requires a local method to be injected private static boolean hasExisting( String methname, String methsig, CtBehavior ccms[] ) throws NotFoundException { for( CtBehavior cm : ccms ) if( cm.getName ().equals(methname) && cm.getSignature().equals(methsig ) ) return true; return false; } // This method is handed a CtClass which is known to be a subclass of // water.DTask. Add any missing serialization methods. CtClass addSerializationMethods( CtClass cc ) throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException { if( cc.subclassOf(_enum) ) exposeRawEnumArray(cc); if( cc.subclassOf(_iced) ) ensureAPImethods(cc); if( cc.subclassOf(_iced) || cc.subclassOf(_dtask)|| cc.subtypeOf(_freezable)) { cc.setModifiers(javassist.Modifier.setPublic(cc.getModifiers())); ensureSerMethods(cc); ensureNullaryCtor(cc); ensureNewInstance(cc); ensureType(cc); } return cc; } // Expose the raw enum array that all Enums have, so we can directly convert // ordinal values to enum instances. private void exposeRawEnumArray(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { CtField field; try { field = cc.getField("$VALUES"); } catch( NotFoundException nfe ) { // Eclipse apparently stores this in a different place. field = cc.getField("ENUM$VALUES"); } String body = "public static "+cc.getName()+" raw_enum(int i) { return i==255?null:"+field.getName()+"[i]; } "; try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(body,cc)); } catch( CannotCompileException ce ) { Log.warn(Sys.WATER,"--- Compilation failure while compiler raw_enum for "+cc.getName()+"\n"+body+"\n------",ce); throw ce; } } // Create a newInstance call which will rapidly make a new object of a // particular type *without* Reflection's overheads. private void ensureNewInstance(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { CtMethod ccms[] = cc.getDeclaredMethods(); if( !javassist.Modifier.isAbstract(cc.getModifiers()) && !hasExisting("newInstance", "()Lwater/Freezable;", ccms) ) { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make( "public water.Freezable newInstance() {\n" + " return new " +cc.getName()+"();\n" + "}", cc)); } } // Serialized types support a unique dense integer per-class, so we can do // simple array lookups to get class info. The integer is cluster-wide // unique and determined lazily. private void ensureType(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { CtMethod ccms[] = cc.getDeclaredMethods(); if( !javassist.Modifier.isAbstract(cc.getModifiers()) && !hasExisting("frozenType", "()I", ccms) ) { // Build a simple field & method returning the type token cc.addField(new CtField(CtClass.intType, "_frozen$type", cc)); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make("public int frozenType() {" + " return _frozen$type == 0 ? (_frozen$type=water.TypeMap.onIce(\""+cc.getName()+"\")) : _frozen$type;" + "}",cc)); } } private void ensureVersion(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException, BadBytecode { CtMethod ccms[] = cc.getDeclaredMethods(); if (!javassist.Modifier.isAbstract(cc.getModifiers())) { String gsig = cc.getGenericSignature(); ClassSignature csig = SignatureAttribute.toClassSignature(gsig); // Warning: this is not doing proper parent (superclass/interfaces) traversal TypeArgument ta = getTypeArg(csig.getSuperClass().getTypeArguments(), "Lwater/api/rest/Version"); if (ta!=null && !hasExisting("getVersion", "()"+ta.getType().encode(), ccms) ) { String typeName = ta.toString(); String valueName = getValueFromType(typeName); //cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make("public "+typeName+" getVersion() {" + cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make("public getVersion() {" + " return "+valueName+";" + "}",cc)); } } } private String getValueFromType(String typeName) { int idx = typeName.indexOf('$'); String t = typeName.substring(0, idx); String v = typeName.substring(idx+1).toLowerCase(); return t+"."+v; } private TypeArgument getTypeArg(TypeArgument[] args, String prefix) { for (TypeArgument ta : args) if (ta.getType().encode().startsWith(prefix)) return ta; return null; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static abstract class FieldFilter { abstract boolean filter( CtField ctf ) throws NotFoundException; } private void ensureAPImethods(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { CtField ctfs[] = cc.getDeclaredFields(); boolean api = false; for( CtField ctf : ctfs ) if( ctf.getName().equals("API_WEAVER") ) { api = true; break; } if( api == false ) return; CtField fielddoc=null; CtField getdoc=null; boolean callsuper = true; for( CtClass base : _serBases ) if( cc.getSuperclass() == base ) callsuper = false; // --- // Auto-gen JSON output to AutoBuffers make_body(cc,ctfs,callsuper, "public water.AutoBuffer writeJSONFields(water.AutoBuffer ab) {\n", " super.writeJSONFields(ab)", " ab.putJSON%z(\"%s\",%s)", " ab.putEnumJSON(\"%s\",%s)", " ab.putJSON%z(\"%s\",%s)", ".put1(',');\n", ";\n return ab;\n}", new FieldFilter() { @Override boolean filter(CtField ctf) throws NotFoundException { API api = null; try { api = (API) ctf.getAnnotation(API.class); } catch( ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new NotFoundException("getAnnotations throws ", ex); } return api != null && (api.json() || !isInput(ctf.getType(), api)); } }); // --- // Auto-gen JSON & Args doc method. Requires a structured java object. // Every @API annotated field is either a JSON field, an Argument, or both. // field, and has some associated fields. // // H2OHexKey someField2; // Anything derived from RequestArguments$Argument // static final String someField2Help = "some help text"; // static final int someField2MinVar = 1, someField2MaxVar = 1; // // String[] someField; // Anything NOT derived from Argument is a JSON field // static final String someFieldHelp = "some help text"; // static final int someFieldMinVar = 1, someFieldMaxVar = 1; // xxxMinVar and xxxMaxVar are optional; if xxxMinVar is missing it // defaults to 1, and if xxxMaxVar is missing it defaults "till now". StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("new water.api.DocGen$FieldDoc[] {"); // Get classes in the hierarchy with marker field ArrayList<CtClass> classes = new ArrayList<CtClass>(); CtClass current = cc; while( true ) { // For all self & superclasses classes.add(current); current = current.getSuperclass(); api = false; for( CtField ctf : current.getDeclaredFields() ) if( ctf.getName().equals("API_WEAVER") ) api = true; if( api == false ) break; } // Start with parent classes to get fields in order Collections.reverse(classes); boolean first = true; for(CtClass c : classes) { for( CtField ctf : c.getDeclaredFields() ) { int mods = ctf.getModifiers(); if( javassist.Modifier.isStatic(mods) ) { if( c == cc ) { // Capture the DOC_* fields for self only if( ctf.getName().equals("DOC_FIELDS") ) fielddoc = ctf; if( ctf.getName().equals("DOC_GET") ) getdoc = ctf; } continue; // Only auto-doc instance fields (not static) } first = addDocIfAPI(sb,ctf,cc,first); } } sb.append("}"); if( fielddoc == null ) throw new CannotCompileException("Did not find static final DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS field;"); if( !fielddoc.getType().isArray() || fielddoc.getType().getComponentType() != _fielddoc ) throw new CannotCompileException("DOC_FIELDS not declared static final DocGen.FieldDoc[];"); cc.removeField(fielddoc); // Remove the old one cc.addField(fielddoc,CtField.Initializer.byExpr(sb.toString())); cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(" public water.api.DocGen$FieldDoc[] toDocField() { return DOC_FIELDS; }",cc)); if( getdoc != null ) cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(" public String toDocGET() { return DOC_GET; }",cc)); } private boolean addDocIfAPI( StringBuilder sb, CtField ctf, CtClass cc, boolean first ) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { String name = ctf.getName(); Object[] as; try { as = ctf.getAnnotations(); } catch( ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new NotFoundException("getAnnotations throws ", ex); } API api = null; for(Object o : as) if(o instanceof API) api = (API) o; if( api != null ) { String help =; int min = api.since(); int max = api.until(); if( min < 1 || min > 1000000 ) throw new CannotCompileException("Found field '"+name+"' but 'since' < 1 or 'since' > 1000000"); if( max < min || (max > 1000000 && max != Integer.MAX_VALUE) ) throw new CannotCompileException("Found field '"+name+"' but 'until' < "+min+" or 'until' > 1000000"); if( first ) first = false; else sb.append(","); boolean input = isInput(ctf.getType(), api); sb.append("new water.api.DocGen$FieldDoc(\""+name+"\",\""+help+"\","+min+","+max+","+ctf.getType().getName()+".class,"+input+","+api.required()+",water.api.ParamImportance."+api.importance()+",water.api.Direction."+api.direction()+",\""+api.path()+"\","+ api.type().getName()+".class,\""+api.valid()+"\", \""+api.enabled()+"\",\""+api.visible()+"\")"); } return first; } private final boolean isInput(CtClass fieldType, API api) { return Request2.Helper.isInput(api) || // // Legacy fieldType.subclassOf(_arg); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Support for a nullary constructor, for deserialization. private void ensureNullaryCtor(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { // Build a null-ary constructor if needed String clzname = cc.getSimpleName(); if( !hasExisting(clzname,"()V",cc.getDeclaredConstructors()) ) { String body = "public "+clzname+"() { }"; cc.addConstructor(CtNewConstructor.make(body,cc)); } else { CtConstructor ctor = cc.getConstructor("()V"); ctor.setModifiers(javassist.Modifier.setPublic(ctor.getModifiers())); } } // Serialization methods: read, write & copyOver. private void ensureSerMethods(CtClass cc) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException { // Check for having "read" and "write". Either All or None of read & write // must be defined. Note that I use getDeclaredMethods which returns only // the local methods. The singular getDeclaredMethod searches for a // specific method *up into superclasses*, which will trigger premature // loading of those superclasses. CtMethod ccms[] = cc.getDeclaredMethods(); boolean w = hasExisting("write", "(Lwater/AutoBuffer;)Lwater/AutoBuffer;", ccms); boolean r = hasExisting("read" , "(Lwater/AutoBuffer;)Lwater/Freezable;" , ccms); boolean d = cc.subclassOf(_dtask); // Subclass of DTask? boolean c = hasExisting("copyOver" , "(Lwater/Freezable;)V" , ccms); if( w && r && (!d || c) ) return; if( w || r || c ) throw new RuntimeException(cc.getName() +" must implement all of " + "read(AutoBuffer) and write(AutoBuffer) and copyOver(Freezable) or none"); // Add the serialization methods: read, write. CtField ctfs[] = cc.getDeclaredFields(); // We cannot call, as these methods always throw a // RuntimeException (to make sure we noisily fail instead of silently // fail). But we DO need to call the super-chain of serialization methods // - stopping at DTask. boolean callsuper = true; // for( CtClass base : _serBases ) // if( cc.getSuperclass() == base ) callsuper = false; // Running example is: // class Crunk extends DTask { // int _x; int _xs[]; double _d; // } // Build a write method that looks something like this: // public AutoBuffer write( AutoBuffer s ) { // s.put4(_x); // s.putA4(_xs); // s.put8d(_d); // } // TODO use Freezable.write instead of AutoBuffer.put for final classes make_body(cc,ctfs,callsuper, "public water.AutoBuffer write(water.AutoBuffer ab) {\n", " super.write(ab);\n", " ab.put%z(%s);\n", " ab.putEnum(%s);\n", " ab.put%z(%s);\n", "", " return ab;\n" + "}", null); // Build a read method that looks something like this: // public T read( AutoBuffer s ) { // _x = s.get4(); // _xs = s.getA4(); // _d = s.get8d(); // } make_body(cc,ctfs,callsuper, "public water.Freezable read(water.AutoBuffer s) {\n", ";\n", " %s = s.get%z();\n", " %s = %c.raw_enum(s.get1());\n", " %s = (%C)s.get%z(%c.class);\n", "", " return this;\n" + "}", null); // Build a copyOver method that looks something like this: // public void copyOver( T s ) { // _x = s._x; // _xs = s._xs; // _d = s._d; // } if( d ) make_body(cc,ctfs,callsuper, "public void copyOver(water.Freezable i) {\n"+ " "+cc.getName()+" s = ("+cc.getName()+")i;\n", " super.copyOver(s);\n", " %s = s.%s;\n", " %s = s.%s;\n", " %s = s.%s;\n", "", "}", null); } // Produce a code body with all these fill-ins. private final void make_body(CtClass cc, CtField[] ctfs, boolean callsuper, String header, String supers, String prims, String enums, String freezables, String field_sep, String trailer, FieldFilter ff ) throws CannotCompileException, NotFoundException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(header); if( callsuper ) sb.append(supers); boolean debug_print = false; boolean first = !callsuper; for( CtField ctf : ctfs ) { int mods = ctf.getModifiers(); if( javassist.Modifier.isTransient(mods) || javassist.Modifier.isStatic(mods) ) { debug_print |= ctf.getName().equals("DEBUG_WEAVER"); continue; // Only serialize not-transient instance fields (not static) } if( ff != null && !ff.filter(ctf) ) continue; // Fails the filter if( first ) first = false; else sb.append(field_sep); CtClass base = ctf.getType(); while( base.isArray() ) base = base.getComponentType(); int ftype = ftype(ctf.getSignature(), cc, ctf ); // Field type encoding if( ftype%20 == 9 ) { sb.append(freezables); } else if( ftype%20 == 10 ) { // Enums sb.append(enums); } else { sb.append(prims); } String z = FLDSZ1[ftype % 20]; for(int i = 0; i < ftype / 20; ++i ) z = 'A'+z; subsub(sb, "%z", z); // %z ==> short type name subsub(sb, "%s", ctf.getName()); // %s ==> field name subsub(sb, "%c", base.getName().replace('$', '.')); // %c ==> base class name subsub(sb, "%C", ctf.getType().getName().replace('$', '.')); // %C ==> full class name } sb.append(trailer); String body = sb.toString(); if( debug_print ) { System.err.println(cc.getName()+" "+body); } try { cc.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(body,cc)); } catch( CannotCompileException e ) { throw Log.err("--- Compilation failure while compiling serializers for "+cc.getName()+"\n"+body+"\n-----",e); } } static private final String[] FLDSZ1 = { "Z","1","2","2","4","4f","8","8d","Str","","Enum" // prims, String, Freezable, Enum }; // Field types: // 0-7: primitives // 8,9, 10: String, Freezable, Enum // 20-27: array-of-prim // 28,29, 30: array-of-String, Freezable, Enum // Barfs on all others (eg Values or array-of-Frob, etc) private int ftype( String sig, CtClass ct, CtField fld ) throws NotFoundException { switch( sig.charAt(0) ) { case 'Z': return 0; // Booleans: I could compress these more case 'B': return 1; // Primitives case 'C': return 2; case 'S': return 3; case 'I': return 4; case 'F': return 5; case 'J': return 6; case 'D': return 7; case 'L': // Handled classes if( sig.equals("Ljava/lang/String;") ) return 8; String clz = sig.substring(1,sig.length()-1).replace('/', '.'); CtClass argClass = _pool.get(clz); if( argClass.subtypeOf(_pool.get("water.Freezable")) ) return 9; if( argClass.subtypeOf(_pool.get("java.lang.Enum")) ) return 10; break; case '[': // Arrays return ftype(sig.substring(1), ct, fld)+20; // Same as prims, plus 20 } throw barf(ct, fld); } // Replace 2-byte strings like "%s" with s2. static private void subsub( StringBuilder sb, String s1, String s2 ) { int idx; while( (idx=sb.indexOf(s1)) != -1 ) sb.replace(idx,idx+2,s2); } private static RuntimeException barf( CtClass ct, CtField fld ) throws NotFoundException { return new RuntimeException(ct.getSimpleName()+"."+fld.getName()+" of type "+(fld.getType().getSimpleName())+": Serialization not implemented; does not extend Iced or DTask"); } }