package hex.drf; import water.*; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log.Tag.Sys; import water.util.Log; import hex.gbm.SharedTreeModelBuilder; import hex.gbm.GBM; // Class for running DRF from the cmd line // Run as : java -jar h2o.jar water.Boot -mainClass hex.drf.Runner <runner_args> // Example: java -jar h2o.jar water.Boot -mainClass hex.drf.Runner -trainFile=smalldata/iris/iris_wheader.csv -testFile= -response=class -cols=sepal_len,sepal_wid,petal_len,petal_wid -ntrees=5 -mtries=3 public class Runner { // Every field in this class is also a command-line argument. public static class OptArgs extends Arguments.Opt { String h2oArgs; // Extra args for H2O int clusterSize=1; // Stall till cluster gets this big final static String defaultTrainFile = "smalldata/gbm_test/ecology_model.csv"; final static String defaultTestFile = "smalldata/gbm_test/ecology_eval.csv"; String trainFile = defaultTrainFile; String testFile = defaultTestFile; String response = "Angaus"; String cols = "SegSumT,SegTSeas,SegLowFlow,DSDist,DSMaxSlope,USAvgT,USRainDays,USSlope,USNative,DSDam,Method,LocSed"; boolean regression=false; // Defalt to classification (vs regression) int min_rows = 1; // Smallest number of rows per terminal int ntrees = 10; // Number of trees int depth = 999; // Max tree depth int nbins = 20; // Nominal bins per column histogram boolean gbm = false; // True for GBM, False for DRF int mtries = 0; // Number of columns to try; zero defaults to Sqrt float sample = 0.6666667f; // Sampling rate long seed = 0xae44a87f9edf1cbL; float learn = 0.1f; // float splitTestTrain = Float.NaN; // Ratio on test/train split } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { OptArgs ARGS = new Arguments(args).extract(new OptArgs()); // Bring up the cluster String[] h2oArgs; String as = ARGS.h2oArgs; if( as != null ) { if( as.startsWith("\"") && as.endsWith("\"") ) as = as.substring(1, as.length()-1); h2oArgs = as.trim().split("[ \t]+"); } else h2oArgs=new String[0]; H2O.main(h2oArgs); // Make sure we shutdown on all exit paths try { main(ARGS); } catch( Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace(); throw t; } finally { UDPRebooted.T.shutdown.broadcast(); } } // Do the Work static void main(OptArgs ARGS) { // Finish building the cluster TestUtil.stall_till_cloudsize(ARGS.clusterSize); // Sanity check basic args if( ARGS.ntrees <= 0 || ARGS.ntrees > 100000 ) throw new RuntimeException("ntrees "+ARGS.ntrees+" out of bounds"); if( ARGS.sample < 0 || ARGS.sample > 1.0f ) throw new RuntimeException("sample "+ARGS.sample+" out of bounds"); if( ARGS.learn < 0 || ARGS.learn > 1.0f ) throw new RuntimeException("learn " +ARGS.learn +" out of bounds"); if( ARGS.nbins < 2 || ARGS.nbins > 100000 ) throw new RuntimeException("nbins " +ARGS.nbins +" out of bounds"); if( ARGS.depth <= 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("depth " +ARGS.depth +" out of bounds"); if( ARGS.splitTestTrain < 0 || ARGS.splitTestTrain > 1.0f ) throw new RuntimeException("splitTestTrain "+ARGS.splitTestTrain+" out of bounds"); // If trainFile is NOT set, you are doing the default file and cannot set testFile. if( (ARGS.trainFile == OptArgs.defaultTrainFile) && (ARGS.testFile != OptArgs.defaultTestFile) ) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set test file unless also setting train file"); // If testFile is set, cannot set splitTestTrain if( (ARGS.testFile != OptArgs.defaultTestFile) && !Float.isNaN(ARGS.splitTestTrain) ) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot have both testFile and splitTestTrain"); Sys sys = ARGS.gbm ? Sys.GBM__ : Sys.DRF__; String cs[] = (ARGS.cols+","+ARGS.response).split("[,\t]"); // Set mtries if( ARGS.mtries == 0 ) ARGS.mtries = (int)Math.sqrt(cs.length); if( ARGS.mtries <= 0 || ARGS.mtries >cs.length)throw new RuntimeException("mtries "+ARGS.mtries+" out of bounds"); // Load data Timer t_load = new Timer(); Key trainkey = Key.make("train.hex"); Key testkey = Key.make( "test.hex"); Frame train = TestUtil.parseFrame(trainkey,ARGS.trainFile); Frame test = null; if( !Float.isNaN(ARGS.splitTestTrain) ) { water.exec.Exec2.exec("r=runif(train.hex,-1); test.hex=train.hex[r>=0.7,]; train.hex=train.hex[r<0.7,]").remove_and_unlock(); train = UKV.get(trainkey); test = UKV.get( testkey); } else if( ARGS.testFile.length() != 0 ) { test = TestUtil.parseFrame(testkey,ARGS. testFile); },"Data loaded in "+t_load); // Pull out the response vector from the train data Vec response = train.subframe(new String[] {ARGS.response}).vecs()[0]; // Build a Frame with just the requested columns. train = train.subframe(cs); if( test != null ) test = test.subframe(cs); Vec vs[] = train.vecs(); for( Vec v : vs ) v.min(); // Do rollups for( int i=0; i<train.numCols(); i++ ),train._names[i]+", "+vs[i].min()+" - "+vs[i].max()+(vs[i].naCnt()==0?"":(", missing="+vs[i].naCnt())));,"Arguments used:\n"+ARGS.toString()); Timer t_model = new Timer(); SharedTreeModelBuilder stmb = ARGS.gbm ? new GBM() : new DRF(); stmb.source = train; stmb.validation = test; stmb.classification = !ARGS.regression; stmb.response = response; stmb.ntrees = ARGS.ntrees; stmb.max_depth = ARGS.depth; stmb.min_rows = ARGS.min_rows; stmb.destination_key = Key.make("DRF_Model_" + ARGS.trainFile); if( ARGS.gbm ) { GBM gbm = (GBM)stmb; gbm.learn_rate = ARGS.learn; } else { DRF drf = (DRF)stmb; drf.mtries = ARGS.mtries; drf.sample_rate= ARGS.sample; drf.seed = ARGS.seed; } // Invoke DRF and block till the end stmb.invoke();,"Model trained in "+t_model); } }