package hex.gbm; import hex.ConfusionMatrix; import hex.VarImp; import hex.VarImp.VarImpRI; import hex.gbm.DTree.DecidedNode; import hex.gbm.DTree.LeafNode; import hex.gbm.DTree.Split; import hex.gbm.DTree.TreeModel.TreeStats; import hex.gbm.DTree.UndecidedNode; import water.*; import water.api.*; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.util.*; import water.util.Log.Tag.Sys; import java.util.Arrays; import static water.util.ModelUtils.getPrediction; import static water.util.Utils.div; // Gradient Boosted Trees // // Based on "Elements of Statistical Learning, Second Edition, page 387" public class GBM extends SharedTreeModelBuilder<GBM.GBMModel> { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. @API(help = "Distribution for computing loss function. AUTO selects gaussian for continuous and multinomial for categorical response", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance=ParamImportance.CRITICAL) public Family family = Family.AUTO; @API(help = "Learning rate, from 0. to 1.0", filter = Default.class, dmin=0, dmax=1, json=true, importance=ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public double learn_rate = 0.1; @API(help = "Grid search parallelism", filter = Default.class, lmax = 4, gridable=false, importance=ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public int grid_parallelism = 1; @API(help = "Seed for the random number generator - only for balancing classes (autogenerated)", filter = Default.class) long seed = -1; // To follow R-semantics, each call of GBM with imbalance should provide different seed. -1 means seed autogeneration @API(help = "Perform Group Splitting Categoricals", filter=Default.class) public boolean group_split = true; /** Distribution functions */ // Note: AUTO will select gaussian for continuous, and multinomial for categorical response // TODO: Replace with drop-down that displays different distributions depending on cont/cat response public enum Family { AUTO, bernoulli } /** Sum of variable empirical improvement in squared-error. The value is not scaled! */ private transient float[/*nfeatures*/] _improvPerVar; public static class GBMModel extends DTree.TreeModel { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. @API(help = "Model parameters", json = true) final private GBM parameters; @Override public final GBM get_params() { return parameters; } @Override public final Request2 job() { return get_params(); } @API(help = "Learning rate, from 0. to 1.0") final double learn_rate; @API(help = "Distribution for computing loss function. AUTO selects gaussian for continuous and multinomial for categorical response") final Family family; @API(help = "Initially predicted value (for zero trees)") double initialPrediction; public GBMModel(GBM job, Key key, Key dataKey, Key testKey, String names[], String domains[][], String[] cmDomain, int ntrees, int max_depth, int min_rows, int nbins, double learn_rate, Family family, int num_folds, float[] priorClassDist, float[] classDist) { super(key,dataKey,testKey,names,domains,cmDomain,ntrees,max_depth,min_rows,nbins,num_folds,priorClassDist,classDist); this.parameters = Job.hygiene((GBM) job.clone()); this.learn_rate = learn_rate; = family; } private GBMModel(GBMModel prior, DTree[] trees, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, TreeStats tstats) { super(prior, trees, err, cm, tstats); this.parameters = prior.parameters; this.learn_rate = prior.learn_rate; =; this.initialPrediction = prior.initialPrediction; } private GBMModel(GBMModel prior, DTree[] trees, TreeStats tstats) { super(prior, trees, tstats); this.parameters = prior.parameters; this.learn_rate = prior.learn_rate; =; this.initialPrediction = prior.initialPrediction; } private GBMModel(GBMModel prior, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) { super(prior, err, cm, varimp, validAUC); this.parameters = prior.parameters; this.learn_rate = prior.learn_rate; =; this.initialPrediction = prior.initialPrediction; } private GBMModel(GBMModel prior, Key[][] treeKeys, double[] errs, ConfusionMatrix[] cms, TreeStats tstats, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) { super(prior, treeKeys, errs, cms, tstats, varimp, validAUC); this.parameters = prior.parameters; this.learn_rate = prior.learn_rate; =; } @Override protected TreeModelType getTreeModelType() { return TreeModelType.GBM; } @Override protected float[] score0(double[] data, float[] preds) { float[] p = super.score0(data, preds); // These are f_k(x) in Algorithm 10.4 if(family == Family.bernoulli) { double fx = p[1] + initialPrediction; p[2] = 1.0f/(float)(1f+Math.exp(-fx)); p[1] = 1f-p[2]; p[0] = getPrediction(p, data); return p; } if (nclasses()>1) { // classification // Because we call Math.exp, we have to be numerically stable or else // we get Infinities, and then shortly NaN's. Rescale the data so the // largest value is +/-1 and the other values are smaller. // See notes here: float maxval=Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float dsum=0; if (nclasses()==2) p[2] = - p[1]; // Find a max for( int k=1; k<p.length; k++) maxval = Math.max(maxval,p[k]); assert !Float.isInfinite(maxval) : "Something is wrong with GBM trees since returned prediction is " + Arrays.toString(p); for(int k=1; k<p.length;k++) dsum+=(p[k]=(float)Math.exp(p[k]-maxval)); div(p,dsum); p[0] = getPrediction(p, data); } else { // regression // Prediction starts from the mean response, and adds predicted residuals preds[0] += initialPrediction; } return p; } @Override protected void generateModelDescription(StringBuilder sb) { DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb,"Learn rate: "+learn_rate); } @Override protected void toJavaUnifyPreds(SB bodyCtxSB) { if(family == Family.bernoulli) { bodyCtxSB.i().p("// Compute Probabilities for Bernoulli 0-1 classifier").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("double fx = preds[1] + "+initialPrediction+";").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("preds[2] = 1.0f/(float)(1.0f+Math.exp(-fx));").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("preds[1] = 1.0f-preds[2];").nl(); } else if (isClassifier()) { bodyCtxSB.i().p("// Compute Probabilities for classifier (scale via").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("float dsum = 0, maxval = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;").nl(); if (nclasses()==2) { bodyCtxSB.i().p("preds[2] = -preds[1];").nl(); } bodyCtxSB.i().p("for(int i=1; i<preds.length; i++) maxval = Math.max(maxval, preds[i]);").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("for(int i=1; i<preds.length; i++) dsum += (preds[i]=(float) Math.exp(preds[i] - maxval));").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("for(int i=1; i<preds.length; i++) preds[i] = preds[i] / dsum;").nl(); } else { bodyCtxSB.i().p("// Compute Regression").nl(); bodyCtxSB.i().p("preds[1] += "+initialPrediction+";").nl(); } } @Override protected void setCrossValidationError(ValidatedJob job, double cv_error, water.api.ConfusionMatrix cm, AUCData auc, HitRatio hr) { GBMModel gbmm = ((GBM)job).makeModel(this, cv_error, == null ? null : new ConfusionMatrix(, cms[0].nclasses()), this.varimp, auc); gbmm._have_cv_results = true; DKV.put(this._key, gbmm); //overwrite this model } } public Frame score( Frame fr ) { return ((GBMModel)UKV.get(dest())).score(fr); } @Override protected Log.Tag.Sys logTag() { return Sys.GBM__; } @Override protected GBMModel makeModel(Key outputKey, Key dataKey, Key testKey, int ntrees, String[] names, String[][] domains, String[] cmDomain, float[] priorClassDist, float[] classDist) { return new GBMModel(this, outputKey, dataKey, validation==null?null:testKey, names, domains, cmDomain, ntrees, max_depth, min_rows, nbins, learn_rate, family, n_folds,priorClassDist,classDist); } @Override protected GBMModel makeModel( GBMModel model, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) { return new GBMModel(model, err, cm, varimp, validAUC); } @Override protected GBMModel makeModel(GBMModel model, DTree[] ktrees, TreeStats tstats) { return new GBMModel(model, ktrees, tstats); } public GBM() { description = "Distributed GBM"; importance = true; } @Override protected GBMModel updateModel(GBMModel additionModel, GBMModel checkpoint, boolean overwriteCheckpoint) { // Do not forget to clone trees in case that we are not going to overwrite checkpoint Key[][] treeKeys = null; if (!overwriteCheckpoint) throw H2O.unimpl("Cloning of tree models is not implemented yet!"); else treeKeys = checkpoint.treeKeys; return new GBMModel(additionModel, treeKeys, checkpoint.errs, checkpoint.cms, checkpoint.treeStats, checkpoint.varimp, checkpoint.validAUC); } /** Return the query link to this page */ public static String link(Key k, String content) { RString rs = new RString("<a href='/2/GBM.query?source=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key", k.toString()); rs.replace("content", content); return rs.toString(); } @Override protected void execImpl() { try { logStart(); buildModel(seed); if (n_folds > 0) CrossValUtils.crossValidate(this); } finally { remove(); // Remove Job state = UKV.<Job>get(self()).state; new TAtomic<GBMModel>() { @Override public GBMModel atomic(GBMModel m) { if (m != null) m.get_params().state = state; return m; } }.invoke(dest()); } } @Override public int gridParallelism() { return grid_parallelism; } @Override protected Response redirect() { return GBMProgressPage.redirect(this, self(), dest()); } @Override protected void initAlgo( GBMModel initialModel) { // Initialize gbm-specific data structures if (importance) _improvPerVar = new float[initialModel.nfeatures()]; // assert (family != Family.bernoulli) || (_nclass == 2) : "Bernoulli requires the response to be a 2-class categorical"; if(family == Family.bernoulli && _nclass != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bernoulli requires the response to be a 2-class categorical"); } @Override protected void initWorkFrame(GBMModel initialModel, Frame fr) { // Tag out rows missing the response column new ExcludeNAResponse().doAll(fr); // Initial value is mean(y) final double mean = (float) fr.vec(initialModel.responseName()).mean(); // Initialize working response based on given loss function if (_nclass == 1) { /* regression */ initialModel.initialPrediction = mean; // Regression initially predicts the response mean new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] chks) { Chunk tr = chk_tree(chks, 0); // there is only one tree for regression for (int i=0; i<tr._len; i++) tr.set0(i, mean); } }.doAll(fr); } else if(family == Family.bernoulli) { // Initial value is log( mean(y)/(1-mean(y)) ) final float init = (float) Math.log(mean/(1.0f-mean)); initialModel.initialPrediction = init; new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] chks) { Chunk tr = chk_tree(chks, 0); // only the tree for y = 0 is used for (int i=0; i<tr._len; i++) tr.set0(i, init); } }.doAll(fr); } else { /* multinomial */ /* Preserve 0s in working columns */ } // Update tree fields based on checkpoint if (checkpoint!=null) { Timer t = new Timer(); new ResidualsCollector(_ncols, _nclass, initialModel.treeKeys).doAll(fr);, "Reconstructing tree residuals stats from checkpointed model took " + t); } } // ========================================================================== // Compute a GBM tree. // Start by splitting all the data according to some criteria (minimize // variance at the leaves). Record on each row which split it goes to, and // assign a split number to it (for next pass). On *this* pass, use the // split-number to build a per-split histogram, with a per-histogram-bucket // variance. @Override protected GBMModel buildModel( GBMModel model, final Frame fr, String names[], String domains[][], Timer t_build ) { // Build trees until we hit the limit int tid; DTree[] ktrees = null; // Trees TreeStats tstats = model.treeStats!=null ? model.treeStats : new TreeStats(); for( tid=0; tid<ntrees; tid++) { // During first iteration model contains 0 trees, then 0-trees, then 1-tree,... // BUT if validation is not specified model does not participate in voting // but on-the-fly computed data are used if (tid!=0 || checkpoint==null) { // do not make initial scoring if model already exist model = doScoring(model, fr, ktrees, tid, tstats, false, false, false); } // ESL2, page 387 // Step 2a: Compute prediction (prob distribution) from prior tree results: // Work <== f(Tree) new ComputeProb().doAll(fr); // ESL2, page 387 // Step 2b i: Compute residuals from the prediction (probability distribution) // Work <== f(Work) new ComputeRes().doAll(fr); // ESL2, page 387, Step 2b ii, iii, iv Timer kb_timer = new Timer(); ktrees = buildNextKTrees(fr);, (tid+1) + ". tree was built in " + kb_timer.toString()); if( !Job.isRunning(self()) ) break; // If canceled during building, do not bulkscore // Check latest predictions tstats.updateBy(ktrees); } // Final scoring (skip if job was cancelled) if (Job.isRunning(self())) { model = doScoring(model, fr, ktrees, tid, tstats, true, false, false); } return model; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tag out rows missing the response column class ExcludeNAResponse extends MRTask2<ExcludeNAResponse> { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { Chunk ys = chk_resp(chks); for( int row=0; row<ys._len; row++ ) if( ys.isNA0(row) ) for( int t=0; t<_nclass; t++ ) chk_nids(chks,t).set0(row,-1); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute Prediction from prior tree results. // Classification (multinomial): Probability Distribution of loglikelyhoods // Prob_k = exp(Work_k)/sum_all_K exp(Work_k) // Classification (bernoulli): Probability of y = 1 given logit link function // Prob_0 = 1/(1 + exp(Work)), Prob_1 = 1/(1 + exp(-Work)) // Regression: Just prior tree results // Work <== f(Tree) class ComputeProb extends MRTask2<ComputeProb> { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { Chunk ys = chk_resp(chks); if( family == Family.bernoulli ) { Chunk tr = chk_tree(chks,0); Chunk wk = chk_work(chks,0); for( int row = 0; row < ys._len; row++) // wk.set0(row, 1.0f/(1f+Math.exp(-tr.at0(row))) ); // Prob_1 wk.set0(row, 1.0f/(1f+Math.exp(tr.at0(row))) ); // Prob_0 } else if( _nclass > 1 ) { // Classification float fs[] = new float[_nclass+1]; for( int row=0; row<ys._len; row++ ) { float sum = score1(chks,fs,row); if( Float.isInfinite(sum) ) // Overflow (happens for constant responses) for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) chk_work(chks,k).set0(row,Float.isInfinite(fs[k+1])?1.0f:0.0f); else for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) // Save as a probability distribution chk_work(chks,k).set0(row,fs[k+1]/sum); } } else { // Regression Chunk tr = chk_tree(chks,0); // Prior tree sums Chunk wk = chk_work(chks,0); // Predictions for( int row=0; row<ys._len; row++ ) wk.set0(row,(float)tr.at0(row)); } } } // Read the 'tree' columns, do model-specific math and put the results in the // fs[] array, and return the sum. Dividing any fs[] element by the sum // turns the results into a probability distribution. @Override protected float score1( Chunk chks[], float fs[/*nclass*/], int row ) { if(family == Family.bernoulli) { fs[1] = 1.0f/(float)(1f+Math.exp(chk_tree(chks,0).at0(row))); fs[2] = 1f-fs[1]; return fs[1]+fs[2]; } if( _nclass == 1 ) // Classification? return fs[0]=(float)chk_tree(chks,0).at0(row); // Regression. if( _nclass == 2 ) { // The Boolean Optimization // This optimization assumes the 2nd tree of a 2-class system is the // inverse of the first. Fill in the missing tree fs[1] = (float)Math.exp(chk_tree(chks,0).at0(row)); fs[2] = 1.0f/fs[1]; // exp(-d) === 1/d return fs[1]+fs[2]; } float sum=0; for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) // Sum across of likelyhoods sum+=(fs[k+1]=(float)Math.exp(chk_tree(chks,k).at0(row))); return sum; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute Residuals from Actuals // Work <== f(Work) class ComputeRes extends MRTask2<ComputeRes> { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { Chunk ys = chk_resp(chks); if(family == Family.bernoulli) { for(int row = 0; row < ys._len; row++) { if( ys.isNA0(row) ) continue; int y = (int)ys.at80(row); // zero-based response variable Chunk wk = chk_work(chks,0); // wk.set0(row, y-(float)wk.at0(row)); // wk.at0(row) is Prob_1 wk.set0(row, y-1f+(float)wk.at0(row)); // wk.at0(row) is Prob_0 } } else if( _nclass > 1 ) { // Classification for( int row=0; row<ys._len; row++ ) { if( ys.isNA0(row) ) continue; int y = (int)ys.at80(row); // zero-based response variable // Actual is '1' for class 'y' and '0' for all other classes for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { if( _distribution[k] != 0 ) { Chunk wk = chk_work(chks,k); wk.set0(row, (y==k?1f:0f)-(float)wk.at0(row) ); } } } } else { // Regression Chunk wk = chk_work(chks,0); // Prediction==>Residuals for( int row=0; row<ys._len; row++ ) wk.set0(row, (float)(ys.at0(row)-wk.at0(row)) ); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build the next k-trees, which is trying to correct the residual error from // the prior trees. From LSE2, page 387. Step 2b ii, iii. private DTree[] buildNextKTrees(Frame fr) { // We're going to build K (nclass) trees - each focused on correcting // errors for a single class. final DTree[] ktrees = new DTree[_nclass]; // Initial set of histograms. All trees; one leaf per tree (the root // leaf); all columns DHistogram hcs[][][] = new DHistogram[_nclass][1/*just root leaf*/][_ncols]; // Adjust nbins for the top-levels int adj_nbins = Math.max((1<<(10-0)),nbins); for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { // Initially setup as-if an empty-split had just happened if( _distribution == null || _distribution[k] != 0 ) { // The Boolean Optimization // This optimization assumes the 2nd tree of a 2-class system is the // inverse of the first. This is false for DRF (and true for GBM) - // DRF picks a random different set of columns for the 2nd tree. if( k==1 && _nclass==2 ) continue; ktrees[k] = new DTree(fr._names,_ncols,(char)nbins,(char)_nclass,min_rows); new GBMUndecidedNode(ktrees[k],-1,DHistogram.initialHist(fr,_ncols,adj_nbins,hcs[k][0],min_rows,group_split,false) ); // The "root" node } } int[] leafs = new int[_nclass]; // Define a "working set" of leaf splits, from here to tree._len // ---- // ESL2, page 387. Step 2b ii. // One Big Loop till the ktrees are of proper depth. // Adds a layer to the trees each pass. int depth=0; for( ; depth<max_depth; depth++ ) { if( !Job.isRunning(self()) ) return null; hcs = buildLayer(fr, ktrees, leafs, hcs, false, false); // If we did not make any new splits, then the tree is split-to-death if( hcs == null ) break; } // Each tree bottomed-out in a DecidedNode; go 1 more level and insert // LeafNodes to hold predictions. for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { DTree tree = ktrees[k]; if( tree == null ) continue; int leaf = leafs[k] = tree.len(); for( int nid=0; nid<leaf; nid++ ) { if( tree.node(nid) instanceof DecidedNode ) { DecidedNode dn = tree.decided(nid); for( int i=0; i<dn._nids.length; i++ ) { int cnid = dn._nids[i]; if( cnid == -1 || // Bottomed out (predictors or responses known constant) tree.node(cnid) instanceof UndecidedNode || // Or chopped off for depth (tree.node(cnid) instanceof DecidedNode && // Or not possible to split ((DecidedNode)tree.node(cnid))._split.col()==-1) ) dn._nids[i] = new GBMLeafNode(tree,nid).nid(); // Mark a leaf here } // Handle the trivial non-splitting tree if( nid==0 && dn._split.col() == -1 ) new GBMLeafNode(tree,-1,0); } } } // -- k-trees are done // ---- // ESL2, page 387. Step 2b iii. Compute the gammas, and store them back // into the tree leaves. Includes learn_rate. // For classification (bernoulli): // gamma_i = sum res_i / sum p_i*(1 - p_i) where p_i = y_i - res_i // For classification (multinomial): // gamma_i_k = (nclass-1)/nclass * (sum res_i / sum (|res_i|*(1-|res_i|))) // For regression (gaussian): // gamma_i = sum res_i / count(res_i) GammaPass gp = new GammaPass(ktrees,leafs).doAll(fr); double m1class = _nclass > 1 && family != Family.bernoulli ? (double)(_nclass-1)/_nclass : 1.0; // K-1/K for multinomial for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { final DTree tree = ktrees[k]; if( tree == null ) continue; for( int i=0; i<tree._len-leafs[k]; i++ ) { double g = gp._gss[k][i] == 0 // Constant response? ? (gp._rss[k][i]==0?0:1000) // Cap (exponential) learn, instead of dealing with Inf : learn_rate*m1class*gp._rss[k][i]/gp._gss[k][i]; assert !Double.isNaN(g); ((LeafNode)tree.node(leafs[k]+i))._pred = g; } } // ---- // ESL2, page 387. Step 2b iv. Cache the sum of all the trees, plus the // new tree, in the 'tree' columns. Also, zap the NIDs for next pass. // Tree <== f(Tree) // Nids <== 0 new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { // For all tree/klasses for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { final DTree tree = ktrees[k]; if( tree == null ) continue; final Chunk nids = chk_nids(chks,k); final Chunk ct = chk_tree(chks,k); for( int row=0; row<nids._len; row++ ) { int nid = (int)nids.at80(row); if( nid < 0 ) continue; // Prediction stored in Leaf is cut to float to be deterministic in reconstructing // <tree_klazz> fields from tree prediction ct.set0(row, (float)(ct.at0(row) + (float) ((LeafNode)tree.node(nid))._pred)); nids.set0(row,0); } } } }.doAll(fr); // Collect leaves stats for (int i=0; i<ktrees.length; i++) if( ktrees[i] != null ) ktrees[i].leaves = ktrees[i].len() - leafs[i]; // DEBUG: Print the generated K trees // printGenerateTrees(ktrees); return ktrees; } // --- // ESL2, page 387. Step 2b iii. // Nids <== f(Nids) private class GammaPass extends MRTask2<GammaPass> { final DTree _trees[]; // Read-only, shared (except at the histograms in the Nodes) final int _leafs[]; // Number of active leaves (per tree) // Per leaf: sum(res); double _rss[/*tree/klass*/][/*tree-relative node-id*/]; // Per leaf: multinomial: sum(|res|*1-|res|), gaussian: sum(1), bernoulli: sum((y-res)*(1-y+res)) double _gss[/*tree/klass*/][/*tree-relative node-id*/]; GammaPass(DTree trees[], int leafs[]) { _leafs=leafs; _trees=trees; } @Override public void map( Chunk[] chks ) { _gss = new double[_nclass][]; _rss = new double[_nclass][]; final Chunk resp = chk_resp(chks); // Response for this frame // For all tree/klasses for( int k=0; k<_nclass; k++ ) { final DTree tree = _trees[k]; final int leaf = _leafs[k]; if( tree == null ) continue; // Empty class is ignored // A leaf-biased array of all active Tree leaves. final double gs[] = _gss[k] = new double[tree._len-leaf]; final double rs[] = _rss[k] = new double[tree._len-leaf]; final Chunk nids = chk_nids(chks,k); // Node-ids for this tree/class final Chunk ress = chk_work(chks,k); // Residuals for this tree/class // If we have all constant responses, then we do not split even the // root and the residuals should be zero. if( tree.root() instanceof LeafNode ) continue; for( int row=0; row<nids._len; row++ ) { // For all rows int nid = (int)nids.at80(row); // Get Node to decide from if( nid < 0 ) continue; // Missing response if( tree.node(nid) instanceof UndecidedNode ) // If we bottomed out the tree nid = tree.node(nid)._pid; // Then take parent's decision DecidedNode dn = tree.decided(nid); // Must have a decision point if( dn._split._col == -1 ) // Unable to decide? dn = tree.decided(nid = dn._pid); // Then take parent's decision int leafnid = dn.ns(chks,row); // Decide down to a leafnode assert leaf <= leafnid && leafnid < tree._len; assert tree.node(leafnid) instanceof LeafNode; // Note: I can which leaf/region I end up in, but I do not care for // the prediction presented by the tree. For GBM, we compute the // sum-of-residuals (and sum/abs/mult residuals) for all rows in the // leaf, and get our prediction from that. nids.set0(row,leafnid); assert !ress.isNA0(row); // Compute numerator (rs) and denominator (gs) of gamma double res = ress.at0(row); double ares = Math.abs(res); if(family == Family.bernoulli) { double prob = resp.at0(row) - res; gs[leafnid-leaf] += prob*(1-prob); } else gs[leafnid-leaf] += _nclass > 1 ? ares*(1-ares) : 1; rs[leafnid-leaf] += res; } } } @Override public void reduce( GammaPass gp ) { Utils.add(_gss,gp._gss); Utils.add(_rss,gp._rss); } } @Override protected DecidedNode makeDecided( UndecidedNode udn, DHistogram hs[] ) { return new GBMDecidedNode(udn,hs); } // --- // GBM DTree decision node: same as the normal DecidedNode, but // specifies a decision algorithm given complete histograms on all // columns. GBM algo: find the lowest error amongst *all* columns. static class GBMDecidedNode extends DecidedNode { GBMDecidedNode( UndecidedNode n, DHistogram[] hs ) { super(n,hs); } @Override public UndecidedNode makeUndecidedNode(DHistogram[] hs ) { return new GBMUndecidedNode(_tree,_nid,hs); } // Find the column with the best split (lowest score). Unlike RF, GBM // scores on all columns and selects splits on all columns. @Override public DTree.Split bestCol( UndecidedNode u, DHistogram[] hs ) { DTree.Split best = new DTree.Split(-1,-1,null,(byte)0,Double.MAX_VALUE,Double.MAX_VALUE,0L,0L,0,0); if( hs == null ) return best; for( int i=0; i<hs.length; i++ ) { if( hs[i]==null || hs[i].nbins() <= 1 ) continue; DTree.Split s = hs[i].scoreMSE(i); if( s == null ) continue; if( best == null || < ) best = s; if( <= 0 ) break; // No point in looking further! } return best; } } // --- // GBM DTree undecided node: same as the normal UndecidedNode, but specifies // a list of columns to score on now, and then decide over later. // GBM algo: use all columns static class GBMUndecidedNode extends UndecidedNode { GBMUndecidedNode( DTree tree, int pid, DHistogram hs[] ) { super(tree,pid,hs); } // Randomly select mtry columns to 'score' in following pass over the data. // In GBM, we use all columns (as opposed to RF, which uses a random subset). @Override public int[] scoreCols( DHistogram[] hs ) { return null; } } // --- static class GBMLeafNode extends LeafNode { GBMLeafNode( DTree tree, int pid ) { super(tree,pid); } GBMLeafNode( DTree tree, int pid, int nid ) { super(tree,pid,nid); } // Insert just the predictions: a single byte/short if we are predicting a // single class, or else the full distribution. @Override protected AutoBuffer compress(AutoBuffer ab) { assert !Double.isNaN(_pred); return ab.put4f((float)_pred); } @Override protected int size() { return 4; } } /** Compute relative variable importance for GBM model. * * See (45), (35) formulas in Friedman: Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient boosting machine. * Algo used here can be used for computation individual importance of features per output class. */ @Override protected VarImp doVarImpCalc(GBMModel model, DTree[] ktrees, int tid, Frame validationFrame, boolean scale) { assert model.ntrees()-1-_ntreesFromCheckpoint == tid : "varimp computation expect model with already serialized trees: tid="+tid; // Iterates over k-tree for (DTree t : ktrees) { // Iterate over trees if (t!=null) { for (int n = 0; n< t.len()-t.leaves; n++) if (t.node(n) instanceof DecidedNode) { // it is split node Split split = t.decided(n)._split; if (split.col()!=-1) // Skip impossible splits ~ leafs _improvPerVar[split.col()] += split.improvement(); // least squares improvement } } } // Compute variable importance for all trees in model float[] varimp = new float[model.nfeatures()]; int ntreesTotal = model.ntrees() * model.nclasses(); int maxVar = 0; for (int var=0; var<_improvPerVar.length; var++) { varimp[var] = _improvPerVar[var] / ntreesTotal; if (varimp[var] > varimp[maxVar]) maxVar = var; } // GBM scale varimp to scale 0..100 if (scale) { float maxVal = varimp[maxVar]; for (int var=0; var<varimp.length; var++) varimp[var] /= maxVal; } return new VarImpRI(varimp); } /** * Cross-Validate a GBM model by building new models on N train/test holdout splits * @param splits Frames containing train/test splits * @param cv_preds Array of Frames to store the predictions for each cross-validation run * @param offsets Array to store the offsets of starting row indices for each cross-validation run * @param i Which fold of cross-validation to perform */ @Override public void crossValidate(Frame[] splits, Frame[] cv_preds, long[] offsets, int i) { // Train a clone with slightly modified parameters (to account for cross-validation) GBM cv = (GBM) this.clone(); cv.genericCrossValidation(splits, offsets, i); cv_preds[i] = ((GBMModel) UKV.get(cv.dest())).score(cv.validation); } }