package water; import dontweave.gson.JsonElement; import dontweave.gson.JsonObject; import dontweave.gson.JsonParser; import hex.GridSearch; import water.api.DocGen; import water.api.Request; import water.api.RequestArguments; import water.api.RequestServer.API_VERSION; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Utils; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.*; public abstract class Request2 extends Request { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; protected transient Properties _parms; @API(help = "Response stats and info.") public ResponseInfo response_info; public String input(String fieldName) { return _parms == null ? null : _parms.getProperty(fieldName); } public class TypeaheadKey extends TypeaheadInputText<Key> { transient Key _defaultValue; transient Class _type; public TypeaheadKey() { this(null, true); } public TypeaheadKey(Class type, boolean required) { super(mapTypeahead(type), "", required); _type = type; setRefreshOnChange(); } public void setValue(Key key) { record()._value = key; record()._originalValue = key.toString(); } @Override protected Key parse(String input) { if (_validator!=null) _validator.validateRaw(input); Key k = Key.make(input); Value v = DKV.get(k); if( v == null && _mustExist ) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(this, "Key '" + input + "' does not exist!"); if( _type != null ) { if( v == null && _required ) throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(this, "Key '" + input + "' does not exist!"); } return k; } @Override protected Key defaultValue() { return _defaultValue; } @Override protected String queryDescription() { return "A key" + (_type != null ? " of type " + _type.getSimpleName() : ""); } @Override protected String[] errors() { if( _type != null ) return new String[] { "Key is not a " + _type.getSimpleName() }; return super.errors(); } } /** * Fields that depends on another, e.g. select Vec from a Frame. */ public class Dependent implements Filter { public final String _ref; protected Dependent(String name) { _ref = name; } @Override public boolean run(Object value) { return true; } } public class ColumnSelect extends Dependent { protected ColumnSelect(String key) { super(key); } } public class VecSelect extends Dependent { protected VecSelect(String key) { super(key); } } public class SpecialVecSelect extends VecSelect { public boolean optional = false; protected SpecialVecSelect(String key) { this(key,false);} protected SpecialVecSelect(String key, boolean optional) { super(key); this.optional = optional; } } public class VecClassSelect extends Dependent { protected VecClassSelect(String key) { super(key); } } /** * Specify how a column specifier field is parsed. */ public enum MultiVecSelectType { /** * Treat a token as a column name. Otherwise, treat it as a 0-based index if it looks like a * positive integer. */ NAMES_THEN_INDEXES, /** * Treat a token as a column name no matter what (even if it looks like it is an integer). This * is used by the Web UI, which blindly specifies column names. */ NAMES_ONLY } public class MultiVecSelect extends Dependent { boolean _namesOnly; private void init(MultiVecSelectType selectType) { _namesOnly = false; switch( selectType ) { case NAMES_THEN_INDEXES: _namesOnly = false; break; case NAMES_ONLY: _namesOnly = true; break; } } protected MultiVecSelect(String key) { super(key); init(MultiVecSelectType.NAMES_THEN_INDEXES); } protected MultiVecSelect(String key, MultiVecSelectType selectType) { super(key); init(selectType); } } public class DoClassBoolean extends Dependent { protected DoClassBoolean(String key) { super(key); } } public class DRFCopyDataBoolean extends Dependent { protected DRFCopyDataBoolean(String key) { super(key); } } /** * Iterates over fields and their annotations, and creates argument handlers. */ @Override protected void registered(API_VERSION version) { try { ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>(); { Class c = getClass(); while( c != null ) { classes.add(c); c = c.getSuperclass(); } } // Fields from parent classes first Collections.reverse(classes); ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); for( Class c : classes ) for( Field field : c.getDeclaredFields() ) if( !Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) ) fields.add(field); // TODO remove map, response field already processed specifically HashMap<String, FrameClassVec> classVecs = new HashMap<String, FrameClassVec>(); for( Field f : fields ) { Annotation[] as = f.getAnnotations(); API api = find(as, API.class); if( api != null && Helper.isInput(api) ) { f.setAccessible(true); Object defaultValue = f.get(this); // Create an Argument instance to reuse existing Web framework for now Argument arg = null; // Simplest case, filter is an Argument if( Argument.class.isAssignableFrom(api.filter()) ) { arg = (Argument) newInstance(api); } // else if( ColumnSelect.class.isAssignableFrom(api.filter()) ) { ColumnSelect name = (ColumnSelect) newInstance(api); throw; //H2OHexKey key = null; //for( Argument a : _arguments ) // if( a instanceof H2OHexKey && name._ref.equals(((H2OHexKey) a)._name) ) // key = (H2OHexKey) a; //arg = new HexAllColumnSelect(f.getName(), key); } // else if( Dependent.class.isAssignableFrom(api.filter()) ) { Dependent d = (Dependent) newInstance(api); Argument ref = find(d._ref); if( d instanceof VecSelect ) arg = new FrameKeyVec(f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey) ref,, api.required()); else if( d instanceof VecClassSelect ) { arg = new FrameClassVec(f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey) ref); classVecs.put(d._ref, (FrameClassVec) arg); } else if( d instanceof MultiVecSelect ) { FrameClassVec response = classVecs.get(d._ref); boolean names = ((MultiVecSelect) d)._namesOnly; arg = new FrameKeyMultiVec(f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey) ref, response,, names,filterNaCols()); } else if( d instanceof DoClassBoolean ) { FrameClassVec response = classVecs.get(d._ref); arg = new ClassifyBool(f.getName(), response); } else if( d instanceof DRFCopyDataBoolean ) { arg = new DRFCopyDataBool(f.getName(), (TypeaheadKey)ref); } } // String else if( f.getType() == String.class ) arg = new Str(f.getName(), (String) defaultValue); // Real else if( f.getType() == float.class || f.getType() == double.class ) { double val = ((Number) defaultValue).doubleValue(); arg = new Real(f.getName(), api.required(), val, api.dmin(), api.dmax(),; } // LongInt else if( f.getType() == int.class || f.getType() == long.class ) { long val = ((Number) defaultValue).longValue(); arg = new LongInt(f.getName(), api.required(), val, api.lmin(), api.lmax(),; } // RSeq else if( f.getType() == int[].class ) { int[] val = (int[]) defaultValue; double[] ds = null; if( val != null ) { ds = new double[val.length]; for( int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++ ) ds[i] = val[i]; } arg = new RSeq(f.getName(), api.required(), new NumberSequence(ds, null, true), false,; } // RSeq else if( f.getType() == double[].class ) { double[] val = (double[]) defaultValue; arg = new RSeq(f.getName(), api.required(), new NumberSequence(val, null, false), false,; } // RSeq float else if( f.getType() == float[].class ) { float[] val = (float[]) defaultValue; arg = new RSeqFloat(f.getName(), api.required(), new NumberSequenceFloat(val, null, false), false,; } // Bool else if( f.getType() == boolean.class && api.filter() == Default.class ) { boolean val = (Boolean) defaultValue; arg = new Bool(f.getName(), val,; } // Enum else if( Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) ) { Enum val = (Enum) defaultValue; arg = new EnumArgument(f.getName(), val); } // Key else if( f.getType() == Key.class ) { TypeaheadKey t = new TypeaheadKey(); t._defaultValue = (Key) defaultValue; arg = t; } // Generic Freezable field else if( Freezable.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType()) ) arg = new TypeaheadKey(f.getType(), api.required()); if( arg != null ) { arg._name = f.getName(); arg._displayName = api.displayName().length() > 0 ? api.displayName() : null; arg._required = api.required(); arg._field = f; arg._hideInQuery = api.hide(); arg._gridable = api.gridable(); arg._mustExist = api.mustExist(); arg._validator = newValidator(api); } } } } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } final protected Argument find(String name) { for( Argument a : _arguments ) if( name.equals(a._name) ) return a; return null; } // Extracted in separate class as Weaver cannot load Request during boot static final class Helper { static boolean isInput(API api) { return api.filter() != Filter.class || api.filters().length != 0; } } private static <T> T find(Annotation[] as, Class<T> c) { for( Annotation a : as ) if( a.annotationType() == c ) return (T) a; return null; } private Filter newInstance(API api) throws Exception { for( Constructor c : api.filter().getDeclaredConstructors() ) { c.setAccessible(true); Class[] ps = c.getParameterTypes(); if( ps.length == 1 && RequestArguments.class.isAssignableFrom(ps[0]) ) return (Filter) c.newInstance(this); } for( Constructor c : api.filter().getDeclaredConstructors() ) { Class[] ps = c.getParameterTypes(); if( ps.length == 0 ) return (Filter) c.newInstance(); } throw new Exception("Class " + api.filter().getName() + " must have an empty constructor"); } private Validator newValidator(API api) throws Exception { for( Constructor c : api.validator().getDeclaredConstructors() ) { c.setAccessible(true); Class[] ps = c.getParameterTypes(); return (Validator) c.newInstance(); } return null; } // Create an instance per call instead of ThreadLocals @Override protected Request create(Properties parms) { Request2 request; try { request = getClass().newInstance(); request._arguments = _arguments; request._parms = parms; } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return request; } public Response servePublic() { return serve(); } // Expand grid search related argument sets @Override protected NanoHTTPD.Response serveGrid(NanoHTTPD server, Properties parms, RequestType type) { String[][] values = new String[_arguments.size()][]; boolean gridSearch = false; for( int i = 0; i < _arguments.size(); i++ ) { Argument arg = _arguments.get(i); if( arg._gridable ) { String value = _parms.getProperty(arg._name); if( value != null ) { // Skips grid if argument is an array, except if imbricated expression // Little hackish, waiting for real language boolean imbricated = value.contains("("); if( !arg._field.getType().isArray() || imbricated ) { values[i] = split(value); if( values[i] != null && values[i].length > 1 ) gridSearch = true; } else if (arg._field.getType().isArray() && !imbricated) { // Copy values which are arrays values[i] = new String[] { value }; } } } } if( !gridSearch ) return superServeGrid(server, parms, type); // Ignore destination key so that each job gets its own _parms.remove("destination_key"); for( int i = 0; i < _arguments.size(); i++ ) if( _arguments.get(i)._name.equals("destination_key") ) values[i] = null; // Iterate over all argument combinations int[] counters = new int[values.length]; ArrayList<Job> jobs = new ArrayList<Job>(); for( ;; ) { Job job = (Job) create(_parms); Properties combination = new Properties(); for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { if( values[i] != null ) { String value = values[i][counters[i]]; value = value.trim(); combination.setProperty(_arguments.get(i)._name, value); _arguments.get(i).reset(); _arguments.get(i).check(job, value); } } job._parms = combination; jobs.add(job); if( !increment(counters, values) ) break; } GridSearch grid = new GridSearch(); = jobs.toArray(new Job[jobs.size()]); return grid.superServeGrid(server, parms, type); } // Splits one-level imbricated expressions like 4, 5, (2, 3), 7 // TODO: switch to real parser for unified imbricated argument sets, expressions etc. public static String[] split(String value) { String[] values = null; value = value.trim(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",()", true); String s, current = ""; while( (s = getNextToken(st)) != null ) { if( ",".equals(s) ) { values = addSplit(values, current); current = ""; } else if( "(".equals(s) ) { while( !(")".equals((s = getNextToken(st)))) ) { if( s == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing closing parenthesis"); current += s; } values = addSplit(values, current); current = ""; } else current += s; } values = addSplit(values, current); return values; } private static String[] addSplit(String[] values, String value) { if( value.contains(":") ) { double[] gen = NumberSequence.parseGenerator(value, false, 1); for( double d : gen ) values = Utils.append(values, "" + d); } else if( value.length() > 0 ) values = Utils.append(values, value); return values; } private static String getNextToken(StringTokenizer st) { while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { String tok = st.nextToken().trim(); if( tok.length() > 0 ) return tok; } return null; } public final NanoHTTPD.Response superServeGrid(NanoHTTPD server, Properties parms, RequestType type) { return super.serveGrid(server, parms, type); } private static boolean increment(int[] counters, String[][] values) { for( int i = 0; i < counters.length; i++ ) { if( values[i] != null && counters[i] < values[i].length - 1 ) { counters[i]++; return true; } else counters[i] = 0; } return false; } /* * Arguments to fields casts. */ public void set(Argument arg, String input, Object value) { if( arg._field.getType() != Key.class && value instanceof Key ) value = UKV.get((Key) value); try { // if( arg._field.getType() == int.class && value instanceof Long ) value = ((Long) value).intValue(); // else if( arg._field.getType() == float.class && value instanceof Double ) value = ((Double) value).floatValue(); // else if( value instanceof NumberSequence ) { double[] ds = ((NumberSequence) value)._arr; if( arg._field.getType() == int[].class ) { int[] is = new int[ds.length]; for( int i = 0; i < is.length; i++ ) is[i] = (int) ds[i]; value = is; } else value = ds; } else if( value instanceof NumberSequenceFloat ) { float[] fs = ((NumberSequenceFloat) value)._arr; if( arg._field.getType() == int[].class ) { int[] is = new int[fs.length]; for( int i = 0; i < is.length; i++ ) is[i] = (int) fs[i]; value = is; } else value = fs; } arg._field.set(this, value); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public API_VERSION[] supportedVersions() { return SUPPORTS_ONLY_V2; } public void fillResponseInfo(Response response) { this.response_info = response.extractInfo(); } public JsonObject toJSON() { final String json = new String(writeJSON(new AutoBuffer()).buf()); if (json.length() == 0) return new JsonObject(); JsonObject jo = (JsonObject)new JsonParser().parse(json); jo.remove("Request2"); jo.remove("response_info"); return jo; } public JsonObject toJSON(Set<String> whitelist) { JsonObject jo = toJSON(); for (Map.Entry<String , JsonElement> entry : jo.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (! whitelist.contains(key)) jo.remove(key); } return jo; } @Override public String toString() { return GSON_BUILDER.toJson(toJSON()); } protected void logStart() {"Building H2O " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " model with these parameters:"); for (String s : toString().split("\n")); } public boolean makeJsonBox(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("<div class='pull-right'><a href='#' onclick='$(\"#params\").toggleClass(\"hide\");'" + " class='btn btn-inverse btn-mini'>Model Parameters</a></div><div class='hide' id='params'>" + "<pre><code class=\"language-json\">"); sb.append(toString()); sb.append("</code></pre></div>"); return true; } protected boolean filterNaCols(){return false;} }