package water.hadoop; import*; import*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import water.H2O; import water.util.Log; /** * Interesting Configuration properties: * mapper mapred.local.dir=/tmp/hadoop-tomk/mapred/local/taskTracker/tomk/jobcache/job_local1117903517_0001/attempt_local1117903517_0001_m_000000_0 */ public class h2omapper extends Mapper<Text, Text, Text, Text> { final static public String H2O_JOBTRACKERNAME_KEY = "h2o.jobtrackername"; final static public String H2O_DRIVER_IP_KEY = "h2o.driver.ip"; final static public String H2O_DRIVER_PORT_KEY = "h2o.driver.port"; final static public String H2O_NETWORK_KEY = ""; final static public String H2O_BETA_KEY = "h2o.beta"; final static public String H2O_RANDOM_UDP_DROP_KEY = "h2o.random.udp.drop"; final static public String H2O_NTHREADS_KEY = "h2o.nthreads"; final static public String H2O_MANYCOLS_KEY = "h2o.many.cols"; final static public String H2O_CHUNKBITS_KEY = "h2o.chunk.bits"; final static public String H2O_DATAMAXFACTORLEVELS_KEY = ""; final static public String H2O_BASE_PORT_KEY = "h2o.baseport"; final static public String H2O_LICENSE_DATA_KEY = ""; final static public String H2O_HADOOP_VERSION = "h2o.hadoop.version"; final static public String H2O_GA_OPTOUT = ""; static EmbeddedH2OConfig _embeddedH2OConfig; /** * Start an H2O instance in the local JVM. */ public static class UserMain { private static void registerEmbeddedH2OConfig(String[] args) { String ip = null; int port = -1; int mport = -1; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-driverip")) { i++; ip = args[i]; } else if (args[i].equals("-driverport")) { i++; port = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } else if (args[i].equals("-mapperport")) { i++; mport = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } } _embeddedH2OConfig = new EmbeddedH2OConfig(); _embeddedH2OConfig.setDriverCallbackIp(ip); _embeddedH2OConfig.setDriverCallbackPort(port); _embeddedH2OConfig.setMapperCallbackPort(mport); H2O.setEmbeddedH2OConfig(_embeddedH2OConfig); } public static void main(String[] args) { Log.POST(30, "Entered UserMain"); registerEmbeddedH2OConfig(args); Log.POST(31, "built textId"); try { Log.POST(32, "top of try"); // for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // System.out.println("UserMain H2O arg: " + args[i]); // } H2O.main(args); Log.POST(33, "after H2O.main"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.POST(37, "exception occurred"); try { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e2) { System.err.println("_context.write excepted in UserMain"); e2.printStackTrace(); } } finally { Log.POST(38, "top of finally"); Log.POST(38, "bottom of finally"); } Log.POST(39, "leaving UserMain"); } } private static class EmbeddedH2OConfig extends water.AbstractEmbeddedH2OConfig { volatile String _driverCallbackIp; volatile int _driverCallbackPort = -1; volatile int _mapperCallbackPort = -1; volatile String _embeddedWebServerIp = "(Unknown)"; volatile int _embeddedWebServerPort = -1; void setDriverCallbackIp(String value) { _driverCallbackIp = value; } void setDriverCallbackPort(int value) { _driverCallbackPort = value; } void setMapperCallbackPort(int value) { _mapperCallbackPort = value; } private class BackgroundWriterThread extends Thread { MapperToDriverMessage _m; void setMessage (MapperToDriverMessage value) { _m = value; } public void run() { try { Socket s = new Socket(_m.getDriverCallbackIp(), _m.getDriverCallbackPort()); _m.write(s); s.close(); } catch ( e) { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: BackgroundWriterThread could not connect to driver at " + _driverCallbackIp + ":" + _driverCallbackPort); System.out.println("(This is normal when the driver disowns the hadoop job and exits.)"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: BackgroundWriterThread caught an Exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void notifyAboutEmbeddedWebServerIpPort (InetAddress ip, int port) { _embeddedWebServerIp = ip.getHostAddress(); _embeddedWebServerPort = port; try { MapperToDriverMessage msg = new MapperToDriverMessage(); msg.setDriverCallbackIpPort(_driverCallbackIp, _driverCallbackPort); msg.setMessageEmbeddedWebServerIpPort(ip.getHostAddress(), port); BackgroundWriterThread bwt = new BackgroundWriterThread(); System.out.printf("EmbeddedH2OConfig: notifyAboutEmbeddedWebServerIpPort called (%s, %d)\n", ip.getHostAddress(), port); bwt.setMessage(msg); bwt.start(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: notifyAboutEmbeddedWebServerIpPort caught an Exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public boolean providesFlatfile() { return true; } @Override public String fetchFlatfile() throws Exception { System.out.printf("EmbeddedH2OConfig: fetchFlatfile called\n"); MapperToDriverMessage msg = new MapperToDriverMessage(); msg.setMessageFetchFlatfile(_embeddedWebServerIp, _embeddedWebServerPort); Socket s = new Socket(_driverCallbackIp, _driverCallbackPort); msg.write(s); DriverToMapperMessage msg2 = new DriverToMapperMessage();; char type = msg2.getType(); if (type != DriverToMapperMessage.TYPE_FETCH_FLATFILE_RESPONSE) { int typeAsInt = (int)type & 0xff; String str = new String("DriverToMapperMessage type unrecognized (" + typeAsInt + ")"); Log.err(str); throw new Exception (str); } s.close(); String flatfile = msg2.getFlatfile(); System.out.printf("EmbeddedH2OConfig: fetchFlatfile returned\n"); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(flatfile); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------"); return flatfile; } @Override public void notifyAboutCloudSize (InetAddress ip, int port, int size) { _embeddedWebServerIp = ip.getHostAddress(); _embeddedWebServerPort = port; try { MapperToDriverMessage msg = new MapperToDriverMessage(); msg.setDriverCallbackIpPort(_driverCallbackIp, _driverCallbackPort); msg.setMessageCloudSize(ip.getHostAddress(), port, size); BackgroundWriterThread bwt = new BackgroundWriterThread(); System.out.printf("EmbeddedH2OConfig: notifyAboutCloudSize called (%s, %d, %d)\n", ip.getHostAddress(), port, size); bwt.setMessage(msg); bwt.start(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: notifyAboutCloudSize caught an Exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void exit(int status) { try { MapperToDriverMessage msg = new MapperToDriverMessage(); msg.setDriverCallbackIpPort(_driverCallbackIp, _driverCallbackPort); msg.setMessageExit(_embeddedWebServerIp, _embeddedWebServerPort, status); System.out.printf("EmbeddedH2OConfig: exit called (%d)\n", status); BackgroundWriterThread bwt = new BackgroundWriterThread(); bwt.setMessage(msg); bwt.start(); System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: after bwt.start()"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: exit caught an exception 1"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { // Wait one second to deliver the message before exiting. Thread.sleep (1000); Socket s = new Socket("", _mapperCallbackPort); byte[] b = new byte[1]; b[0] = (byte)status; OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream(); os.write(b); os.flush(); s.close(); System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: after write to mapperCallbackPort"); Thread.sleep(60 * 1000); // Should never make it this far! } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig: exit caught an exception 2"); e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(111); } @Override public void print() { System.out.println("EmbeddedH2OConfig print()"); System.out.println(" Driver callback IP: " + ((_driverCallbackIp != null) ? _driverCallbackIp : "(null)")); System.out.println(" Driver callback port: " + _driverCallbackPort); System.out.println(" Embedded webserver IP: " + ((_embeddedWebServerIp != null) ? _embeddedWebServerIp : "(null)")); System.out.println(" Embedded webserver port: " + _embeddedWebServerPort); } } /** * Emit a bunch of logging output at the beginning of the map task. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void emitLogHeader(Context context, String mapredTaskId) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); Text textId = new Text(mapredTaskId); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: conf) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append("="); sb.append(entry.getValue()); context.write(textId, new Text(sb.toString())); } context.write(textId, new Text("----- Properties -----")); String[] plist = { "mapred.local.dir", "", }; for (String k : plist) { String v = conf.get(k); if (v == null) { v = "(null)"; } context.write(textId, new Text(k + " " + v)); } String userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); context.write(textId, new Text("user.dir " + userDir)); try { localMachine =; context.write(textId, new Text("hostname " + localMachine.getHostName())); } catch ( uhe) { // handle exception } } /** * Identify hadoop mapper counter */ public static enum H2O_MAPPER_COUNTER { HADOOP_COUNTER_HEARTBEAT } /** * Hadoop heartbeat keepalive thread. Periodically update a counter so that * jobtracker knows not to kill the job. */ public class CounterThread extends Thread { Context _context; Counter _counter; final int TEN_SECONDS_MILLIS = 10 * 1000; CounterThread (Context context, Counter counter) { _context = context; _counter = counter; } @Override public void run() { while (true) { _context.progress(); _counter.increment(1); try { Thread.sleep (TEN_SECONDS_MILLIS); } catch (Exception e) {} } } } private int run2(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); String mapredTaskId = conf.get(""); Text textId = new Text(mapredTaskId); emitLogHeader(context, mapredTaskId); Log.POST(10, "After emitLogHeader"); Counter counter = context.getCounter(H2O_MAPPER_COUNTER.HADOOP_COUNTER_HEARTBEAT); Thread counterThread = new CounterThread(context, counter); counterThread.start(); String mapredLocalDir = conf.get("mapred.local.dir"); String ice_root; if (mapredLocalDir.contains(",")) { ice_root = mapredLocalDir.split(",")[0]; } else { ice_root = mapredLocalDir; } String jobtrackerName = conf.get(H2O_JOBTRACKERNAME_KEY); context.write(textId, new Text("mapred.local.dir is " + ice_root)); String driverIp = conf.get(H2O_DRIVER_IP_KEY); String driverPortString = conf.get(H2O_DRIVER_PORT_KEY); String network = conf.get(H2O_NETWORK_KEY); String manyColsString = conf.get(H2O_MANYCOLS_KEY); String chunkBytesString = conf.get(H2O_CHUNKBITS_KEY); String dataMaxFactorLevelsString = conf.get(H2O_DATAMAXFACTORLEVELS_KEY); String nthreadsString = conf.get(H2O_NTHREADS_KEY); String basePortString = conf.get(H2O_BASE_PORT_KEY); String betaString = conf.get(H2O_BETA_KEY); String randomUdpDropString = conf.get(H2O_RANDOM_UDP_DROP_KEY); String licenseData = conf.get(H2O_LICENSE_DATA_KEY); String hadoopVersion = conf.get(H2O_HADOOP_VERSION); String gaOptOut = conf.get(H2O_GA_OPTOUT); ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(); InetSocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress("", 0); ss.bind(sa); String localPortString = Integer.toString(ss.getLocalPort()); List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Options used by H2O. argsList.add("-ice_root"); argsList.add(ice_root); argsList.add("-name"); argsList.add(jobtrackerName); argsList.add("-hdfs_skip"); if (network != null) { if (network.length() > 0) { argsList.add("-network"); argsList.add(network); } } if (nthreadsString != null) { if (nthreadsString.length() > 0) { argsList.add("-nthreads"); int nthreads = Integer.parseInt(nthreadsString); argsList.add(Integer.toString(nthreads)); } } if (basePortString != null) { if (basePortString.length() > 0) { argsList.add("-baseport"); int basePort = Integer.parseInt(basePortString); argsList.add(Integer.toString(basePort)); } } if (dataMaxFactorLevelsString != null) { if (dataMaxFactorLevelsString.length() > 0) { argsList.add("-data_max_factor_levels"); int dataMaxFactorLevels = Integer.parseInt(dataMaxFactorLevelsString); argsList.add(Integer.toString(dataMaxFactorLevels)); } } if (manyColsString != null) { if (manyColsString.length() > 0) { argsList.add("-many_cols"); } } if (chunkBytesString != null) { if (chunkBytesString.length() > 0) { argsList.add("-chunk_bytes"); int chunkBytes = Integer.parseInt(chunkBytesString); argsList.add(Integer.toString(chunkBytes)); } } if (betaString != null) { if (betaString.length() > 0) { argsList.add(betaString); } } if (randomUdpDropString != null) { if (randomUdpDropString.length() > 0) { argsList.add(randomUdpDropString); } } if (licenseData != null) { if (licenseData.length() > 0) { Log.POST(100, "Before writing license file"); Log.POST(101, ice_root); File f = new File(ice_root); boolean b = f.exists(); Log.POST(102, b ? "exists" : "does not exist"); if (! b) { Log.POST(103, "before mkdirs()"); f.mkdirs(); Log.POST(104, "after mkdirs()"); } String fileName = ice_root + File.separator + "h2o_license.txt"; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fileName); out.print(licenseData); out.close(); argsList.add("-license"); argsList.add(fileName); } } if (hadoopVersion != null) { argsList.add("-ga_hadoop_ver"); argsList.add(hadoopVersion); } if (gaOptOut != null) argsList.add(gaOptOut); // Options passed through to UserMain for configuring the EmbeddedH2OConfig. argsList.add("-driverip"); argsList.add(driverIp); argsList.add("-driverport"); argsList.add(driverPortString); argsList.add("-mapperport"); argsList.add(localPortString); context.write(textId, new Text("before water.Boot.main()")); String[] args = (String[]) argsList.toArray(new String[0]); try { Log.POST(11, "Before boot"); water.Boot.main(UserMain.class, args); Log.POST(12, "After boot"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.POST(13, "Exception in boot"); Log.POST(13, ""); context.write(textId, new Text("exception in water.Boot.main()")); String s = e.getMessage(); if (s == null) { s = "(null exception message)"; } Log.POST(13, s); Log.POST(13, ""); context.write(textId, new Text(s)); s = e.toString(); if (s == null) { s = "(null exception toString)"; } Log.POST(13, s); Log.POST(13, ""); context.write(textId, new Text(s)); StackTraceElement[] els = e.getStackTrace(); for (int i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { StackTraceElement el = els[i]; s = el.toString(); Log.POST(13, s); context.write(textId, new Text(" " + s)); } } finally { Log.POST(14, "Top of finally"); context.write(textId, new Text("after water.Boot.main()")); } Log.POST(15, "Waiting for exit"); // EmbeddedH2OConfig will send a one-byte exit status to this socket. Socket sock = ss.accept(); System.out.println("Wait for exit woke up from accept"); byte[] b = new byte[1]; InputStream is = sock.getInputStream(); int expectedBytes = 1; int receivedBytes = 0; while (receivedBytes < expectedBytes) { int n =, receivedBytes, expectedBytes-receivedBytes); System.out.println(" returned " + n); if (n < 0) { System.exit(112); } receivedBytes += n; } int exitStatus = (int)b[0]; System.out.println("Received exitStatus " + exitStatus); return exitStatus; } @Override public void run(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { Log.POST(0, "Entered run"); setup(context); // "Consume" mapped input. while (context.nextKeyValue()) { } int exitStatus = run2(context); cleanup(context); Log.POST(1000, "Leaving run"); System.out.println("Exiting with status " + exitStatus); System.out.flush(); if (exitStatus != 0) { System.exit(exitStatus); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.POST(999, e); System.exit(100); } System.out.println("Exiting mapper run method"); System.out.flush(); } /** * For debugging only. */ public static void main (String[] args) { try { h2omapper m = new h2omapper();; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println (e); } } }