package water.exec; import water.*; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; /** Parse a generic R string and build an AST, in the context of an H2O Cloud * @author */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract public class AST extends Iced { final Type _t; AST( Type t ) { assert t != null; _t = t; } static AST parseCXExpr(Exec2 E, boolean EOS ) { if( EOS && E.peekEOS() ) { E._x--; return new ASTNop(); } AST ast2, ast = ASTApply.parseInfix(E,0,EOS); if( ast == null ) return ASTAssign.parseNew(E,EOS); // In case of a slice or id, try match an assignment if( ast instanceof ASTSlice || ast instanceof ASTId) if( (ast2 = ASTAssign.parse(E,ast,EOS)) != null ) return ast2; // Next try match an IFELSE statement if( (ast2 = ASTIfElse.parse(E,ast,EOS)) != null ) return ast2; // Return the infix: op1* expr {op2 op1* expr}* return ast; } static AST parseVal(Exec2 E, boolean EOS ) { E.skipWS(EOS); AST ast; // Simple paren expression if( E.peek('(',EOS) ) return E.xpeek(')',E._x,parseCXExpr(E,false)); if( (ast = ASTId .parse(E)) != null ) return ast; if( (ast = ASTNum .parse(E)) != null ) return ast; if( (ast = ASTOp .parse(E)) != null ) return ast; if( (ast = ASTStr .parse(E)) != null ) return ast; return null; } abstract void exec(Env env); boolean isPosConstant() { return false; } // Scrape out a column name, if we can. NULL if we cannot. String argName() { return null; } protected StringBuilder indent( StringBuilder sb, int d ) { for( int i=0; i<d; i++ ) sb.append(" "); return sb.append(_t).append(' '); } public StringBuilder toString( StringBuilder sb, int d ) { return indent(sb,d).append(this); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTNop extends AST { ASTNop() { super(Type.DBL); } @Override void exec(Env env) { env.push(Double.NaN); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTStatement extends AST { final AST[] _asts; ASTStatement( AST[] asts ) { super(asts[asts.length-1]._t); _asts = asts; } static ASTStatement parse( Exec2 E ) { ArrayList<AST> asts = new ArrayList<AST>(); while( true ) { AST ast = parseCXExpr(E,true); if( ast == null ) break; asts.add(ast); if( !E.peekEOS() ) break; // if not finding statement separator, break } if( asts.size()==0 ) return null; return new ASTStatement(asts.toArray(new AST[asts.size()])); } @Override void exec(Env env) { for( int i=0; i<_asts.length-1; i++ ) { _asts[i].exec(env); // Exec all statements env.pop(); // Pop all intermediate results } _asts[_asts.length-1].exec(env); // Return final statement as result } @Override public String toString() { return ";;;"; } @Override public StringBuilder toString( StringBuilder sb, int d ) { for( int i=0; i<_asts.length-1; i++ ) _asts[i].toString(sb,d+1).append(";\n"); return _asts[_asts.length-1].toString(sb,d+1); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTApply extends AST { final AST _args[]; private ASTApply( AST args[] ) { super(args[0]._t.ret()); _args = args; } // Wrap compatible but different-sized ops in reduce/bulk ops. static ASTApply make(AST args[],Exec2 E, int x) { // Make a type variable for this application Type ts[] = new Type[args.length]; ts[0] = Type.unbound(); for( int i=1; i<ts.length; i++ ) ts[i] = args[i]._t.find(); Type ft1 = Type.fcn(ts); AST fast = args[0]; Type ft2 = fast._t.find(); // Should be a function type if( ft1.union(ft2) ) // Union 'em return new ASTApply(args); // Error handling if( ft2.isNotFun() ) // Oops, failed basic sanity E.throwErr("Function-parens following a "+ft2,x); if( ft2._ts.length != ts.length ) E.throwErr("Passed "+(ts.length-1)+" args but expected "+(ft2._ts.length-1),x); String vars[] = ((ASTOp)fast)._vars; for( int i=1; i<ts.length; i++ ) if( !ft2._ts[i].union(args[i]._t) ) E.throwErr("Arg '"+vars[i]+"'"+" typed as "+ft2._ts[i]+" but passed "+args[i]._t.find(),x); throw; } // Parse a prefix operator static AST parsePrefix(Exec2 E, boolean EOS) { int x0 = E._x; AST pre = parseVal(E,EOS); if( pre == null ) return null; while( true ) { int x = E._x; if( !E.peek('(', true) ) return pre; // Plain op, no prefix application if (pre._t.isNotFun()) { E._x = x0; if ((pre = ASTOp.parse(E)) == null) E.throwErr("No potential function was found.", x0); if( !E.peek('(') ) return pre; } AST args[] = new AST[] { pre, null }; int i=1; if( !E.peek(')') ) { while( true ) { if( (args[i++] = parseCXExpr(E,false)) == null ) E.throwErr("Missing argument",E._x); if (args[i-1] instanceof ASTAssign) { ASTAssign a = (ASTAssign)args[i-1]; if (a._lhs.argName() != null && a._lhs.argName().equals("na.rm")) { ASTReducerOp op = (ASTReducerOp)args[0]; op._narm = (a._eval.argName().equals("T") || a._eval.argName().equals("TRUE") || a._eval.toString().equals("1.0")); args[0] = op; } } if( E.peek(')') ) break; E.xpeek(',',E._x,null); if( i==args.length ) args = Arrays.copyOf(args,args.length<<1); } } args = Arrays.copyOf(args,i); pre = make(args,E,x); } } // Parse an infix boolean operator static AST parseInfix(Exec2 E, int curr_prec, boolean EOS) { int x = E._x; AST ast; E.skipWS(EOS); ASTOp op1 = ASTOp.parseUniInfixOp(E); if (op1 != null) { // CASE 1 ~ INFIX1 := [] OP INFIX if ((ast = parseInfix(E,op1._precedence,EOS)) != null) ast = make(new AST[]{op1,ast},E,x); else { // CASE 2 ~ INFIX1 := [] OP E._x = x; ast = ASTSlice.parse(E, EOS); } } else { // CASE 3 ~ INFIX1 := [] SLICE ast = ASTSlice.parse(E, EOS); } // CASE 0 ~ [] if (ast == null) return null; // INFIX := INFIX1 OP INFIX while( true ) { int op_x = E._x; E.skipWS(EOS); ASTOp op = ASTOp.parseBinInfixOp(E); if( op == null || op._precedence < curr_prec || (op.leftAssociate() && op._precedence == curr_prec) ) { E._x = op_x; return ast; } op_x = E._x; AST rite = parseInfix(E,op._precedence, false); if (rite == null) E.throwErr("Missing expr or unknown ID", op_x); ast = make(new AST[]{op,ast,rite},E,x); } } @Override public String toString() { return _args[0].toString()+"()"; } @Override public StringBuilder toString( StringBuilder sb, int d ) { _args[0].toString(sb,d).append("\n"); for( int i=1; i<_args.length-1; i++ ) _args[i].toString(sb,d+1).append('\n'); return _args[_args.length-1].toString(sb,d+1); } // Apply: execute all arguments (including the function argument) yielding // the function itself, plus all normal arguments on the stack. Then execute // the function, which is responsible for popping all arguments and pushing // the result. @Override void exec(Env env) { int sp = env._sp; for( AST arg : _args ) arg.exec(env); assert sp+_args.length==env._sp; env.fcn(-_args.length).apply(env,_args.length,this); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTSlice extends AST { final AST _ast, _cols, _rows; // 2-D slice of an expression ASTSlice( Type t, AST ast, AST cols, AST rows ) { super(t); _ast = ast; _cols = cols; _rows = rows; } static AST parse(Exec2 E, boolean EOS ) { int x = E._x; AST ast = ASTApply.parsePrefix(E, EOS); if( ast == null ) return null; if( !E.peek('[',EOS) ) // Not start of slice? return ASTNamedCol.parse(E,ast,EOS); // Also try named col slice if( !Type.ARY.union(ast._t) ) E.throwErr("Not an ary",x); if( E.peek(']',false) ) return ast; // [] ===> same as no slice AST rows=E.xpeek(',',(x=E._x),parseCXExpr(E, false)); if( rows != null && !rows._t.union(Type.dblary()) ) E.throwErr("Must be scalar or array",x); AST cols=E.xpeek(']',(x=E._x),parseCXExpr(E, false)); if( cols != null && !cols._t.union(Type.dblary()) ) if (cols._t.isStr()) E.throwErr("The current Exec does not handle strings",x); else E.throwErr("Must be scalar or array",x); Type t = // Provable scalars will type as a scalar rows != null && rows.isPosConstant() && cols != null && cols.isPosConstant() ? Type.DBL : Type.ARY; return new ASTSlice(t,ast,cols,rows); } @Override void exec(Env env) { int sp = env._sp; _ast.exec(env); assert sp+1==env._sp; // Scalar load? Throws AIIOOB if out-of-bounds if( _t.isDbl() ) { // Known that rows & cols are simple positive constants. // Use them directly, throwing a runtime error if OOB. long row = (long)((ASTNum)_rows)._d; int col = (int )((ASTNum)_cols)._d; Frame ary=env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = ary.vecs()[col-1].at(row-1); env.subRef(ary,skey); // Toss away after loading from it env.push(d); } else { // Else It's A Big Copy. Some Day look at proper memory sharing, // disallowing unless an active-temp is available, etc. // Eval cols before rows (R's eval order). Frame ary=env._ary[env._sp-1]; // Get without popping Object cols = select(ary.numCols(),_cols,env); Object rows = select(ary.numRows(),_rows,env); Frame fr2 = ary.deepSlice(rows,cols); // After slicing, pop all expressions (cannot lower refcnt till after all uses) if( rows!= null ) env.pop(); if( cols!= null ) env.pop(); if( fr2 == null ) fr2 = new Frame(); // Replace the null frame with the zero-column frame env.pop(); // Pop sliced frame, lower ref env.push(fr2); } } // Execute a col/row selection & return the selection. NULL means "all". // Error to mix negatives & positive. Negative list is sorted, with dups // removed. Positive list can have dups (which replicates cols) and is // ordered. numbers. 1-based numbering; 0 is ignored & removed. static Object select( long len, AST ast, Env env ) { if( ast == null ) return null; // Trivial "all" ast.exec(env); long cols[]; if( !env.isAry() ) { int col = (int)env._d[env._sp-1]; // Peek double; Silent truncation (R semantics) if( col < 0 && col < -len ) col=0; // Ignore a non-existent column if( col == 0 ) return new long[0]; return new long[]{col}; } // Got a frame/list of results. // Decide if we're a toss-out or toss-in list Frame ary = env._ary[env._sp-1]; // Peek-frame if( ary.numCols() != 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selector must be a single column: "+ary.toStringNames()); Vec vec = ary.anyVec(); // Check for a matching column of bools. if( ary.numRows() == len && vec.min()>=0 && vec.max()<=1 && vec.isInt() && ary.numRows() > 1) return ary; // Boolean vector selection. // Convert single vector to a list of longs selecting rows if(ary.numRows() > 10000000) throw"Unimplemented: Cannot explicitly select > 10000000 rows in slice."); cols = MemoryManager.malloc8((int)ary.numRows()); for(int i = 0; i < cols.length; ++i){ if(vec.isNA(i))throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not use NA as index!"); cols[i] = vec.at8(i); } return cols; } @Override public String toString() { return "[,]"; } @Override public StringBuilder toString( StringBuilder sb, int d ) { indent(sb,d).append(this).append('\n'); _ast.toString(sb,d+1).append("\n"); if( _cols==null ) indent(sb,d+1).append("all\n"); else _cols.toString(sb,d+1).append("\n"); if( _rows==null ) indent(sb,d+1).append("all"); else _rows.toString(sb,d+1); return sb; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTNamedCol extends AST { final AST _ast; // named slice of an expression final String _colname; // ASTNamedCol( Type t, AST ast, String colname ) { super(t); _ast = ast; _colname=colname; } static AST parse(Exec2 E, AST ast, boolean EOS ) { if( !E.peek('$',true) ) return ast; int x = E._x; E.skipWS(EOS); String colname = E.isID(); if( colname == null ) E.throwErr("Missing column name after $",x); return new ASTNamedCol(Type.ARY,ast,colname); } @Override void exec(Env env) { int sp = env._sp; _ast.exec(env); assert sp+1==env._sp; Frame ary=env.peekAry(); int cidx = ary.find(_colname); if( cidx== -1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing column "+_colname+" in frame "+ary.toStringNames()); Frame fr2 = new Frame(new String[]{ary._names[cidx]}, new Vec[]{ary.vecs()[cidx]}); env.poppush(1,fr2,null); } @Override public String toString() { return "$"+_colname; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTId extends AST { final String _id; final int _depth; // *Relative* lexical depth of definition final int _num; // Number/slot in the lexical scope ASTId( Type t, String id, int d, int n ) { super(t); _id=id; _depth=d; _num=n; } // Parse a valid ID, or return null; static ASTId parse(Exec2 E) { int x = E._x; String var = E.isID(); if( var == null ) return null; // Built-in ops parse as ops, not vars if( ASTOp.isInfixOp(var) ) { E._x=x; return null; } // See if pre-existing for( int d=E.lexical_depth(); d >=0; d-- ) { ArrayList<ASTId> asts = E._env.get(d); for( int i=asts.size()-1; i >=0; i-- ) { ASTId id = asts.get(i); if( var.equals(id._id) ) // Return an ID with a relative lexical depth and same slot# return new ASTId(id._t,id._id,E.lexical_depth()-d,id._num); } } // Never see-before ID? Treat as a bad parse E._x=x; return null; } // Parse a NEW valid ID, or return null; static String parseNew(Exec2 E) { int x = E._x; String id = E.isID(); if( id == null ) return null; // Built-in ops parse as ops, not vars if( ASTOp.isInfixOp(id) ) { E._x=x; return null; } return id; } @Override void exec(Env env) { // Local scope? Grab from the stack. if( _depth ==0 ) { env.push_slot(_depth,_num); return; } // Nested scope? need to grab from the nested-scope closure ASTFunc fcn = env.fcnScope(_depth); fcn._env.push_slot(_depth-1,_num,env); } @Override String argName() { return _id; } @Override public String toString() { return _id; } } class ASTStr extends AST { final String _str; ASTStr(String str) { super(Type.STR); _str=str; } // Parse a string, or throw a parse error static ASTStr parse(Exec2 E) { String str = E.isString(); if (str != null) { E._x += str.length()+2; //str + quotes return new ASTStr(str); } return null; } @Override void exec(Env env) { env.push(_str); } @Override public String toString() { return _str; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTAssign extends AST { final AST _lhs; final AST _eval; ASTAssign( AST lhs, AST eval ) { super(eval._t); _lhs=lhs; _eval=eval; } // Parse a valid LHS= or return null static ASTAssign parse(Exec2 E, AST ast, boolean EOS) { int x = E._x; // Allow '=' and '<-' assignment if( !E.isAssign(EOS) ) return null; AST ast2=ast; ASTSlice slice= null; if( (ast instanceof ASTSlice) ) // Peek thru slice op ast2 = (slice=(ASTSlice)ast)._ast; // Must be a simple in-scope ID if( !(ast2 instanceof ASTId) ) E.throwErr("Can only assign to ID (or slice)",x); ASTId id = (ASTId)ast2; final AST eval = parseCXExpr(E, false); if( eval == null ) E.throwErr("Missing RHS",x); boolean partial = slice != null && (slice._cols != null || slice._rows != null); if( partial ) { // Partial slice assignment? if( eval._t.isFcn() ) E.throwErr("Assigning a "+eval._t+" into '"+id._id+"' which is a "+id._t,x); if( E.lexical_depth()> 0 ) throw H2O.unimpl(); // Must copy whole array locally, before updating the local copy } if( id._depth > 0 ) { // Shadowing an outer scope? // Inner-scope assignment to a new local ast = id = extend_local(E,eval._t,id._id); } else { // Overwriting same scope if( E.lexical_depth()>0 ) { // Inner scope? if( !ast._t.union(eval._t) ) // Disallow type changes in local scope in functions. E.throwErr("Assigning a "+eval._t+" into '"+id._id+"' which is a "+id._t,x); } else { // Outer scope; can change type willy-nilly if( !partial && !ast._t.union(eval._t) ) { ArrayList<ASTId> vars = E._env.get(0); ASTId id2 = new ASTId(eval._t,id._id,0,id._num); vars.set(id2._num,id2); ast = id2; } } } return new ASTAssign(ast,eval); } // Parse a valid LHS= or return null - for a new variable static ASTAssign parseNew(Exec2 E, boolean EOS) { int x = E._x; String var = ASTId.parseNew(E); if( var == null ) return null; if( !E.isAssign(EOS) ) { if( Exec2.isLetter(var.charAt(0) ) ) E.throwErr("Unknown var "+var,x); E._x = x; return null; // Let higher parse levels sort it out } x = E._x; AST eval = parseCXExpr(E, EOS); if( eval == null ) E.throwErr("Missing RHS",x); // Extend the local environment by the new name return new ASTAssign(extend_local(E,eval._t,var),eval); } static ASTId extend_local( Exec2 E, Type t, String var ) { ArrayList<ASTId> vars = E._env.get(E.lexical_depth()); ASTId id = new ASTId(t,var,0,vars.size()); vars.add(id); return id; } @Override void exec(Env env) { _eval.exec(env); // RHS before LHS (R eval order) if( _lhs instanceof ASTId ) { ASTId id = (ASTId)_lhs; env.tos_into_slot(id._depth, id._num, id._id); return; } // Peel apart a slice assignment ASTSlice slice = (ASTSlice)_lhs; ASTId id = (ASTId)slice._ast; assert id._depth==0; // Can only modify in the local scope. // Simple assignment using the slice syntax if( slice._rows==null & slice._cols==null ) { env.tos_into_slot(id._depth,id._num,id._id); return; } // Pull the LHS off the stack; do not lower the refcnt Frame ary = env.frId(id._depth,id._num); // Pull the RHS off the stack; do not lower the refcnt Frame ary_rhs=null; double d=Double.NaN; if( env.isDbl() ) d = env._d[env._sp-1]; else ary_rhs = env.peekAry(); // Pop without deleting // Typed as a double ==> the row & col selectors are simple constants if( slice._t == Type.DBL ) { // Typed as a double? assert ary_rhs==null; long row = (long)((ASTNum)slice._rows)._d-1; int col = (int )((ASTNum)slice._cols)._d-1; Chunk c = ary.vecs()[col].chunkForRow(row); c.set(row,d); Futures fs = new Futures(); c.close(c.cidx(),fs); fs.blockForPending(); env.push(d); return; } // Execute the slice LHS selection operators Object cols =,slice._cols,env); Object rows =,slice._rows,env); long[] cs1; long[] rs1; if(cols != null && rows != null && (cs1 = (long[])cols).length == 1 && (rs1 = (long[])rows).length == 1) { assert ary_rhs == null; long row = rs1[0]-1; int col = (int)cs1[0]-1; if(col >= ary.numCols() || row >= ary.numRows()) throw H2O.unimpl(); if(ary.vecs()[col].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently can only set numeric columns"); ary.vecs()[col].set(row,d); env.push(d); return; } // Partial row assignment? if( rows != null ) { // Only have partial row assignment if (cols == null) { // For every col at the range of indexes, set the value to be the rhs. // If the rhs is a double, then fill with doubles, NA where type is Enum. if (ary_rhs == null) { // Make a new Vec where each row to be written over has the value d final long[] rows0 = (long[]) rows; final double d0 = d; Vec v = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk cs) { for (long er : rows0) { er = Math.abs(er) - 1; // 1-based -> 0-based if (er < cs._start || er > (cs._len + cs._start - 1)) continue; cs.set0((int) (er - cs._start), d0); } } }.doAll(ary.anyVec().makeZero()).getResult()._fr.anyVec(); // MRTask over the lhs array new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] chks) { // Replace anything that is non-zero in the rep_vec. Chunk rep_vec = chks[chks.length-1]; for (int row = 0; row < chks[0]._len; ++row) { if (rep_vec.at0(row) == 0) continue; for (Chunk chk : chks) { if (chk._vec.isEnum()) { chk.setNA0(row); } else { chk.set0(row, d0); } } } } }.doAll(ary.add("rep_vec",v)); UKV.remove(v._key); UKV.remove(ary.remove(ary.numCols()-1)._key); // If the rhs is an array, then fail if `height` of the rhs != rows.length. Otherwise, fetch-n-fill! (expensive) } else { throw H2O.unimpl(); } // Have partial row and col assignment } else { throw H2O.unimpl(); } // throw H2O.unimpl(); } else { assert cols != null; // all/all assignment uses simple-assignment // Convert constant into a whole vec if (ary_rhs == null) ary_rhs = new Frame(ary.anyVec().makeCon(d)); // Make sure we either have 1 col (repeated) or exactly a matching count long[] cs = (long[]) cols; // Columns to act on if (ary_rhs.numCols() != 1 && ary_rhs.numCols() != cs.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only assign to a matching set of columns; trying to assign " + ary_rhs.numCols() + " cols over " + cs.length + " cols"); // Replace the LHS cols with the RHS cols Vec rvecs[] = ary_rhs.vecs(); Futures fs = new Futures(); for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { int cidx = (int) cs[i] - 1; // Convert 1-based to 0-based Vec rv = env.addRef(rvecs[rvecs.length == 1 ? 0 : i]); if (cidx == ary.numCols()) { if (! { env.subRef(rv); rv = ary.anyVec().align(rv); env.addRef(rv); } ary.add("C" + String.valueOf(cidx + 1), rv); // New column name created with 1-based index } else { if (!( && rv.length() == ary.anyVec().length()) { env.subRef(rv); rv = ary.anyVec().align(rv); env.addRef(rv); } fs = env.subRef(ary.replace(cidx, rv), fs); } } fs.blockForPending(); } // After slicing, pop all expressions (cannot lower refcnt till after all uses) int narg = 0; if( rows!= null ) narg++; if( cols!= null ) narg++; env.pop(narg); } @Override String argName() { return _lhs instanceof ASTId ? ((ASTId)_lhs)._id : null; } @Override public String toString() { return "="; } @Override public StringBuilder toString( StringBuilder sb, int d ) { indent(sb,d).append(this).append('\n'); _lhs.toString(sb,d+1).append('\n'); _eval.toString(sb,d+1); return sb; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASTNum extends AST { static final NumberFormat NF = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); static { NF.setGroupingUsed(false); } final double _d; ASTNum(double d) { super(Type.DBL); _d=d; } // Parse a number, or throw a parse error static ASTNum parse(Exec2 E) { int startPosition = E._x; MyInteger charactersConsumed = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(E._str, startPosition, charactersConsumed); if( charactersConsumed._val == 0 ) return null; E._x = startPosition + charactersConsumed._val; return new ASTNum(d); } boolean isPosConstant() { return _d >= 0; } @Override void exec(Env env) { env.push(_d); } @Override public String toString() { return Double.toString(_d); } /** Wrap an integer so that it can be modified by a called method. i.e. Pass-by-reference. */ static class MyInteger { public int _val; } /** * Parse a scientific number more correctly for commands passed in from R. * Unfortunately, NumberFormat.parse doesn't get the job done. * It expects 'E' and can't handle 'e' or 'E+nnn'. * * @param s String to parse * @param startPosition Starting position in the string to parse from. * @param charactersConsumed [output] Characters consumed. * @return The parsed value if one was found, null otherwise. If a value was parsed, charactersConsumed will be set to something greater than 0. If no value was parsed, charactersConsumed will be 0. */ static private double parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled (String s, final int startPosition, MyInteger charactersConsumed) { charactersConsumed._val = 0; // Paranoid. ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(startPosition); Number N = NF.parse(s, pp); if ( pp.getIndex()==startPosition ) // If no number was found, just return immediately. return 0; assert N instanceof Double || N instanceof Long; // Check if the number we just parsed had an 'e' or 'E' in it. So it's scientific already. for (int i = startPosition; i < pp.getIndex(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E')) { // We already got a scientific number. Return it. charactersConsumed._val = pp.getIndex() - startPosition; if( N instanceof Double ) return (Double)N; return (double)(Long)N; } } // If we consumed all of str, then just return the value now. assert (pp.getIndex() <= s.length()); if (pp.getIndex() >= s.length()) { charactersConsumed._val = pp.getIndex() - startPosition; if( N instanceof Double ) return (Double)N; return (double)(Long)N; } // If the lookahead character is not 'e' then just return the value now. char lookaheadChar = s.charAt(pp.getIndex()); if ((lookaheadChar != 'e') && (lookaheadChar != 'E')) { charactersConsumed._val = pp.getIndex() - startPosition; if( N instanceof Double ) return (Double)N; return (double)(Long)N; } // The lookahead character is 'e'. Find the remaining trailing numbers // and attach them to this token. // Start with sb as stuff from NF.parse plus the 'e'. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(s.substring(startPosition, Math.min(s.length(),pp.getIndex() + 2))); for( int i = pp.getIndex() + 2; i < s.length(); i++ ) { char c = s.charAt(i); if( c!='+' && c!='-' && !Character.isDigit(c) ) // Only +-digits allowed after that. break; sb.append(c); } // Really parse the double now. If we fail here, just bail out and don't // consider it a number. try { double d = Double.valueOf(sb.toString()); charactersConsumed._val = sb.length(); // Set length consumed before return return d; } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } // No set length; just return. } public static void main (String[] args) { // Unit tests for horrible Double.valueOf parsing hack. { String s = "fooo1.23e+154"; int i = 4; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.23e+154; assert C._val == 9; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "fooo1.23e+154blah"; int i = 4; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.23e+154; assert C._val == 9; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "fooo1.23e14blah"; int i = 4; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.23e14; assert C._val == 7; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "fooo1.23e"; int i = 4; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 0; assert C._val == 0; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "fooo1.23E-10"; int i = 4; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.23E-10; assert C._val == 8; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "1.23E-10"; int i = 0; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.23E-10; assert C._val == 8; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "1.23E10E22"; int i = 0; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.23E10; assert C._val == 7; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "hex[( hex[,c(5)] <= 1.97872258214 ) & ( hex[,c(6)] <= 32.8571773789 ) & ( ( hex[,c(2)] <= 72.2154196079 )) ,]"; int i = 20; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1.97872258214; assert C._val == 13; System.out.println (d); } { String s = "1 "; int i = 0; MyInteger C = new MyInteger(); double d = parseNumberWithScientificNotationProperlyHandled(s, i, C); assert d == 1; assert C._val == 1; System.out.println (d); } } }