package water.api; import hex.ConfusionMatrix; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import static water.api.AUC.ThresholdCriterion; import static water.api.AUC.isBetter; import water.api.Request.*; import water.*; import java.util.HashSet; public class AUCData extends Iced { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. @API(help = "Thresholds (optional, e.g. 0:1:0.01 or 0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0).", json = true) public float[] thresholds; @API(help = "Threshold criterion", json = true) public ThresholdCriterion threshold_criterion = ThresholdCriterion.maximum_F1; @API(help="domain of the actual response", json=true) private String [] actual_domain; @API(help="AUC (ROC)", json=true) public double AUC; @API(help="Gini", json=true) public double Gini; @API(help = "Confusion Matrices for all thresholds", json=true) public long[][][] confusion_matrices; @API(help = "F1 for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] F1; @API(help = "F2 for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] F2; @API(help = "F0point5 for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] F0point5; @API(help = "Accuracy for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] accuracy; @API(help = "Error for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] errorr; @API(help = "Precision for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] precision; @API(help = "Recall for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] recall; @API(help = "Specificity for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] specificity; @API(help = "MCC for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] mcc; @API(help = "Max per class error for all thresholds", json=true) public float[] max_per_class_error; @API(help="Threshold criteria", json=true) String[] threshold_criteria; @API(help="Optimal thresholds for criteria", json=true) private float[] threshold_for_criteria; @API(help="F1 for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] F1_for_criteria; @API(help="F2 for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] F2_for_criteria; @API(help="F0point5 for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] F0point5_for_criteria; @API(help="Accuracy for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] accuracy_for_criteria; @API(help="Error for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] error_for_criteria; @API(help="Precision for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] precision_for_criteria; @API(help="Recall for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] recall_for_criteria; @API(help="Specificity for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] specificity_for_criteria; @API(help="MCC for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] mcc_for_criteria; @API(help="Maximum per class Error for threshold criteria", json=true) private float[] max_per_class_error_for_criteria; @API(help="Confusion Matrices for threshold criteria", json=true) private long[][][] confusion_matrix_for_criteria; /* Independent on thresholds */ public double AUC() { return AUC; } public double Gini() { return Gini; } /* Return the metrics for given criterion */ public double F1(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].F1(); } public double F2(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].F2(); } public double F0point5(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].F0point5(); } public double precision(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].precision(); } public double recall(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].recall(); } public double specificity(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].specificity(); } public double mcc(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].mcc(); } public double accuracy(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].accuracy(); } public double err(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].err(); } public double max_per_class_error(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return _cms[idxCriter[criter.ordinal()]].max_per_class_error(); } public float threshold(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return threshold_for_criteria[criter.ordinal()]; } public long[][] cm(ThresholdCriterion criter) { return confusion_matrix_for_criteria[criter.ordinal()]; } /* Return the metrics for chosen threshold criterion */ public double F1() { return F1(threshold_criterion); } public double F2() { return F2(threshold_criterion); } public double F0point5() { return F0point5(threshold_criterion); } public double err() { return err(threshold_criterion); } public double precision() { return precision(threshold_criterion); } public double recall() { return recall(threshold_criterion); } public double specificity() { return specificity(threshold_criterion); } public double mcc() { return mcc(threshold_criterion); } public double accuracy() { return accuracy(threshold_criterion); } public double max_per_class_error() { return max_per_class_error(threshold_criterion); } public float threshold() { return threshold(threshold_criterion); } public long[][] cm() { return cm(threshold_criterion); } public ConfusionMatrix CM() { return _cms[idxCriter[threshold_criterion.ordinal()]]; } /* Return the best possible metrics */ public double bestF1() { return F1(ThresholdCriterion.maximum_F1); } public double bestErr() { return err(ThresholdCriterion.maximum_Accuracy); } /* Helpers */ private int[] idxCriter; private double[] _tprs; private double[] _fprs; private hex.ConfusionMatrix[] _cms; private static double trapezoid_area(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2) { return Math.abs(x1-x2)*(y1+y2)/2.; } public AUCData compute(hex.ConfusionMatrix[] cms, float[] thresh, String[] domain, ThresholdCriterion criter) { _cms = cms; thresholds = thresh; threshold_criterion = criter; actual_domain = domain; assert(_cms.length == thresholds.length):("incompatible lengths of thresholds and confusion matrices: " + _cms.length + " != " + thresholds.length); // compute AUC and best thresholds computeAUC(); findBestThresholds(thresh); computeMetrics(); return this; } private void computeAUC() { _tprs = new double[_cms.length]; _fprs = new double[_cms.length]; double TPR_pre = 1; double FPR_pre = 1; AUC = 0; for( int t = 0; t < _cms.length; ++t ) { double TPR = 1 - _cms[t].classErr(1); // =TP/(TP+FN) = true-positive-rate double FPR = _cms[t].classErr(0); // =FP/(FP+TN) = false-positive-rate AUC += trapezoid_area(FPR_pre, FPR, TPR_pre, TPR); TPR_pre = TPR; FPR_pre = FPR; _tprs[t] = TPR; _fprs[t] = FPR; } AUC += trapezoid_area(FPR_pre, 0, TPR_pre, 0); assert(AUC > -1e-5 && AUC < 1.+1e-5); //check numerical sanity AUC = Math.max(0., Math.min(AUC, 1.)); //clamp to 0...1 Gini = 2*AUC-1; } private void findBestThresholds(float[] thresholds) { threshold_criteria = new String[ThresholdCriterion.values().length]; int i=0; HashSet<ThresholdCriterion> hs = new HashSet<ThresholdCriterion>(); for (ThresholdCriterion criter : ThresholdCriterion.values()) { hs.add(criter); threshold_criteria[i++] = criter.toString().replace("_", " "); } confusion_matrix_for_criteria = new long[hs.size()][][]; idxCriter = new int[hs.size()]; threshold_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; F1_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; F2_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; F0point5_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; accuracy_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; error_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; precision_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; recall_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; specificity_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; mcc_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; max_per_class_error_for_criteria = new float[hs.size()]; for (ThresholdCriterion criter : hs) { final int id = criter.ordinal(); idxCriter[id] = 0; threshold_for_criteria[id] = thresholds[0]; for(i = 1; i < _cms.length; ++i) { if (isBetter(_cms[i], _cms[idxCriter[id]], criter)) { idxCriter[id] = i; threshold_for_criteria[id] = thresholds[i]; } } // Set members for JSON, float to save space confusion_matrix_for_criteria[id] = _cms[idxCriter[id]]._arr; F1_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].F1(); F2_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].F2(); F0point5_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].F0point5(); accuracy_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].accuracy(); error_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].err(); precision_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].precision(); recall_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].recall(); specificity_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].specificity(); mcc_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].mcc(); max_per_class_error_for_criteria[id] = (float)_cms[idxCriter[id]].max_per_class_error(); } } /** * Populate requested JSON fields */ private void computeMetrics() { confusion_matrices = new long[_cms.length][][]; F1 = new float[_cms.length]; F2 = new float[_cms.length]; F0point5 = new float[_cms.length]; accuracy = new float[_cms.length]; errorr = new float[_cms.length]; precision = new float[_cms.length]; recall = new float[_cms.length]; specificity = new float[_cms.length]; mcc = new float[_cms.length]; max_per_class_error = new float[_cms.length]; for(int i=0;i<_cms.length;++i) { confusion_matrices[i] = _cms[i]._arr; F1[i] = (float)_cms[i].F1(); F2[i] = (float)_cms[i].F2(); F0point5[i] = (float)_cms[i].F0point5(); accuracy[i] = (float)_cms[i].accuracy(); errorr[i] = (float)_cms[i].err(); precision[i] = (float)_cms[i].precision(); recall[i] = (float)_cms[i].recall(); specificity[i] = (float)_cms[i].specificity(); mcc[i] = (float)_cms[i].mcc(); max_per_class_error[i] = (float)_cms[i].max_per_class_error(); } } public boolean toHTML( StringBuilder sb ) { try { if (actual_domain == null) actual_domain = new String[]{"false","true"}; // make local copies to avoid getting clear()'ed out in the middle of printing (can happen for DeepLearning, for example) String[] my_actual_domain = actual_domain.clone(); String[] my_threshold_criteria = threshold_criteria.clone(); float[] my_threshold_for_criteria = threshold_for_criteria.clone(); float[] my_thresholds = thresholds.clone(); hex.ConfusionMatrix[] my_cms = _cms.clone(); if (my_thresholds == null) return false; if (my_threshold_criteria == null) return false; if (my_cms == null) return false; if (idxCriter == null) return false; sb.append("<div>"); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "<a href=\"\">Scoring for Binary Classification</a>"); // data for JS sb.append("\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">");//</script>"); sb.append("var cms = [\n"); for (hex.ConfusionMatrix cm : _cms) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); cm.toHTML(tmp, my_actual_domain); sb.append("\t'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(tmp.toString()) + "',\n"); } sb.append("];\n"); sb.append("var criterion = " + threshold_criterion.ordinal() + ";\n"); //which one sb.append("var criteria = ["); for (String c : my_threshold_criteria) sb.append("\"" + c + "\","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var thresholds = ["); for (double t : my_threshold_for_criteria) sb.append((float) t + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var F1_values = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].F1() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var F2_values = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].F2() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var F0point5_values = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].F0point5() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var accuracy = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].accuracy() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var error = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].err() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var precision = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].precision() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var recall = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].recall() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var specificity = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].specificity() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var mcc = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].mcc() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var max_per_class_error = ["); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append((float) my_cms[i].max_per_class_error() + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("var idxCriter = ["); for (int i : idxCriter) sb.append(i + ","); sb.append(" ];\n"); sb.append("</script>\n"); // Selection of threshold criterion sb.append("\n<div><b>Threshold criterion:</b></div><select id='threshold_select' onchange='set_criterion(this.value, idxCriter[this.value])'>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < my_threshold_criteria.length; ++i) sb.append("\t<option value='" + i + "'" + (i == threshold_criterion.ordinal() ? "selected='selected'" : "") + ">" + my_threshold_criteria[i] + "</option>\n"); sb.append("</select>\n"); sb.append("</div>"); DocGen.HTML.arrayHead(sb); sb.append("<th>AUC</th>"); sb.append("<th>Gini</th>"); sb.append("<th id='threshold_criterion'>Threshold for " + threshold_criterion.toString().replace("_", " ") + "</th>"); sb.append("<th>F1 </th>"); sb.append("<th>Accuracy </th>"); sb.append("<th>Error </th>"); sb.append("<th>Precision </th>"); sb.append("<th>Recall </th>"); sb.append("<th>Specificity</th>"); sb.append("<th>MCC</th>"); sb.append("<th>Max per class Error</th>"); sb.append("<tr class='warning'>"); sb.append("<td>" + String.format("%.5f", AUC()) + "</td>" + "<td>" + String.format("%.5f", Gini()) + "</td>" + "<td id='threshold'>" + String.format("%g", threshold()) + "</td>" + "<td id='F1_value'>" + String.format("%.7f", F1()) + "</td>" + "<td id='accuracy'>" + String.format("%.7f", accuracy()) + "</td>" + "<td id='error'>" + String.format("%.7f", err()) + "</td>" + "<td id='precision'>" + String.format("%.7f", precision()) + "</td>" + "<td id='recall'>" + String.format("%.7f", recall()) + "</td>" + "<td id='specificity'>" + String.format("%.7f", specificity()) + "</td>" + "<td id='mcc'>" + String.format("%.7f", mcc()) + "</td>" + "<td id='max_per_class_error'>" + String.format("%.7f", max_per_class_error()) + "</td>" ); DocGen.HTML.arrayTail(sb); // sb.append("<div id='BestConfusionMatrix'>"); // CM().toHTML(sb, actual_domain); // sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<table><tr><td>"); plotROC(sb); sb.append("</td><td id='ConfusionMatrix'>"); CM().toHTML(sb, my_actual_domain); sb.append("</td></tr>"); sb.append("<tr><td><h5>Threshold:</h5></div><select id=\"select\" onchange='show_cm(this.value)'>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < my_cms.length; ++i) sb.append("\t<option value='" + i + "'" + (my_thresholds[i] == threshold() ? "selected='selected'" : "") + ">" + my_thresholds[i] + "</option>\n"); sb.append("</select></td></tr>"); sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</table>"); sb.append("\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); sb.append("function show_cm(i){\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('ConfusionMatrix').innerHTML = cms[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('F1_value').innerHTML = F1_values[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('accuracy').innerHTML = accuracy[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = error[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('precision').innerHTML = precision[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('recall').innerHTML = recall[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('specificity').innerHTML = specificity[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('mcc').innerHTML = mcc[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('max_per_class_error').innerHTML = max_per_class_error[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "update(dataset);\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("function set_criterion(i, idx){\n"); sb.append("\t" + "criterion = i;\n"); // sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('BestConfusionMatrix').innerHTML = cms[idx];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('threshold_criterion').innerHTML = \" Threshold for \" + criteria[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById('threshold').innerHTML = thresholds[i];\n"); sb.append("\t" + "show_cm(idx);\n"); sb.append("\t" + "document.getElementById(\"select\").selectedIndex = idx;\n"); sb.append("\t" + "update(dataset);\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("</script>\n"); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } public void toASCII( StringBuilder sb ) { sb.append(CM().toString()); sb.append("AUC: " + String.format("%.5f", AUC())); sb.append(", Gini: " + String.format("%.5f", Gini())); sb.append(", F1: " + String.format("%.5f", F1())); sb.append(", F2: " + String.format("%.5f", F2())); sb.append(", F0point5: " + String.format("%.5f", F0point5())); sb.append(", Accuracy: " + String.format("%.5f", accuracy())); sb.append(", Error: " + String.format("%.5f", err())); sb.append(", Precision: " + String.format("%.5f", precision())); sb.append(", Recall: " + String.format("%.5f", recall())); sb.append(", Specificity: " + String.format("%.5f", specificity())); sb.append(", MCC: " + String.format("%.5f", mcc())); sb.append(", Threshold for " + threshold_criterion.toString().replace("_", " ") + ": " + String.format("%g", threshold())); sb.append("\n"); } void plotROC(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src='/h2o/js/d3.v3.min.js'></script>"); sb.append("<div id=\"ROC\">"); sb.append("<style type=\"text/css\">"); sb.append(".axis path," + ".axis line {\n" + "fill: none;\n" + "stroke: black;\n" + "shape-rendering: crispEdges;\n" + "}\n" + ".axis text {\n" + "font-family: sans-serif;\n" + "font-size: 11px;\n" + "}\n"); sb.append("</style>"); sb.append("<div id=\"rocCurve\" style=\"display:inline;\">"); sb.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); sb.append("//Width and height\n"); sb.append("var w = 500;\n"+ "var h = 300;\n"+ "var padding = 40;\n" ); sb.append("var dataset = ["); for(int c = 0; c < _fprs.length; c++) { assert(_tprs.length == _fprs.length); if (c == 0) { sb.append("["+String.valueOf(_fprs[c])+",").append(String.valueOf(_tprs[c])).append("]"); } sb.append(", ["+String.valueOf(_fprs[c])+",").append(String.valueOf(_tprs[c])).append("]"); } //diagonal for(int c = 0; c < 200; c++) { sb.append(", ["+String.valueOf(c/200.)+",").append(String.valueOf(c/200.)).append("]"); } sb.append("];\n"); sb.append( "//Create scale functions\n"+ "var xScale = d3.scale.linear()\n"+ ".domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[0]; })])\n"+ ".range([padding, w - padding * 2]);\n"+ "var yScale = d3.scale.linear()"+ ".domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[1]; })])\n"+ ".range([h - padding, padding]);\n"+ "var rScale = d3.scale.linear()"+ ".domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) { return d[1]; })])\n"+ ".range([2, 5]);\n"+ "//Define X axis\n"+ "var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()\n"+ ".scale(xScale)\n"+ ".orient(\"bottom\")\n"+ ".ticks(5);\n"+ "//Define Y axis\n"+ "var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()\n"+ ".scale(yScale)\n"+ ".orient(\"left\")\n"+ ".ticks(5);\n"+ "//Create SVG element\n"+ "var svg =\"#rocCurve\")\n"+ ".append(\"svg\")\n"+ ".attr(\"width\", w)\n"+ ".attr(\"height\", h);\n"+ "/*"+ "//Create labels\n"+ "svg.selectAll(\"text\")"+ ".data(dataset)"+ ".enter()"+ ".append(\"text\")"+ ".text(function(d) {"+ "return d[0] + \",\" + d[1];"+ "})"+ ".attr(\"x\", function(d) {"+ "return xScale(d[0]);"+ "})"+ ".attr(\"y\", function(d) {"+ "return yScale(d[1]);"+ "})"+ ".attr(\"font-family\", \"sans-serif\")"+ ".attr(\"font-size\", \"11px\")"+ ".attr(\"fill\", \"red\");"+ "*/\n"+ "//Create X axis\n"+ "svg.append(\"g\")"+ ".attr(\"class\", \"axis\")"+ ".attr(\"transform\", \"translate(0,\" + (h - padding) + \")\")"+ ".call(xAxis);\n"+ "//X axis label\n"+ "'#rocCurve svg')"+ ".append(\"text\")"+ ".attr(\"x\",w/2)"+ ".attr(\"y\",h - 5)"+ ".attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")"+ ".text(\"False Positive Rate\");\n"+ "//Create Y axis\n"+ "svg.append(\"g\")"+ ".attr(\"class\", \"axis\")"+ ".attr(\"transform\", \"translate(\" + padding + \",0)\")"+ ".call(yAxis);\n"+ "//Y axis label\n"+ "'#rocCurve svg')"+ ".append(\"text\")"+ ".attr(\"x\",150)"+ ".attr(\"y\",-5)"+ ".attr(\"transform\", \"rotate(90)\")"+ //".attr(\"transform\", \"translate(0,\" + (h - padding) + \")\")"+ ".attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")"+ ".text(\"True Positive Rate\");\n"+ "//Title\n"+ "'#rocCurve svg')"+ ".append(\"text\")"+ ".attr(\"x\",w/2)"+ ".attr(\"y\",padding - 20)"+ ".attr(\"text-anchor\", \"middle\")"+ ".text(\"ROC\");\n" + "function update(dataset) {" + "svg.selectAll(\"circle\").remove();" + "//Create circles\n"+ "var data = svg.selectAll(\"circle\")"+ ".data(dataset);\n"+ "var activeIdx = idxCriter[criterion];\n" + "data.enter()\n"+ ".append(\"circle\")\n"+ ".attr(\"cx\", function(d) {\n"+ "return xScale(d[0]);\n"+ "})\n"+ ".attr(\"cy\", function(d) {\n"+ "return yScale(d[1]);\n"+ "})\n"+ ".attr(\"fill\", function(d,i) {\n"+ " if (document.getElementById(\"select\") != null && i == document.getElementById(\"select\").selectedIndex && i != activeIdx) {\n" + " return \"blue\"\n" + " }\n" + " else if (i == activeIdx) {\n"+ " return \"green\"\n"+ " }\n" + " else if (d[0] != d[1] || d[0] == 0 || d[1] == 0) {\n"+ " return \"blue\"\n"+ " }\n" + " else {\n"+ " return \"red\"\n"+ " }\n"+ "})\n"+ ".attr(\"r\", function(d,i) {\n"+ " if (document.getElementById(\"select\") != null && i == document.getElementById(\"select\").selectedIndex && i != activeIdx) {\n" + " return 4\n" + " }\n" + " else if (i == activeIdx) {\n"+ " return 6\n"+ " }\n" + " else if (d[0] != d[1] || d[0] == 0 || d[1] == 0) {\n"+ " return 1.5\n"+ " }\n"+ " else {\n"+ " return 1\n"+ " }\n" + "})\n" + ".on(\"mouseover\", function(d,i){\n" + " if(i < " + _fprs.length + ") {" + " document.getElementById(\"select\").selectedIndex = i\n" + " show_cm(i)\n" + " }\n" + "});\n"+ "data.exit().remove();" + "}\n" + "update(dataset);"); sb.append("</script>"); sb.append("</div>"); } }