/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package water.ga; import static water.ga.GoogleAnalyticsParameter.CURRENCY_CODE; import static water.ga.GoogleAnalyticsParameter.TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION; import static water.ga.GoogleAnalyticsParameter.TRANSACTION_ID; import static water.ga.GoogleAnalyticsParameter.TRANSACTION_REVENUE; import static water.ga.GoogleAnalyticsParameter.TRANSACTION_SHIPPING; import static water.ga.GoogleAnalyticsParameter.TRANSACTION_TAX; /** * GA request to track ecommerce transaction. * * <p>For more information, see <a href="https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters#ecomm">GA Parameters Reference</a></p> * * @author Santhosh Kumar * * This copy of google-analytics-java is a back port of version 1.1.1 of the library. * This backport removes the slf4j dependency, and modifies the code to work with the * 4.1 version of the Apache http client library. * * Original sources can be found at https://github.com/brsanthu/google-analytics-java. * All copyrights retained by original authors. */ public class TransactionHit extends GoogleAnalyticsRequest<TransactionHit> { public TransactionHit() { this(null); } public TransactionHit(String txId) { this(txId, null); } public TransactionHit(String txId, Double txRevenue) { this(txId, null, txRevenue); } public TransactionHit(String txId, String txAffiliation, Double txRevenue) { this(txId, txAffiliation, txRevenue, null, null, "USD"); } public TransactionHit(String txId, String txAffiliation, Double txRevenue, String currencyCode) { this(txId, txAffiliation, txRevenue, null, null, currencyCode); } public TransactionHit(String txId, String txAffiliation, Double txRevenue, Double txShipping, Double txTax, String currencyCode) { super("transaction"); txId(txId); txAffiliation(txAffiliation); txRevenue(txRevenue); txShipping(txShipping); txTax(txTax); currencyCode(currencyCode); } /** * <div class="ind"> * <p> * <strong>Required for transaction hit type.</strong> * <br> * <strong>Required for item hit type.</strong> * </p> * <p>A unique identifier for the transaction. This value should be the same for both the Transaction hit and Items hits associated to the particular transaction.</p> * <table border="1"> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Parameter</th> * <th>Value Type</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Max Length</th> * <th>Supported Hit Types</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>ti</code></td> * <td>text</td> * <td><span class="none">None</span> * </td> * <td>500 Bytes * </td> * <td>transaction, item</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <div> * Example value: <code>OD564</code><br> * Example usage: <code>ti=OD564</code> * </div> * </div> */ public TransactionHit txId(String value) { setString(TRANSACTION_ID, value); return this; } public String txId() { return getString(TRANSACTION_ID); } /** * <div class="ind"> * <p> * Optional. * </p> * <p>Specifies the affiliation or store name.</p> * <table border="1"> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Parameter</th> * <th>Value Type</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Max Length</th> * <th>Supported Hit Types</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>ta</code></td> * <td>text</td> * <td><span class="none">None</span> * </td> * <td>500 Bytes * </td> * <td>transaction</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <div> * Example value: <code>Member</code><br> * Example usage: <code>ta=Member</code> * </div> * </div> */ public TransactionHit txAffiliation(String value) { setString(TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION, value); return this; } public String txAffiliation() { return getString(TRANSACTION_AFFILIATION); } /** * <div class="ind"> * <p> * Optional. * </p> * <p>Specifies the total revenue associated with the transaction. This value should include any shipping or tax costs.</p> * <table border="1"> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Parameter</th> * <th>Value Type</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Max Length</th> * <th>Supported Hit Types</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>tr</code></td> * <td>currency</td> * <td><code>0</code> * </td> * <td><span class="none">None</span> * </td> * <td>transaction</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <div> * Example value: <code>15.47</code><br> * Example usage: <code>tr=15.47</code> * </div> * </div> */ public TransactionHit txRevenue(Double value) { setDouble(TRANSACTION_REVENUE, value); return this; } public Double txRevenue() { return getDouble(TRANSACTION_REVENUE); } /** * <div class="ind"> * <p> * Optional. * </p> * <p>Specifies the total shipping cost of the transaction.</p> * <table border="1"> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Parameter</th> * <th>Value Type</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Max Length</th> * <th>Supported Hit Types</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>ts</code></td> * <td>currency</td> * <td><code>0</code> * </td> * <td><span class="none">None</span> * </td> * <td>transaction</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <div> * Example value: <code>3.50</code><br> * Example usage: <code>ts=3.50</code> * </div> * </div> */ public TransactionHit txShipping(Double value) { setDouble(TRANSACTION_SHIPPING, value); return this; } public Double txShipping() { return getDouble(TRANSACTION_SHIPPING); } /** * <div class="ind"> * <p> * Optional. * </p> * <p>Specifies the total tax of the transaction.</p> * <table border="1"> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Parameter</th> * <th>Value Type</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Max Length</th> * <th>Supported Hit Types</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>tt</code></td> * <td>currency</td> * <td><code>0</code> * </td> * <td><span class="none">None</span> * </td> * <td>transaction</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <div> * Example value: <code>11.20</code><br> * Example usage: <code>tt=11.20</code> * </div> * </div> */ public TransactionHit txTax(Double value) { setDouble(TRANSACTION_TAX, value); return this; } public Double txTax() { return getDouble(TRANSACTION_TAX); } /** * <div class="ind"> * <p> * Optional. * </p> * <p>When present indicates the local currency for all transaction currency values. Value should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code.</p> * <table border="1"> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Parameter</th> * <th>Value Type</th> * <th>Default Value</th> * <th>Max Length</th> * <th>Supported Hit Types</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><code>cu</code></td> * <td>text</td> * <td><span class="none">None</span> * </td> * <td>10 Bytes * </td> * <td>transaction, item</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * <div> * Example value: <code>EUR</code><br> * Example usage: <code>cu=EUR</code> * </div> * </div> */ public TransactionHit currencyCode(String value) { setString(CURRENCY_CODE, value); return this; } public String currencyCode() { return getString(CURRENCY_CODE); } }