package water.api; import water.*; import water.fvec.Frame; import; import java.util.Properties; /** * @author tomasnykodym */ public class DownloadDataset extends Request2 { static final int API_WEAVER=1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. // This Request supports the HTML 'GET' command, and this is the help text // for GET. static final String DOC_GET = "Download a Frame as a CSV file"; @API(help="An existing H2O Frame or VA key.", filter=Default.class) Key src_key; @API(help="Emit double values in a machine readable lossless format with Double.toHexString().", filter=Default.class) boolean hex_string = false; public static String link(Key k, String content){ return "<a href='/2/DownloadDataset?src_key=" + k.toString() + "'>" + content + "</a>"; } @SuppressWarnings("resource") @Override final public NanoHTTPD.Response serve(NanoHTTPD server, Properties args, RequestType type) { // Needs to be done also for help to initialize or argument records checkArguments(args, type); if (DKV.get(src_key) == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(src_key.toString() + " not found."); Object value = DKV.get(src_key).get(); InputStream csv = ((Frame) value).toCSV(true, hex_string); NanoHTTPD.Response res = Response(NanoHTTPD.HTTP_OK,NanoHTTPD.MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY, csv); // Clean up Key name back to something resembling a file system name. Hope // the user's browser actually asks for what to do with the suggested // filename. Without this code, my FireFox would claim something silly // like "no helper app installed", then fail the download. String s = src_key.toString(); int x = s.length()-1; boolean dot=false; for( ; x >= 0; x-- ) if( !Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(x)) && s.charAt(x)!='_' ) if( s.charAt(x)=='.' && !dot ) dot=true; else break; String suggested_fname = s.substring(x+1).replace(".hex", ".csv"); if( !suggested_fname.endsWith(".csv") ) suggested_fname = suggested_fname+".csv"; res.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=" + suggested_fname); return res; } @Override protected Response serve() { return Response.doneEmpty(); } }