package water.exec; import water.Futures; import water.Iced; import water.Key; import water.UKV; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Utils.IcedHashMap; import water.util.Utils.IcedInt; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; /** Execute a R-like AST, in the context of an H2O Cloud * @author */ public class Env extends Iced { // An environment is a classic stack of values, passed into AST's as the // execution state. The 3 types we support are Frames (2-d tables of data), // doubles (which are an optimized form of a 1x1 Frame), and ASTs (which are // 1st class functions). String _key[] = new String[4]; // For top-level globals only, record a frame Key Frame _ary[] = new Frame [4]; // Frame (or null if not a frame) double _d [] = new double[4]; // Double (only if frame & func are null) ASTOp _fcn[] = new ASTOp [4]; // Functions (or null if not a function) String _str[] = new String[4]; int _sp; // Stack pointer // Also a Pascal-style display, one display entry per lexical scope. Slot // zero is the start of the global scope (which contains all global vars like // hex Keys) and always starts at offset 0. int _display[] = new int[4]; int _tod; String[] _warnings = new String[0]; // capture warnings // Ref Counts for each vector final IcedHashMap<Vec,IcedInt> _refcnt; transient final public StringBuilder _sb; // Holder for print results transient boolean _allow_tmp; // Deep-copy allowed to tmp transient boolean _busy_tmp; // Assert temp is available for use transient Frame _tmp; // The One Big Active Tmp transient final ArrayList<Key> _locked; // The original set of locked frames Env(ArrayList<Key> locked) { _key = new String[4]; // Key for Frame _ary = new Frame [4]; // Frame (or null if not a frame) _d = new double[4]; // Double (only if frame & func are null) _str = new String[4]; _fcn = new ASTOp [4]; // Functions (or null if not a function) _display= new int[4]; _refcnt = new IcedHashMap<Vec,IcedInt>(); _sb = new StringBuilder(); _locked = locked; } public String[] warnings() {return _warnings; } public int sp() { return _sp; } public boolean isAry() { return _ary[_sp-1] != null; } public boolean isFcn () { return _fcn[_sp-1] != null; } public boolean isDbl () { return !isAry() && !isFcn(); } public boolean isStr () { return !isAry() && !isFcn() && _str[_sp-1] != null; } public boolean isFcn (int i) { return _fcn[_sp+i] != null; } public boolean isAry(int i) { return _ary[_sp+i] != null; } // Peek operators public Frame ary(int i) { Frame fr = _ary[_sp+i]; assert fr != null; return fr; } public ASTOp fcn(int i) { ASTOp op = _fcn[_sp+i]; assert op != null; return op; } public double dbl(int i) { double d = _d [_sp+i]; return d; } public String str(int i) { String s = _str[_sp+i]; assert s != null; return s; } // Load the nth Id/variable from the named lexical scope, typed as a Frame public Frame frId(int d, int n) { int idx = _display[_tod-d]+n; assert _ary[idx]!=null; return _ary[idx]; } // Push k empty slots void push( int slots ) { assert 0 <= slots && slots < 1000; int len = _d.length; _sp += slots; while( _sp > len ) { _key= Arrays.copyOf(_key,len<<1); _ary= Arrays.copyOf(_ary,len<<1); _d = Arrays.copyOf(_d ,len<<1); _fcn= Arrays.copyOf(_fcn,len<<=1); _str= Arrays.copyOf(_str,len<<1); } } void push( Frame fr ) { push(1); _ary[_sp-1] = addRef(fr); assert _ary[0]==null||check_refcnt(_ary[0].anyVec());} void push( double d ) { push(1); _d [_sp-1] = d ; } void push( String st) { push(1); _str[_sp-1] = st ; } void push( ASTOp fcn) { push(1); _fcn[_sp-1] = addRef(fcn); } void push( Frame fr, String key ) { push(fr); _key[_sp-1]=key; } // Copy from display offset d, nth slot void push_slot( int d, int n ) { assert d==0; // Should use a fcn's closure for d>1 int idx = _display[_tod-d]+n; push(1); _ary[_sp-1] = addRef(_ary[idx]); _d [_sp-1] = _d [idx]; _fcn[_sp-1] = addRef(_fcn[idx]); _str[_sp-1] = _str[idx]; assert _ary[0]==null || check_refcnt(_ary[0].anyVec()); } void push_slot( int d, int n, Env global ) { assert _refcnt==null; // Should use a fcn's closure for d>1 int idx = _display[_tod-d]+n; int gidx = global._sp; global.push(1); global._ary[gidx] = global.addRef(_ary[idx]); global._d [gidx] = _d [idx] ; global._fcn[gidx] = global.addRef(_fcn[idx]); global._str[gidx] = _str[idx] ; assert _ary[0]==null || global.check_refcnt(_ary[0].anyVec()); } // Copy from TOS into a slot. Does NOT pop results. void tos_into_slot( int d, int n, String id ) { // In a copy-on-modify language, only update the local scope, or return val assert d==0 || (d==1 && _display[_tod]==n+1); int idx = _display[_tod-d]+n; // Temporary solution to kill a UDF from global name space. Needs to fix in the future. if (_tod == 0) ASTOp.removeUDF(id); subRef(_ary[idx], _key[idx]); subRef(_fcn[idx]); Frame fr = _ary[_sp-1]; _ary[idx] = fr==null ? null : addRef(new Frame(fr)); _d [idx] = _d [_sp-1] ; _str[idx] = _str[_sp-1] ; _fcn[idx] = addRef(_fcn[_sp-1]); _key[idx] = d==0 && fr!=null ? id : null; // Temporary solution to add a UDF to global name space. Needs to fix in the future. if (_tod == 0 && _fcn[_sp-1] != null) ASTOp.putUDF(_fcn[_sp-1], id); assert _ary[0]== null || check_refcnt(_ary[0].anyVec()); } // Copy from TOS into a slot, using absolute index. void tos_into_slot( int idx, String id ) { subRef(_ary[idx], _key[idx]); subRef(_fcn[idx]); Frame fr = _ary[_sp-1]; _ary[idx] = fr==null ? null : addRef(new Frame(fr)); _d [idx] = _d [_sp-1] ; _fcn[idx] = addRef(_fcn[_sp-1]); _str[idx] = _str[_sp-1] ; _key[idx] = fr!=null ? id : null; assert _ary[0]== null || check_refcnt(_ary[0].anyVec()); } // Copy from TOS into stack. Pop's all intermediate. // Example: pop_into_stk(-4) BEFORE: A,B,C,D,TOS AFTER: A,TOS void pop_into_stk( int x ) { assert x < 0; subRef(_ary[_sp+x], _key[_sp+x]); // Nuke out old stuff subRef(_fcn[_sp+x]); _ary[_sp+x] = _ary[_sp-1]; // Copy without changing ref cnt _fcn[_sp+x] = _fcn[_sp-1]; _d [_sp+x] = _d [_sp-1]; _str[_sp+x] = _str[_sp-1]; _sp--; x++; // Pop without changing ref cnt while( x++ < -1 ) pop(); } // Push a scope, leaving room for passed args int pushScope(int args) { assert fcn(-args-1) instanceof ASTFunc; // Expect a function under the args return _display[++_tod] = _sp-args; } // Grab the function for nested scope d ASTFunc fcnScope( int d ) { return (ASTFunc)_fcn[_display[_tod]-1]; } // Pop a slot. Lowers refcnts on vectors. Always leaves stack null behind // (to avoid dangling pointers stretching lifetimes). void pop( Env global ) { assert _sp > _display[_tod]; // Do not over-pop current scope _sp--; _fcn[_sp]=global.subRef(_fcn[_sp]); _ary[_sp]=global.subRef(_ary[_sp],_key[_sp]); assert _sp==0 || _ary[0]==null || check_refcnt(_ary[0].anyVec()); } public void popUncheck( ) { _sp--; _fcn[_sp]=subRef(_fcn[_sp]); _ary[_sp]=subRef(_ary[_sp],_key[_sp]); } public void pop( ) { pop(this); } public void pop( int n ) { for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) pop(); } void popScope() { assert _tod > 0; // Something to pop? assert _sp >= _display[_tod]; // Did not over-pop already? while( _sp > _display[_tod] ) pop(); _tod--; } // Pop & return a Frame or Fcn; ref-cnt of all things remains unchanged. // Caller is responsible for tracking lifetime. public double popDbl() { assert isDbl(); return _d [--_sp]; } public String popStr() { assert isStr(); return _str[--_sp]; } public ASTOp popFcn() { assert isFcn(); ASTOp op = _fcn[--_sp]; _fcn[_sp]=null; return op; } public Frame popAry() { assert isAry(); Frame fr = _ary[--_sp]; _ary[_sp]=null; assert allAlive(fr); return fr; } public Frame peekAry() { assert isAry(); Frame fr = _ary[_sp-1]; assert allAlive(fr); return fr; } public ASTOp peekFcn() { assert isFcn(); ASTOp op = _fcn[_sp-1]; return op; } public String peekKey() { return _key[_sp-1]; } public String key() { return _key[_sp]; } // Pop frame from stack; lower refcnts... allowing to fall to zero without deletion. // Assumption is that this Frame will get pushed again shortly. public Frame popXAry() { Frame fr = popAry(); for( Vec vec : fr.vecs() ) { popVec(vec); if ( vec.masterVec() != null ) popVec(vec.masterVec()); } return fr; } public void popVec(Vec vec) { int cnt = _refcnt.get(vec)._val-1; if( cnt > 0 ) _refcnt.put(vec,new IcedInt(cnt)); else _refcnt.remove(vec); } // Replace a function invocation with it's result public void poppush( int n, Frame ary, String key) { addRef(ary); for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) { assert _sp > 0; _sp--; _fcn[_sp] = subRef(_fcn[_sp]); _ary[_sp] = subRef(_ary[_sp], _key[_sp]); } push(1); _ary[_sp-1] = ary; _key[_sp-1] = key; assert check_all_refcnts(); } // Replace a function invocation with it's result public void poppush(double d) { pop(); push(d); } // Capture the current environment & return it (for some closure's future execution). Env capture( boolean cntrefs ) { return new Env(this,cntrefs); } private Env( Env e, boolean cntrefs ) { _sp = e._sp; _key= Arrays.copyOf(e._key,_sp); _ary= Arrays.copyOf(e._ary,_sp); _d = Arrays.copyOf(e._d ,_sp); _fcn= Arrays.copyOf(e._fcn,_sp); _str = Arrays.copyOf(e._str,_sp); _tod= e._tod; _display = e._display.clone(); if( cntrefs ) { // If counting refs _refcnt = new IcedHashMap<Vec,IcedInt>(); _refcnt.putAll(e._refcnt); // Deep copy the existing refs } else _refcnt = null; // All other fields are ignored/zero _sb = null; _locked = null; } // Nice assert boolean allAlive(Frame fr) { for( Vec vec : fr.vecs() ) assert _refcnt.get(vec)._val > 0; return true; } /** * Subtract reference count. * @param vec vector to handle * @param fs future, cannot be null * @return returns given Future */ public Futures subRef( Vec vec, Futures fs ) { assert fs != null : "Future should not be null!"; if ( vec.masterVec() != null ) subRef(vec.masterVec(), fs); int cnt = _refcnt.get(vec)._val-1; if ( cnt > 0 ) { _refcnt.put(vec,new IcedInt(cnt)); } else { UKV.remove(vec._key,fs); _refcnt.remove(vec); } return fs; } public void subRef(Vec vec) { subRef(vec, new Futures()).blockForPending(); } // Lower the refcnt on all vecs in this frame. // Immediately free all vecs with zero count. // Always return a null. public Frame subRef( Frame fr, String key ) { if( fr == null ) return null; Futures fs = new Futures(); for( Vec vec : fr.vecs() ) subRef(vec,fs); fs.blockForPending(); return null; } // Lower refcounts on all vecs captured in the inner environment public ASTOp subRef( ASTOp op ) { if( op == null ) return null; if( !(op instanceof ASTFunc) ) return null; ASTFunc fcn = (ASTFunc)op; if( fcn._env != null ) fcn._env.subRef(this); else"Popping fcn object, never executed no environ capture"); return null; } Vec addRef( Vec vec ) { IcedInt I = _refcnt.get(vec); assert I==null || I._val>0; assert vec.length() == 0 || vec.isUUID() || ( > 0 || <= 0 || Double.isNaN(; _refcnt.put(vec,new IcedInt(I==null?1:I._val+1)); if (vec.masterVec()!=null) addRef(vec.masterVec()); return vec; } // Add a refcnt to all vecs in this frame Frame addRef( Frame fr ) { if( fr == null ) return null; for( Vec vec : fr.vecs() ) addRef(vec); return fr; } ASTOp addRef( ASTOp op ) { if( op == null ) return null; if( !(op instanceof ASTFunc) ) return op; ASTFunc fcn = (ASTFunc)op; if( fcn._env != null ) fcn._env.addRef(this); else"Pushing fcn object, never executed no environ capture"); return op; } private void addRef(Env global) { for( int i=0; i<_sp; i++ ) { if( _ary[i] != null ) global.addRef(_ary[i]); if( _fcn[i] != null ) global.addRef(_fcn[i]); } } private void subRef(Env global) { for( int i=0; i<_sp; i++ ) { if( _ary[i] != null ) global.subRef(_ary[i],_key[i]); if( _fcn[i] != null ) global.subRef(_fcn[i]); } } // Remove everything public void remove_and_unlock() { // Remove all shallow scopes while( _tod > 0 ) popScope(); // Push changes at the outer scope into the K/V store while( _sp > 0 ) { if( isAry() && _key[_sp-1] != null ) { // Has a K/V mapping? Frame fr = popAry(); // Pop w/o lowering refcnt String skey = key(); Frame fr2=new Frame(Key.make(skey),fr._names.clone(),fr.vecs().clone()); for( int i=0; i<fr.numCols(); i++ ) { Vec v = fr.vecs()[i]; int refcnt = _refcnt.get(v)._val; assert refcnt > 0; if( refcnt > 1 ) { // Need a deep-copy now Vec v2 = new Frame(v).deepSlice(null,null).vecs()[0]; fr2.replace(i,v2); // Replace with private deep-copy subRef(v); // Now lower refcnt for good assertions addRef(v2); } // But not down to zero (do not delete items in global scope) } if( _locked.contains(fr2._key) ) fr2.write_lock(null); // Upgrade to write-lock else { fr2.delete_and_lock(null); _locked.add(fr2._key); } // Clear prior & set new data fr2.unlock(null); _locked.remove(fr2._key); // Unlocked already } else { popUncheck(); } } // Unlock all things that do not survive, plus also delete them for( Key k : _locked ) { Frame fr = UKV.get(k); fr.unlock(null); fr.delete(); // Should be atomic really } } // Done writing into all things. Allow rollups. public void postWrite() { for( Vec vec : _refcnt.keySet() ) vec.postWrite(); } // Count references the "hard way" - used to check refcnting math. int compute_refcnt( Vec vec ) { int cnt=0; HashSet<Vec> refs = new HashSet<Vec>(); for( int i=0; i<_sp; i++ ) if( _ary[i] != null) { for (Vec v : _ary[i].vecs()) { Vec vm; if (v.equals(vec)) cnt++; else if ((vm = v.masterVec()) !=null && vm.equals(vec)) cnt++; } } else if( _fcn[i] != null && (_fcn[i] instanceof ASTFunc) ) cnt += ((ASTFunc)_fcn[i])._env.compute_refcnt(vec); return cnt + refs.size(); } boolean check_refcnt( Vec vec ) { IcedInt I = _refcnt.get(vec); int cnt0 = I==null ? 0 : I._val; int cnt1 = compute_refcnt(vec); if( cnt0==cnt1 ) return true; Log.err("Refcnt is "+cnt0+" but computed as "+cnt1); return false; } boolean check_all_refcnts() { for (Vec v : _refcnt.keySet()) if (check_refcnt(v) == false) return false; return true; } // Pop and return the result as a string public String resultString( ) { assert _tod==0 : "Still have lexical scopes past the global"; String s = toString(_sp-1,true); pop(); return s; } public String toString(int i, boolean verbose_fcn) { if( _ary[i] != null ) return _ary[i]._key+":"+_ary[i].numRows()+"x"+_ary[i].numCols(); else if( _fcn[i] != null ) return _fcn[i].toString(verbose_fcn); else if( _str[i] != null ) return _str[i]; return Double.toString(_d[i]); } @Override public String toString() { String s="{"; for( int i=0; i<_sp; i++ ) s += toString(i,false)+","; return s+"}"; } }