package samples.launchers; import water.*; import water.deploy.*; import water.util.Utils; public class CloudLocal { /** * Launches a 1 node cluster. You might want to increase the JVM heap, e.g. -Xmx12G. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { launch(null, 1); } /** * Launches a local multi-nodes cluster by spawning additional JVMs. JVM parameters and classpath * are replicated from the current one. */ public static void launch(Class<? extends Job> job, int nodes) throws Exception { // Additional logging info System.setProperty("h2o.debug", "true"); Boot.main(UserCode.class, new String[] { "" + nodes, job != null ? job.getName() : "null" }); } public static class UserCode { public static void userMain(String[] args) throws Exception { int nodes = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); String ip = ""; int port = 54321; // Flat file is not necessary, H2O can auto-discover nodes using multi-cast, added // here for increased determinism and as a way to get multiple clouds on same box String flat = ""; for( int i = 0; i < nodes; i++ ) flat += ip + ":" + (port + i * 2) + '\n'; String flatfile = Utils.writeFile(flat).getAbsolutePath(); for( int i = 1; i < nodes; i++ ) { String[] a = args(ip, (port + i * 2), flatfile); Node worker = new NodeVM(a); worker.inheritIO(); worker.start(); } H2O.main(args(ip, port, flatfile)); TestUtil.stall_till_cloudsize(nodes); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Cloud is up"); System.out.println("Go to"); System.out.println(""); if( !args[1].equals("null") ) { Class<Job> job = weaveClass(args[1]); job.newInstance().fork(); } } } static Class weaveClass(String name) throws Exception { String pack = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')); LaunchJar.weavePackages(pack); return Class.forName(name); } static String[] args(String ip, int port, String flatfile) { return new String[] { "-ip", ip, "-port", "" + port, "-flatfile", flatfile, "-beta" }; } }