package samples.launchers; import water.Job; import water.deploy.Cloud; import water.deploy.EC2; import water.deploy.VM; import water.util.Log; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Builds a remote cluster. H2O jar, or classes from current workspace, are deployed through rsync. * <nl> * Note: This technique is intended for debug and experimentation purposes only, please refer to the * documentation to deploy an H2O cluster. */ public class CloudRemote { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { launchEC2(null, 4); } /** * Starts EC2 machines and builds a cluster. */ public static void launchEC2(Class<? extends Job> job, int boxes) throws Exception { EC2 ec2 = new EC2(); ec2.boxes = boxes; Cloud c = ec2.resize(); launch(c, job); } /** * The current user is assumed to have ssh access (key-pair, no password) to the remote machines. * H2O will be deployed to '~/h2o_rsync/'. */ public static void launchIPs(Class<? extends Job> job, String... ips) throws Exception { Cloud cloud = new Cloud(); cloud.publicIPs.addAll(Arrays.asList(ips)); launch(cloud, job); } public static void launch(Cloud cloud, Class<? extends Job> job) throws Exception { String h2o = VM.h2oFolder().getPath(); cloud.clientRSyncIncludes.add(h2o + "/target"); cloud.clientRSyncIncludes.add(h2o + "/h2o-samples/target"); cloud.clientRSyncIncludes.add(h2o + "/lib"); cloud.clientRSyncIncludes.add(h2o + "/smalldata"); // If run from other project cloud.clientRSyncIncludes.add("target"); // Needed if using AWS API, e.g. importing from S3 cloud.clientRSyncIncludes.add(h2o + "/"); cloud.fannedRSyncIncludes.add(""); // The fanned rsync (between master and slaves) will have the two 'target' merged cloud.fannedRSyncIncludes.add("target"); cloud.fannedRSyncIncludes.add("lib"); cloud.fannedRSyncIncludes.add("smalldata"); cloud.clientRSyncExcludes.add("**/h2o.jar"); cloud.clientRSyncExcludes.add("**/javadoc"); cloud.clientRSyncExcludes.add("lib/javassist"); cloud.clientRSyncExcludes.add("**/*-sources.jar"); String java = "-ea -Xmx20G -Dh2o.debug"; String node = "-mainClass " + UserCode.class.getName() + " " + (job != null ? job.getName() : null) + " -beta"; cloud.start(java.split(" "), node.split(" ")); } public static class UserCode { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void userMain(String[] args) throws Exception {"Java location: " + System.getProperty("java.home")); String job = args[0].equals("null") ? null : args[0]; if( job != null ) { Class<Job> c = CloudLocal.weaveClass(job); c.newInstance().fork(); } } } }