package hex; import org.junit.Ignore; import static water.util.ModelUtils.getPrediction; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningTask; import hex.deeplearning.Neurons; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import water.JUnitRunnerDebug; import water.Key; import water.TestUtil; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NFSFileVec; import water.fvec.ParseDataset2; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Utils; import java.util.Random; public class DeepLearningIrisTest extends TestUtil { static final String PATH = "smalldata/iris/iris.csv"; Frame _train, _test; @BeforeClass public static void stall() { stall_till_cloudsize(JUnitRunnerDebug.NODES); } void compareVal(double a, double b, double abseps, double releps) { // check for equality if (, b) == 0) { } // check for small relative error else if (Math.abs((a-b)/Math.max(a,b)) < releps) { } // check for small absolute error else if (Math.abs(a - b) <= abseps) { } // fail else Assert.failNotEquals("Not equal: ", a, b); } void runFraction(float fraction) { long seed0 = 0xDECAF; int num_runs = 0; for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 5; ++repeat) { // Testing different things // Note: Microsoft reference implementation is only for Tanh + MSE, rectifier and MCE are implemented by 0xdata (trivial). // Note: Initial weight distributions are copied, but what is tested is the stability behavior. DeepLearning.Activation[] activations = {DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh, DeepLearning.Activation.Rectifier}; DeepLearning.Loss[] losses = {DeepLearning.Loss.MeanSquare, DeepLearning.Loss.CrossEntropy}; DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution[] dists = { DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal, DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform, DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive }; final long seed = seed0 + repeat; Random rng = new Random(seed); double[] initial_weight_scales = {1e-4 + rng.nextDouble()}; double[] holdout_ratios = {0.1 + rng.nextDouble() * 0.8}; double[] momenta = {rng.nextDouble() * 0.99}; int[] hiddens = {1, 2 + rng.nextInt(50)}; int[] epochs = {1, 2 + rng.nextInt(50)}; double[] rates = {0.01, 1e-5 + rng.nextDouble() * .1}; for (DeepLearning.Activation activation : activations) { for (DeepLearning.Loss loss : losses) { for (DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution dist : dists) { for (double scale : initial_weight_scales) { for (double holdout_ratio : holdout_ratios) { for (double momentum : momenta) { for (int hidden : hiddens) { for (int epoch : epochs) { for (double rate : rates) { for (boolean sparse : new boolean[]{true,false}) { for (boolean col_major : new boolean[]{false}) { DeepLearningModel mymodel = null; Frame frame = null; Frame fr = null; DeepLearning p = null; Frame trainPredict = null; Frame testPredict = null; try { if (col_major && !sparse) continue; num_runs++; if (fraction < rng.nextFloat()) continue;"");"STARTING.");"Running with " + + " activation function and " + + " loss function.");"Initialization with " + + " distribution and " + scale + " scale, holdout ratio " + holdout_ratio);"Using " + hidden + " hidden layers and momentum: " + momentum);"Using seed " + seed); Key file = NFSFileVec.make(find_test_file(PATH)); frame = ParseDataset2.parse(Key.make("iris_nn2"), new Key[]{file}); Random rand; int trial = 0; FrameTask.DataInfo dinfo; do {"Trial #" + ++trial); if (_train != null) _train.delete(); if (_test != null) _test.delete(); if (fr != null) fr.delete(); rand = Utils.getDeterRNG(seed); double[][] rows = new double[(int) frame.numRows()][frame.numCols()]; String[] names = new String[frame.numCols()]; for (int c = 0; c < frame.numCols(); c++) { names[c] = "ColumnName" + c; for (int r = 0; r < frame.numRows(); r++) rows[r][c] = frame.vecs()[c].at(r); } for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int shuffle = rand.nextInt(i + 1); double[] row = rows[shuffle]; rows[shuffle] = rows[i]; rows[i] = row; } int limit = (int) (frame.numRows() * holdout_ratio); _train = frame(names, Utils.subarray(rows, 0, limit)); _test = frame(names, Utils.subarray(rows, limit, (int) frame.numRows() - limit)); p = new DeepLearning(); p.source = _train; p.response = _train.lastVec(); p.ignored_cols = null; p.ignore_const_cols = true; fr = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(p.source, p.response, p.ignored_cols, true, p.ignore_const_cols); dinfo = new FrameTask.DataInfo(fr, 1, true, false, FrameTask.DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE); } // must have all output classes in training data (since that's what the reference implementation has hardcoded) while (dinfo._adaptedFrame.lastVec().domain().length < 3); // use the same seed for the reference implementation DeepLearningMLPReference ref = new DeepLearningMLPReference(); ref.init(activation, Utils.getDeterRNG(seed), holdout_ratio, hidden); p.seed = seed; p.hidden = new int[]{hidden}; p.adaptive_rate = false; p.rho = 0; p.epsilon = 0; p.rate = rate / (1 - momentum); //adapt to (1-m) correction that's done inside (only for constant momentum!) p.activation = activation; p.max_w2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; p.epochs = epoch; p.input_dropout_ratio = 0; p.rate_annealing = 0; //do not change - not implemented in reference p.l1 = 0; p.loss = loss; p.l2 = 0; p.momentum_stable = momentum; //reference only supports constant momentum p.momentum_start = p.momentum_stable; //do not change - not implemented in reference p.momentum_ramp = 0; //do not change - not implemented in reference p.initial_weight_distribution = dist; p.initial_weight_scale = scale; p.classification = true; p.diagnostics = true; p.validation = null; p.quiet_mode = true; p.fast_mode = false; //to be the same as reference // p.fast_mode = true; //to be the same as old NeuralNet code p.nesterov_accelerated_gradient = false; //to be the same as reference // p.nesterov_accelerated_gradient = true; //to be the same as old NeuralNet code p.train_samples_per_iteration = 0; //sync once per period p.ignore_const_cols = false; p.shuffle_training_data = false; p.classification_stop = -1; //don't stop early -> need to compare against reference, which doesn't stop either p.force_load_balance = false; //keep just 1 chunk for reproducibility p.override_with_best_model = false; //keep just 1 chunk for reproducibility p.replicate_training_data = false; p.single_node_mode = true; p.sparse = sparse; p.col_major = col_major; mymodel = p.initModel(); //randomize weights, but don't start training yet Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(mymodel.model_info()); // use the same random weights for the reference implementation Neurons l = neurons[1]; for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) { for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) { // System.out.println("initial weight[" + o + "]=" + l._w[o * l._previous._a.length + i]); ref._nn.ihWeights[i][o] = l._w.get(o, i); } ref._nn.hBiases[o] = l._b.get(o); // System.out.println("initial bias[" + o + "]=" + l._b[o]); } l = neurons[2]; for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) { for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) { // System.out.println("initial weight[" + o + "]=" + l._w[o * l._previous._a.length + i]); ref._nn.hoWeights[i][o] = l._w.get(o, i); } ref._nn.oBiases[o] = l._b.get(o); // System.out.println("initial bias[" + o + "]=" + l._b[o]); } // Train the Reference ref.train((int) p.epochs, rate, p.momentum_stable, loss); // Train H2O mymodel = p.trainModel(mymodel); Assert.assertTrue(mymodel.model_info().get_processed_total() == epoch * fr.numRows()); /** * Tolerances (should ideally be super tight -> expect the same double/float precision math inside both algos) */ final double abseps = 1e-4; final double releps = 1e-4; /** * Compare weights and biases in hidden layer */ neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(mymodel.model_info()); //link the weights to the neurons, for easy access l = neurons[1]; for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) { for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) { double a = ref._nn.ihWeights[i][o]; double b = l._w.get(o, i); compareVal(a, b, abseps, releps); // System.out.println("weight[" + o + "]=" + b); } double ba = ref._nn.hBiases[o]; double bb = l._b.get(o); compareVal(ba, bb, abseps, releps); }"Weights and biases for hidden layer: PASS"); /** * Compare weights and biases for output layer */ l = neurons[2]; for (int o = 0; o < l._a.size(); o++) { for (int i = 0; i < l._previous._a.size(); i++) { double a = ref._nn.hoWeights[i][o]; double b = l._w.get(o, i); compareVal(a, b, abseps, releps); } double ba = ref._nn.oBiases[o]; double bb = l._b.get(o); compareVal(ba, bb, abseps, releps); }"Weights and biases for output layer: PASS"); /** * Compare predictions * Note: Reference and H2O each do their internal data normalization, * so we must use their "own" test data, which is assumed to be created correctly. */ // H2O predictions Frame fpreds = mymodel.score(_test); //[0] is label, [1]...[4] are the probabilities try { for (int i = 0; i < _test.numRows(); ++i) { // Reference predictions double[] xValues = new double[neurons[0]._a.size()]; System.arraycopy(ref._testData[i], 0, xValues, 0, xValues.length); double[] ref_preds = ref._nn.ComputeOutputs(xValues); // find the label // do the same as H2O here (compare float values and break ties based on row number) float[] preds = new float[ref_preds.length + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < ref_preds.length; ++j) preds[j + 1] = (float) ref_preds[j]; preds[0] = getPrediction(preds, i); // compare predicted label Assert.assertTrue(preds[0] == (int) fpreds.vecs()[0].at(i)); // // compare predicted probabilities // for (int j=0; j<ref_preds.length; ++j) { // compareVal((float)(ref_preds[j]), fpreds.vecs()[1+j].at(i), abseps, releps); // } } } finally { if (fpreds != null) fpreds.delete(); }"Predicted values: PASS"); /** * Compare (self-reported) scoring */ final double trainErr = ref._nn.Accuracy(ref._trainData); final double testErr = ref._nn.Accuracy(ref._testData); trainPredict = mymodel.score(_train, false); final double myTrainErr = mymodel.calcError(_train, _train.lastVec(), trainPredict, trainPredict, "Final training error:", true, p.max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), null, null); testPredict = mymodel.score(_test, false); final double myTestErr = mymodel.calcError(_test, _test.lastVec(), testPredict, testPredict, "Final testing error:", true, p.max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), null, null);"H2O training error : " + myTrainErr * 100 + "%, test error: " + myTestErr * 100 + "%");"REF training error : " + trainErr * 100 + "%, test error: " + testErr * 100 + "%"); compareVal(trainErr, myTrainErr, abseps, releps); compareVal(testErr, myTestErr, abseps, releps);"Scoring: PASS"); // get the actual best error on training data float best_err = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (DeepLearningModel.Errors err : mymodel.scoring_history()) { best_err = Math.min(best_err, (float) err.train_err); //multi-class classification }"Actual best error : " + best_err * 100 + "%."); // this is enabled by default if (p.override_with_best_model) { Frame bestPredict = null; try { bestPredict = mymodel.score(_train, false); final double bestErr = mymodel.calcError(_train, _train.lastVec(), bestPredict, bestPredict, "Best error:", true, p.max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), null, null);"Best_model's error : " + bestErr * 100 + "%."); compareVal(bestErr, best_err, abseps, releps); } finally { if (bestPredict != null) bestPredict.delete(); } }"Parameters combination " + num_runs + ": PASS"); } finally{ // cleanup if (mymodel != null) { mymodel.delete_best_model(); mymodel.delete(); } if (_train != null) _train.delete(); if (_test != null) _test.delete(); if (frame != null) frame.delete(); if (fr != null) fr.delete(); if (p != null) p.delete(); if (trainPredict != null) trainPredict.delete(); if (testPredict != null) testPredict.delete(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } public static class Long extends DeepLearningIrisTest { @Test @Ignore public void run() throws Exception { runFraction(0.1f); } } public static class Short extends DeepLearningIrisTest { @Test public void run() throws Exception { runFraction(0.05f); } } }