package hex.singlenoderf; import jsr166y.ForkJoinTask; import jsr166y.RecursiveAction; import water.*; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Log.Tag.Sys; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; /**A DataAdapter maintains an encoding of the original data. Every raw value (of type float) * is represented by a short value. When the number of unique raw value is larger that binLimit, * the DataAdapter will perform binning on the data and use the same short encoded value to * represent several consecutive raw values. * * Missing values, NaNs and Infinity are treated as BAD data. */ final class DataAdapter { /** Place holder for missing data, NaN, Inf in short encoding.*/ static final short BAD = Short.MIN_VALUE; /** Number of classes. */ private final int _numClasses; /** Columns. */ final Col[] _c; /** Seed for sampling */ private final long _seed; /** Number of rows */ public final int _numRows; /** Class weights */ public final double[] _classWt; /** Use regression */ public final boolean _regression; public Key _jobKey; DataAdapter(Frame fr, SpeeDRFModel model, int[] modelDataMap, int rows, long unique, long seed, int binLimit, double[] classWt) { // assert model._dataKey == fr._key; _seed = seed+(unique<<16); // This is important to preserve sampling selection!!! /* Maximum arity for a column (not a hard limit) */ _numRows = rows; _jobKey = model.jobKey; _numClasses = model.regression ? 1 : model.classes(); _regression = model.regression; _c = new Col[fr.numCols()]; for( int i = 0; i < _c.length; i++ ) { if(model.jobKey != null && !Job.isRunning(model.jobKey)) throw new Job.JobCancelledException(); assert fr._names[modelDataMap[i]].equals(fr._names[i]); Vec v = fr.vecs()[i]; if( isByteCol(v,rows, i == _c.length-1, _regression) ) // we do not bin for small values _c[i] = new Col(fr._names[i], rows, i == _c.length-1); else _c[i] = new Col(fr._names[i], rows, i == _c.length-1, binLimit, !(v.isEnum() || v.isInt())); } boolean trivial = true; if (classWt != null) for(double f: classWt) if (f != 1.0) trivial = false; _classWt = trivial ? null : classWt; } static boolean isByteCol( Vec C, int rows, boolean isClass, boolean regression) { if (regression) { return !isClass && (C.isInt() || C.isEnum()) && C.min() >= 0 && C.length() == rows && (C.max() < 255 || C.max() < 256 && C.length() == rows); } return (C.isInt() || C.isEnum()) && !isClass && C.min() >= 0 && C.length()==rows && (C.max()<255 || C.max() <256 && C.length()==rows); } /** Given a value in enum format, returns: the value in the original format if no * binning was applied, or if binning was applied a value that is inbetween * the idx and the next value. If the idx is the last value return (2*idx+1)/2. */ public float unmap(int col, int idx){ return _c[col].rawSplit(idx); } public boolean isFloat(int col) { return _c[col].isFloat(); } public long seed() { return _seed; } public int columns() { return _c.length;} public int classOf(int idx) { return _c[_c.length-1].get(idx); } /** The number of possible prediction classes. */ public int classes() { return _numClasses; } /** Transforms given binned index (short) from class column into a value from interval [0..N-1] * corresponding to a particular predictor class */ public int unmapClass(int clazz) { Col c = _c[_c.length-1]; if (c._isByte) return clazz; else { // OK, this is not fully correct bad handle corner-cases like for example dataset uses classes only // with 0 and 3. Our API reports that there are 4 classes but in fact there are only 2 classes. if (clazz >= c._binned2raw.length) clazz = c._binned2raw.length - 1; return (int) (c.raw(clazz) - c._min); } } /** Returns the number of bins, i.e. the number of distinct values in the column. */ public int columnArity(int col) { return _c[col].arity(); } public int columnArityOfClassCol() { return _c[_c.length - 1].arity(); } /** Return a short that represents the binned value of the original row,column value. */ public short getEncodedColumnValue(int row, int col) { return _c[col].get(row); } public short getEncodedClassColumnValue(int row) { return _c[_c.length-1].get(row); } public double getRawColumnValue(int row, int col) { return _c[col].getRaw(row); } public float getRawClassColumnValueFromBin(int row) { int idx = _c.length-1; short btor = _c[idx].get(row); if (_c[idx]._binned == null) { return (float)(0xFF & _c[idx]._rawB[row]); } return _c[_c.length-1]._binned2raw[btor]; } public void shrink() { if(_jobKey != null && !Job.isRunning(_jobKey)) throw new Job.JobCancelledException(); // for ( Col c: _c) c.shrink(); // sort columns in parallel: c.shrink() calls single-threaded Arrays.sort() RecursiveAction [] ras = new RecursiveAction[_c.length]; int i=0; for ( final Col c: _c) { ras[i++] = new RecursiveAction() { @Override public void compute() { c.shrink(); } }; } ForkJoinTask.invokeAll(ras); } public String columnName(int i) { return _c[i].name(); } public boolean isValid(int col, float f) { return !_c[col].isFloat() || !Float.isInfinite(f); } public final void add(float v, int row, int col) { _c[col].add (row,v); } public final void add1(int v, int row, int col) { _c[col].add1(row,v); } public final void addBad(int row, int col) { _c[col].addBad(row); } public final boolean hasBadValue(int row, int col) { return _c[col].isBad(row); } public final boolean isBadRow(int row) { return _c[_c.length-1].isBad(row); } public final boolean isBadRowRaw(int row) { return _c[_c.length-1].isBadRaw(row); } public final boolean isIgnored(int col) { return _c[col].isIgnored(); } public final void markIgnoredRow(int row) { _c[_c.length-1].addBad(row); } public final int classColIdx() { return _c.length - 1; } public final boolean hasAnyInvalid(int col) { return _c[col]._invalidValues!=0; } static class Col { /** Encoded values*/ short[] _binned; /** Original values, kept only during inhale*/ float[] _raw; /** Original values which we do not want to bin */ byte[] _rawB; /** Map from binned to original*/ float[] _binned2raw; final boolean _isClass, _isFloat, _isByte; final int _colBinLimit; final String _name; /** Total number of bad values in the column. */ int _invalidValues; float _min, _max; int _arity; static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ("0.##"); boolean _ignored; Col(String s, int rows, boolean isClass) { _name = s; _isClass = isClass; _rawB = MemoryManager.malloc1(rows); _isFloat = false; _isByte = true; _colBinLimit = 0; } Col(String s, int rows, boolean isClass, int binLimit, boolean isFloat) { _name = s; _isFloat = isFloat; _isClass = isClass; _colBinLimit = binLimit; _isByte = false; _raw = MemoryManager.malloc4f(rows); _ignored = false; } boolean isFloat() { return _isFloat; } boolean isIgnored() { return _ignored; } int arity() { return _ignored ? -1 : _arity; } String name() { return _name; } short get(int row) { return (short) (_isByte ? (_rawB[row]&0xFF) : _binned[row]); } double getRaw(int row) { return (double)(_isByte ? (_rawB[row]&0xFF) : _binned2raw[_binned[row]]);} void add(int row, float val) { _raw [row] = val; } void add1(int row, int val) { _rawB[row] = (byte)val; } void addBad(int row) { if (!_isByte) _raw[row] = Float.NaN; else _rawB[row] = (byte)255; } private boolean isBadRaw(float f) { return Float.isNaN(f); } boolean isBad(int row) { return _isByte ? (_rawB[row]&0xFF)==255 : _binned[row] == BAD; } /** For all columns - encode all floats as unique shorts. */ void shrink() { if (_isByte) { _arity = 256; return ; // do not shrink byte columns } float[] vs = _raw.clone(); Arrays.sort(vs); // Sort puts all Float.NaN at the end of the array (according Float.NaN doc) int ndups = 0, i = 0, nans = 0; // Counter of all NaNs while(i < vs.length-1) { // count dups int j = i+1; if (isBadRaw(vs[i])) { nans = vs.length - i; break; } // skip all NaNs if (isBadRaw(vs[j])) { nans = vs.length - j; break; } // there is only one remaining NaN (do not forget on it) while(j < vs.length && vs[i] == vs[j]){ ++ndups; ++j; } i = j; } _invalidValues = nans; if ( vs.length <= nans) { // to many NaNs in the column => ignore it _ignored = true; _raw = null;, "Ignore column: " + this); return; } int n = vs.length - ndups - nans; int rem = n % _colBinLimit; int maxBinSize = (n > _colBinLimit) ? (n / _colBinLimit + Math.min(rem,1)) : 1; // Assign shorts to floats, with binning. _binned2raw = MemoryManager.malloc4f(Math.min(n, _colBinLimit)); // if n is smaller than bin limit no need to compact int smax = 0, cntCurBin = 1; i = 0; _binned2raw[0] = vs[i]; for(; i < vs.length; ++i) { if(isBadRaw(vs[i])) break; // the first NaN, there are only NaN in the rest of vs[] array if(vs[i] == _binned2raw[smax]) continue; // remove dups if( ++cntCurBin > maxBinSize ) { if(rem > 0 && --rem == 0)--maxBinSize; // check if we can reduce the bin size ++smax; cntCurBin = 1; } _binned2raw[smax] = vs[i]; } ++smax; // for(i = 0; i< vs.length; i++) if (!isBadRaw(vs[i])) break; // All Float.NaN are at the end of vs => min is stored in vs[0] _min = vs[0]; for(i = vs.length -1; i>= 0; i--) if (!isBadRaw(vs[i])) break; _max = vs[i]; vs = null; // GCed _binned = MemoryManager.malloc2(_raw.length); // Find the bin value by lookup in bin2raw array which is sorted so we can do binary lookup. for(i = 0; i < _raw.length; i++) if (isBadRaw(_raw[i])) _binned[i] = BAD; else { short idx = (short) Arrays.binarySearch(_binned2raw, _raw[i]); if (idx >= 0) _binned[i] = idx; else _binned[i] = (short) (-idx - 1); // this occurs when we are looking for a binned value, we return the smaller value in the array. assert _binned[i] < _binned2raw.length; } if( n > _colBinLimit ),this+" this column's arity was cut from "+n+" to "+smax); _arity = _binned2raw.length; _raw = null; // GCced } /**Given an encoded short value, return the original float*/ public float raw(int idx) { return _binned2raw[idx]; } /**Given an encoded short value, return the float that splits that value with the next.*/ public float rawSplit(int idx){ if (_isByte) return idx; // treat index as value if (idx == BAD) return Float.NaN; float flo = _binned2raw[idx]; // Convert to the original values float fhi = (idx+1 < _binned2raw.length)? _binned2raw[idx+1] : flo+1.f; //assert flo < fmid && fmid < fhi : "Values " + flo +","+fhi ; // Assert that the float will properly split return (flo+fhi)/2.0f; } int rows() { return _isByte ? _rawB.length : _binned.length; } @Override public String toString() { String res = "Column("+_name+"){"; if (_ignored) res+="IGNORED"; else { res+= " ["+df.format(_min) +","+df.format(_max)+"]"; res+=",bad values=" + _invalidValues + "/" + rows(); if (_isClass) res+= " CLASS "; } res += "}"; return res; } } }