package hex; import water.*; import water.Job.ColumnsJob; import water.api.DocGen; import water.api.Progress2; import water.api.Request; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.RString; import water.util.Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Scalable K-Means++ (KMeans||)<br> *<br> * */ public class KMeans2 extends ColumnsJob { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; static final String DOC_GET = "k-means"; public enum Initialization { None, PlusPlus, Furthest }; @API(help = "Cluster initialization: None - chooses initial centers at random; Plus Plus - choose first center at random, subsequent centers chosen from probability distribution weighted so that points further from first center are more likey to be selected; Furthest - chooses initial point at random, subsequent point taken as the point furthest from prior point.", filter = Default.class, json=true) // public Initialization initialization = Initialization.None; public Initialization initialization = Initialization.Furthest; // default Initialization is Furthest. Better results for hard cases, especially with just one trial // in the browser. PlusPlus can be biased, so Furthest can be best, again especially if just one trial // Random should never be better than Furthest. @API(help = "Number of clusters", required = true, filter = Default.class, lmin = 1, lmax = 100000, json=true) public int k = 2; @API(help = "Maximum number of iterations before stopping", required = true, filter = Default.class, lmin = 1, lmax = 100000, json=true) public int max_iter = 100; @API(help = "Whether data should be normalized", filter = Default.class, json=true) public boolean normalize; @API(help = "Seed for the random number generator", filter = Default.class, json=true) public long seed = new Random().nextLong(); @API(help = "Drop columns with more than 20% missing values", filter = Default.class, json=true) public boolean drop_na_cols = true; // Number of categorical columns private int _ncats; // Number of reinitialization attempts for preventing empty clusters transient private int reinit_attempts; // Make a link that lands on this page public static String link(Key k, String content) { RString rs = new RString("<a href='KMeans2.query?source=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key", k.toString()); rs.replace("content", content); return rs.toString(); } public KMeans2() { description = "K-means"; } // ---------------------- @Override public void execImpl() { Frame fr; KMeans2Model model = null; try { logStart(); source.read_lock(self()); if ( source.numRows() < k) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot make " + k + " clusters out of " + source.numRows() + " rows."); // Drop ignored cols and, if user asks for it, cols with too many NAs fr = FrameTask.DataInfo.prepareFrame(source, ignored_cols, false, drop_na_cols); // fr = source; if (fr.numCols() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No columns left to work with."); // Sort columns, so the categoricals are all up front. They use a // different distance metric than numeric columns. Vec vecs[] = fr.vecs(); final int N = vecs.length; // Feature count int ncats=0, len=N; while( ncats != len ) { while( ncats < len && vecs[ncats].isEnum() ) ncats++; while( len > 0 && !vecs[len-1].isEnum() ) len--; if( ncats < len-1 ) fr.swap(ncats,len-1); } _ncats = ncats; // The model to be built model = new KMeans2Model(this, dest(), fr._key, fr.names(),; model.delete_and_lock(self()); // means are used to impute NAs double[] means = new double[N]; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) means[i] = vecs[i].mean(); // mults & means for normalization double[] mults = null; if( normalize ) { mults = new double[N]; for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { double sigma = vecs[i].sigma(); mults[i] = normalize(sigma) ? 1.0 / sigma : 1.0; } } // Initialize clusters Random rand = Utils.getRNG(seed - 1); double clusters[][]; // Normalized cluster centers if( initialization == Initialization.None ) { // Initialize all clusters to random rows. Get 3x the number needed clusters = model.centers = new double[k*3][fr.numCols()]; for( double[] cluster : clusters ) randomRow(vecs, rand, cluster, means, mults); // for( int i=0; i<model.centers.length; i++ ) { //"random model.centers["+i+"]: "+Arrays.toString(model.centers[i])); // } // Recluster down to K normalized clusters. clusters = recluster(clusters, rand); } else { clusters = new double[1][vecs.length]; // Initialize first cluster to random row randomRow(vecs, rand, clusters[0], means, mults); while( model.iterations < 5 ) { // Sum squares distances to clusters SumSqr sqr = new SumSqr(clusters,means,mults,_ncats).doAll(vecs); //"iteration: "+model.iterations+" sqr: "+sqr._sqr); // Sample with probability inverse to square distance long randomSeed = (long) rand.nextDouble(); Sampler sampler = new Sampler(clusters, means, mults, _ncats, sqr._sqr, k * 3, randomSeed).doAll(vecs); clusters = Utils.append(clusters,sampler._sampled); // Fill in sample clusters into the model if( !isRunning() ) return; // Stopped/cancelled model.centers = denormalize(clusters, ncats, means, mults); // see below. this is sum of squared error now model.total_within_SS = sqr._sqr; model.iterations++; // One iteration done //"\nKMeans Centers during init models.iterations: "+model.iterations); // for( int i=0; i<model.centers.length; i++ ) { //"model.centers["+i+"]: "+Arrays.toString(model.centers[i])); // } //"model.total_within_SS: "+model.total_within_SS); // Don't count these iterations as work for model building model.update(self()); // Early version of model is visible // Recluster down to K normalized clusters. // makes more sense to recluster each iteration, since the weighted k*3 effect on sqr vs _sqr // reflects the k effect on _sqr? ..if there are too many "centers" (samples) then _sqr (sum of all) is too // big relative to sqr (possible new point, and we don't gather any more samples? // (so the centers won't change during the init) clusters = recluster(clusters, rand); } } model.iterations = 0; // Reset iteration count // --- // Run the main KMeans Clustering loop // Stop after enough iterations boolean done; LOOP: for( ; model.iterations < max_iter; model.iterations++ ) { if( !isRunning() ) return; // Stopped/cancelled Lloyds task = new Lloyds(clusters,means,mults,_ncats, k).doAll(vecs); // Pick the max categorical level for clusters' center max_cats(task._cMeans,task._cats); // Handle the case where some clusters go dry. Rescue only 1 cluster // per iteration ('cause we only tracked the 1 worst row) boolean badrow=false; for( int clu=0; clu<k; clu++ ) { if (task._rows[clu] == 0) { // If we see 2 or more bad rows, just re-run Lloyds to get the // next-worst row. We don't count this as an iteration, because // we're not really adjusting the centers, we're trying to get // some centers *at-all*. if (badrow) { Log.warn("KMeans: Re-running Lloyds to re-init another cluster"); model.iterations--; // Do not count against iterations if (reinit_attempts++ < k) { continue LOOP; // Rerun Lloyds, and assign points to centroids } else { reinit_attempts = 0; break; //give up and accept empty cluster } } long row = task._worst_row; Log.warn("KMeans: Re-initializing cluster " + clu + " to row " + row); data(clusters[clu] = task._cMeans[clu], vecs, row, means, mults); task._rows[clu] = 1; badrow = true; } } // Fill in the model; denormalized centers model.centers = denormalize(task._cMeans, ncats, means, mults); model.size = task._rows; model.within_cluster_variances = task._cSqr; double ssq = 0; // sum squared error for( int i=0; i<k; i++ ) { ssq += model.within_cluster_variances[i]; // sum squared error all clusters // model.within_cluster_variances[i] /= task._rows[i]; // mse per-cluster } // model.total_within_SS = ssq/fr.numRows(); // mse total model.total_within_SS = ssq; //total within sum of squares model.update(self()); // Update model in K/V store reinit_attempts = 0; // Compute change in clusters centers double sum=0; for( int clu=0; clu<k; clu++ ) sum += distance(clusters[clu],task._cMeans[clu],ncats); sum /= N; // Average change per feature"KMeans: Change in cluster centers="+sum); done = ( sum < 1e-6 || model.iterations == max_iter-1); if (done) {"Writing clusters to key " + model._clustersKey); Clusters cc = new Clusters(); cc._clusters = clusters; cc._means = means; cc._mults = mults; cc.doAll(1, vecs); Frame fr2 = cc.outputFrame(model._clustersKey, new String[]{"Cluster ID"}, new String[][]{Utils.toStringMap(0, cc._clusters.length - 1)}); fr2.delete_and_lock(self()).unlock(self()); break; } clusters = task._cMeans; // Update cluster centers StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("KMeans: iter: ").append(model.iterations).append(", MSE=").append(model.total_within_SS); for( int i=0; i<k; i++ ) sb.append(", ").append(task._cSqr[i]).append("/").append(task._rows[i]);; } } catch( Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace(); cancel(t); } finally { remove(); // Remove Job if( model != null ) model.unlock(self()); source.unlock(self()); state = UKV.<Job>get(self()).state; new TAtomic<KMeans2Model>() { @Override public KMeans2Model atomic(KMeans2Model m) { if (m != null) m.get_params().state = state; return m; } }.invoke(dest()); } } @Override protected Response redirect() { return KMeans2Progress.redirect(this, job_key, destination_key); } public static class KMeans2Progress extends Progress2 { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; @Override protected Response jobDone(Key dst) { return KMeans2ModelView.redirect(this, destination_key); } public static Response redirect(Request req, Key job_key, Key destination_key) { return Response.redirect(req, new KMeans2Progress().href(), JOB_KEY, job_key, DEST_KEY, destination_key); } } public static class KMeans2ModelView extends Request2 { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; @API(help = "KMeans2 Model", json = true, filter = Default.class) public KMeans2Model model; @API(help="KMeans2 Model Key", required = true, filter = KMeans2Filter.class) Key _modelKey; class KMeans2Filter extends H2OKey { public KMeans2Filter() { super("",true); } } public static String link(String txt, Key model) { return "<a href='" + new KMeans2ModelView().href() + ".html?_modelKey=" + model + "'>" + txt + "</a>"; } public static Response redirect(Request req, Key model) { return Response.redirect(req, "/2/KMeans2ModelView", "_modelKey", model); // return Response.redirect(req, new KMeans2ModelView().href(), "_modelKey", model); } @Override protected Response serve() { model = DKV.get(_modelKey).get(); return Response.done(this); } @Override public boolean toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { if( model != null && model.centers != null && model.within_cluster_variances != null) { model.parameters.makeJsonBox(sb); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Cluster Centers: "); //"Total Within Cluster Sum of Squares: " + model.total_within_SS); table(sb, "Clusters", model._names, model.centers); double[][] rows = new double[model.within_cluster_variances.length][1]; for( int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) rows[i][0] = model.within_cluster_variances[i]; columnHTMLlong(sb, "Cluster Size", model.size); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Cluster Variances: "); table(sb, "Clusters", new String[]{"Within Cluster Sum of Squares"}, rows); // columnHTML(sb, "Between Cluster Variances", model.between_cluster_variances); sb.append("<br />"); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Overall Totals: "); double[] row = new double[]{model.total_within_SS}; rowHTML(sb, new String[]{"Total Within Cluster Sum of Squares"}, row); // double[] row = new double[]{model.total_SS, model.total_within_SS, model.between_cluster_SS}; // rowHTML(sb, new String[]{"Total Sum of Squares", "Total Within Cluster Sum of Squares", "Between Cluster Sum of Squares"}, row); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Cluster Assignments by Observation: "); RString rs = new RString("<a href='Inspect2.html?src_key=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key", model._key + "_clusters"); rs.replace("content", "View the row-by-row cluster assignments"); sb.append(rs.toString()); //sb.append("<iframe src=\"" + "/Inspect.html?key=KMeansClusters\"" + "width = \"850\" height = \"550\" marginwidth=\"25\" marginheight=\"25\" scrolling=\"yes\"></iframe>" ); return true; } return false; } private static void rowHTML(StringBuilder sb, String[] header, double[] ro) { sb.append("<span style='display: inline-block; '>"); sb.append("<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>"); sb.append("<tr>"); for (String aHeader : header) sb.append("<th>").append(aHeader).append("</th>"); sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("<tr>"); for (double row : ro) { sb.append("<td>").append(ElementBuilder.format(row)).append("</td>"); } sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("</table></span>"); } private static void columnHTML(StringBuilder sb, String name, double[] rows) { sb.append("<span style='display: inline-block; '>"); sb.append("<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<th>").append(name).append("</th>"); sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("<tr>"); for (double row : rows) { sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>").append(ElementBuilder.format(row)).append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</table></span>"); } private static void columnHTMLlong(StringBuilder sb, String name, long[] rows) { sb.append("<span style='display: inline-block; '>"); sb.append("<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<th>").append(name).append("</th>"); sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("<tr>"); for (double row : rows) { sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>").append(ElementBuilder.format(row)).append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</table></span>"); } private static void table(StringBuilder sb, String title, String[] names, double[][] rows) { sb.append("<span style='display: inline-block;'>"); sb.append("<table class='table table-striped table-bordered'>"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<th>").append(title).append("</th>"); for( int i = 0; names != null && i < rows[0].length; i++ ) sb.append("<th>").append(names[i]).append("</th>"); sb.append("</tr>"); for( int r = 0; r < rows.length; r++ ) { sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>").append(r).append("</td>"); for( int c = 0; c < rows[r].length; c++ ) sb.append("<td>").append(ElementBuilder.format(rows[r][c])).append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</table></span>"); } } public static class KMeans2Model extends Model implements Progress { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; @API(help = "Model parameters") private final KMeans2 parameters; // This is used purely for printing values out. @API(help = "Cluster centers, always denormalized") public double[][] centers; @API(help = "Sum of within cluster sum of squares") public double total_within_SS; // @API(help = "Between cluster sum of square distances") // public double between_cluster_SS; // @API(help = "Total Sum of squares = total_within_SS + betwen_cluster_SS") // public double total_SS; @API(help = "Number of clusters") public int k; @API(help = "Numbers of observations in each cluster.") public long[] size; @API(help = "Whether data was normalized") public boolean normalized; @API(help = "Maximum number of iterations before stopping") public int max_iter = 100; @API(help = "Iterations the algorithm ran") public int iterations; @API(help = "Within cluster sum of squares per cluster") public double[] within_cluster_variances; //Warning: See note below //Note: The R wrapper interprets this as withinss (sum of squares), so that's what we compute here, and NOT the variances. //FIXME: => wrong name, should be within_cluster_sum_of_squares, but leaving to be backward-compatible with REST API // @API(help = "Between Cluster square distances per cluster") // public double[] between_cluster_variances; @API(help = "The row-by-row cluster assignments") public final Key _clustersKey; private transient int _ncats; public KMeans2Model(KMeans2 params, Key selfKey, Key dataKey, String names[], String domains[][]) { super(selfKey, dataKey, names, domains, /* priorClassDistribution */ null, /* modelClassDistribution */ null); _ncats = params._ncats; parameters = params; // only for backward-compatibility of JSON response k = params.k; normalized = params.normalize; max_iter = params.max_iter; _clustersKey = Key.make(selfKey.toString() + "_clusters"); } @Override public final KMeans2 get_params() { return parameters; } @Override public final Request2 job() { return get_params(); } @Override public double mse() { return total_within_SS; } @Override public float progress() { return Math.min(1f, iterations / (float) parameters.max_iter); } @Override protected float[] score0(Chunk[] chunks, int rowInChunk, double[] tmp, float[] preds) { assert chunks.length>=_names.length; for( int i=0; i<_names.length; i++ ) tmp[i] = chunks[i].at0(rowInChunk); return score0(tmp,preds); } @Override protected float[] score0(double[] data, float[] preds) { preds[0] = closest(centers,data,_ncats); return preds; } @Override public int nfeatures() { return _names.length; } @Override public boolean isSupervised() { return false; } @Override public String responseName() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("KMeans doesn't have a response."); } /** Remove any Model internal Keys */ @Override public Futures delete_impl(Futures fs) { Lockable.delete(_clustersKey); return fs; } } public class Clusters extends MRTask2<Clusters> { // IN double[][] _clusters; // Cluster centers double[] _means, _mults; // Normalization int _ncats, _nnums; @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk ncs) { double[] values = new double[_clusters[0].length]; ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist(); for (int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) { data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults); // closest(_clusters, values, cd); closest(_clusters, values, _ncats, cd); int clu = cd._cluster; // ncs[0].addNum(clu); ncs.addEnum(clu); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initial sum-of-square-distance to nearest cluster private static class SumSqr extends MRTask2<SumSqr> { // IN double[][] _clusters; double[] _means, _mults; // Normalization final int _ncats; // OUT double _sqr; SumSqr( double[][] clusters, double[] means, double[] mults, int ncats ) { _clusters = clusters; _means = means; _mults = mults; _ncats = ncats; } @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { double[] values = new double[cs.length]; ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist(); for( int row = 0; row < cs[0].len(); row++ ) { data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults); _sqr += minSqr(_clusters, values, _ncats, cd); } _means = _mults = null; _clusters = null; } @Override public void reduce(SumSqr other) { _sqr += other._sqr; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sample rows with increasing probability the farther they are from any // cluster. private static class Sampler extends MRTask2<Sampler> { // IN double[][] _clusters; double[] _means, _mults; // Normalization final int _ncats; final double _sqr; // Min-square-error final double _probability; // Odds to select this point final long _seed; // OUT double[][] _sampled; // New clusters Sampler( double[][] clusters, double[] means, double[] mults, int ncats, double sqr, double prob, long seed ) { _clusters = clusters; _means = means; _mults = mults; _ncats = ncats; _sqr = sqr; _probability = prob; _seed = seed; } @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { double[] values = new double[cs.length]; ArrayList<double[]> list = new ArrayList<double[]>(); Random rand = Utils.getRNG(_seed + cs[0]._start); ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist(); for( int row = 0; row < cs[0].len(); row++ ) { data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults); double sqr = minSqr(_clusters, values, _ncats, cd); if( _probability * sqr > rand.nextDouble() * _sqr ) { list.add(values.clone()); //"Sampler map adding to the list used for an init iteration values: "+ // Arrays.toString(values)+" _probability: "+_probability+" sqr: "+sqr+" _sqr: "+_sqr); } } //"Sampler map summary: that's another "+list.size()+" to the list used for an init iteration values"); _sampled = new double[list.size()][]; list.toArray(_sampled); _clusters = null; _means = _mults = null; } @Override public void reduce(Sampler other){ _sampled = Utils.append(_sampled, other._sampled); } } public static class Lloyds extends MRTask2<Lloyds> { // IN double[][] _clusters; double[] _means, _mults; // Normalization final int _ncats, _K; // OUT double[][] _cMeans; // Means for each cluster long[/*K*/][/*ncats*/][] _cats; // Histogram of cat levels double[] _cSqr; // Sum of squares for each cluster long[] _rows; // Rows per cluster long _worst_row; // Row with max err double _worst_err; // Max-err-row's max-err Lloyds( double[][] clusters, double[] means, double[] mults, int ncats, int K ) { _clusters = clusters; _means = means; _mults = mults; _ncats = ncats; _K = K; } @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) { int N = cs.length; assert _clusters[0].length==N; _cMeans = new double[_K][N]; _cSqr = new double[_K]; _rows = new long[_K]; // Space for cat histograms _cats = new long[_K][_ncats][]; for( int clu=0; clu<_K; clu++ ) for( int col=0; col<_ncats; col++ ) _cats[clu][col] = new long[cs[col]._vec.cardinality()]; _worst_err = 0; // Find closest cluster for each row double[] values = new double[N]; ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist(); for( int row = 0; row < cs[0].len(); row++ ) { data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults); closest(_clusters, values, _ncats, cd); int clu = cd._cluster; assert clu != -1; // No broken rows _cSqr[clu] += cd._dist; // Add values and increment counter for chosen cluster for( int col = 0; col < _ncats; col++ ) _cats[clu][col][(int)values[col]]++; // Histogram the cats for( int col = _ncats; col < N; col++ ) _cMeans[clu][col] += values[col]; _rows[clu]++; // Track worst row if( cd._dist > _worst_err) { _worst_err = cd._dist; _worst_row = cs[0]._start+row; } } // Scale back down to local mean for( int clu = 0; clu < _K; clu++ ) if( _rows[clu] != 0 ) Utils.div(_cMeans[clu],_rows[clu]); _clusters = null; _means = _mults = null; } @Override public void reduce(Lloyds mr) { for( int clu = 0; clu < _K; clu++ ) { long ra = _rows[clu]; long rb = mr._rows[clu]; double[] ma = _cMeans[clu]; double[] mb = mr._cMeans[clu]; for( int c = 0; c < ma.length; c++ ) // Recursive mean if( ra+rb > 0 ) ma[c] = (ma[c] * ra + mb[c] * rb) / (ra + rb); } Utils.add(_cats, mr._cats); Utils.add(_cSqr, mr._cSqr); Utils.add(_rows, mr._rows); // track global worst-row if( _worst_err < mr._worst_err) { _worst_err = mr._worst_err; _worst_row = mr._worst_row; } } } // A pair result: nearest cluster, and the square distance private static final class ClusterDist { int _cluster; double _dist; } private static double minSqr(double[][] clusters, double[] point, int ncats, ClusterDist cd) { return closest(clusters, point, ncats, cd, clusters.length)._dist; } private static double minSqr(double[][] clusters, double[] point, int ncats, ClusterDist cd, int count) { return closest(clusters,point,ncats,cd,count)._dist; } private static ClusterDist closest(double[][] clusters, double[] point, int ncats, ClusterDist cd) { return closest(clusters, point, ncats, cd, clusters.length); } private static double distance(double[] cluster, double[] point, int ncats) { double sqr = 0; // Sum of dimensional distances int pts = point.length; // Count of valid points // Categorical columns first. Only equals/unequals matters (i.e., distance is either 0 or 1). for(int column = 0; column < ncats; column++) { double d = point[column]; if( Double.isNaN(d) ) pts--; else if( d != cluster[column] ) sqr += 1.0; // Manhattan distance } // Numeric column distance for( int column = ncats; column < cluster.length; column++ ) { double d = point[column]; if( Double.isNaN(d) ) pts--; // Do not count else { double delta = d - cluster[column]; sqr += delta * delta; } } // Scale distance by ratio of valid dimensions to all dimensions - since // we did not add any error term for the missing point, the sum of errors // is small - ratio up "as if" the missing error term is equal to the // average of other error terms. Same math another way: // double avg_dist = sqr / pts; // average distance per feature/column/dimension // sqr = sqr * point.length; // Total dist is average*#dimensions if( 0 < pts && pts < point.length ) sqr *= point.length / pts; return sqr; } /** Return both nearest of N cluster/centroids, and the square-distance. */ private static ClusterDist closest(double[][] clusters, double[] point, int ncats, ClusterDist cd, int count) { int min = -1; double minSqr = Double.MAX_VALUE; for( int cluster = 0; cluster < count; cluster++ ) { double sqr = distance(clusters[cluster],point,ncats); if( sqr < minSqr ) { // Record nearest cluster min = cluster; minSqr = sqr; } } cd._cluster = min; // Record nearest cluster cd._dist = minSqr; // Record square-distance return cd; // Return for flow-coding } // For KMeansModel scoring; just the closest cluster static int closest(double[][] clusters, double[] point, int ncats) { int min = -1; double minSqr = Double.MAX_VALUE; for( int cluster = 0; cluster < clusters.length; cluster++ ) { double sqr = distance(clusters[cluster],point,ncats); if( sqr < minSqr ) { // Record nearest cluster min = cluster; minSqr = sqr; } } return min; } // KMeans++ re-clustering private double[][] recluster(double[][] points, Random rand) { double[][] res = new double[k][]; res[0] = points[0]; int count = 1; ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist(); switch( initialization ) { case PlusPlus: { // k-means++ while( count < res.length ) { double sum = 0; for (double[] point1 : points) sum += minSqr(res, point1, _ncats, cd, count); for (double[] point : points) { if (minSqr(res, point, _ncats, cd, count) >= rand.nextDouble() * sum) { res[count++] = point; break; } } } break; } // if we oversampled for initialization=None, recluster using the Furthest criteria down to k case None: case Furthest: { // Takes cluster further from any already chosen ones while( count < res.length ) { double max = 0; int index = 0; for( int i = 0; i < points.length; i++ ) { double sqr = minSqr(res, points[i], _ncats, cd, count); if( sqr > max ) { max = sqr; index = i; } } res[count++] = points[index]; } break; } default: throw; } return res; } private void randomRow(Vec[] vecs, Random rand, double[] cluster, double[] means, double[] mults) { long row = Math.max(0, (long) (rand.nextDouble() * vecs[0].length()) - 1); data(cluster, vecs, row, means, mults); } private static boolean normalize(double sigma) { // TODO unify handling of constant columns return sigma > 1e-6; } // Pick most common cat level for each cluster_centers' cat columns private static double[][] max_cats(double[][] clusters, long[][][] cats) { int K = cats.length; int ncats = cats[0].length; for( int clu = 0; clu < K; clu++ ) for( int col = 0; col < ncats; col++ ) // Cats use max level for cluster center clusters[clu][col] = Utils.maxIndex(cats[clu][col]); return clusters; } private static double[][] denormalize(double[][] clusters, int ncats, double[] means, double[] mults) { int K = clusters.length; int N = clusters[0].length; double[][] value = new double[K][N]; for( int clu = 0; clu < K; clu++ ) { System.arraycopy(clusters[clu],0,value[clu],0,N); if( mults!=null ) // Reverse normalization for( int col = ncats; col < N; col++ ) value[clu][col] = value[clu][col] / mults[col] + means[col]; } return value; } private static void data(double[] values, Vec[] vecs, long row, double[] means, double[] mults) { for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { double d = vecs[i].at(row); values[i] = data(d, i, means, mults, vecs[i].cardinality()); } } private static void data(double[] values, Chunk[] chks, int row, double[] means, double[] mults) { for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { double d = chks[i].at0(row); values[i] = data(d, i, means, mults, chks[i]._vec.cardinality()); } } /** * Takes mean if NaN, normalize if requested. */ private static double data(double d, int i, double[] means, double[] mults, int cardinality) { if(cardinality == -1) { if( Double.isNaN(d) ) d = means[i]; if( mults != null ) { d -= means[i]; d *= mults[i]; } } else { // TODO: If NaN, then replace with majority class? if(Double.isNaN(d)) d = Math.min(Math.round(means[i]), cardinality-1); } return d; } }