package water.persist; import; import water.Boot; import water.H2O; import water.util.Log; import; import; public class HdfsLoader { private static final String DEFAULT_HDFS_VERSION = "cdh4"; private static final String MAPRFS_HDFS_VERSION = "mapr2.1.3"; public static void loadJars() { if (H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_skip != null) { // When H2O is launched by hadoop itself, it should use the HDFS library that // the hadoop mapper task picks up by default. // // Do not load any hadoop jar that is packed with H2O."H2O was started by Hadoop; inheriting HDFS library from mapper task."); return; } if (H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_version != null) {"HDFS version specified on the command line: " + H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_version); } // Load the HDFS backend for existing hadoop installations. // FIX! hadoop/mapr supports other variants? also why isn't port an option on mapr, and why volume? // port should be optional // understands -hdfs=hdfs://server:port OR -hdfs=maprfs:///mapr/node_name/volume // -hdfs-root=root // -hdfs-config=config file String version = Objects.firstNonNull(H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs_version, DEFAULT_HDFS_VERSION); // If HDFS URI is MapR-fs - Switch to MapR version of hadoop // FIX! shouldn't we just use whatever the hdfs_version specifies previously? if( "mapr".equals(version) || Strings.nullToEmpty(H2O.OPT_ARGS.hdfs).startsWith("maprfs:///") ) { version = MAPRFS_HDFS_VERSION; } try { if( Boot._init.fromJar() ) { File f = new File(version); if( f.exists() ) { Boot._init.addExternalJars(f); } else { Boot._init.addInternalJars("hadoop/" + version + "/"); } } } catch( Exception e ) { Log.err(e); Log.die("[hdfs] Unable to initialize hadoop version " + version + " please use different version."); } } }