package hex; import java.util.Arrays; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import water.*; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.fvec.*; import water.util.Utils; /** * Support class for extracting things from frame. **/ public abstract class FrameExtractor extends H2OCountedCompleter { /** Dataset to split */ final Frame dataset; /** Destination keys for each output frame split. */ final Key[] destKeys; /** Optional job key */ final Key jobKey; /** Output frames for each output split part */ private Frame[] splits; /** Temporary variable holding exceptions of workers */ private Throwable[] workersExceptions; public FrameExtractor(Frame dataset, Key[] destKeys, Key jobKey) { this.dataset = dataset; this.jobKey = jobKey; this.destKeys = destKeys!=null ? destKeys : generateDestKeys(dataset!=null?dataset._key:null, numOfOutputs()); } @Override public void compute2() { // Lock all possible data dataset.read_lock(jobKey); // Create a template vector for each segment final Vec[][] templates = makeTemplates(); final int nsplits = templates.length; assert templates.length == numOfOutputs() : "Number of outputs and number of created templates differ!"; final Vec[] datasetVecs = dataset.vecs(); // Create output frames splits = new Frame[nsplits]; for (int s=0; s<nsplits; s++) { Frame split = new Frame(destKeys[s], dataset.names(), templates[s] ); split.delete_and_lock(jobKey); splits[s] = split; } // Launch number of distributed FJ for each split part setPendingCount(1); H2O.submitTask(new H2OCountedCompleter(FrameExtractor.this) { @Override public void compute2() { setPendingCount(nsplits); for (int s=0; s<nsplits; s++) { MRTask2 mrt = createNewWorker(new H2OCountedCompleter(this) { // Completer for this task @Override public void compute2() { } @Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter caller) { synchronized( FrameExtractor.this ) { // synchronized on this since can be accessed from different workers workersExceptions = workersExceptions!=null ? Arrays.copyOf(workersExceptions, workersExceptions.length+1) : new Throwable[1]; workersExceptions[workersExceptions.length-1] = ex; } tryComplete(); // we handle the exception so wait perform normal completion return false; } }, datasetVecs, s); assert mrt.getCompleter() != null : "The `createNewWorker` method violates API contract and forgets to setup given counted completer!"; mrt.asyncExec(splits[s]); } tryComplete(); // complete the computation of nsplits-tasks } }); tryComplete(); // complete the computation of thrown tasks } /** Blocking call to obtain a result of computation. */ public Frame[] getResult() { join(); if (workersExceptions!=null) throw new RuntimeException(workersExceptions[0]); return splits; } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter caller) { boolean exceptional = workersExceptions!=null; dataset.unlock(jobKey); if (splits!=null) { for (Frame s : splits) { if (s!=null) { if (!exceptional) { s.update(jobKey); s.unlock(jobKey); } else { // Have to unlock and delete here s.unlock(jobKey); s.delete(jobKey, 3.14f); // delete all splits } } } } } /** Create a new worker which has to setup given completer. */ protected abstract MRTask2 createNewWorker(H2OCountedCompleter completer, Vec[] inputVecs, int split) ; /** Create a templates for vector composing output frame */ protected Vec[][] makeTemplates() { Vec anyVec = dataset.anyVec(); final long[][] espcPerSplit = computeEspcPerSplit(anyVec._espc, anyVec.length()); final int num = dataset.numCols(); // number of columns in input frame final int nsplits = espcPerSplit.length; // number of splits final String[][] domains =; // domains final boolean[] uuids = dataset.uuids(); final byte[] times = dataset.times(); Vec[][] t = new Vec[nsplits][/*num*/]; // resulting vectors for all for (int i=0; i<nsplits; i++) { // vectors for j-th split t[i] = new Vec(Vec.newKey(),espcPerSplit[i/*-th split*/]).makeZeros(num, domains, uuids, times); } return t; } /** * Compute espc for output vectors for each split. * @param espc input vector espc * @param nrows total number of rows in input vector * @return espc for each partition */ protected abstract long[][] computeEspcPerSplit(long[] espc, long nrows) ; /** * Generates default names for destination keys. * * @param masterKey * key for input dataset * @param numberOfKeys * number of keys to generate * @return return an array of keys. */ protected Key[] generateDestKeys(Key masterKey, int numberOfKeys) { return Utils.generateNumKeys(masterKey, numberOfKeys); } /** Return a number of resulting frame which this task produces. */ protected abstract int numOfOutputs(); }