package water.api; import dontweave.gson.*; import water.*; import water.util.Log; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class Cloud extends Request2 { @API(help="quiet", required=false, filter=Default.class) protected boolean quiet = false; @API(help="skip_ticks", required=false, filter=Default.class) protected boolean skip_ticks = false; /** * Data structure to store last tick counts from a given node. */ private class LastTicksEntry { final public long _system_idle_ticks; final public long _system_total_ticks; final public long _process_total_ticks; LastTicksEntry(HeartBeat hb) { _system_idle_ticks = hb._system_idle_ticks; _system_total_ticks = hb._system_total_ticks; _process_total_ticks = hb._process_total_ticks; } } @Override public RequestServer.API_VERSION[] supportedVersions() { return SUPPORTS_V1_V2; } /** * Store last tick counts for each node. * * This is local to a node and doesn't need to be Iced, so make it transient. * Access this each time the Cloud status page is called on this node. * * The window of tick aggregation is between calls to this page (which might come from the browser or from REST * API clients). * * Note there is no attempt to distinguish between REST API sessions. Every call updates the last tick count info. */ private static transient ConcurrentHashMap<String,LastTicksEntry> ticksHashMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LastTicksEntry>(); private static volatile boolean lastCloudHealthy = false; public Cloud() { _requestHelp = "Displays the information about the current cloud. For each" + " node displays its heartbeat information."; } @Override public Response serve() { JsonObject response = new JsonObject(); final H2O cloud = H2O.CLOUD; final H2ONode self = H2O.SELF; response.addProperty(VERSION, H2O.VERSION); response.addProperty(CLOUD_NAME, H2O.NAME); response.addProperty(NODE_NAME, self.toString()); response.addProperty(CLOUD_SIZE, cloud._memary.length); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); response.addProperty(CLOUD_UPTIME_MILLIS, now - H2O.START_TIME_MILLIS); boolean cloudHealthy = true; JsonArray nodes = new JsonArray(); for (H2ONode h2o : cloud._memary) { HeartBeat hb = h2o._heartbeat; JsonObject node = new JsonObject(); node.addProperty(NAME,h2o.toString()); node.addProperty(NUM_KEYS, hb._keys); node.addProperty(VALUE_SIZE, hb.get_valsz()); node.addProperty(FREE_MEM, hb.get_free_mem()); node.addProperty(TOT_MEM, hb.get_tot_mem()); node.addProperty(MAX_MEM, hb.get_max_mem()); node.addProperty(MEM_BW, hb._membw); node.addProperty(FREE_DISK, hb.get_free_disk()); node.addProperty(MAX_DISK, hb.get_max_disk()); node.addProperty(NUM_CPUS, (int)hb._num_cpus); node.addProperty(GFLOPS, hb._gflops); node.addProperty(SYSTEM_LOAD, hb._system_load_average); Long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - h2o._last_heard_from; node.addProperty(ELAPSED, elapsed); h2o._node_healthy = elapsed > HeartBeatThread.TIMEOUT ? false : true; node.addProperty(NODE_HEALTH, h2o._node_healthy); if (! h2o._node_healthy) { cloudHealthy = false; } node.addProperty("cpus_allowed", hb._cpus_allowed); node.addProperty("nthreads", hb._nthreads); node.addProperty("PID", hb._pid); JsonArray fjth = new JsonArray(); JsonArray fjqh = new JsonArray(); JsonArray fjtl = new JsonArray(); JsonArray fjql = new JsonArray(); if( hb._fjthrds != null ) { for( int i=0; i<H2O.MIN_HI_PRIORITY; i++ ) { if( hb._fjthrds[i]==-1 ) break; fjtl.add(new JsonPrimitive(hb._fjthrds[i])); fjql.add(new JsonPrimitive(hb._fjqueue[i])); } node.add(FJ_THREADS_LO, fjtl); node.add(FJ_QUEUE_LO , fjql); for( int i=H2O.MIN_HI_PRIORITY; i<H2O.MAX_PRIORITY; i++ ) { fjth.add(new JsonPrimitive(hb._fjthrds[i])); fjqh.add(new JsonPrimitive(hb._fjqueue[i])); } node.add(FJ_THREADS_HI, fjth); node.add(FJ_QUEUE_HI , fjqh); } node.addProperty(RPCS, (int) hb._rpcs); node.addProperty(TCPS_ACTIVE, (int) hb._tcps_active); if (hb._process_num_open_fds >= 0) { node.addProperty("open_fds", hb._process_num_open_fds); } else { node.addProperty("open_fds", "N/A"); } // Use tick information to calculate CPU usage percentage for the entire system and // for the specific H2O node. // // Note that 100% here means "the entire box". This is different from 'top' 100%, // which usually means one core. int my_cpu_pct = -1; int sys_cpu_pct = -1; if (!skip_ticks) { LastTicksEntry lte = ticksHashMap.get(h2o.toString()); if (lte != null) { long system_total_ticks_delta = hb._system_total_ticks - lte._system_total_ticks; // Avoid divide by 0 errors. if (system_total_ticks_delta > 0) { long system_idle_ticks_delta = hb._system_idle_ticks - lte._system_idle_ticks; double sys_cpu_frac_double = 1 - ((double)(system_idle_ticks_delta) / (double)system_total_ticks_delta); if (sys_cpu_frac_double < 0) sys_cpu_frac_double = 0; // Clamp at 0. else if (sys_cpu_frac_double > 1) sys_cpu_frac_double = 1; // Clamp at 1. sys_cpu_pct = (int)(sys_cpu_frac_double * 100); long process_total_ticks_delta = hb._process_total_ticks - lte._process_total_ticks; double process_cpu_frac_double = ((double)(process_total_ticks_delta) / (double)system_total_ticks_delta); // Saturate at 0 and 1. if (process_cpu_frac_double < 0) process_cpu_frac_double = 0; // Clamp at 0. else if (process_cpu_frac_double > 1) process_cpu_frac_double = 1; // Clamp at 1. my_cpu_pct = (int)(process_cpu_frac_double * 100); } } LastTicksEntry newLte = new LastTicksEntry(hb); ticksHashMap.put(h2o.toString(), newLte); } if (my_cpu_pct >= 0) { node.addProperty("my_cpu_%", my_cpu_pct); } else { node.addProperty("my_cpu_%", "N/A"); } if (sys_cpu_pct >= 0) { node.addProperty("sys_cpu_%", sys_cpu_pct); } else { node.addProperty("sys_cpu_%", "N/A"); } node.addProperty(LAST_CONTACT, h2o._last_heard_from); nodes.add(node); } response.addProperty(CLOUD_HEALTH, cloudHealthy); response.add(NODES,nodes); response.addProperty(CONSENSUS, Paxos._commonKnowledge); // Cloud is globally accepted response.addProperty(LOCKED, Paxos._cloudLocked); // Cloud is locked against changes boolean logCloudStatus = (!cloudHealthy) || (cloudHealthy != lastCloudHealthy) || !quiet; lastCloudHealthy = cloudHealthy; if (logCloudStatus) {"H2O Cloud Status:"); for (String s : response.toString().split("[{}]")) if (!s.equals(",") && s.length() > 0); // Log the cloud status to stdout } Response r = Response.done(response); r.setBuilder(CONSENSUS, new BooleanStringBuilder("","Voting new members")); r.setBuilder(LOCKED, new BooleanStringBuilder("Locked","Accepting new members")); r.setBuilder(NODES, new MyAryBuilder()); r.setBuilder(NODES+"."+NAME, new NodeCellBuilder()); r.setBuilder(NODES+"."+LAST_CONTACT, new LastContactBuilder()); return r; } public static String pos_neg(double d) { return d >= 0 ? String.valueOf(d) : "n/a"; } // Just the Node as a link private static class NodeCellBuilder extends ArrayRowElementBuilder { @Override public String elementToString(JsonElement element, String contextName) { String str = element.getAsString(); if( str.equals(H2O.SELF.toString()) ) { return "<a href='StoreView.html'>"+str+"</a>"; } String str2 = str.startsWith("/") ? str.substring(1) : str; String str3 = "<a href='http://" + str2 + "/StoreView.html'>" + str + "</a>"; return str3; } } // Highlight sick nodes private static class MyAryBuilder extends ArrayBuilder { static ArrayRowBuilder MY_ARRAY_ROW = new MyRowBuilder(); @Override public Builder defaultBuilder(JsonElement element) { return MY_ARRAY_ROW; } } private static class MyRowBuilder extends ArrayRowBuilder { @Override public String header(JsonObject object, String objectName) { long then = object.getAsJsonPrimitive(LAST_CONTACT).getAsLong(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return ((now-then) >= HeartBeatThread.TIMEOUT) ? "\n<tr class=\"error\">" : "\n<tr>"; } } // Last-heard-from time pretty-printing private static class LastContactBuilder extends ArrayRowElementBuilder { @Override public String elementToString(JsonElement element, String contextName) { long then = element.getAsLong(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (now-then >= 2*1000) ? ""+((now-then)/1000)+" secs ago" : "now"; } } }