package hex.pca; import hex.FrameTask; import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo; import water.Job; import water.Job.FrameJob; import water.Key; import water.api.DocGen; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.NewChunk; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.RString; /** * Principal Components Scoring * This algorithm maps a dataset into the subspace generated by the principal components. * If A = dataset to be scored, and B = eigenvector matrix (rows = features, cols = components), * then the score is simply A * B, assuming the column features match up exactly. * <a href = "">PCA on Wikipedia</a> * @author anqi_fu * */ public class PCAScore extends FrameJob { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; static final String DOC_GET = "pca_score"; @API(help = "PCA model to use for scoring", required = true, filter = Default.class) PCAModel model; @API(help = "Number of principal components to return", filter = Default.class, lmin = 1, lmax = 5000) int num_pc = 1; @Override protected void execImpl() { // Note: Source data MUST contain all features (matched by name) used to build PCA model! // If additional columns exist in source, they are automatically ignored in scoring new Frame(destination_key, new String[0], new Vec[0]).delete_and_lock(self()); Frame fr = model.adapt(source, true)[0]; int nfeat = model._names.length; DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(fr, 0, false, false, model.normSub, model.normMul, DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE, null, null); PCAScoreTask tsk = new PCAScoreTask(this, dinfo, nfeat, num_pc, model.eigVec); tsk.doAll(num_pc, dinfo._adaptedFrame); String[] names = new String[num_pc]; String[][] domains = new String[num_pc][]; for(int i = 0; i < num_pc; i++) { names[i] = "PC" + i; domains[i] = null; } tsk.outputFrame(destination_key, names, domains).unlock(self()); } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); if(model != null && num_pc > model.num_pc) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'num_pc' must be between 1 and " + model.num_pc); } /* @Override public float progress() { ChunkProgress progress = UKV.get(progressKey()); return (progress != null ? progress.progress() : 0); } */ public static String link(Key modelKey, String content) { return link("model", modelKey, content); } public static String link(String key_param, Key k, String content) { RString rs = new RString("<a href='/2/PCAScore.query?%key_param=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key_param", key_param); rs.replace("key", k.toString()); rs.replace("content", content); return rs.toString(); } // Matrix multiplication A * B, where A is a skinny matrix (# rows >> # cols) and B is a // small matrix that fits on a single node. For PCA scoring, the cols of A (rows of B) are // the features of the input dataset, while the cols of B are the principal components. public static class PCAScoreTask extends FrameTask<PCAScoreTask> { final int _nfeat; // number of features final int _ncomp; // number of principal components (<= nfeat) final double[][] _eigvec; // eigenvector matrix public PCAScoreTask(Job job, DataInfo dinfo, int nfeat, int ncomp, double[][] eigvec) { super(job.self(), dinfo); _nfeat = nfeat; _ncomp = ncomp; _eigvec = eigvec; } // Note: Rows with NAs (missing values) are automatically skipped! @Override protected void processRow(long gid, double[] nums, int ncats, int[] cats, double[] response, NewChunk[] outputs) { for(int c = 0; c < _ncomp; c++) { double x = 0; for(int d = 0; d < ncats; d++) x += _eigvec[cats[d]][c]; int k = _dinfo.numStart(); for(int d = 0; d < nums.length; d++) x += nums[d]*_eigvec[k++][c]; assert k == _eigvec.length; outputs[c].addNum(x); } } } }