package water.persist; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import water.*; import water.api.Constants.Schemes; import water.util.Log; public abstract class Persist<T> { // All available back-ends, C.f. Value for indexes public static final Persist[] I = new Persist[8]; public static final long UNKNOWN = 0; public static void initialize() {} static { Log.POST(3100); Persist ice = null; URI uri = H2O.ICE_ROOT; if( uri != null ) { // Otherwise class loaded for reflection boolean windowsPath = uri.toString().matches("^[a-zA-Z]:.*"); Log.POST(3101, "uri getPath(): " + uri.getPath()); Log.POST(3101, "windowsPath: " + (windowsPath ? "true" : "false")); if ( windowsPath ) { ice = new PersistFS(new File(uri.toString())); } else if ((uri.getScheme() == null) || Schemes.FILE.equals(uri.getScheme())) { ice = new PersistFS(new File(uri.getPath())); } else if( Schemes.HDFS.equals(uri.getScheme()) ) { ice = new PersistHdfs(uri); } // System.out.println("TOM ice is null: " + ((ice == null) ? "true" : "false")); // TODO ice on other back-ends? // else if( Schemes.S3.equals(uri.getScheme()) ) { // ice = new PersistS3(uri); // } else if( Schemes.NFS.equals(uri.getScheme()) ) { // ice = new PersistNFS(uri); // } I[Value.ICE ] = ice; Log.POST(3102, ""); try { I[Value.HDFS] = new PersistHdfs(); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.POST(3103, e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } Log.POST(3104, ""); I[Value.S3 ] = new PersistS3(); I[Value.NFS ] = new PersistNFS(); I[Value.TACHYON] = new PersistTachyon(); // By popular demand, clear out ICE on startup instead of trying to preserve it if( H2O.OPT_ARGS.keepice == null ) { final Persist ice2 = ice; new Thread() { public void run() { ice2.clear(); } }.start(); } else { ice.loadExisting(); } Log.POST(3105, ""); } } public static Persist getIce() { return I[Value.ICE]; } public abstract String getPath(); public abstract void clear(); /** * Load all Key/Value pairs that can be found on the backend. */ public abstract void loadExisting(); /** * Value should already be persisted to disk. A racing delete can trigger a failure where we get a * null return, but no crash (although one could argue that a racing load and delete is a bug no * matter what). */ public abstract byte[] load(Value v); public abstract void store(Value v); public abstract void delete(Value v); public long getUsableSpace() { return UNKNOWN; } public long getTotalSpace() { return UNKNOWN; } //the filename can be either byte encoded if it starts with % followed by // a number, or is a normal key name with special characters encoded in // special ways. // It is questionable whether we need this because the only keys we have on // ice are likely to be arraylet chunks static String getIceName(Value v) { return getIceName(v._key, (byte) 'V'); } static String getIceName(Key k, byte type) { return getIceDirectory(k) + File.separator + key2Str(k, type); } static String getIceDirectory(Key key) { return "not_an_arraylet"; } // Verify bijection of key/file-name mappings. private static String key2Str(Key k, byte type) { String s = key2Str_impl(k, type); Key x; assert (x = str2Key_impl(s)).equals(k) : "bijection fail " + k + "." + (char) type + " <-> " + s + " <-> " + x; return s; } // Verify bijection of key/file-name mappings. static Key str2Key(String s) { Key k = str2Key_impl(s); assert key2Str_impl(k, decodeType(s)).equals(s) : "bijection fail " + s + " <-> " + k; return k; } private static byte decodeType(String s) { String ext = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); return (byte) ext.charAt(0); } // Convert a Key to a suitable filename string private static String key2Str_impl(Key k, byte type) { // check if we are system key StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(k._kb.length / 2 + 4); int i = 0; if( k._kb[0] < 32 ) { // System keys: hexalate all the leading non-ascii bytes sb.append('%'); int j = k._kb.length - 1; // Backwards scan for 1st non-ascii while( j >= 0 && k._kb[j] >= 32 && k._kb[j] < 128 ) j--; for( ; i <= j; i++ ) { byte b = k._kb[i]; int nib0 = ((b >>> 4) & 15) + '0'; if( nib0 > '9' ) nib0 += 'A' - 10 - '0'; int nib1 = ((b >>> 0) & 15) + '0'; if( nib1 > '9' ) nib1 += 'A' - 10 - '0'; sb.append((char) nib0).append((char) nib1); } sb.append('%'); } // Escape the special bytes from 'i' to the end return escapeBytes(k._kb, i, sb).append('.').append((char) type).toString(); } private static StringBuilder escapeBytes(byte[] bytes, int i, StringBuilder sb) { for( ; i < bytes.length; i++ ) { char b = (char)bytes[i], c=0; switch( b ) { case '%': c='%'; break; case '.': c='d'; break; case '/': c='s'; break; case ':': c='c'; break; case '"': c='q'; break; case '>': c='g'; break; case '\\':c='b'; break; case '\0':c='z'; break; } if( c!=0 ) sb.append('%').append(c); else sb.append(b); } return sb; } // Convert a filename string to a Key private static Key str2Key_impl(String s) { String key = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf('.')); // Drop extension byte[] kb = new byte[(key.length() - 1) / 2]; int i = 0, j = 0; if( (key.length() > 2) && (key.charAt(0) == '%') && (key.charAt(1) >= '0') && (key.charAt(1) <= '9') ) { // Dehexalate until '%' for( i = 1; i < key.length(); i += 2 ) { if( key.charAt(i) == '%' ) break; char b0 = (char) (key.charAt(i + 0) - '0'); if( b0 > 9 ) b0 += '0' + 10 - 'A'; char b1 = (char) (key.charAt(i + 1) - '0'); if( b1 > 9 ) b1 += '0' + 10 - 'A'; kb[j++] = (byte) ((b0 << 4) | b1); // De-hexelated byte } i++; // Skip the trailing '%' } // a normal key - ASCII with special characters encoded after % sign for( ; i < key.length(); ++i ) { byte b = (byte) key.charAt(i); if( b == '%' ) { switch( key.charAt(++i) ) { case '%': b = '%'; break; case 'c': b = ':'; break; case 'd': b = '.'; break; case 'g': b = '>'; break; case 'q': b = '"'; break; case 's': b = '/'; break; case 'b': b = '\\'; break; case 'z': b = '\0'; break; default: Log.warn("Invalid format of filename " + s + " at index " + i); } } if( j >= kb.length ) kb = Arrays.copyOf(kb, Math.max(2, j * 2)); kb[j++] = b; } // now in kb we have the key name return Key.make(Arrays.copyOf(kb, j)); } /** Return default URI of server to fetch data */ public String getDefaultURI() { return null; } /** Create a client to communicate with default URI server */ public final T createClient() throws IOException { return createClient(getDefaultURI()); } /** Create a client for given URI. */ public T createClient(String uri) throws IOException { throw H2O.unimpl(); } }