package water.util; import; import water.Futures; import water.Key; import water.fvec.*; public class FrameUtils { /** Create a frame with single column represented by given vector. * * @param name name of the column * @param vec column data * @return a new frame */ public static Frame frame(String name, Vec vec) { return new Frame().add(name, vec); } /** * Create a new frame based on given column data. * @param names name of frame columns * @param vecs columns data represented by individual data * @return a new frame composed of given vectors. */ public static Frame frame(String[] names, Vec[] vecs) { return new Frame(names, vecs); } /** * Create a new frame based on given row data. * @param names names of frame columns * @param rows data given in the form of rows * @return new frame which contains columns named according given names and including given data */ public static Frame frame(String[] names, double[]... rows) { assert names == null || names.length == rows[0].length; Futures fs = new Futures(); Vec[] vecs = new Vec[rows[0].length]; Key keys[] = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(vecs.length); for( int c = 0; c < vecs.length; c++ ) { AppendableVec vec = new AppendableVec(keys[c]); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(vec, 0); for( int r = 0; r < rows.length; r++ ) chunk.addNum(rows[r][c]); chunk.close(0, fs); vecs[c] = vec.close(fs); } fs.blockForPending(); return new Frame(names, vecs); } /** Parse given file into the form of frame represented by the given key. * * @param okey destination key for parsed frame * @param files files to parse * @return a new frame */ public static Frame parseFrame(Key okey, File ...files) { assert files.length > 0 : "Ups. No files to parse!"; for (File f : files) if (!f.exists()) throw new RuntimeException("File not found " + f); // Create output key if not specified if(okey == null) okey = Key.make(files[0].getName()); Key[] fkeys = new Key[files.length]; int cnt = 0; for (File f : files) fkeys[cnt++] = NFSFileVec.make(f); return parseFrame(okey, fkeys); } public static Frame parseFrame(Key okey, Key ...ikeys) { assert okey != null; return ParseDataset2.parse(okey, ikeys); } /** * Compute a chunk summary (how many chunks of each type, relative size, total size) * @param fr * @return chunk summary */ public static ChunkSummary chunkSummary(Frame fr) { return new ChunkSummary().doAll(fr); } }