package water; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import water.util.Log; /** * Utility for processing command * * Simple command line processing. This class provides functionality for parsing * command line arguments that is coded over and over again in main methods. The * model is that command line arguments have the form: * * <pre> * option_args* free_form* * </pre> * * where each element in option_args is an option starting with a '-' character * and each element in free_form is a string. Option arguments have the syntax: * * <pre> * '-'NAME[=VALUE] * </pre> * * where NAME is the option identifier and VALUE is the string argument for that * option. * <p> * An example use of the class is as follows: * * <pre> * static void main(String[] args) { * Arguments cl = new Arguments(); * cl.parse(args); * if (cl.getOption("verbose") != null) ... ; * String file = cl.getArgument(0); * String path = cl.getOption("classpath"); * </pre> * * @author Jan Vitek */ public class Arguments { static public abstract class Arg { abstract public String usage(); abstract public boolean validate(); @Override public String toString() { Field[] fields = getFields(this); String r=""; for( Field field : fields ){ String name = field.getName(); Class cl = field.getType(); try{ if( cl.isPrimitive() ){ if( cl == Boolean.TYPE ){ boolean curval = field.getBoolean(this); if( curval ) r += " -"+name; } else if( cl == Integer.TYPE ) r+=" -"+name+"="+field.getInt(this); else if( cl == Float.TYPE ) r+=" -"+name+"="+field.getFloat(this); else if( cl == Double.TYPE ) r+=" -"+name+"="+field.getDouble(this); else if( cl == Long.TYPE ) r+=" -"+name+"="+field.getLong(this); else continue; } else if( cl == String.class ) if (field.get(this)!=null) r+=" -"+name+"="+field.get(this); } catch( Exception e ) { Log.err("Argument failed with ",e); } } return r; } } static public class MissingArgumentError extends Error { final String m; MissingArgumentError(String s) { m = s; } public String toString() { return ( m != null ) ? m : super.toString(); } } /** * Optional arguments. The instance fields of this class are treated as * optional arguments, if they appear on the command line they will be * extracted and the corresponding field will be set to the extracted value. * If not found the field is left untouched (the orginal value is not * modified). */ static public class Opt extends Arg { public String usage() { return ""; } public boolean validate() { return true; } } /** * Required arguments. The instance fields of this class are treated as * required arguments, arguments with keywords matching each one of the * primitive and string fields of the object must appear on the command line. * If they all do they will extracted and the corresponding field will be set * to the extracted value. If any one of the fields is missing */ static public class Req extends Arg { public String usage() { return ""; } public boolean validate() { return true; } } /** Current argument list. The list may grow and shrink as arguments are processed. */ private Entry[] commandLineArgs; /** Create a new CommandLine object with an initial argument array. * @param args * array of options and argument that will be parsed. */ public Arguments(String[] args) { parse(args); } /** Create a new CommandLine object with no arguments. */ public Arguments() { parse(new String[0]); } /** * Returns the number of remaining command line arguments. */ public int size() { return commandLineArgs.length; } public String get(int i) { return commandLineArgs[i].val; } /** * Add a new argument to this command line. The argument will be parsed and * add at the end of the list. Bindings have the following format * "-name=value" if value is empty, the binding is treated as an option. * Options have the form "-name". All other strings are treated as values. * * @param str * a string */ public int addArgument(String str, String next) { int i = commandLineArgs.length; int consumed = 1; commandLineArgs = Arrays.copyOf(commandLineArgs, i + 1); /* * Flags have a null string as val and flag of true; Binding have non-empty * name, a non-null val (possibly ""), and a flag of false; Plain strings * have an empty name, "", a non-null, non-empty val, and a flag of true; */ if( str.startsWith("-") ){ int startOffset = (str.startsWith("--"))? 2 : 1; String arg = ""; String opt; boolean flag = false; int eqPos = str.indexOf("="); if( eqPos > 0 || (next!=null && !next.startsWith("-"))){ if( eqPos > 0 ){ opt = str.substring(startOffset, eqPos); arg = str.substring(eqPos + 1); }else{ opt = str.substring(startOffset); arg = next; consumed = 2; } }else{ flag = true; opt = str.substring(startOffset); } commandLineArgs[i] = new Entry(opt, arg, flag, i); return consumed; }else{ commandLineArgs[i] = new Entry("", str, true, i); return consumed; } } public <TArg extends Arg> TArg extract(TArg arg) throws MissingArgumentError { Field[] fields = getFields(arg); int count = extract(arg, fields); if( arg instanceof Req && count != fields.length ) throw new MissingArgumentError(arg.usage()); return arg; } /** * Extracts bindings and options; and sets appropriate fields in the * CommandLineArgument object. */ private int extract(Arg arg, Field[] fields) { int count = 0; for( Field field : fields ){ String name = field.getName(); Class cl = field.getType(); String opt = getValue(name); // optional value try{ if( cl.isPrimitive() ){ if( cl == Boolean.TYPE ){ boolean curval = field.getBoolean(arg); boolean xval = curval; if( opt != null ) xval = !curval; if( "1".equals(opt) || "true" .equals(opt) ) xval = true; if( "0".equals(opt) || "false".equals(opt) ) xval = false; if( opt != null ) field.setBoolean(arg, xval); }else if( opt == null || opt.length()==0 ) continue; else if( cl == Integer.TYPE ) field.setInt(arg, Integer.parseInt(opt)); else if( cl == Float.TYPE ) field.setFloat(arg, Float.parseFloat(opt)); else if( cl == Double.TYPE ) field.setDouble(arg, Double.parseDouble(opt)); else if( cl == Long.TYPE ) field.setLong(arg, Long.parseLong(opt)); else continue; count++; }else if( cl == String.class ){ if( opt != null ){ field.set(arg, opt); count++; } } } catch( Exception e ) { Log.err("Argument failed with ",e); } } Arrays.sort(commandLineArgs); for( int i = 0; i < commandLineArgs.length; i++ ) commandLineArgs[i].position = i; return count; } /** * Return the value of a binding (e.g. "value" for "-name=value") and the * empty string "" for an option ("-name" or "-name="). A null value is * returned if no binding or option is found. * * @param name string name of the option or binding */ public String getValue(String name) { for( Entry e : commandLineArgs ) if( name.equals( ) return e.val; return System.getProperty("h2o.arg."+name); } /** * Parse the command line arguments and extracts options. The current * implementation allows the same command line instance to parse several * argument lists, the results will be merged. * * @param s the array of arguments to be parsed */ private void parse(String[] s) { commandLineArgs = new Entry[0]; for( int i = 0; i < s.length; ) { String next = (i+1<s.length)? s[i+1]: null; i += addArgument(s[i],next); } } public String toString() { String[] ss = toStringArray(); String result = ""; for( String s : ss ) result += s+" "; return result; } public String[] toStringArray() { String[] result = new String[commandLineArgs.length]; for( int i = 0; i < commandLineArgs.length; i++ ) result[i] = commandLineArgs[i].toString(); return result; } /** * Keep only the fields which are either primitive or strings. */ static private Field[] getFields(Arg arg) { Class target_ = arg.getClass(); Field[] fields = new Field[0]; while( target_ != null ){ int flen = fields.length; Field[] f2 = target_.getDeclaredFields(); fields = Arrays.copyOf(fields,flen+f2.length); System.arraycopy(f2,0,fields,flen,f2.length); target_ = target_.getSuperclass(); } Field[] keep = new Field[fields.length]; int num = 0; for( Field field : fields ){ field.setAccessible(true); if( Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) ) continue; if( field.getType().isPrimitive() || field.getType() == String.class ) keep[num++] = field; } Field[] res = new Field[num]; for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) res[i] = keep[i]; return res; } /** * Private class for holding arguments. There are three cases: a flag, a * binding, or a plain string. - Flags have a null string as val and flag of * true; - Binding have non-empty name, a non-null val (possibly ""), and a * flag of false; - Plain strings have an empty name, "", a non-null, * non-empty val, and a flag of true; */ private static class Entry implements Comparable { //true if this is a flag, i.e. ("-name" or "-name=") boolean flag; // option name, -name=value String name; // position in the argument list int position; // option value, -name=value String val; Entry(String _name, String _val, boolean _flag, int _position) { assert !_name.startsWith("-") && !_name.contains("="); name = _name; val = _val; flag = _flag; position = _position; } public int compareTo(Object o) { return position - ((Entry) o).position; } public String toString() { String result = " "; if( !name.equals("") ) result += "-"; result += name; if( !flag ) result += "="; if( val != null ) result += val; return result; } } }