package samples; import hex.Layer; import hex.Layer.VecSoftmax; import hex.Layer.VecsInput; import hex.MnistCanvas; import hex.NeuralNet; import hex.Trainer; import; import water.fvec.Vec; import javax.swing.*; public class NeuralNetMnistPretrain extends NeuralNetMnist { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class job = Class.forName(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName()); samples.launchers.CloudLocal.launch(job, 1); } @Override protected Layer[] build(Vec[] data, Vec labels, VecsInput inputStats, VecSoftmax outputStats) { Layer[] ls = new Layer[4]; ls[0] = new VecsInput(data, inputStats); // ls[1] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(1024); // ls[2] = new Layer.RectifierDropout(1024); ls[1] = new Layer.Tanh(50); ls[2] = new Layer.Tanh(50); ls[3] = new VecSoftmax(labels, outputStats); // Parameters for MNIST run NeuralNet p = new NeuralNet(); p.rate = 0.01; //only used for NN run after pretraining p.activation = NeuralNet.Activation.Tanh; p.loss = NeuralNet.Loss.CrossEntropy; // p.rate_annealing = 1e-6f; // p.max_w2 = 15; // p.momentum_start = 0.5f; // p.momentum_ramp = 60000 * 300; // p.momentum_stable = 0.99f; // p.l1 = .00001f; // p.l2 = .00f; p.initial_weight_distribution = NeuralNet.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive; // p.initial_weight_scale = 1; for( int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++ ) { ls[i].init(ls, i, p); } return ls; } @Override protected void startTraining(Layer[] ls) { int pretrain_epochs = 2; preTrain(ls, pretrain_epochs); // actual run int epochs = 0; if (epochs > 0) { // _trainer = new Trainer.Direct(ls, epochs, self()); _trainer = new Trainer.Threaded(ls, epochs, self(), -1); // Basic visualization of images and weights JFrame frame = new JFrame("H2O Training"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); MnistCanvas canvas = new MnistCanvas(_trainer); frame.setContentPane(canvas.init()); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true);//_trainer = new Trainer.MapReduce(ls, epochs, self()); _trainer.start(); _trainer.join(); } } final private void preTrain(Layer[] ls, int epochs) { for( int i = 1; i < ls.length - 1; i++ ) { System.out.println("Pre-training level " + i); long time = System.nanoTime(); preTrain(ls, i, epochs); System.out.println((int) ((System.nanoTime() - time) / 1e6) + " ms"); } } final private void preTrain(Layer[] ls, int index, int epochs) { // Build a network with same layers below 'index', and an auto-encoder at the top Layer[] pre = new Layer[index + 2]; VecsInput input = (VecsInput) ls[0]; pre[0] = new VecsInput(input.vecs, input); pre[0].init(pre, 0, ls[0].params); //clone the parameters for( int i = 1; i < index; i++ ) { //pre[i] = new Layer.Rectifier(ls[i].units); pre[i] = new Layer.Tanh(ls[i].units); Layer.shareWeights(ls[i], pre[i]); pre[i].init(pre, i, ls[i].params); //share the parameters pre[i].params.rate = 0; //turn off training for these layers } // Auto-encoder is a layer and a reverse layer on top //pre[index] = new Layer.Rectifier(ls[index].units); //pre[index + 1] = new Layer.RectifierPrime(ls[index - 1].units); pre[index] = new Layer.Tanh(ls[index].units); pre[index].init(pre, index, ls[index].params); pre[index].params.rate = 1e-5; pre[index+1] = new Layer.TanhPrime(ls[index-1].units); pre[index+1].init(pre, index + 1, pre[index].params); pre[index+1].params.rate = 1e-5; Layer.shareWeights(ls[index], pre[index]); Layer.shareWeights(ls[index], pre[index+1]); _trainer = new Trainer.Direct(pre, epochs, self()); // Basic visualization of images and weights JFrame frame = new JFrame("H2O Pre-Training"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); MnistCanvas canvas = new MnistCanvas(_trainer); frame.setContentPane(canvas.init()); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); _trainer.start(); _trainer.join(); } }