package hex.deeplearning; import static java.lang.Double.isNaN; import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo; import hex.VarImp; import water.*; import water.api.*; import water.api.Request.API; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Random; /** * The Deep Learning model * It contains a DeepLearningModelInfo with the most up-to-date model, * a scoring history, as well as some helpers to indicate the progress */ public class DeepLearningModel extends Model implements Comparable<DeepLearningModel> { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. @API(help="Model info", json = true) private volatile DeepLearningModelInfo model_info; void set_model_info(DeepLearningModelInfo mi) { model_info = mi; } final public DeepLearningModelInfo model_info() { return model_info; } @API(help="Job that built the model", json = true) final private Key jobKey; @API(help="Validation dataset used for model building", json = true) public final Key _validationKey; @API(help="Time to build the model", json = true) private long run_time; final private long start_time; public long actual_train_samples_per_iteration; public double time_for_communication_us; //helper for auto-tuning: time in microseconds for collective bcast/reduce of the model @API(help="Number of training epochs", json = true) public double epoch_counter; @API(help="Number of rows in training data", json = true) public long training_rows; @API(help="Number of rows in validation data", json = true) public long validation_rows; @API(help = "Scoring during model building") private Errors[] errors; public Errors[] scoring_history() { return errors; } // Keep the best model so far, based on a single criterion (overall class. error or MSE) private float _bestError = Float.MAX_VALUE; @API(help = "Key to the best model so far (based on overall error on scoring data set)") public Key actual_best_model_key; // return the most up-to-date model metrics Errors last_scored() { return errors == null ? null : errors[errors.length-1]; } @Override public final DeepLearning get_params() { return model_info.get_params(); } @Override public final Request2 job() { return model_info.get_job(); } @Override protected double missingColumnsType() { return get_params().sparse ? 0 : Double.NaN; } public float error() { return (float) (isClassifier() ? cm().err() : mse()); } @Override public boolean isClassifier() { return super.isClassifier() && !model_info.get_params().autoencoder; } @Override public boolean isSupervised() { return !model_info.get_params().autoencoder; } @Override public int nfeatures() { return model_info.get_params().autoencoder ? _names.length : _names.length - 1; } public int compareTo(DeepLearningModel o) { if (o.isClassifier() != isClassifier()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot compare classifier against regressor."); if (o.nclasses() != nclasses()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot compare models with different number of classes."); return (error() < o.error() ? -1 : error() > o.error() ? 1 : 0); } public static class Errors extends Iced { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; @API(help = "How many epochs the algorithm has processed") public double epoch_counter; @API(help = "How many rows the algorithm has processed") public long training_samples; @API(help = "How long the algorithm ran in ms") public long training_time_ms; //training/validation sets @API(help = "Whether a validation set was provided") boolean validation; @API(help = "Number of folds for cross-validation (for validation=false)") int num_folds; @API(help = "Number of training set samples for scoring") public long score_training_samples; @API(help = "Number of validation set samples for scoring") public long score_validation_samples; @API(help="Do classification or regression") public boolean classification; @API(help = "Variable importances") VarImp variable_importances; // classification @API(help = "Confusion matrix on training data") public water.api.ConfusionMatrix train_confusion_matrix; @API(help = "Confusion matrix on validation data") public water.api.ConfusionMatrix valid_confusion_matrix; @API(help = "Classification error on training data") public double train_err = 1; @API(help = "Classification error on validation data") public double valid_err = 1; @API(help = "AUC on training data") public AUCData trainAUC; @API(help = "AUC on validation data") public AUCData validAUC; @API(help = "Hit ratio on training data") public water.api.HitRatio train_hitratio; @API(help = "Hit ratio on validation data") public water.api.HitRatio valid_hitratio; // regression @API(help = "Training MSE") public double train_mse = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; @API(help = "Validation MSE") public double valid_mse = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; @API(help = "Time taken for scoring") public long scoring_time; Errors deep_clone() { AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(); this.write(ab); ab.flipForReading(); return new Errors().read(ab); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (classification) { sb.append("Error on training data (misclassification)" + (trainAUC != null ? " [using threshold for " + trainAUC.threshold_criterion.toString().replace("_"," ") +"]: ": ": ") + String.format("%.2f", 100*train_err) + "%"); if (trainAUC != null) sb.append(", AUC on training data: " + String.format("%.4f", 100*trainAUC.AUC) + "%"); if (validation || num_folds>0) sb.append("\nError on " + (num_folds>0 ? num_folds + "-fold cross-":"")+ "validation data (misclassification)" + (validAUC != null ? " [using threshold for " + validAUC.threshold_criterion.toString().replace("_"," ") +"]: ": ": ") + String.format("%.2f", (100*valid_err)) + "%"); if (validAUC != null) sb.append(", AUC on validation data: " + String.format("%.4f", 100*validAUC.AUC) + "%"); } else if (!Double.isInfinite(train_mse)) { sb.append("Error on training data (MSE): " + train_mse); if (validation || num_folds>0) sb.append("\nError on "+ (num_folds>0 ? num_folds + "-fold cross-":"")+ "validation data (MSE): " + valid_mse); } return sb.toString(); } } final private static class ConfMat extends hex.ConfusionMatrix { final private double _err; final private double _f1; public ConfMat(double err, double f1) { super(null); _err=err; _f1=f1; } @Override public double err() { return _err; } @Override public double F1() { return _f1; } @Override public double[] classErr() { return null; } } /** for grid search error reporting */ @Override public hex.ConfusionMatrix cm() { final Errors lasterror = last_scored(); if (lasterror == null) return null; water.api.ConfusionMatrix cm = lasterror.validation || lasterror.num_folds > 0 ? lasterror.valid_confusion_matrix : lasterror.train_confusion_matrix; if (cm == null || == null) { if (lasterror.validation || lasterror.num_folds > 0) { return new ConfMat(lasterror.valid_err, lasterror.validAUC != null ? lasterror.validAUC.F1() : 0); } else { return new ConfMat(lasterror.train_err, lasterror.trainAUC != null ? lasterror.trainAUC.F1() : 0); } } // has NaN padding, reduce it to N-1 size return new hex.ConfusionMatrix(,; } @Override public double mse() { if (errors == null) return super.mse(); return last_scored().validation || last_scored().num_folds > 0 ? last_scored().valid_mse : last_scored().train_mse; } @Override public VarImp varimp() { if (errors == null) return null; return last_scored().variable_importances; } // This describes the model, together with the parameters // This will be shared: one per node public static class DeepLearningModelInfo extends Iced { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. @API(help="Input data info") private DataInfo data_info; public DataInfo data_info() { return data_info; } // model is described by parameters and the following arrays private Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[] dense_row_weights; //one 2D weight matrix per layer (stored as a 1D array each) private Neurons.DenseColMatrix[] dense_col_weights; //one 2D weight matrix per layer (stored as a 1D array each) private Neurons.DenseVector[] biases; //one 1D bias array per layer private Neurons.DenseVector[] avg_activations; //one 1D array per hidden layer // helpers for storing previous step deltas // Note: These two arrays *could* be made transient and then initialized freshly in makeNeurons() and in DeepLearningTask.initLocal() // But then, after each reduction, the weights would be lost and would have to restart afresh -> not *exactly* right, but close... private Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[] dense_row_weights_momenta; private Neurons.DenseColMatrix[] dense_col_weights_momenta; private Neurons.DenseVector[] biases_momenta; // helpers for AdaDelta private Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[] dense_row_ada_dx_g; private Neurons.DenseColMatrix[] dense_col_ada_dx_g; private Neurons.DenseVector[] biases_ada_dx_g; // compute model size (number of model parameters required for making predictions) // momenta are not counted here, but they are needed for model building public long size() { long siz = 0; for (Neurons.Matrix w : dense_row_weights) if (w != null) siz += w.size(); for (Neurons.Matrix w : dense_col_weights) if (w != null) siz += w.size(); for (Neurons.Vector b : biases) siz += b.size(); return siz; } // accessors to (shared) weights and biases - those will be updated racily (c.f. Hogwild!) boolean has_momenta() { return get_params().momentum_start != 0 || get_params().momentum_stable != 0; } boolean adaDelta() { return get_params().adaptive_rate; } public final Neurons.Matrix get_weights(int i) { return dense_row_weights[i] == null ? dense_col_weights[i] : dense_row_weights[i]; } public final Neurons.DenseVector get_biases(int i) { return biases[i]; } public final Neurons.Matrix get_weights_momenta(int i) { return dense_row_weights_momenta[i] == null ? dense_col_weights_momenta[i] : dense_row_weights_momenta[i]; } public final Neurons.DenseVector get_biases_momenta(int i) { return biases_momenta[i]; } public final Neurons.Matrix get_ada_dx_g(int i) { return dense_row_ada_dx_g[i] == null ? dense_col_ada_dx_g[i] : dense_row_ada_dx_g[i]; } public final Neurons.DenseVector get_biases_ada_dx_g(int i) { return biases_ada_dx_g[i]; } //accessor to shared parameter defining avg activations public final Neurons.DenseVector get_avg_activations(int i) { return avg_activations[i]; } @API(help = "Model parameters", json = true) private Request2 job; public final DeepLearning get_params() { return (DeepLearning)job; } public final Request2 get_job() { return job; } @API(help = "Mean rate", json = true) private float[] mean_rate; @API(help = "RMS rate", json = true) private float[] rms_rate; @API(help = "Mean bias", json = true) private float[] mean_bias; @API(help = "RMS bias", json = true) private float[] rms_bias; @API(help = "Mean weight", json = true) private float[] mean_weight; @API(help = "RMS weight", json = true) public float[] rms_weight; @API(help = "Mean Activation", json = true) public float[] mean_a; @API(help = "Unstable", json = true) private volatile boolean unstable = false; public boolean unstable() { return unstable; } public void set_unstable() { if (!unstable) computeStats(); unstable = true; } @API(help = "Processed samples", json = true) private long processed_global; public synchronized long get_processed_global() { return processed_global; } public synchronized void set_processed_global(long p) { processed_global = p; } public synchronized void add_processed_global(long p) { processed_global += p; } private long processed_local; public synchronized long get_processed_local() { return processed_local; } public synchronized void set_processed_local(long p) { processed_local = p; } public synchronized void add_processed_local(long p) { processed_local += p; } public synchronized long get_processed_total() { return processed_global + processed_local; } // package local helpers int[] units; //number of neurons per layer, extracted from parameters and from datainfo public DeepLearningModelInfo() {} public DeepLearningModelInfo(final Job job, final DataInfo dinfo) { this.job = job; data_info = dinfo; final int num_input = dinfo.fullN(); final int num_output = get_params().autoencoder ? num_input : get_params().classification ?[].length : 1; assert(num_input > 0); assert(num_output > 0); if (has_momenta() && adaDelta()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have non-zero momentum and adaptive rate at the same time."); final int layers=get_params().hidden.length; // units (# neurons for each layer) units = new int[layers+2]; if (get_params().max_categorical_features <= Integer.MAX_VALUE - dinfo._nums) units[0] = Math.min(dinfo._nums + get_params().max_categorical_features, num_input); else units[0] = num_input; System.arraycopy(get_params().hidden, 0, units, 1, layers); units[layers+1] = num_output; if ((long)units[0] > 100000L) { final String[][] domains =; int[] levels = new int[domains.length]; for (int i=0; i<levels.length; ++i) { levels[i] = domains[i] != null ? domains[i].length : 0; } Arrays.sort(levels); Log.warn("==================================================================================================================================="); Log.warn(num_input + " input features" + (dinfo._cats > 0 ? " (after categorical one-hot encoding)" : "") + ". Can be slow and require a lot of memory."); if (levels[levels.length-1] > 0) { int levelcutoff = levels[levels.length-1-Math.min(10, levels.length)]; int count = 0; for (int i=0; i<dinfo._adaptedFrame.numCols() - (get_params().autoencoder ? 0 : 1) && count < 10; ++i) { if ([i] != null &&[i].length >= levelcutoff) { Log.warn("Categorical feature '" + dinfo._adaptedFrame._names[i] + "' has cardinality " +[i].length + "."); count++; } } } Log.warn("Suggestions:"); Log.warn(" *) Limit the size of the first hidden layer"); if (dinfo._cats > 0) { Log.warn(" *) Limit the total number of one-hot encoded features with the parameter 'max_categorical_features'"); Log.warn(" *) Run h2o.interaction(...,pairwise=F) on high-cardinality categorical columns to limit the factor count, see"); } Log.warn("==================================================================================================================================="); } // weights (to connect layers) dense_row_weights = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[layers+1]; dense_col_weights = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix[layers+1]; // decide format of weight matrices row-major or col-major if (get_params().col_major) dense_col_weights[0] = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix(units[1], units[0]); else dense_row_weights[0] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[1], units[0]); for (int i = 1; i <= layers; ++i) dense_row_weights[i] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[i + 1] /*rows*/, units[i] /*cols*/); // biases (only for hidden layers and output layer) biases = new Neurons.DenseVector[layers+1]; for (int i=0; i<=layers; ++i) biases[i] = new Neurons.DenseVector(units[i+1]); // average activation (only for hidden layers) if (get_params().autoencoder && get_params().sparsity_beta > 0) { avg_activations = new Neurons.DenseVector[layers]; mean_a = new float[layers]; for (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i) avg_activations[i] = new Neurons.DenseVector(units[i + 1]); } fillHelpers(); // for diagnostics mean_rate = new float[units.length]; rms_rate = new float[units.length]; mean_bias = new float[units.length]; rms_bias = new float[units.length]; mean_weight = new float[units.length]; rms_weight = new float[units.length]; } // deep clone all weights/biases DeepLearningModelInfo deep_clone() { AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(); this.write(ab); ab.flipForReading(); return new DeepLearningModelInfo().read(ab); } void fillHelpers() { if (has_momenta()) { dense_row_weights_momenta = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[dense_row_weights.length]; dense_col_weights_momenta = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix[dense_col_weights.length]; if (dense_row_weights[0] != null) dense_row_weights_momenta[0] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[1], units[0]); else dense_col_weights_momenta[0] = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix(units[1], units[0]); for (int i=1; i<dense_row_weights_momenta.length; ++i) dense_row_weights_momenta[i] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[i+1], units[i]); biases_momenta = new Neurons.DenseVector[biases.length]; for (int i=0; i<biases_momenta.length; ++i) biases_momenta[i] = new Neurons.DenseVector(units[i+1]); } else if (adaDelta()) { dense_row_ada_dx_g = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[dense_row_weights.length]; dense_col_ada_dx_g = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix[dense_col_weights.length]; //AdaGrad if (dense_row_weights[0] != null) { dense_row_ada_dx_g[0] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[1], 2*units[0]); } else { dense_col_ada_dx_g[0] = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix(2*units[1], units[0]); } for (int i=1; i<dense_row_ada_dx_g.length; ++i) { dense_row_ada_dx_g[i] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[i+1], 2*units[i]); } biases_ada_dx_g = new Neurons.DenseVector[biases.length]; for (int i=0; i<biases_ada_dx_g.length; ++i) { biases_ada_dx_g[i] = new Neurons.DenseVector(2*units[i+1]); } } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (get_params().diagnostics && !get_params().quiet_mode) { Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(this); sb.append("Number of hidden layers is " + get_params().hidden.length + " \n"); if (get_params().sparsity_beta > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < get_params().hidden.length; k++) sb.append("Average activation in hidden layer " + k + " is " + mean_a[k] + " \n"); } sb.append("Status of Neuron Layers:\n"); sb.append("# Units Type Dropout L1 L2 " + (get_params().adaptive_rate ? " Rate (Mean,RMS) " : " Rate Momentum") + " Weight (Mean, RMS) Bias (Mean,RMS)\n"); final String format = "%7g"; for (int i=0; i<neurons.length; ++i) { sb.append((i+1) + " " + String.format("%6d", neurons[i].units) + " " + String.format("%16s", neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName())); if (i == 0) { sb.append(" " + Utils.formatPct(neurons[i].params.input_dropout_ratio) + " \n"); continue; } else if (i < neurons.length-1) { if (neurons[i].params.hidden_dropout_ratios == null) sb.append(" " + Utils.formatPct(0) + " "); else sb.append(" " + Utils.formatPct(neurons[i].params.hidden_dropout_ratios[i - 1]) + " "); } else { sb.append(" "); } sb.append( " " + String.format("%5f", neurons[i].params.l1) + " " + String.format("%5f", neurons[i].params.l2) + " " + (get_params().adaptive_rate ? (" (" + String.format(format, mean_rate[i]) + ", " + String.format(format, rms_rate[i]) + ")" ) : (String.format("%10g", neurons[i].rate(get_processed_total())) + " " + String.format("%5f", neurons[i].momentum(get_processed_total())))) + " (" + String.format(format, mean_weight[i]) + ", " + String.format(format, rms_weight[i]) + ")" + " (" + String.format(format, mean_bias[i]) + ", " + String.format(format, rms_bias[i]) + ")\n"); if (get_params().sparsity_beta > 0) { // sb.append(" " + String.format(format, mean_a[i]) + " \n"); } } } return sb.toString(); } // DEBUGGING public String toStringAll() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(toString()); for (int i=0; i<units.length-1; ++i) sb.append("\nweights["+i+"][]="+Arrays.toString(get_weights(i).raw())); for (int i=0; i<units.length-1; ++i) sb.append("\nbiases["+i+"][]="+Arrays.toString(get_biases(i).raw())); if (has_momenta()) { for (int i=0; i<units.length-1; ++i) sb.append("\nweights_momenta["+i+"][]="+Arrays.toString(get_weights_momenta(i).raw())); } if (biases_momenta != null) { for (int i=0; i<units.length-1; ++i) sb.append("\nbiases_momenta["+i+"][]="+Arrays.toString(biases_momenta[i].raw())); } sb.append("\nunits[]="+Arrays.toString(units)); sb.append("\nprocessed global: "+get_processed_global()); sb.append("\nprocessed local: "+get_processed_local()); sb.append("\nprocessed total: " + get_processed_total()); sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } void initializeMembers() { randomizeWeights(); //TODO: determine good/optimal/best initialization scheme for biases // hidden layers for (int i=0; i<get_params().hidden.length; ++i) { if (get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Rectifier || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.RectifierWithDropout || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Maxout || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout ) { // Arrays.fill(biases[i], 1.); //old behavior Arrays.fill(biases[i].raw(), i == 0 ? 0.5f : 1f); //new behavior, might be slightly better } else if (get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.TanhWithDropout) { Arrays.fill(biases[i].raw(), 0f); } } Arrays.fill(biases[biases.length-1].raw(), 0f); //output layer } public void add(DeepLearningModelInfo other) { for (int i=0;i<dense_row_weights.length;++i) Utils.add(get_weights(i).raw(), other.get_weights(i).raw()); for (int i=0;i<biases.length;++i) Utils.add(biases[i].raw(), other.biases[i].raw()); if (avg_activations != null) for (int i=0;i<avg_activations.length;++i) Utils.add(avg_activations[i].raw(), other.biases[i].raw()); if (has_momenta()) { assert(other.has_momenta()); for (int i=0;i<dense_row_weights_momenta.length;++i) Utils.add(get_weights_momenta(i).raw(), other.get_weights_momenta(i).raw()); for (int i=0;i<biases_momenta.length;++i) Utils.add(biases_momenta[i].raw(), other.biases_momenta[i].raw()); } if (adaDelta()) { assert(other.adaDelta()); for (int i=0;i<dense_row_ada_dx_g.length;++i) { Utils.add(get_ada_dx_g(i).raw(), other.get_ada_dx_g(i).raw()); } } add_processed_local(other.get_processed_local()); } protected void div(float N) { for (int i=0; i<dense_row_weights.length; ++i) Utils.div(get_weights(i).raw(), N); for (Neurons.Vector bias : biases) Utils.div(bias.raw(), N); if (avg_activations != null) for (Neurons.Vector avgac : avg_activations) Utils.div(avgac.raw(), N); if (has_momenta()) { for (int i=0; i<dense_row_weights_momenta.length; ++i) Utils.div(get_weights_momenta(i).raw(), N); for (Neurons.Vector bias_momenta : biases_momenta) Utils.div(bias_momenta.raw(), N); } if (adaDelta()) { for (int i=0;i<dense_row_ada_dx_g.length;++i) { Utils.div(get_ada_dx_g(i).raw(), N); } } } double uniformDist(Random rand, double min, double max) { return min + rand.nextFloat() * (max - min); } void randomizeWeights() { for (int w=0; w<dense_row_weights.length; ++w) { final Random rng = water.util.Utils.getDeterRNG(get_params().seed + 0xBAD5EED + w+1); //to match NeuralNet behavior final double range = Math.sqrt(6. / (units[w] + units[w+1])); for( int i = 0; i < get_weights(w).rows(); i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < get_weights(w).cols(); j++ ) { if (get_params().initial_weight_distribution == DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive) { // cf. if (w==dense_row_weights.length-1 && get_params().classification) get_weights(w).set(i,j, (float)(4.*uniformDist(rng, -range, range))); //Softmax might need an extra factor 4, since it's like a sigmoid else get_weights(w).set(i,j, (float)uniformDist(rng, -range, range)); } else if (get_params().initial_weight_distribution == DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Uniform) { get_weights(w).set(i,j, (float)uniformDist(rng, -get_params().initial_weight_scale, get_params().initial_weight_scale)); } else if (get_params().initial_weight_distribution == DeepLearning.InitialWeightDistribution.Normal) { get_weights(w).set(i,j, (float)(rng.nextGaussian() * get_params().initial_weight_scale)); } } } } } // TODO: Add "subset randomize" function // int count = Math.min(15, _previous.units); // double min = -.1f, max = +.1f; // //double min = -1f, max = +1f; // for( int o = 0; o < units; o++ ) { // for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { // int i = rand.nextInt(_previous.units); // int w = o * _previous.units + i; // _w[w] = uniformDist(rand, min, max); // } // } /** * Compute Variable Importance, based on * GEDEON: DATA MINING OF INPUTS: ANALYSING MAGNITUDE AND FUNCTIONAL MEASURES * @return variable importances for input features */ public float[] computeVariableImportances() { float[] vi = new float[units[0]]; Arrays.fill(vi, 0f); float[][] Qik = new float[units[0]][units[2]]; //importance of input i on output k float[] sum_wj = new float[units[1]]; //sum of incoming weights into first hidden layer float[] sum_wk = new float[units[2]]; //sum of incoming weights into output layer (or second hidden layer) for (float[] Qi : Qik) Arrays.fill(Qi, 0f); Arrays.fill(sum_wj, 0f); Arrays.fill(sum_wk, 0f); // compute sum of absolute incoming weights for( int j = 0; j < units[1]; j++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < units[0]; i++ ) { float wij = get_weights(0).get(j, i); sum_wj[j] += Math.abs(wij); } } for( int k = 0; k < units[2]; k++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < units[1]; j++ ) { float wjk = get_weights(1).get(k,j); sum_wk[k] += Math.abs(wjk); } } // compute importance of input i on output k as product of connecting weights going through j for( int i = 0; i < units[0]; i++ ) { for( int k = 0; k < units[2]; k++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < units[1]; j++ ) { float wij = get_weights(0).get(j,i); float wjk = get_weights(1).get(k,j); //Qik[i][k] += Math.abs(wij)/sum_wj[j] * wjk; //Wong,Gedeon,Taggart '95 Qik[i][k] += Math.abs(wij)/sum_wj[j] * Math.abs(wjk)/sum_wk[k]; //Gedeon '97 } } } // normalize Qik over all outputs k for( int k = 0; k < units[2]; k++ ) { float sumQk = 0; for( int i = 0; i < units[0]; i++ ) sumQk += Qik[i][k]; for( int i = 0; i < units[0]; i++ ) Qik[i][k] /= sumQk; } // importance for feature i is the sum over k of i->k importances for( int i = 0; i < units[0]; i++ ) vi[i] = Utils.sum(Qik[i]); //normalize importances such that max(vi) = 1 Utils.div(vi, Utils.maxValue(vi)); return vi; } // compute stats on all nodes public void computeStats() { float[][] rate = get_params().adaptive_rate ? new float[units.length-1][] : null; if (get_params().autoencoder && get_params().sparsity_beta > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < get_params().hidden.length; k++) { mean_a[k] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < avg_activations[k].size(); j++) mean_a[k] += avg_activations[k].get(j); mean_a[k] /= avg_activations[k].size(); } } for( int y = 1; y < units.length; y++ ) { mean_rate[y] = rms_rate[y] = 0; mean_bias[y] = rms_bias[y] = 0; mean_weight[y] = rms_weight[y] = 0; for(int u = 0; u < biases[y-1].size(); u++) { mean_bias[y] += biases[y-1].get(u); } if (rate != null) rate[y-1] = new float[get_weights(y-1).raw().length]; for(int u = 0; u < get_weights(y-1).raw().length; u++) { mean_weight[y] += get_weights(y-1).raw()[u]; if (rate != null) { // final float RMS_dx = (float)Math.sqrt(ada[y-1][2*u]+(float)get_params().epsilon); // final float invRMS_g = (float)(1/Math.sqrt(ada[y-1][2*u+1]+(float)get_params().epsilon)); final float RMS_dx = Utils.approxSqrt(get_ada_dx_g(y-1).raw()[2*u]+(float)get_params().epsilon); final float invRMS_g = Utils.approxInvSqrt(get_ada_dx_g(y-1).raw()[2*u+1]+(float)get_params().epsilon); rate[y-1][u] = RMS_dx*invRMS_g; //not exactly right, RMS_dx should be from the previous time step -> but close enough for diagnostics. mean_rate[y] += rate[y-1][u]; } } mean_bias[y] /= biases[y-1].size(); mean_weight[y] /= get_weights(y-1).size(); if (rate != null) mean_rate[y] /= rate[y-1].length; for(int u = 0; u < biases[y-1].size(); u++) { final double db = biases[y-1].get(u) - mean_bias[y]; rms_bias[y] += db * db; } for(int u = 0; u < get_weights(y-1).size(); u++) { final double dw = get_weights(y-1).raw()[u] - mean_weight[y]; rms_weight[y] += dw * dw; if (rate != null) { final double drate = rate[y-1][u] - mean_rate[y]; rms_rate[y] += drate * drate; } } rms_bias[y] = Utils.approxSqrt(rms_bias[y]/biases[y-1].size()); rms_weight[y] = Utils.approxSqrt(rms_weight[y]/get_weights(y-1).size()); if (rate != null) rms_rate[y] = Utils.approxSqrt(rms_rate[y]/rate[y-1].length); // rms_bias[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_bias[y]/biases[y-1].length); // rms_weight[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_weight[y]/weights[y-1].length); // if (rate != null) rms_rate[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_rate[y]/rate[y-1].length); // Abort the run if weights or biases are unreasonably large (Note that all input values are normalized upfront) // This can happen with Rectifier units when L1/L2/max_w2 are all set to 0, especially when using more than 1 hidden layer. final double thresh = 1e10; unstable |= mean_bias[y] > thresh || isNaN(mean_bias[y]) || rms_bias[y] > thresh || isNaN(rms_bias[y]) || mean_weight[y] > thresh || isNaN(mean_weight[y]) || rms_weight[y] > thresh || isNaN(rms_weight[y]); } } } /** * Constructor to restart from a checkpointed model * @param cp Checkpoint to restart from * @param destKey New destination key for the model * @param jobKey New job key (job which updates the model) */ public DeepLearningModel(final DeepLearningModel cp, final Key destKey, final Key jobKey, final DataInfo dataInfo) { super(destKey, cp._dataKey, dataInfo._adaptedFrame.names(),, cp._priorClassDist != null ? cp._priorClassDist.clone() : null, null); final boolean store_best_model = (jobKey == null); this.jobKey = jobKey; this._validationKey = cp._validationKey; if (store_best_model) { model_info = cp.model_info.deep_clone(); //don't want to interfere with model being built, just make a deep copy and store that model_info.data_info = dataInfo.deep_clone(); //replace previous data_info with updated version that's passed in (contains enum for classification) get_params().state = Job.JobState.DONE; //change the deep_clone'd state to DONE _modelClassDist = cp._modelClassDist != null ? cp._modelClassDist.clone() : null; } else { model_info = (DeepLearningModelInfo) cp.model_info.clone(); //shallow clone is ok (won't modify the Checkpoint in K-V store during checkpoint restart) model_info.data_info = dataInfo; //shallow clone is ok get_params().checkpoint = cp._key; //it's only a "real" checkpoint if job != null, otherwise a best model copy get_params().state = ((DeepLearning)UKV.get(jobKey)).state; //make the job state consistent } get_params().job_key = jobKey; get_params().destination_key = destKey; get_params().start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); //for displaying the model progress actual_best_model_key = cp.actual_best_model_key; start_time = cp.start_time; run_time = cp.run_time; training_rows = cp.training_rows; //copy the value to display the right number on the model page before training has started validation_rows = cp.validation_rows; //copy the value to display the right number on the model page before training has started _bestError = cp._bestError; // deep clone scoring history errors = cp.errors.clone(); for (int i=0; i<errors.length;++i) errors[i] = cp.errors[i].deep_clone(); // set proper timing _timeLastScoreEnter = System.currentTimeMillis(); _timeLastScoreStart = 0; _timeLastScoreEnd = 0; _timeLastPrintStart = 0; assert(Arrays.equals(_key._kb, destKey._kb)); } public DeepLearningModel(final Key destKey, final Key jobKey, final Key dataKey, final DataInfo dinfo, final DeepLearning params, final float[] priorDist) { super(destKey, dataKey, dinfo._adaptedFrame, priorDist); this.jobKey = jobKey; this._validationKey = params.validation != null ? params.validation._key : null; run_time = 0; start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); _timeLastScoreEnter = start_time; model_info = new DeepLearningModelInfo(params, dinfo); actual_best_model_key = Key.makeSystem(Key.make().toString()); if (params.n_folds != 0) actual_best_model_key = null; Object job = UKV.get(jobKey); if (job instanceof DeepLearning) get_params().state = ((DeepLearning)UKV.get(jobKey)).state; //make the job state consistent else get_params().state = ((Job.JobHandle)UKV.get(jobKey)).state; //make the job state consistent if (!get_params().autoencoder) { errors = new Errors[1]; errors[0] = new Errors(); errors[0].validation = (params.validation != null); errors[0].num_folds = params.n_folds; } assert(Arrays.equals(_key._kb, destKey._kb)); } public long _timeLastScoreEnter; //not transient: needed for HTML display page transient private long _timeLastScoreStart; transient private long _timeLastScoreEnd; transient private long _timeLastPrintStart; /** * * @param train training data from which the model is built (for epoch counting only) * @param ftrain potentially downsampled training data for scoring * @param ftest potentially downsampled validation data for scoring * @param job_key key of the owning job * @return true if model building is ongoing */ boolean doScoring(Frame train, Frame ftrain, Frame ftest, Key job_key, Job.ValidatedJob.Response2CMAdaptor vadaptor) { try { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); epoch_counter = (float)model_info().get_processed_total()/training_rows; final double time_last_iter_millis = now-_timeLastScoreEnter; // Auto-tuning // if multi-node and auto-tuning and at least 10 ms for communication (to avoid doing thins on multi-JVM on same node), // then adjust the auto-tuning parameter 'actual_train_samples_per_iteration' such that the targeted ratio of comm to comp is achieved // Note: actual communication time is estimated by the NetworkTest's collective test. if (H2O.CLOUD.size() > 1 && get_params().train_samples_per_iteration == -2 && time_for_communication_us > 1e4) { //"Time taken for communication: " + PrettyPrint.usecs((long)time_for_communication_us)); //"Time taken for Map/Reduce iteration: " + PrettyPrint.msecs((long)time_last_iter_millis, true)); final double comm_to_work_ratio = (time_for_communication_us *1e-3) / time_last_iter_millis; //"Ratio of network communication to computation: " + String.format("%.3f", comm_to_work_ratio)); //"target_comm_to_work: " + get_params().target_ratio_comm_to_comp); final double correction = get_params().target_ratio_comm_to_comp / comm_to_work_ratio; // Log.warn("Suggested value for train_samples_per_iteration: " + get_params().actual_train_samples_per_iteration/correction); actual_train_samples_per_iteration /= correction; actual_train_samples_per_iteration = Math.max(1, actual_train_samples_per_iteration); } run_time += time_last_iter_millis; _timeLastScoreEnter = now; boolean keep_running = (epoch_counter < get_params().epochs); final long sinceLastScore = now -_timeLastScoreStart; final long sinceLastPrint = now -_timeLastPrintStart; final long samples = model_info().get_processed_total(); if (!keep_running || sinceLastPrint > get_params().score_interval*1000) { _timeLastPrintStart = now;"Training time: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(run_time, true) + ". Processed " + String.format("%,d", samples) + " samples" + " (" + String.format("%.3f", epoch_counter) + " epochs)." + " Speed: " + String.format("%.3f", 1000.*samples/run_time) + " samples/sec."); } // this is potentially slow - only do every so often if( !keep_running || (sinceLastScore > get_params().score_interval*1000 //don't score too often &&(double)(_timeLastScoreEnd-_timeLastScoreStart)/sinceLastScore < get_params().score_duty_cycle) ) { //duty cycle final boolean printme = !get_params().quiet_mode; final boolean adaptCM = (isClassifier() && vadaptor.needsAdaptation2CM()); _timeLastScoreStart = now; if (get_params().diagnostics) model_info().computeStats(); Errors err = new Errors(); err.training_time_ms = run_time; err.epoch_counter = epoch_counter; err.training_samples = model_info().get_processed_total(); err.validation = ftest != null; err.score_training_samples = ftrain.numRows(); if (get_params().autoencoder) { if (printme)"Scoring the auto-encoder."); // training { final Frame mse_frame = scoreAutoEncoder(ftrain); final Vec l2 = mse_frame.anyVec();"Mean reconstruction error on training data: " + l2.mean() + "\n"); err.train_mse = l2.mean(); mse_frame.delete(); } } else { if (printme)"Scoring the model."); // compute errors err.classification = isClassifier(); assert (err.classification == get_params().classification); err.num_folds = get_params().n_folds; err.train_confusion_matrix = new ConfusionMatrix(); final int hit_k = Math.min(nclasses(), get_params().max_hit_ratio_k); if (err.classification && nclasses() > 2 && hit_k > 0) { err.train_hitratio = new HitRatio(); err.train_hitratio.set_max_k(hit_k); } final String m = model_info().toString(); if (m.length() > 0); final Frame trainPredict = score(ftrain, false); AUC trainAUC = null; if (err.classification && nclasses() == 2) trainAUC = new AUC(); final double trainErr = calcError(ftrain, ftrain.lastVec(), trainPredict, trainPredict, "training", printme, get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size, err.train_confusion_matrix, trainAUC, err.train_hitratio); if (isClassifier()) err.train_err = trainErr; if (trainAUC != null) err.trainAUC =; else err.train_mse = trainErr; trainPredict.delete(); if (err.validation) { assert ftest != null; err.score_validation_samples = ftest.numRows(); err.valid_confusion_matrix = new ConfusionMatrix(); if (err.classification && nclasses() > 2 && hit_k > 0) { err.valid_hitratio = new HitRatio(); err.valid_hitratio.set_max_k(hit_k); } final String adaptRespName = vadaptor.adaptedValidationResponse(responseName()); Vec adaptCMresp = null; if (adaptCM) { Vec[] v = ftest.vecs(); assert (ftest.find(adaptRespName) == v.length - 1); //make sure to have (adapted) response in the test set adaptCMresp = ftest.remove(v.length - 1); //model would remove any extra columns anyway (need to keep it here for later) } final Frame validPredict = score(ftest, adaptCM); final Frame hitratio_validPredict = new Frame(validPredict); Vec orig_label = validPredict.vecs()[0]; // Adapt output response domain, in case validation domain is different from training domain // Note: doesn't change predictions, just the *possible* label domain if (adaptCM) { assert (adaptCMresp != null); assert (ftest.find(adaptRespName) == -1); ftest.add(adaptRespName, adaptCMresp); final Vec CMadapted = vadaptor.adaptModelResponse2CM(validPredict.vecs()[0]); validPredict.replace(0, CMadapted); //replace label validPredict.add("to_be_deleted", CMadapted); //keep the Vec around to be deleted later (no leak) } AUC validAUC = null; if (err.classification && nclasses() == 2) validAUC = new AUC(); final double validErr = calcError(ftest, ftest.lastVec(), validPredict, hitratio_validPredict, "validation", printme, get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size, err.valid_confusion_matrix, validAUC, err.valid_hitratio); if (isClassifier()) err.valid_err = validErr; if (trainAUC != null) err.validAUC =; else err.valid_mse = validErr; validPredict.delete(); //also delete the replaced label if (adaptCM) orig_label.remove(new Futures()).blockForPending(); } // only keep confusion matrices for the last step if there are fewer than specified number of output classes if ( != null && - 1 >= get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size) { err.train_confusion_matrix = null; err.valid_confusion_matrix = null; } } if (get_params().variable_importances) { if (!get_params().quiet_mode)"Computing variable importances."); final float[] vi = model_info().computeVariableImportances(); err.variable_importances = new VarImp(vi, Arrays.copyOfRange(model_info().data_info().coefNames(), 0, vi.length)); } _timeLastScoreEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); err.scoring_time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now; // enlarge the error array by one, push latest score back if (errors == null) { errors = new Errors[]{err}; } else { Errors[] err2 = new Errors[errors.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(errors, 0, err2, 0, errors.length); err2[err2.length - 1] = err; errors = err2; } if (!get_params().autoencoder) { // always keep a copy of the best model so far (based on the following criterion) if (actual_best_model_key != null && ( // if we have a best_model in DKV, then compare against its error() (unless it's a different model as judged by the network size) (UKV.get(actual_best_model_key) != null && (error() < UKV.<DeepLearningModel>get(actual_best_model_key).error() || !Arrays.equals(model_info().units, UKV.<DeepLearningModel>get(actual_best_model_key).model_info().units))) || // otherwise, compare against our own _bestError (UKV.get(actual_best_model_key) == null && error() < _bestError) ) ) { if (!get_params().quiet_mode)"Error reduced from " + _bestError + " to " + error() + ". Storing best model so far under key " + actual_best_model_key.toString() + "."); _bestError = error(); putMeAsBestModel(actual_best_model_key); // debugging check if (false) { DeepLearningModel bestModel = UKV.get(actual_best_model_key); final Frame fr = ftest != null ? ftest : ftrain; final Frame bestPredict = bestModel.score(fr, ftest != null ? adaptCM : false); final Frame hitRatio_bestPredict = new Frame(bestPredict); // Adapt output response domain, in case validation domain is different from training domain // Note: doesn't change predictions, just the *possible* label domain if (adaptCM) { final Vec CMadapted = vadaptor.adaptModelResponse2CM(bestPredict.vecs()[0]); bestPredict.replace(0, CMadapted); //replace label bestPredict.add("to_be_deleted", CMadapted); //keep the Vec around to be deleted later (no leak) } final double err3 = calcError(fr, fr.lastVec(), bestPredict, hitRatio_bestPredict, "cross-check", printme, get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size, new water.api.ConfusionMatrix(), isClassifier() && nclasses() == 2 ? new AUC() : null, null); if (isClassifier()) assert (ftest != null ? Math.abs(err.valid_err - err3) < 1e-5 : Math.abs(err.train_err - err3) < 1e-5); else assert (ftest != null ? Math.abs(err.valid_mse - err3) < 1e-5 : Math.abs(err.train_mse - err3) < 1e-5); bestPredict.delete(); } } // else { // // keep output JSON small // if (errors.length > 1) { // if (last_scored().trainAUC != null) last_scored().trainAUC.clear(); // if (last_scored().validAUC != null) last_scored().validAUC.clear(); // last_scored().variable_importances = null; // } // } // print the freshly scored model to ASCII for (String s : toString().split("\n")); if (printme)"Time taken for scoring and diagnostics: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(err.scoring_time, true)); } } if (model_info().unstable()) { Log.warn(unstable_msg); keep_running = false; } else if ( (isClassifier() && last_scored().train_err <= get_params().classification_stop) || (!isClassifier() && last_scored().train_mse <= get_params().regression_stop) ) {"Achieved requested predictive accuracy on the training data. Model building completed."); keep_running = false; } update(job_key); // System.out.println(this); return keep_running; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } @Override protected void setCrossValidationError(Job.ValidatedJob job, double cv_error, ConfusionMatrix cm, AUCData auc, HitRatio hr) { _have_cv_results = true; if (!get_params().classification) last_scored().valid_mse = cv_error; else last_scored().valid_err = cv_error; last_scored().score_validation_samples = last_scored().score_training_samples / get_params().n_folds; last_scored().num_folds = get_params().n_folds; last_scored().valid_confusion_matrix = cm; last_scored().validAUC = auc; last_scored().valid_hitratio = hr; DKV.put(this._key, this); //overwrite this model } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(model_info.toString()); sb.append(last_scored().toString()); return sb.toString(); } public String toStringAll() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(model_info.toStringAll()); sb.append(last_scored().toString()); return sb.toString(); } public String getHeader() { assert get_params().autoencoder; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int len = model_info().data_info().fullN(); String prefix = "reconstr_"; assert (model_info().data_info()._responses == 0); String[] coefnames = model_info().data_info().coefNames(); assert (len == coefnames.length); for (int c = 0; c < len; c++) { if (c>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(prefix + coefnames[c]); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This is an overridden version of Model.score(). Make either a prediction or a reconstruction. * @param frame Test dataset * @return A frame containing the prediction or reconstruction */ @Override public Frame score(Frame frame) { if (!get_params().autoencoder) { return super.score(frame); } else { // Reconstruction // Adapt the Frame layout - returns adapted frame and frame containing only // newly created vectors Frame[] adaptFrms = adapt(frame,false,false/*no response*/); // Adapted frame containing all columns - mix of original vectors from fr // and newly created vectors serving as adaptors Frame adaptFrm = adaptFrms[0]; // Contains only newly created vectors. The frame eases deletion of these vectors. Frame onlyAdaptFrm = adaptFrms[1]; final int len = model_info().data_info().fullN(); String prefix = "reconstr_"; assert(model_info().data_info()._responses == 0); String[] coefnames = model_info().data_info().coefNames(); assert(len == coefnames.length); for( int c=0; c<len; c++ ) adaptFrm.add(prefix+coefnames[c],adaptFrm.anyVec().makeZero()); new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { double tmp [] = new double[_names.length]; float preds[] = new float [len]; final Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info); for( int row=0; row<chks[0]._len; row++ ) { float p[] = score_autoencoder(chks, row, tmp, preds, neurons); for( int c=0; c<preds.length; c++ ) chks[_names.length+c].set0(row,p[c]); } } }.doAll(adaptFrm); // Return the predicted columns int x=_names.length, y=adaptFrm.numCols(); Frame f = adaptFrm.extractFrame(x, y); //this will call vec_impl() and we cannot call the delete() below just yet onlyAdaptFrm.delete(); return f; } } /** * Predict from raw double values representing the data * @param data raw array containing categorical values (horizontalized to 1,0,0,1,0,0 etc.) and numerical values (0.35,1.24,5.3234,etc), both can contain NaNs * @param preds predicted label and per-class probabilities (for classification), predicted target (regression), can contain NaNs * @return preds, can contain NaNs */ @Override public float[] score0(double[] data, float[] preds) { if (model_info().unstable()) { Log.warn(unstable_msg); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trying to predict with an unstable model."); } Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info); ((Neurons.Input)neurons[0]).setInput(-1, data); DeepLearningTask.step(-1, neurons, model_info, false, null); float[] out = neurons[neurons.length - 1]._a.raw(); if (isClassifier()) { assert (preds.length == out.length + 1); for (int i = 0; i < preds.length - 1; ++i) { preds[i + 1] = out[i]; if (Float.isNaN(preds[i + 1])) throw new RuntimeException("Predicted class probability NaN!"); } preds[0] = ModelUtils.getPrediction(preds, data); } else { assert (preds.length == 1 && out.length == 1); if (model_info().data_info()._normRespMul != null) preds[0] = (float) (out[0] / model_info().data_info()._normRespMul[0] + model_info().data_info()._normRespSub[0]); else preds[0] = out[0]; if (Float.isNaN(preds[0])) throw new RuntimeException("Predicted regression target NaN!"); } return preds; } /** * Score auto-encoded reconstruction (on-the-fly, without allocating the reconstruction as done in Frame score(Frame fr)) * @param frame Original data (can contain response, will be ignored) * @return Frame containing one Vec with reconstruction error (MSE) of each reconstructed row, caller is responsible for deletion */ public Frame scoreAutoEncoder(Frame frame) { final int len = _names.length; // Adapt the Frame layout - returns adapted frame and frame containing only // newly created vectors Frame[] adaptFrms = adapt(frame,false,false/*no response*/); // Adapted frame containing all columns - mix of original vectors from fr // and newly created vectors serving as adaptors Frame adaptFrm = adaptFrms[0]; // Contains only newly created vectors. The frame eases deletion of these vectors. Frame onlyAdaptFrm = adaptFrms[1]; adaptFrm.add("Reconstruction.MSE", adaptFrm.anyVec().makeZero()); new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { double tmp [] = new double[len]; final Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info); for( int row=0; row<chks[0]._len; row++ ) { for( int i=0; i<_names.length; i++ ) tmp[i] = chks[i].at0(row); //original data chks[len].set0(row, score_autoencoder(tmp, null, neurons)); //store the per-row reconstruction error (MSE) in the last column } } }.doAll(adaptFrm); // Return just the output columns int x=_names.length, y=adaptFrm.numCols(); final Frame l2 = adaptFrm.extractFrame(x, y); onlyAdaptFrm.delete(); return l2; } /** * Score auto-encoded reconstruction (on-the-fly, without allocating the reconstruction as done in Frame score(Frame fr)) * @param frame Original data (can contain response, will be ignored) * @return Frame containing one Vec with reconstruction error (MSE) of each reconstructed row, caller is responsible for deletion */ public Frame scoreDeepFeatures(Frame frame, final int layer) { assert(layer >= 0 && layer < model_info().get_params().hidden.length); final int len = nfeatures(); Vec resp = null; if (isSupervised()) { int ridx = frame.find(responseName()); if (ridx != -1) { // drop the response for scoring! frame = new Frame(frame); resp = frame.vecs()[ridx]; frame.remove(ridx); } } // Adapt the Frame layout - returns adapted frame and frame containing only // newly created vectors Frame[] adaptFrms = adapt(frame,false,false/*no response*/); // Adapted frame containing all columns - mix of original vectors from fr // and newly created vectors serving as adaptors Frame adaptFrm = adaptFrms[0]; // Contains only newly created vectors. The frame eases deletion of these vectors. Frame onlyAdaptFrm = adaptFrms[1]; //create new features, will be dense final int features = model_info().get_params().hidden[layer]; Vec[] vecs = adaptFrm.anyVec().makeZeros(features); for (int j=0; j<features; ++j) { adaptFrm.add("DF.C" + (j+1), vecs[j]); } new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { double tmp [] = new double[len]; float df[] = new float [features]; final Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info); for( int row=0; row<chks[0]._len; row++ ) { for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) tmp[i] = chks[i].at0(row); ((Neurons.Input)neurons[0]).setInput(-1, tmp); DeepLearningTask.step(-1, neurons, model_info, false, null); float[] out = neurons[layer+1]._a.raw(); //extract the layer-th hidden feature for( int c=0; c<df.length; c++ ) chks[_names.length+c].set0(row,out[c]); } } }.doAll(adaptFrm); // Return just the output columns int x=_names.length, y=adaptFrm.numCols(); Frame ret = adaptFrm.extractFrame(x, y); onlyAdaptFrm.delete(); if (resp != null) ret.prepend(responseName(), resp); return ret; } // Make (potentially expanded) reconstruction private float[] score_autoencoder(Chunk[] chks, int row_in_chunk, double[] tmp, float[] preds, Neurons[] neurons) { assert(get_params().autoencoder); assert(tmp.length == _names.length); for( int i=0; i<tmp.length; i++ ) tmp[i] = chks[i].at0(row_in_chunk); score_autoencoder(tmp, preds, neurons); // this fills preds, returns MSE error (ignored here) return preds; } /** * Helper to reconstruct original data into preds array and compute the reconstruction error (MSE) * @param data Original data (unexpanded) * @param preds Reconstruction (potentially expanded) * @return reconstruction error */ private double score_autoencoder(double[] data, float[] preds, Neurons[] neurons) { assert(model_info().get_params().autoencoder); if (model_info().unstable()) { Log.warn(unstable_msg); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Trying to predict with an unstable model."); } ((Neurons.Input)neurons[0]).setInput(-1, data); // expands categoricals inside DeepLearningTask.step(-1, neurons, model_info, false, null); // reconstructs data in expanded space float[] in = neurons[0]._a.raw(); //input (expanded) float[] out = neurons[neurons.length - 1]._a.raw(); //output (expanded) // DEBUGGING //; //; //; assert(in.length == out.length); // First normalize categorical reconstructions to be probabilities // (such that they can be better compared to the input where one factor was 1 and the rest was 0) // model_info().data_info().softMaxCategoricals(out,out); //only modifies the categoricals // Compute MSE of reconstruction in expanded space (with categorical probabilities) double l2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < in.length; ++i) l2 += Math.pow((out[i] - in[i]), 2); l2 /= in.length; if (preds!=null) { // Now scale back numerical columns to original data space (scale + shift) model_info().data_info().unScaleNumericals(out, out); //only modifies the numericals System.arraycopy(out, 0, preds, 0, out.length); //copy reconstruction into preds } // DEBUGGING //; //""); return l2; } /** * Compute quantile-based threshold (in reconstruction error) to find outliers * @param mse Vector containing reconstruction errors * @param quantile Quantile for cut-off * @return Threshold in MSE value for a point to be above the quantile */ public double calcOutlierThreshold(Vec mse, double quantile) { Frame mse_frame = new Frame(Key.make(), new String[]{"Reconstruction.MSE"}, new Vec[]{mse}); QuantilesPage qp = new QuantilesPage(); qp.column = mse_frame.vec(0); qp.source_key = mse_frame; qp.quantile = quantile; qp.invoke(); DKV.remove(mse_frame._key); return qp.result; } @Override public ModelAutobufferSerializer getModelSerializer() { // Return a serializer which knows how to serialize keys return new ModelAutobufferSerializer() { @Override protected AutoBuffer postLoad(Model m, AutoBuffer ab) { Job.hygiene(((DeepLearningModel)m).get_params()); return ab; } }; } public boolean generateHTML(String title, StringBuilder sb) { if (_key == null) { DocGen.HTML.title(sb, "No model yet"); return true; } // optional JFrame creation for visualization of weights // DeepLearningVisualization.visualize(this); final String mse_format = "%g"; // final String cross_entropy_format = "%2.6f"; // stats for training and validation final Errors error = last_scored(); DocGen.HTML.title(sb, title); if (get_params().source == null || DKV.get(get_params().source._key) == null || (get_params().validation != null && DKV.get(get_params().validation._key) == null)) (Job.hygiene(get_params())).toHTML(sb); else job().toHTML(sb); sb.append("<div class='alert'>Actions: " + (jobKey != null && UKV.get(jobKey) != null && Job.isRunning(jobKey) ? "<i class=\"icon-stop\"></i>" +, "Stop training") + ", " : "") +"Inspect training data (" + _dataKey + ")", _dataKey) + ", " + (_validationKey != null ? ("Inspect validation data (" + _validationKey + ")", _validationKey) + ", ") : "") +, "Score on dataset") + ", " +, "Compute new model", null, responseName(), _validationKey) + (actual_best_model_key != null && UKV.get(actual_best_model_key) != null && actual_best_model_key != _key ? ", " +"Go to best model", actual_best_model_key) : "") + (jobKey == null || ((jobKey != null && UKV.get(jobKey) == null)) || (jobKey != null && UKV.get(jobKey) != null && Job.isEnded(jobKey)) ? ", <i class=\"icon-play\"></i>" +, "Continue training this model", _key, responseName(), _validationKey) : "") + ", " + UIUtils.qlink(SaveModel.class, "model", _key, "Save model") + ", " + "</div>"); DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Model Key: " + _key); if (jobKey != null) DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Job Key: " + jobKey); if (!get_params().autoencoder) DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Model type: " + (get_params().classification ? " Classification" : " Regression") + ", predicting: " + responseName()); else DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Model type: Auto-Encoder"); DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Number of model parameters (weights/biases): " + String.format("%,d", model_info().size())); if (model_info.unstable()) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "======================================================================================="); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, unstable_msg.replace("\n"," ")); DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "======================================================================================="); } if (error == null) return true; DocGen.HTML.title(sb, "Progress"); // update epoch counter every time the website is displayed epoch_counter = training_rows > 0 ? (float)model_info().get_processed_total()/training_rows : 0; final double progress = get_params().progress(); if (get_params() != null && get_params().diagnostics) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Status of Neuron Layers"); sb.append("<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed'>"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<th>").append("#").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("Units").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("Type").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("Dropout").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("L1").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("L2").append("</th>"); if (get_params().adaptive_rate) { sb.append("<th>").append("Rate (Mean, RMS)").append("</th>"); } else { sb.append("<th>").append("Rate").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("Momentum").append("</th>"); } sb.append("<th>").append("Weight (Mean, RMS)").append("</th>"); sb.append("<th>").append("Bias (Mean, RMS)").append("</th>"); sb.append("</tr>"); Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info()); //link the weights to the neurons, for easy access for (int i=0; i<neurons.length; ++i) { sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>").append("<b>").append(i+1).append("</b>").append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append("<b>").append(neurons[i].units).append("</b>").append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()).append("</td>"); if (i == 0) { sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(Utils.formatPct(neurons[i].params.input_dropout_ratio)); sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("<td></td>"); sb.append("<td></td>"); sb.append("<td></td>"); if (!get_params().adaptive_rate) sb.append("<td></td>"); sb.append("<td></td>"); sb.append("<td></td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); continue; } else if (i < neurons.length-1) { sb.append("<td>"); if (neurons[i].params.hidden_dropout_ratios == null) sb.append(Utils.formatPct(0)); else sb.append(Utils.formatPct(neurons[i].params.hidden_dropout_ratios[i - 1])); sb.append("</td>"); } else { sb.append("<td></td>"); } final String format = "%g"; sb.append("<td>").append(neurons[i].params.l1).append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append(neurons[i].params.l2).append("</td>"); if (get_params().adaptive_rate) { sb.append("<td>(").append(String.format(format, model_info.mean_rate[i])). append(", ").append(String.format(format, model_info.rms_rate[i])).append(")</td>"); } else { sb.append("<td>").append(String.format("%.5g", neurons[i].rate(error.training_samples))).append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append(String.format("%.5f", neurons[i].momentum(error.training_samples))).append("</td>"); } sb.append("<td>(").append(String.format(format, model_info.mean_weight[i])). append(", ").append(String.format(format, model_info.rms_weight[i])).append(")</td>"); sb.append("<td>(").append(String.format(format, model_info.mean_bias[i])). append(", ").append(String.format(format, model_info.rms_bias[i])).append(")</td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); } if (isClassifier() && !get_params().autoencoder) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Classification error on training data: " + Utils.formatPct(error.train_err)); if(error.validation) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Classification error on validation data: " + Utils.formatPct(error.valid_err)); } else if(error.num_folds > 0) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Classification error on " + error.num_folds + "-fold cross-validated training data" + (_have_cv_results ? ": " + Utils.formatPct(error.valid_err) : " is being computed - please reload this page later.")); } } else { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "MSE on training data: " + String.format(mse_format, error.train_mse)); if(error.validation) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "MSE on validation data: " + String.format(mse_format, error.valid_mse)); } else if(error.num_folds > 0) { DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "MSE on " + error.num_folds + "-fold cross-validated training data" + (_have_cv_results ? ": " + String.format(mse_format, error.valid_mse) : " is being computed - please reload this page later.")); } } DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Training samples: " + String.format("%,d", model_info().get_processed_total())); DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Epochs: " + String.format("%.3f", epoch_counter) + " / " + String.format("%.3f", get_params().epochs)); int cores = 0; for (H2ONode n : H2O.CLOUD._memary) cores += n._heartbeat._num_cpus; DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Number of compute nodes: " + (model_info.get_params().single_node_mode ? ("1 (" + H2O.NUMCPUS + " threads)") : (H2O.CLOUD.size() + " (" + cores + " threads)"))); DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Training samples per iteration" + ( get_params().train_samples_per_iteration == -2 ? " (-2 -> auto-tuning): " : get_params().train_samples_per_iteration == -1 ? " (-1 -> max. available data): " : get_params().train_samples_per_iteration == 0 ? " (0 -> one epoch): " : " (user-given): ") + String.format("%,d", actual_train_samples_per_iteration)); final boolean isEnded = get_params().self() == null || (UKV.get(get_params().self()) != null && Job.isEnded(get_params().self())); final long time_so_far = isEnded ? run_time : run_time + System.currentTimeMillis() - _timeLastScoreEnter; if (time_so_far > 0) { long time_for_speed = isEnded || H2O.CLOUD.size() > 1 ? run_time : time_so_far; if (time_for_speed > 0) DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Training speed: " + String.format("%,d", model_info().get_processed_total() * 1000 / time_for_speed) + " samples/s"); } DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Training time: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(time_so_far, true)); if (progress > 0 && !isEnded) DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Estimated time left: " +PrettyPrint.msecs((long)(time_so_far*(1-progress)/progress), true)); long score_train = error.score_training_samples; long score_valid = error.score_validation_samples; final boolean fulltrain = score_train==0 || score_train == training_rows; final boolean fullvalid = error.validation && get_params().n_folds == 0 && (score_valid==0 || score_valid == validation_rows); final String toolarge = " Confusion matrix not shown here - too large: number of classes (" + model_info.units[model_info.units.length-1] + ") is greater than the specified limit of " + get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size + "."; boolean smallenough = model_info.units[model_info.units.length-1] <= get_params().max_confusion_matrix_size; if (!error.validation) { if (_have_cv_results) { String cmTitle = "<div class=\"alert\">Scoring results reported for " + error.num_folds + "-fold cross-validated training data " + + ":</div>"; sb.append("<h5>" + cmTitle); sb.append("</h5>"); } else { String cmTitle = "<div class=\"alert\">Scoring results reported on training data " + + (fulltrain ? "" : " (" + score_train + " samples)") + ":</div>"; sb.append("<h5>" + cmTitle); sb.append("</h5>"); } } else { RString v_rs = new RString("<a href='Inspect2.html?src_key=%$key'>%key</a>"); String cmTitle = "<div class=\"alert\">Scoring results reported on validation data " + + (fullvalid ? "" : " (" + score_valid + " samples)") + ":</div>"; sb.append("<h5>" + cmTitle); sb.append("</h5>"); } if (isClassifier()) { // print AUC if (error.validAUC != null) { error.validAUC.toHTML(sb); } else if (error.trainAUC != null) { error.trainAUC.toHTML(sb); } else { if (error.validation) { if (error.valid_confusion_matrix != null && smallenough) { error.valid_confusion_matrix.toHTML(sb); } else if (smallenough) sb.append("<h5>Confusion matrix on validation data is not yet computed.</h5>"); else sb.append(toolarge); } else if (_have_cv_results) { if (error.valid_confusion_matrix != null && smallenough) { error.valid_confusion_matrix.toHTML(sb); } else if (smallenough) sb.append("<h5>Confusion matrix on " + error.num_folds + "-fold cross-validated training data is not yet computed.</h5>"); else sb.append(toolarge); } else { if (error.train_confusion_matrix != null && smallenough) { error.train_confusion_matrix.toHTML(sb); } else if (smallenough) sb.append("<h5>Confusion matrix on training data is not yet computed.</h5>"); else sb.append(toolarge); } } } // Hit ratio if (error.valid_hitratio != null) { error.valid_hitratio.toHTML(sb); } else if (error.train_hitratio != null) { error.train_hitratio.toHTML(sb); } // Variable importance if (error.variable_importances != null) { error.variable_importances.toHTML(this, sb); } printCrossValidationModelsHTML(sb); DocGen.HTML.title(sb, "Scoring history"); if (errors.length > 1) { DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, "Time taken for last scoring and diagnostics: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(errors[errors.length-1].scoring_time, true)); // training { final long pts = fulltrain ? training_rows : score_train; String training = "Number of training data samples for scoring: " + (fulltrain ? "all " : "") + pts; if (pts < 1000 && training_rows >= 1000) training += " (low, scoring might be inaccurate -> consider increasing this number in the expert mode)"; if (pts > 100000 && errors[errors.length-1].scoring_time > 10000) training += " (large, scoring can be slow -> consider reducing this number in the expert mode or scoring manually)"; DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, training); } // validation if (error.validation) { final long ptsv = fullvalid ? validation_rows : score_valid; String validation = "Number of validation data samples for scoring: " + (fullvalid ? "all " : "") + ptsv; if (ptsv < 1000 && validation_rows >= 1000) validation += " (low, scoring might be inaccurate -> consider increasing this number in the expert mode)"; if (ptsv > 100000 && errors[errors.length-1].scoring_time > 10000) validation += " (large, scoring can be slow -> consider reducing this number in the expert mode or scoring manually)"; DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb, validation); } if (isClassifier() && nclasses() != 2 /*binary classifier has its own conflicting D3 object (AUC)*/) { // Plot training error float[] err = new float[errors.length]; float[] samples = new float[errors.length]; for (int i=0; i<err.length; ++i) { err[i] = (float)errors[i].train_err; samples[i] = errors[i].training_samples; } new D3Plot(samples, err, "training samples", "classification error", "classification error on training data").generate(sb); // Plot validation error if (error.validation) { for (int i=0; i<err.length; ++i) { err[i] = (float)errors[i].valid_err; } new D3Plot(samples, err, "training samples", "classification error", "classification error on validation set").generate(sb); } } // regression else if (!isClassifier()) { // Plot training MSE float[] err = new float[errors.length-1]; float[] samples = new float[errors.length-1]; for (int i=0; i<err.length; ++i) { err[i] = (float)errors[i+1].train_mse; samples[i] = errors[i+1].training_samples; } new D3Plot(samples, err, "training samples", "MSE", "regression error on training data").generate(sb); // Plot validation MSE if (error.validation) { for (int i=0; i<err.length; ++i) { err[i] = (float)errors[i+1].valid_mse; } new D3Plot(samples, err, "training samples", "MSE", "regression error on validation data").generate(sb); } } } // String training = "Number of training set samples for scoring: " + error.score_training; if (error.validation) { // String validation = "Number of validation set samples for scoring: " + error.score_validation; } sb.append("<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed'>"); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<th>Training Time</th>"); sb.append("<th>Training Epochs</th>"); sb.append("<th>Training Samples</th>"); if (isClassifier()) { // sb.append("<th>Training MCE</th>"); sb.append("<th>Training Error</th>"); if (nclasses()==2) sb.append("<th>Training AUC</th>"); } else { sb.append("<th>Training MSE</th>"); } if (error.validation) { if (isClassifier()) { // sb.append("<th>Validation MCE</th>"); sb.append("<th>Validation Error</th>"); if (nclasses()==2) sb.append("<th>Validation AUC</th>"); } else { sb.append("<th>Validation MSE</th>"); } } else if (error.num_folds > 0) { if (isClassifier()) { sb.append("<th>Cross-Validation Error</th>"); if (nclasses()==2) sb.append("<th>Cross-Validation AUC</th>"); } else { sb.append("<th>Cross-Validation MSE</th>"); } } sb.append("</tr>"); for( int i = errors.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { final Errors e = errors[i]; sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>" + PrettyPrint.msecs(e.training_time_ms, true) + "</td>"); sb.append("<td>" + String.format("%g", e.epoch_counter) + "</td>"); sb.append("<td>" + String.format("%,d", e.training_samples) + "</td>"); if (isClassifier() && !get_params().autoencoder) { sb.append("<td>" + Utils.formatPct(e.train_err) + "</td>"); if (nclasses()==2) { if (e.trainAUC != null) sb.append("<td>" + Utils.formatPct(e.trainAUC.AUC()) + "</td>"); else sb.append("<td>" + "N/A" + "</td>"); } } else { sb.append("<td>" + String.format(mse_format, e.train_mse) + "</td>"); } if(e.validation) { if (isClassifier()) { sb.append("<td>" + Utils.formatPct(e.valid_err) + "</td>"); if (nclasses()==2) { if (e.validAUC != null) sb.append("<td>" + Utils.formatPct(e.validAUC.AUC()) + "</td>"); else sb.append("<td>" + "N/A" + "</td>"); } } else { sb.append("<td>" + String.format(mse_format, e.valid_mse) + "</td>"); } } else if(e.num_folds > 0) { if (i == errors.length - 1 && _have_cv_results) { if (isClassifier()) { sb.append("<td>" + Utils.formatPct(e.valid_err) + "</td>"); if (nclasses() == 2) { if (e.validAUC != null) sb.append("<td>" + Utils.formatPct(e.validAUC.AUC()) + "</td>"); else sb.append("<td>" + "N/A" + "</td>"); } } else { sb.append("<td>" + String.format(mse_format, e.valid_mse) + "</td>"); } } else { sb.append("<td>N/A</td>"); if (nclasses() == 2) sb.append("<td>N/A</td>"); } } sb.append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); return true; } @Override protected SB toJavaNCLASSES(SB sb) { return !get_params().autoencoder ? super.toJavaNCLASSES(sb) : JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NCLASSES", model_info.units[model_info.units.length-1], "Number of output features (same as features of training data)."); } @Override protected void toJavaFillPreds0(SB bodySb) { if (!get_params().autoencoder) super.toJavaFillPreds0(bodySb); } public void toJavaHtml(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("<br /><br /><div class=\"pull-right\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\'$(\"#javaModel\").toggleClass(\"hide\");\'" + "class=\'btn btn-inverse btn-mini\'>Java Model</a></div><br /><div class=\"hide\" id=\"javaModel\">"); boolean featureAllowed = true; //isFeatureAllowed(); if (! featureAllowed) { sb.append("<br/><div id=\'javaModelWarningBlock\' class=\"alert\" style=\"background:#eedd20;color:#636363;text-shadow:none;\">"); sb.append("<b>You have requested a premium feature and your H<sub>2</sub>O software is unlicensed.</b><br/><br/>"); sb.append("Please enter your email address below, and we will send you a trial license shortly.<br/>"); sb.append("This will also temporarily enable downloading Java models.<br/>"); sb.append("<form class=\'form-inline\'><input id=\"emailForJavaModel\" class=\"span5\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Email\"/> "); sb.append("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\'processJavaModelLicense();\' class=\'btn btn-inverse\'>Send</a></form></div>"); sb.append("<div id=\"javaModelSource\" class=\"hide\"><pre style=\"overflow-y:scroll;\"><code class=\"language-java\">"); DocGen.HTML.escape(sb, toJava()); sb.append("</code></pre></div>"); } else if( model_info().size() > 100000 ) { String modelName = JCodeGen.toJavaId(_key.toString()); sb.append("<pre style=\"overflow-y:scroll;\"><code class=\"language-java\">"); sb.append("/* Java code is too large to display, download it directly.\n"); sb.append(" To obtain the code please invoke in your terminal:\n"); sb.append(" curl http:/").append(H2O.SELF.toString()).append("/h2o-model.jar > h2o-model.jar\n"); sb.append(" curl http:/").append(H2O.SELF.toString()).append("/2/").append(this.getClass().getSimpleName()).append("").append(_key).append(" > ").append(modelName).append(".java\n"); sb.append(" javac -cp h2o-model.jar -J-Xmx2g -J-XX:MaxPermSize=128m ").append(modelName).append(".java\n"); sb.append("*/"); sb.append("</code></pre>"); } else { sb.append("<pre style=\"overflow-y:scroll;\"><code class=\"language-java\">"); DocGen.HTML.escape(sb, toJava()); sb.append("</code></pre>"); } sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">$(document).ready(showOrHideJavaModel);</script>"); } @Override protected SB toJavaInit(SB sb, SB fileContextSB) { sb = super.toJavaInit(sb, fileContextSB); if (model_info().data_info()._nums > 0) { JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NUMS", new double[model_info().data_info()._nums], "Workspace for storing numerical input variables."); JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMMUL", model_info().data_info()._normMul, "Standardization/Normalization scaling factor for numerical variables."); JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMSUB", model_info().data_info()._normSub, "Standardization/Normalization offset for numerical variables."); } if (model_info().data_info()._cats > 0) { JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "CATS", new int[model_info().data_info()._cats], "Workspace for storing categorical input variables."); } JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "CATOFFSETS", model_info().data_info()._catOffsets, "Workspace for categorical offsets."); if (model_info().data_info()._normRespMul != null) { JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMRESPMUL", model_info().data_info()._normRespMul, "Standardization/Normalization scaling factor for response."); JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMRESPSUB", model_info().data_info()._normRespSub, "Standardization/Normalization offset for response."); } if (get_params().hidden_dropout_ratios != null) { JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "HIDDEN_DROPOUT_RATIOS", get_params().hidden_dropout_ratios, "Hidden layer dropout ratios."); } Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info()); int[] layers = new int[neurons.length]; for (int i=0;i<neurons.length;++i) layers[i] = neurons[i].units; JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NEURONS", layers, "Number of neurons for each layer."); if (get_params().autoencoder) { sb.i(1).p("@Override public int getPredsSize() { return " + model_info.units[model_info.units.length-1] + "; }").nl(); sb.i(1).p("@Override public boolean isAutoEncoder() { return true; }").nl(); sb.i(1).p("@Override public String getHeader() { return \"" + getHeader() + "\"; }").nl(); } // activation storage sb.i(1).p("// Storage for neuron activation values.").nl(); sb.i(1).p("public static final float[][] ACTIVATION = new float[][] {").nl(); for (int i=0; i<neurons.length; i++) { String colInfoClazz = "Activation_"+i; sb.i(2).p("/* ").p(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" */ "); sb.p(colInfoClazz).p(".VALUES"); if (i!=neurons.length-1) sb.p(',');; fileContextSB.i().p("// Neuron activation values for ").p(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" layer").nl(); JCodeGen.toClassWithArray(fileContextSB, null, colInfoClazz, new float[layers[i]]); } sb.i(1).p("};").nl(); // biases sb.i(1).p("// Neuron bias values.").nl(); sb.i(1).p("public static final float[][] BIAS = new float[][] {").nl(); for (int i=0; i<neurons.length; i++) { String colInfoClazz = "Bias_"+i; sb.i(2).p("/* ").p(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" */ "); sb.p(colInfoClazz).p(".VALUES"); if (i!=neurons.length-1) sb.p(',');; fileContextSB.i().p("// Neuron bias values for ").p(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" layer").nl(); float[] bias = i == 0 ? null : new float[model_info().get_biases(i-1).size()]; if (i>0) { for (int j=0; j<bias.length; ++j) bias[j] = model_info().get_biases(i-1).get(j); } JCodeGen.toClassWithArray(fileContextSB, null, colInfoClazz, bias); } sb.i(1).p("};").nl(); // weights sb.i(1).p("// Connecting weights between neurons.").nl(); sb.i(1).p("public static final float[][] WEIGHT = new float[][] {").nl(); for (int i=0; i<neurons.length; i++) { String colInfoClazz = "Weight_"+i; sb.i(2).p("/* ").p(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" */ "); sb.p(colInfoClazz).p(".VALUES"); if (i!=neurons.length-1) sb.p(',');; if (i > 0) { fileContextSB.i().p("// Neuron weights connecting "). p(neurons[i - 1].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" and "). p(neurons[i].getClass().getSimpleName()). p(" layer").nl(); } float[] weights = i == 0 ? null : new float[model_info().get_weights(i-1).rows()*model_info().get_weights(i-1).cols()]; if (i>0) { final int rows = model_info().get_weights(i-1).rows(); final int cols = model_info().get_weights(i-1).cols(); for (int j=0; j<rows; ++j) for (int k=0; k<cols; ++k) weights[j*cols+k] = model_info().get_weights(i-1).get(j,k); } JCodeGen.toClassWithArray(fileContextSB, null, colInfoClazz, weights); } sb.i(1).p("};").nl(); return sb; } @Override protected void toJavaPredictBody( final SB bodySb, final SB classCtxSb, final SB fileCtxSb) { SB model = new SB(); bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(preds,0f);").nl(); final int cats = model_info().data_info()._cats; final int nums = model_info().data_info()._nums; // initialize input layer if (nums > 0) bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(NUMS,0f);").nl(); if (cats > 0) bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(CATS,0);").nl(); bodySb.i().p("int i = 0, ncats = 0;").nl(); if (cats > 0) { bodySb.i().p("for(; i<"+cats+"; ++i) {").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("if (!Double.isNaN(data[i])) {").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("int c = (int) data[i];").nl(); if (model_info().data_info()._useAllFactorLevels) bodySb.i(2).p("CATS[ncats++] = c + CATOFFSETS[i];").nl(); else bodySb.i(2).p("if (c != 0) CATS[ncats++] = c + CATOFFSETS[i] - 1;").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i().p("}").nl(); } if (nums > 0) { bodySb.i().p("final int n = data.length;").nl(); bodySb.i().p("for(; i<n; ++i) {").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("NUMS[i" + (cats > 0 ? "-" + cats : "") + "] = Double.isNaN(data[i]) ? 0 : "); if (model_info().data_info()._normMul != null) { bodySb.p("(data[i] - NORMSUB[i" + (cats > 0 ? "-" + cats : "") + "])*NORMMUL[i" + (cats > 0 ? "-" + cats : "") + "];").nl(); } else { bodySb.p("data[i];").nl(); } bodySb.i(0).p("}").nl(); } bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(ACTIVATION[0],0);").nl(); if (cats > 0) { bodySb.i().p("for (i=0; i<ncats; ++i) ACTIVATION[0][CATS[i]] = 1f;").nl(); } if (nums > 0) { bodySb.i().p("for (i=0; i<NUMS.length; ++i) {").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("ACTIVATION[0][CATOFFSETS[CATOFFSETS.length-1] + i] = Double.isNaN(NUMS[i]) ? 0f : (float) NUMS[i];").nl(); bodySb.i().p("}").nl(); } boolean tanh=(get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Tanh || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.TanhWithDropout); boolean relu=(get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Rectifier || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.RectifierWithDropout); boolean maxout=(get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.Maxout || get_params().activation == DeepLearning.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout); final String stopping = get_params().autoencoder ? "(i<=ACTIVATION.length-1)" : "(i<ACTIVATION.length-1)"; // make prediction: forward propagation bodySb.i().p("for (i=1; i<ACTIVATION.length; ++i) {").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("java.util.Arrays.fill(ACTIVATION[i],0f);").nl(); if (maxout) { bodySb.i(1).p("float rmax = 0;").nl(); } bodySb.i(1).p("for (int r=0; r<ACTIVATION[i].length; ++r) {").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("final int cols = ACTIVATION[i-1].length;").nl(); if (maxout) { bodySb.i(2).p("float cmax = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;").nl(); } bodySb.i(2).p("for (int c=0; c<cols; ++c) {").nl(); if (!maxout) { bodySb.i(3).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] += ACTIVATION[i-1][c] * WEIGHT[i][r*cols+c];").nl(); } else { bodySb.i(3).p("if " + stopping + " cmax = Math.max(ACTIVATION[i-1][c] * WEIGHT[i][r*cols+c], cmax);").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("else ACTIVATION[i][r] += ACTIVATION[i-1][c] * WEIGHT[i][r*cols+c];").nl(); } bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); if (maxout) { bodySb.i(2).p("if "+ stopping +" ACTIVATION[i][r] = Float.isInfinite(cmax) ? 0f : cmax;").nl(); } bodySb.i(2).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] += BIAS[i][r];").nl(); if (maxout) { bodySb.i(2).p("if " + stopping + " rmax = Math.max(rmax, ACTIVATION[i][r]);").nl(); } bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); if (!maxout) bodySb.i(1).p("if " + stopping + " {").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("for (int r=0; r<ACTIVATION[i].length; ++r) {").nl(); if (tanh) { bodySb.i(3).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] = 1f - 2f / (1f + (float)Math.exp(2*ACTIVATION[i][r]));").nl(); } else if (relu) { bodySb.i(3).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] = Math.max(0f, ACTIVATION[i][r]);").nl(); } else if (maxout) { bodySb.i(3).p("if (rmax > 1 ) ACTIVATION[i][r] /= rmax;").nl(); } if (get_params().hidden_dropout_ratios != null) { if (maxout) bodySb.i(1).p("if " + stopping + " {").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] *= HIDDEN_DROPOUT_RATIOS[i-1];").nl(); if (maxout) bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); } bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); if (!maxout) bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); if (isClassifier()) { bodySb.i(1).p("if (i == ACTIVATION.length-1) {").nl(); // softmax bodySb.i(2).p("float max = ACTIVATION[i][0];").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("for (int r=1; r<ACTIVATION[i].length; r++) {").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("if (ACTIVATION[i][r]>max) max = ACTIVATION[i][r];").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("float scale = 0f;").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("for (int r=0; r<ACTIVATION[i].length; r++) {").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] = (float) Math.exp(ACTIVATION[i][r] - max);").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("scale += ACTIVATION[i][r];").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("for (int r=0; r<ACTIVATION[i].length; r++) {").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("if (Float.isNaN(ACTIVATION[i][r]))").nl(); bodySb.i(4).p("throw new RuntimeException(\"Numerical instability, predicted NaN.\");").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("ACTIVATION[i][r] /= scale;").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("preds[r+1] = ACTIVATION[i][r];").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i().p("}").nl(); } else if (!get_params().autoencoder) { //Regression bodySb.i(1).p("if (i == ACTIVATION.length-1) {").nl(); // regression: set preds[1], FillPreds0 will put it into preds[0] if (model_info().data_info()._normRespMul != null) { bodySb.i(2).p("preds[1] = (float) (ACTIVATION[i][0] / NORMRESPMUL[0] + NORMRESPSUB[0]);").nl(); } else { bodySb.i(2).p("preds[1] = ACTIVATION[i][0];").nl(); } bodySb.i(2).p("if (Float.isNaN(preds[1])) throw new RuntimeException(\"Predicted regression target NaN!\");").nl(); bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i().p("}").nl(); } else { //AutoEncoder bodySb.i(1).p("if (i == ACTIVATION.length-1) {").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("for (int r=0; r<ACTIVATION[i].length; r++) {").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("if (Float.isNaN(ACTIVATION[i][r]))").nl(); bodySb.i(4).p("throw new RuntimeException(\"Numerical instability, reconstructed NaN.\");").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("preds[r] = ACTIVATION[i][r];").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); if (model_info().data_info()._nums > 0) { int ns = model_info().data_info().numStart(); bodySb.i(2).p("for (int k=" + ns + "; k<" + model_info().data_info().fullN() + "; ++k) {").nl(); bodySb.i(3).p("preds[k] = preds[k] / (float)NORMMUL[k-" + ns + "] + (float)NORMSUB[k-" + ns + "];").nl(); bodySb.i(2).p("}").nl(); } bodySb.i(1).p("}").nl(); bodySb.i().p("}").nl(); // DEBUGGING // bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(data));").nl(); // bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(ACTIVATION[0]));").nl(); // bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(ACTIVATION[ACTIVATION.length-1]));").nl(); // bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(preds));").nl(); // bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(\"\");").nl(); } fileCtxSb.p(model); toJavaUnifyPreds(bodySb); toJavaFillPreds0(bodySb); } // helper to push this model to another key (for keeping good models) private void putMeAsBestModel(Key bestModelKey) { final Key job = null; final DeepLearningModel cp = this; DeepLearningModel bestModel = new DeepLearningModel(cp, bestModelKey, job, model_info().data_info()); bestModel.get_params().state = Job.JobState.DONE; bestModel.get_params().job_key = get_params().self(); bestModel.delete_and_lock(job); bestModel.unlock(job); assert (UKV.get(bestModelKey) != null); assert (bestModel.compareTo(this) <= 0); assert (((DeepLearningModel) UKV.get(bestModelKey)).error() == _bestError); } public void delete_best_model( ) { if (actual_best_model_key != null && actual_best_model_key != _key) DKV.remove(actual_best_model_key); } public void delete_xval_models( ) { if (get_params().xval_models != null) { for (Key k : get_params().xval_models) { UKV.<DeepLearningModel>get(k).delete_best_model(); UKV.<DeepLearningModel>get(k).delete(); } } } transient private final String unstable_msg = "Job was aborted due to observed numerical instability (exponential growth)." + "\nTry a different initial distribution, a bounded activation function or adding" + "\nregularization with L1, L2 or max_w2 and/or use a smaller learning rate or faster annealing."; }