package hex.glm; import dontweave.gson.JsonObject; import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo; import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo.TransformType; import hex.GridSearch.GridSearchProgress; import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMXValidationTask; import hex.glm.GLMModel.Submodel; import hex.glm.GLMParams.Family; import hex.glm.GLMParams.Link; import hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMInterceptTask; import hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMIterationTask; import hex.glm.GLMTask.YMUTask; import hex.glm.LSMSolver.ADMMSolver; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import org.apache.poi.util.ArrayUtil; import water.*; import water.H2O.H2OCallback; import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter; import water.H2O.H2OEmptyCompleter; import water.api.DocGen; import water.api.ParamImportance; import water.api.RequestServer.API_VERSION; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.ModelUtils; import water.util.RString; import water.util.Utils; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; public class GLM2 extends Job.ModelJobWithoutClassificationField { public static final double LS_STEP = .9; static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields public static DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; public static final String DOC_GET = "GLM2"; public final String _jobName; transient public boolean _done = false; // API input parameters BEGIN ------------------------------------------------------------ @API(help="Column to be used as an offset, if you have one.", required=false, filter=responseFilter.class, json = true) public Vec offset = null; class responseFilter extends SpecialVecSelect { responseFilter() { super("source"); } } @API(help = "Family.", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) protected Family family = Family.gaussian; @API(help = "", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected Link link = Link.family_default; @API(help = "Tweedie variance power", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected double tweedie_variance_power; public void setTweediePower(double pwr){ tweedie_variance_power = pwr; tweedie_link_power = 1 - tweedie_variance_power; _glm = new GLMParams(family,tweedie_variance_power,link,tweedie_link_power); } @API(help="prior probability for y==1. To be used only for logistic regression iff the data has been sampled and the mean of response does not reflect reality.",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) protected double prior = -1; // -1 is magic value for default value which is mean(y) computed on the current dataset @API(help="disable line search in all cases.",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT, hide = true) protected boolean disable_line_search = false; // -1 is magic value for default value which is mean(y) computed on the current dataset private double _iceptAdjust = 0; // adjustment due to the prior @API(help = "validation folds", filter = Default.class, lmin=0, lmax=100, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) protected int n_folds; @API(help = "distribution of regularization between L1 and L2.", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected double [] alpha = new double[]{0.5}; public final double DEFAULT_LAMBDA = 1e-5; @API(help = "regularization strength", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected double [] lambda = new double[]{DEFAULT_LAMBDA}; @API(help="use lambda search starting at lambda max, given lambda is then interpreted as lambda min",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected boolean lambda_search; @API(help="number of lambdas to be used in a search",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) protected int nlambdas = 100; @API(help="min lambda used in lambda search, specified as a ratio of lambda_max",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) protected double lambda_min_ratio = -1; @API(help="lambda_search stop condition: stop training when model has more than than this number of predictors (or don't use this option if -1).",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT) protected int max_predictors = -1; public void setLambda(double l){ lambda = new double []{l};} private double _currentLambda = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; public int MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA = 10; @API(help="use strong rules to filter out inactive columns",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected boolean strong_rules = true; // intentionally not declared as API now int sparseCoefThreshold = 1000; // if more than this number of predictors, result vector of coefficients will be stored sparse double [] beta_start = null; @API(help = "Standardize numeric columns to have zero mean and unit variance.", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) protected boolean standardize = true; @API(help = "Include intercept term in the model.", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) protected boolean intercept = true; @API(help = "Restrict coefficients to be non-negative.", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) protected boolean non_negative = false; @API(help="lower bounds for coefficients",filter=Default.class,hide=true) protected Frame beta_constraints = null; @API(help="By default, first factor level is skipped from the possible set of predictors. Set this flag if you want use all of the levels. Needs sufficient regularization to solve!",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected boolean use_all_factor_levels = false; /** * Whether to compute variable importances for input features, based on the absolute * value of the coefficients. For safety this should only be done if * use_all_factor_levels, because an important factor level can be skipped and not * appear if !use_all_factor_levels. */ @API(help = "Compute variable importances for input features. NOTE: If use_all_factor_levels is off the importance of the base level will NOT be shown.", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) public boolean variable_importances = false; @API(help = "beta_eps", filter = Default.class, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected double beta_epsilon = DEFAULT_BETA_EPS; @API(help = "max-iterations", filter = Default.class, lmin=1, lmax=1000000, json=true, importance = ParamImportance.CRITICAL) public int max_iter = 100; @API(help="use line search (slower speed, to be used if glm does not converge otherwise)",filter=Default.class, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) protected boolean higher_accuracy = false; // API input parameters END ------------------------------------------------------------ // API output parameters BEGIN ------------------------------------------------------------ @API(help = "", json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) private double [] _wgiven; @API(help = "", json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) private double _proximalPenalty; @API(help = "", json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) private double [] _beta; @API(help = "", json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) private boolean _runAllLambdas = true; @API(help = "Tweedie link power", json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) double tweedie_link_power; @API(help = "lambda_value max", json=true, importance = ParamImportance.SECONDARY) double lambda_max = Double.NaN; double lambda_min = Double.NaN; long _nobs = 0; private double _nullDeviance; public static int MAX_PREDICTORS = 7000; // API output parameters END ------------------------------------------------------------ private static double GLM_GRAD_EPS = 1e-4; // done (converged) if subgrad < this value. private boolean highAccuracy(){return higher_accuracy;} public GLM2 setHighAccuracy(){ higher_accuracy = true; return this; } private Key _progressKey; private DataInfo _srcDinfo; private int [] _activeCols; private boolean _allIn; private DataInfo _activeData; public GLMParams _glm; private boolean _grid; private double ADMM_GRAD_EPS = 1e-4; // default addm gradietn eps private static final double MIN_ADMM_GRAD_EPS = 1e-5; // min admm gradient eps int _lambdaIdx = -1; private double _addedL2; private boolean _failedLineSearch; public static final double DEFAULT_BETA_EPS = 5e-5; private double _ymu; private int _iter; @Override protected void registered(API_VERSION ver) { super.registered(ver); Argument c = find("ignored_cols"); Argument r = find("offset"); int ci = _arguments.indexOf(c); int ri = _arguments.indexOf(r); _arguments.set(ri, c); _arguments.set(ci, r); ((FrameKeyMultiVec) c).ignoreVec((FrameKeyVec)r); } private double objval(GLMIterationTask glmt){ return glmt._val.residual_deviance / glmt._nobs + 0.5 * l2pen() * l2norm(glmt._beta) + l1pen() * l1norm(glmt._beta) + proxPen(glmt._beta); } private IterationInfo makeIterationInfo(int i, GLMIterationTask glmt, final int [] activeCols, double [] gradient){ IterationInfo ii = new IterationInfo(_iter, glmt,activeCols,gradient); if(ii._glmt._grad == null) ii._glmt._grad = contractVec(gradient,activeCols); return ii; } private static class IterationInfo extends Iced { final int _iter; private double [] _fullGrad; public double [] fullGrad(double alpha, double lambda){ if(_fullGrad == null)return null; double [] res = _fullGrad.clone(); double l2 = (1-alpha)*lambda; // no 0.5 mul here since we're adding derivative of 0.5*|b|^2 if(_activeCols != null) for(int i = 0; i < _glmt._beta.length-1; ++i) res[_activeCols[i]] += _glmt._beta[i]*l2; else for(int i = 0; i < _glmt._beta.length; ++i) { res[i] += _glmt._beta[i]*l2; } return res; } private final GLMIterationTask _glmt; final int [] _activeCols; IterationInfo(int i, GLMIterationTask glmt, final int [] activeCols, double [] gradient){ _iter = i; _glmt = glmt.clone(); assert _glmt._grad != null; _activeCols = activeCols; _fullGrad = gradient; // NOTE: _glmt._beta CAN BE NULL (unlikely but possible, if activecCols were empty) assert _glmt._val != null:"missing validation"; } } private IterationInfo _lastResult; @Override public JsonObject toJSON() { JsonObject jo = super.toJSON(); if (lambda == null) jo.addProperty("lambda_value", "automatic"); //better than not printing anything if lambda_value=null return jo; } @Override public Key defaultDestKey(){ return null; } @Override public Key defaultJobKey() {return null;} public GLM2() {_jobName = "";} public static class Source { public final Frame fr; public final Vec response; public final Vec offset; public final boolean standardize; public final boolean intercept; public Source(Frame fr,Vec response, boolean standardize){ this(fr,response,standardize,true,null);} public Source(Frame fr,Vec response, boolean standardize, boolean intercept){ this(fr,response,standardize,intercept,null);} public Source(Frame fr,Vec response, boolean standardize, boolean intercept, Vec offset){ = fr; this.response = response; this.offset = offset; this.standardize = standardize; this.intercept = intercept; } } public GLM2(String desc, Key jobKey, Key dest, Source src, Family family){ this(desc,jobKey,dest,src,family,Link.family_default); } public GLM2(String desc, Key jobKey, Key dest, Source src, Family family, Link l){ this(desc, jobKey, dest, src, family, l, 0, false); } public GLM2(String desc, Key jobKey, Key dest, Source src, Family family, Link l, int nfolds, boolean highAccuracy) { job_key = jobKey; description = desc; destination_key = dest; this.offset = src.offset; this.intercept = src.intercept; = family; = l; n_folds = nfolds; source =; this.response = src.response; this.standardize = src.standardize; _jobName = dest.toString() + ((nfolds > 1)?("[" + 0 + "]"):""); higher_accuracy = highAccuracy; } public GLM2 doInit(){ init(); return this; } public GLM2 setNonNegative(boolean val){ non_negative = val; return this; } public GLM2 setRegularization(double [] alpha, double [] lambda){ this.alpha = alpha; this.lambda = lambda; return this; } public GLM2 setBetaConstraints(Frame f){ beta_constraints = f; return this; } public GLM2 setPrior(double p){ this.prior = p; return this; } static String arrayToString (double[] arr) { if (arr == null) { return "(null)"; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(arr[i]); } return sb.toString(); } public transient float [] thresholds = ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS; /** Return the query link to this page */ public static String link(Key k, String content) { RString rs = new RString("<a href='GLM2.query?source=%$key'>%content</a>"); rs.replace("key", k.toString()); rs.replace("content", content); return rs.toString(); } public GLMGridSearch gridSearch(){ return new GLMGridSearch(4, this, destination_key).fork(); } private transient AtomicBoolean _jobdone = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Override public void cancel(String msg){ if(!_grid) { source.unlock(self()); } DKV.remove(_progressKey); Value v = DKV.get(destination_key); if(v != null){ GLMModel m = v.get(); Key [] xvals = m.xvalModels(); if(xvals != null) for(Key k:xvals) DKV.remove(k); DKV.remove(destination_key); } DKV.remove(destination_key); super.cancel(msg); } private boolean sorted(int [] ary){ for(int i = 0; i < ary.length-1; ++i) if(ary[i+1] < ary[i])return false; return true; } private double computeIntercept(DataInfo dinfo, double ymu, Vec offset, Vec response){ double mul = 1, sub = 0; int vecId = dinfo._adaptedFrame.find(offset); if(dinfo._normMul != null) mul = dinfo._normMul[vecId-dinfo._cats]; if(dinfo._normSub != null) sub = dinfo._normSub[vecId-dinfo._cats]; double icpt = ymu - (offset.mean() - sub)*mul; double icpt2 = new GLMInterceptTask(_glm,sub,mul,icpt).doAll(offset,response)._icpt; double diff = icpt2 - icpt; int iter = 0; while((1e-4 < diff || diff < -1e-4) && ++iter <= 10){ icpt = icpt2; icpt2 = new GLMInterceptTask(_glm,sub,mul,icpt).doAll(offset,response)._icpt; diff = icpt2 - icpt; } return icpt; } private transient Frame source2; // adapted source with reordered (and removed) vecs we do not want to push back into KV private int _noffsets = 0; private int _intercept = 1; // 1 or 0 private double [] _lbs; private double [] _ubs; private double [] _bgs; private double [] _rho; boolean toEnum = false; private double [] makeAry(int sz, double val){ double [] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(sz); Arrays.fill(res,val); return res; } private double [] mapVec(double [] src, double [] tgt, int [] map){ for(int i = 0; i < src.length; ++i) if(map[i] != -1) tgt[map[i]] = src[i]; return tgt; } @Override public void init(){ try { super.init(); if (family == Family.gamma) setHighAccuracy(); if (link == Link.family_default) link = family.defaultLink; _intercept = intercept ? 1 : 0; tweedie_link_power = 1 - tweedie_variance_power;// TODO if (tweedie_link_power == 0) link = Link.log; _glm = new GLMParams(family, tweedie_variance_power, link, tweedie_link_power); source2 = new Frame(source); assert sorted(ignored_cols); source2.remove(ignored_cols); if(offset != null) source2.remove(source2.find(offset)); // remove offset and add it later explicitly (so that it does not interfere with DataInfo.prepareFrame) if (nlambdas == -1) nlambdas = 100; if (lambda_search && lambda.length > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not supply both lambda_search and multiple lambdas. If lambda_search is on, GLM expects only one value of lambda_value, representing the lambda_value min (smallest lambda_value in the lambda_value search)."); // check the response if (response.isEnum() && family != Family.binomial) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid response variable, trying to run regression with categorical response!"); switch (family) { case poisson: case tweedie: if (response.min() < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal response column for family='" + family + "', response must be >= 0."); break; case gamma: if (response.min() <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid response for family='Gamma', response must be > 0!"); break; case binomial: if (response.min() < 0 || response.max() > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal response column for family='Binomial', response must in <0,1> range!"); break; default: //pass } toEnum = family == Family.binomial && (!response.isEnum() && (response.min() < 0 || response.max() > 1)); if(source2.numCols() <= 1 && !intercept) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There are no predictors left after ignoring constant columns in the dataset and no intercept => No parameters to estimate."); Frame fr = DataInfo.prepareFrame(source2, response, new int[0], toEnum, true, true); if(offset != null){ // now put the offset just in front of response int id = source.find(offset); String name = source.names()[id]; String responseName = fr.names()[fr.numCols()-1]; Vec responseVec = fr.remove(fr.numCols()-1); fr.add(name, offset); fr.add(responseName,responseVec); _noffsets = 1; } TransformType dt = TransformType.NONE; if (standardize) dt = intercept ? TransformType.STANDARDIZE : TransformType.DESCALE; _srcDinfo = new DataInfo(fr, 1, intercept, use_all_factor_levels || lambda_search, dt, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE); if(offset != null && dt != TransformType.NONE) { // do not standardize offset if(_srcDinfo._normMul != null) _srcDinfo._normMul[_srcDinfo._normMul.length-1] = 1; if(_srcDinfo._normSub != null) _srcDinfo._normSub[_srcDinfo._normSub.length-1] = 0; } if (!intercept && _srcDinfo._cats > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Models with no intercept are only supported with all-numeric predictors."); _activeData = _srcDinfo; if (higher_accuracy) setHighAccuracy(); if (beta_constraints != null) { Vec v = beta_constraints.vec("names"); if(v == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid beta constraints file, missing column with predictor names"); // for now only enums allowed here String [] dom = v.domain(); String [] names = Utils.append(_srcDinfo.coefNames(), "Intercept"); int [] map = Utils.asInts(v); HashSet<Integer> s = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(int i:map) if(!s.add(i)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid beta constraints file, got duplicate constraints for '" + dom[i] + "'"); if(!Arrays.deepEquals(dom,names)) { // need mapping HashMap<String,Integer> m = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { m.put(names[i], i); } int [] newMap = MemoryManager.malloc4(map.length); for(int i = 0; i < map.length; ++i) { Integer I = m.get(dom[map[i]]); if(I == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown predictor name '" + dom[map[i]]+"'"); newMap[i] = I == null?-1:I; } map = newMap; } final int numoff = _srcDinfo.numStart(); if((v = beta_constraints.vec("lower_bounds")) != null) { _lbs = map == null ? Utils.asDoubles(v) : mapVec(Utils.asDoubles(v), makeAry(names.length, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), map); // for(int i = 0; i < _lbs.length; ++i) // if(_lbs[i] > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lower bounds must be non-positive"); System.out.println("lower bounds = " + Arrays.toString(_lbs)); if(_srcDinfo._normMul != null) { for (int i = numoff; i < _srcDinfo.fullN(); ++i) { if (Double.isInfinite(_lbs[i])) continue; _lbs[i] /= _srcDinfo._normMul[i - numoff]; } } } System.out.println("lbs = " + Arrays.toString(_lbs)); if((v = beta_constraints.vec("upper_bounds")) != null) { _ubs = map == null ? Utils.asDoubles(v) : mapVec(Utils.asDoubles(v), makeAry(names.length, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), map); System.out.println("upper bounds = " + Arrays.toString(_ubs)); // for(int i = 0; i < _ubs.length; ++i) // if (_ubs[i] < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lower bounds must be non-positive"); if(_srcDinfo._normMul != null) for(int i = numoff; i < _srcDinfo.fullN(); ++i) { if(Double.isInfinite(_ubs[i]))continue; _ubs[i] /= _srcDinfo._normMul[i - numoff]; } } System.out.println("ubs = " + Arrays.toString(_ubs)); if(_lbs != null && _ubs != null) { for(int i = 0 ; i < _lbs.length; ++i) if(_lbs[i] > _ubs[i]) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid upper/lower bounds: lower bounds must be <= upper bounds for all variables."); } if((v = beta_constraints.vec("beta_given")) != null) { _bgs = map == null ? Utils.asDoubles(v) : mapVec(Utils.asDoubles(v), makeAry(names.length, 0), map); if(_srcDinfo._normMul != null) { double norm = 0; for (int i = numoff; i < _srcDinfo.fullN(); ++i) { norm += _bgs[i] * _srcDinfo._normSub[i-numoff]; _bgs[i] /= _srcDinfo._normMul[i-numoff]; } if(_intercept == 1) _bgs[_bgs.length-1] -= norm; } } if((v = beta_constraints.vec("rho")) != null) _rho = map == null?Utils.asDoubles(v):mapVec(Utils.asDoubles(v),makeAry(names.length,0),map); else if(_bgs != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing vector of penalties (rho) in beta_constraints file."); String [] cols = new String[]{"names","rho","beta_given","lower_bounds","upper_bounds"}; Arrays.sort(cols); for(String str:beta_constraints.names()) if(Arrays.binarySearch(cols,str) < 0) Log.warn("unknown column in beta_constraints file: '" + str + "'"); } if (non_negative) { // make srue lb is >= 0 if (_lbs == null) _lbs = new double[_srcDinfo.fullN()+1]; _lbs[_srcDinfo.fullN()] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // no bounds for intercept for (int i = 0; i < _lbs.length; ++i) if (_lbs[i] < 0) _lbs[i] = 0; } } catch(RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); cleanup(); throw e; } } @Override protected void cleanup(){ super.cleanup(); if(toEnum && _srcDinfo != null){ Futures fs = new Futures(); _srcDinfo._adaptedFrame.lastVec().remove(fs); fs.blockForPending(); } } @Override protected boolean filterNaCols(){return true;} @Override protected Response serve() { try { init(); if (alpha.length > 1) { // grid search if (destination_key == null) destination_key = Key.make("GLMGridResults_" + Key.make()); if (job_key == null) job_key = Key.make((byte) 0, Key.JOB, H2O.SELF); GLMGridSearch j = gridSearch(); _fjtask = j._fjtask; assert _fjtask != null; return GLMGridView.redirect(this, j.dest()); } else { if (destination_key == null) destination_key = Key.make("GLMModel_" + Key.make()); if (job_key == null) job_key = Key.make("GLM2Job_" + Key.make()); fork(); assert _fjtask != null; return GLMProgress.redirect(this, job_key, dest()); } }catch(Throwable ex){ return Response.error(ex.getMessage()); } } private static double beta_diff(double[] b1, double[] b2) { if(b1 == null || b1.length == 0)return Double.MAX_VALUE; double res = b1[0] >= b2[0]?b1[0] - b2[0]:b2[0] - b1[0]; for( int i = 1; i < b1.length; ++i ) { double diff = b1[i] - b2[i]; if(diff > res) res = diff; else if( -diff > res) res = -diff; } return res; } //private static double beta_diff(double[] b1, double[] b2) { // double res = 0; // for(int i = 0; i < b1.length; ++i) // res += (b1[i]-b2[i])*(b1[i]-b2[i]); // return res; //} private static class GLM2_Progress extends Iced{ final long _total; double _done; public GLM2_Progress(int total){_total = total; assert _total > 0:"total = " + _total; } public float progess(){ return 0.01f*((int)(100*_done/(double)_total)); } } private static class GLM2_ProgressUpdate extends TAtomic<GLM2_Progress> { final int _i; public GLM2_ProgressUpdate(){_i = 1;} public GLM2_ProgressUpdate(int i){_i = i;} @Override public GLM2_Progress atomic(GLM2_Progress old) { if(old == null)return old; old._done += _i; return old; } } @Override public float progress(){ if(isDone())return 1.0f; Value v = DKV.get(_progressKey); if(v == null)return 0; float res = v.<GLM2_Progress>get().progess(); if(res > 1f) res = 1f; return res; } protected double l2norm(double[] beta){ if(_beta == null)return 0; double l2 = 0; for (double aBeta : beta) l2 += aBeta * aBeta; return l2; } protected double l1norm(double[] beta){ if(_beta == null)return 0; double l2 = 0; for (double aBeta : beta) l2 += Math.abs(aBeta); return l2; } private final double [] expandVec(double [] beta, final int [] activeCols){ assert beta != null; if (activeCols == null) return beta; double[] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_srcDinfo.fullN() + _intercept -_noffsets); int i = 0; for (int c = 0; c < activeCols.length-_noffsets; ++c) res[_activeCols[c]] = beta[i++]; if(_intercept == 1) res[res.length - 1] = beta[beta.length - 1]; for(int j = beta.length-_noffsets; j < beta.length-1; ++j) beta[j] = 1; return res; } private final double [] contractVec(double [] beta, final int [] activeCols){ return contractVec(beta,activeCols,_intercept);} private final double [] contractVec(double [] beta, final int [] activeCols, int intercept){ if(beta == null)return null; if(activeCols == null)return beta.clone(); final int N = activeCols.length - _noffsets; double [] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(N+intercept); for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) res[i] = beta[activeCols[i]]; if(intercept == 1) res[res.length-1] = beta[beta.length-1]; return res; } private final double [] resizeVec(double[] beta, final int[] activeCols, final int[] oldActiveCols){ if(beta == null || Arrays.equals(activeCols,oldActiveCols))return beta; double [] full = expandVec(beta, oldActiveCols); if(activeCols == null)return full; return contractVec(full,activeCols,_intercept); } // protected boolean needLineSearch(final double [] beta,double objval, double step){ protected boolean needLineSearch(final GLMIterationTask glmt) { if(disable_line_search) return false; if( == Family.gaussian) return false; if(glmt._beta == null) return false; if (Utils.hasNaNsOrInfs(glmt._xy) || (glmt._grad != null && Utils.hasNaNsOrInfs(glmt._grad)) || (glmt._gram != null && glmt._gram.hasNaNsOrInfs())) { return true; } if(glmt._val != null && Double.isNaN(glmt._val.residualDeviance())){ return true; } if(glmt._val == null) // no validation info, no way to decide return false; final double [] grad = Arrays.equals(_activeCols,_lastResult._activeCols) ?_lastResult._glmt.gradient(alpha[0],_currentLambda) :contractVec(_lastResult.fullGrad(alpha[0],_currentLambda),_activeCols); return needLineSearch(1, objval(_lastResult._glmt),objval(glmt),diff(glmt._beta,_lastResult._glmt._beta),grad); } private static double [] diff(double [] x, double [] y){ if(y == null)return x.clone(); double [] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(x.length); for(int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) res[i] = x[i] - y[i]; return res; } public static final double c1 = 1e-2; // protected boolean needLineSearch(final double [] beta,double objval, double step){ // Armijo line-search rule enhanced with generalized gradient to handle l1 pen protected final boolean needLineSearch(double step, final double objOld, final double objNew, final double [] pk, final double [] gradOld){ // line search double f_hat = 0; for(int i = 0; i < pk.length; ++i) f_hat += gradOld[i] * pk[i]; f_hat = step*f_hat + objOld; return objNew > (f_hat + 1/(2*step)*l2norm(pk)); } private class LineSearchIteration extends H2OCallback<GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask> { final GLMIterationTask _glmt; LineSearchIteration(GLMIterationTask glmt, CountedCompleter cmp){super((H2OCountedCompleter)cmp); cmp.addToPendingCount(1); _glmt = glmt;} @Override public void callback(final GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask glmt) { assert getCompleter().getPendingCount() >= 1:"unexpected pending count, expected 1, got " + getCompleter().getPendingCount(); double step = LS_STEP; for(int i = 0; i < glmt._glmts.length; ++i){ if(!needLineSearch(glmt._glmts[i]) || (i == glmt._glmts.length-1 && objval(glmt._glmts[i]) < objval(_lastResult._glmt))){ LogInfo("line search: found admissible step = " + step + ", objval = " + objval(glmt._glmts[i])); setHighAccuracy(); new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,GLM2.this.self(),_activeData,_glm,true,true,true,glmt._glmts[i]._beta,_ymu,1.0/_nobs,thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter(),false,false)).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame); return; } step *= LS_STEP; } LogInfo("line search: did not find admissible step, smallest step = " + step + ", objval = " + objval(glmt._glmts[glmt._glmts.length-1]) + ", old objval = " + objval(_lastResult._glmt)); // check if objval of smallest step is below the previous step, if so, go on LogInfo("Line search did not find feasible step, converged."); _failedLineSearch = true; GLMIterationTask res = highAccuracy()?_lastResult._glmt:_glmt; if(_activeCols != _lastResult._activeCols && !Arrays.equals(_activeCols,_lastResult._activeCols)) { _activeCols = _lastResult._activeCols; _activeData = _srcDinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols); } checkKKTAndComplete(getCompleter(),res,res._beta,true); } } protected double checkGradient(final double [] newBeta, final double [] grad){ // check the gradient ADMMSolver.subgrad(alpha[0], _currentLambda, newBeta, grad); double err = 0; for(double d:grad) if(d > err) err = d; else if(d < -err) err = -d; LogInfo("converged with max |subgradient| = " + err); return err; } private String LogInfo(String msg){ msg = "GLM2[dest=" + dest() + ", iteration=" + _iter + ", lambda = " + _currentLambda + "]: " + msg;; return msg; } private double [] setSubmodel(final double[] newBeta, GLMValidation val, H2OCountedCompleter cmp){ int intercept = (this.intercept ?1:0); double [] fullBeta = (_activeCols == null || newBeta == null)?newBeta.clone():expandVec(newBeta,_activeCols); if(val != null) val.null_deviance = _nullDeviance; if(this.intercept) fullBeta[fullBeta.length-1] += _iceptAdjust; if(_noffsets > 0){ fullBeta = Arrays.copyOf(fullBeta,fullBeta.length + _noffsets); if(this.intercept) fullBeta[fullBeta.length-1] = fullBeta[fullBeta.length-intercept-_noffsets]; for(int i = fullBeta.length-intercept-_noffsets; i < fullBeta.length-intercept; ++i) fullBeta[i] = 1;//_srcDinfo.applyTransform(i,1); } final double [] newBetaDeNorm; final int numoff = _srcDinfo.numStart(); if(_srcDinfo._predictor_transform == DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE) { assert this.intercept; newBetaDeNorm = fullBeta.clone(); double norm = 0.0; // Reverse any normalization on the intercept // denormalize only the numeric coefs (categoricals are not normalized) for( int i=numoff; i< fullBeta.length-intercept; i++ ) { double b = newBetaDeNorm[i]* _srcDinfo._normMul[i-numoff]; norm += b* _srcDinfo._normSub[i-numoff]; // Also accumulate the intercept adjustment newBetaDeNorm[i] = b; } if(this.intercept) newBetaDeNorm[newBetaDeNorm.length-1] -= norm; } else if (_srcDinfo._predictor_transform == TransformType.DESCALE) { assert !this.intercept; newBetaDeNorm = fullBeta.clone(); for( int i=numoff; i< fullBeta.length; i++ ) newBetaDeNorm[i] *= _srcDinfo._normMul[i-numoff]; } else newBetaDeNorm = null; GLMModel.setSubmodel(cmp, dest(), _currentLambda, newBetaDeNorm == null ? fullBeta : newBetaDeNorm, newBetaDeNorm == null ? null : fullBeta, _iter, System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time, _srcDinfo.fullN() >= sparseCoefThreshold, val); return fullBeta; } private transient long _callbackStart = 0; private transient double _rho_mul = 1.0; private transient double _gradientEps = ADMM_GRAD_EPS; private double [] lastBeta(int noffsets){ final double [] b; if(_lastResult == null || _lastResult._glmt._beta == null) { int bsz = _activeCols == null? _srcDinfo.fullN()+1-noffsets:_activeCols.length+1; b = MemoryManager.malloc8d(bsz); b[bsz-1] = _glm.linkInv(_ymu); } else b = resizeVec(_lastResult._glmt._beta, _activeCols, _lastResult._activeCols); return b; } protected void checkKKTAndComplete(final CountedCompleter cc, final GLMIterationTask glmt, final double [] newBeta, final boolean failedLineSearch){ H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter)cc; final double [] fullBeta = newBeta == null?MemoryManager.malloc8d(_srcDinfo.fullN()+_intercept-_noffsets):expandVec(newBeta,_activeCols); // now we need full gradient (on all columns) using this beta new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo,_glm,false,true,true,fullBeta,_ymu,1.0/_nobs,thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(cmp) { @Override public String toString(){ return "checkKKTAndComplete.Callback, completer = " + getCompleter() == null?"null":getCompleter().toString(); } @Override public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt2) { // first check KKT conditions! final double [] grad = glmt2.gradient(alpha[0],_currentLambda); if(Utils.hasNaNsOrInfs(grad)){ _failedLineSearch = true; // TODO: add warning and break the lambda search? Or throw Exception? } glmt._val = glmt2._val; _lastResult = makeIterationInfo(_iter,glmt2,null,glmt2.gradient(alpha[0],0)); // check the KKT conditions and filter data for next lambda_value // check the gradient double[] subgrad = grad.clone(); ADMMSolver.subgrad(alpha[0], _currentLambda, fullBeta, subgrad); double grad_eps = GLM_GRAD_EPS; if (!failedLineSearch &&_activeCols != null) { for (int c = 0; c < _activeCols.length-_noffsets; ++c) if (subgrad[_activeCols[c]] > grad_eps) grad_eps = subgrad[_activeCols[c]]; else if (subgrad[c] < -grad_eps) grad_eps = -subgrad[_activeCols[c]]; int[] failedCols = new int[64]; int fcnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < grad.length - 1; ++i) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(_activeCols, i) >= 0) continue; if (subgrad[i] > grad_eps || -subgrad[i] > grad_eps) { if (fcnt == failedCols.length) failedCols = Arrays.copyOf(failedCols, failedCols.length << 1); failedCols[fcnt++] = i; } } if (fcnt > 0) { final int n = _activeCols.length; final int[] oldActiveCols = _activeCols; _activeCols = Arrays.copyOf(_activeCols, _activeCols.length + fcnt); for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; ++i) _activeCols[n + i] = failedCols[i]; Arrays.sort(_activeCols); LogInfo(fcnt + " variables failed KKT conditions check! Adding them to the model and continuing computation.(grad_eps = " + grad_eps + ", activeCols = " + (_activeCols.length > 100?"lost":Arrays.toString(_activeCols))); _activeData = _srcDinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols); // NOTE: tricky completer game here: // We expect 0 pending in this method since this is the end-point, ( actually it's racy, can be 1 with pending 1 decrement from the original Iteration callback, end result is 0 though) // while iteration expects pending count of 1, so we need to increase it here (Iteration itself adds 1 but 1 will be subtracted when we leave this method since we're in the callback which is called by onCompletion! // [unlike at the start of nextLambda call when we're not inside onCompletion])) getCompleter().addToPendingCount(1); new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,GLM2.this.self(), _activeData, _glm, true, true, true, resizeVec(newBeta, _activeCols, oldActiveCols), _ymu, glmt._reg, thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter())).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame); return; } } int diff = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA - _iter + _iter1; if(diff > 0) new GLM2_ProgressUpdate(diff).fork(_progressKey); // update progress GLM2.this.setSubmodel(newBeta, glmt2._val,(H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter().getCompleter()); _done = true; LogInfo("computation of current lambda done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - GLM2.this.start_time) + "ms"); assert _lastResult._fullGrad != null; } }).asyncExec(_srcDinfo._adaptedFrame); } private class Iteration extends H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask> { public final long _iterationStartTime; final boolean _countIteration; final boolean _checkLineSearch; public Iteration(CountedCompleter cmp){ this(cmp,true,true);} public Iteration(CountedCompleter cmp, boolean countIteration,boolean checkLineSearch){ super((H2OCountedCompleter)cmp); cmp.addToPendingCount(1); _checkLineSearch = checkLineSearch; _countIteration = countIteration; _iterationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt){ if( !isRunning(self()) ) throw new JobCancelledException(); assert _activeCols == null || glmt._beta == null || glmt._beta.length == (_activeCols.length+_intercept-glmt._noffsets):LogInfo("betalen = " + glmt._beta.length + ", activecols = " + _activeCols.length + " noffsets = " + glmt._noffsets); assert _activeCols == null || _activeCols.length == _activeData.fullN(); assert getCompleter().getPendingCount() >= 1 : LogInfo("unexpected pending count, expected >= 1, got " + getCompleter().getPendingCount()); // will be decreased by 1 after we leave this callback if (_countIteration) ++_iter; _callbackStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); double gerr = Double.NaN; boolean hasNaNs = glmt._gram.hasNaNsOrInfs() || Utils.hasNaNsOrInfs(glmt._xy); boolean needLineSearch = hasNaNs || _checkLineSearch && needLineSearch(glmt); if (glmt._val != null && glmt._computeGradient) { // check gradient final double[] grad = glmt.gradient(alpha[0], _currentLambda); ADMMSolver.subgrad(alpha[0], _currentLambda, glmt._beta, grad); gerr = 0; for (double d : grad) gerr += d*d; if(gerr <= GLM_GRAD_EPS*GLM_GRAD_EPS || (needLineSearch && gerr <= 5*ADMM_GRAD_EPS*ADMM_GRAD_EPS)){ LogInfo("converged by reaching small enough gradient, with max |subgradient| = " + gerr ); checkKKTAndComplete(getCompleter(),glmt, glmt._beta,false); return; } } if(needLineSearch){ if(!_checkLineSearch){ // has to converge here LogInfo("Line search did not progress, converged."); checkKKTAndComplete(getCompleter(),glmt, glmt._beta,true); return; } LogInfo("invoking line search"); new GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask(_noffsets, GLM2.this.self(), _activeData,_glm, lastBeta(_noffsets), glmt._beta, _lbs, _ubs, _ymu, _nobs, new LineSearchIteration(glmt,getCompleter())).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame); return; } if(glmt._grad != null) _lastResult = makeIterationInfo(_iter,glmt,_activeCols,null); if(glmt._newThresholds != null) { thresholds = Utils.join(glmt._newThresholds[0], glmt._newThresholds[1]); Arrays.sort(thresholds); } final double [] newBeta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(glmt._xy.length); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); ADMMSolver slvr = new ADMMSolver(lambda_max, _currentLambda,alpha[0], _gradientEps, _addedL2,_intercept == 1); if(_lbs != null) slvr._lb = _activeCols == null?contractVec(_lbs,_activeCols,0):_lbs; if(_ubs != null) slvr._ub = _activeCols == null?contractVec(_ubs,_activeCols,0):_ubs; if(_bgs != null && _rho != null) { slvr._wgiven = _activeCols == null ? contractVec(_bgs, _activeCols, 0) : _bgs; slvr._proximalPenalties = _activeCols == null ? contractVec(_rho, _activeCols, 0) : _rho; } slvr.solve(glmt._gram,glmt._xy,glmt._yy,newBeta,Math.max(1e-8*lambda_max,_currentLambda*alpha[0])); // print all info about iteration LogInfo("Gram computed in " + (_callbackStart - _iterationStartTime) + "ms, " + (Double.isNaN(gerr)?"":"gradient = " + gerr + ",") + ", step = " + 1 + ", ADMM: " + slvr.iterations + " iterations, " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) + "ms (" + slvr.decompTime + "), subgrad_err=" + slvr.gerr); // int [] iBlocks = new int[]{8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024}; // int [] rBlocks = new int[]{1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}; // for(int i:iBlocks) // for(int r:rBlocks){ // long ttx = System.currentTimeMillis(); // try { // slvr.gerr = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // ADMMSolver.ParallelSolver pslvr = slvr.parSolver(glmt._gram, glmt._wy, newBeta, _currentLambda * alpha[0] * _rho_mul, i, r); // pslvr.invoke(); // System.out.println("iBlock = " + i + ", rBlocsk = " + r + "ms"); // LogInfo("ADMM: " + pslvr._iter + " iterations, " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ttx) + "ms (" + slvr.decompTime + "), subgrad_err=" + slvr.gerr); // } catch(Throwable t){ // System.out.println("iBlock = " + i + ", rBlocsk = " + r + " failed! err = " + t); // } // } if (slvr._addedL2 > _addedL2) LogInfo("added " + (slvr._addedL2 - _addedL2) + "L2 penalty"); new GLM2_ProgressUpdate().fork(_progressKey); // update progress _gradientEps = Math.max(ADMM_GRAD_EPS, Math.min(slvr.gerr, 0.01)); _addedL2 = slvr._addedL2; if (Utils.hasNaNsOrInfs(newBeta)) { throw new RuntimeException(LogInfo("got NaNs and/or Infs in beta")); } else { final double bdiff = beta_diff(glmt._beta, newBeta); if( == Family.gaussian && == Link.identity) { checkKKTAndComplete(getCompleter(),glmt, newBeta, false); return; } else if (bdiff < beta_epsilon || _iter >= max_iter) { // Gaussian is non-iterative and gradient is ADMMSolver's gradient => just validate and move on to the next lambda_value int diff = (int) Math.log10(bdiff); int nzs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < glmt._beta.length; ++i) if (glmt._beta[i] != 0) ++nzs; LogInfo("converged (reached a fixed point with ~ 1e" + diff + " precision), got " + nzs + " nzs"); checkKKTAndComplete(getCompleter(),glmt, newBeta, false); // NOTE: do not use newBeta here, it has not been checked and can lead to NaNs in KKT check, redoing line search, coming up with the same beta and so on. return; } else { // not done yet, launch next iteration if (glmt._beta != null) setSubmodel(glmt._beta, glmt._val, (H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter().getCompleter()); // update current intermediate result final boolean validate = higher_accuracy || (_iter % 5) == 0; new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,GLM2.this.self(),_activeData,glmt._glm, true, validate, validate, newBeta,_ymu,1.0/_nobs,thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter(),true,true)).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame); } } } } private static int nzs(double ds[]){ int res = 0; for(double d:ds)if(d != 0)++res; return res; } private class LambdaIteration extends H2OCallback { public LambdaIteration(CountedCompleter cmp) { super((H2OCountedCompleter) cmp); } @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) { // check if we're done otherwise launch next lambda computation _done = _currentLambda <= lambda_min || (max_predictors != -1 && nzs(_lastResult._glmt._beta) > max_predictors); // _iter < max_iter && (improved || _runAllLambdas) && _lambdaIdx < (lambda_value.length-1);; if(!_done) { H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter(); cmp.addToPendingCount(1); nextLambda(nextLambdaValue(), new LambdaIteration(cmp)); } } } private class GLMJobCompleter extends H2OCountedCompleter { AtomicReference<CountedCompleter> _cmp = new AtomicReference<CountedCompleter>(); public GLMJobCompleter(H2OCountedCompleter cmp){super(cmp);} @Override public void compute2() { run(true,this); } private transient boolean _failed; @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter cmp){ if(!_grid)source.unlock(self()); if(!_failed) { assert _cmp.compareAndSet(null, cmp) : "double completion, first from " + _cmp.get().getClass().getName() + ", second from " + cmp.getClass().getName(); _done = true; // TODO: move these updates to Model into a DKeyTask so that it runs remotely on the model's home GLMModel model = DKV.get(dest()).get(); model.maybeComputeVariableImportances(); model.stop_training(); if (_addedL2 > 0) { String warn = "Added L2 penalty (rho = " + _addedL2 + ") due to non-spd matrix. "; model.addWarning(warn); } if(_failedLineSearch && !highAccuracy()) model.addWarning("High accuracy settings recommended."); state = JobState.DONE; DKV.remove(_progressKey); model.get_params().state = state; model.update(self()); getCompleter().addToPendingCount(1); new GLMModel.UnlockModelTask(new H2OCallback((H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter()) { @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) { remove(); // Remove/complete job only for top-level, not xval GLM2s } }, model._key, self()).forkTask(); cleanup(); } } @Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable t, CountedCompleter cmp){ if(_cmp.compareAndSet(null, cmp)) { _done = true; GLM2.this.cancel(t); cleanup(); if(_grid){ _failed = true; tryComplete(); } } return !_grid; } } @Override public GLM2 fork(){return fork(null);} public GLM2 fork(H2OCountedCompleter cc){ if(!_grid)source.read_lock(self()); // keep *this* separate from what's stored in K/V as job (will be changing it!) Futures fs = new Futures(); _progressKey = Key.make(dest().toString() + "_progress", (byte) 1, Key.HIDDEN_USER_KEY, dest().home_node()); int total = max_iter; if(lambda_search) total = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA*nlambdas; GLM2_Progress progress = new GLM2_Progress(total*(n_folds > 1?(n_folds+1):1)); LogInfo("created progress " + progress); DKV.put(_progressKey,progress,fs); fs.blockForPending(); _fjtask = new H2O.H2OEmptyCompleter(cc); H2OCountedCompleter fjtask = new GLMJobCompleter(_fjtask); GLM2 j = (GLM2)clone(); j.start(_fjtask); // modifying GLM2 object, don't want job object to be the same instance H2O.submitTask(fjtask); return j; } transient GLM2 [] _xvals; private class XvalidationCallback extends H2OCallback { public XvalidationCallback(H2OCountedCompleter cmp){super(cmp);} @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter cc) { ParallelGLMs pgs = (ParallelGLMs)cc; _xvals = pgs._glms; for(int i = 0; i < _xvals.length; ++i){ assert _xvals[i]._lastResult._fullGrad != null:LogInfo("last result missing full gradient!"); assert _xvals[i]._lastResult._glmt._val != null:LogInfo("last result missing validation!"); } _iter = _xvals[0]._iter; thresholds = _xvals[0].thresholds; _lastResult = (IterationInfo)pgs._glms[0]._lastResult.clone(); final GLMModel [] xvalModels = new GLMModel[_xvals.length-1]; final double curentLambda = _currentLambda; final H2OCountedCompleter mainCmp = (H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter().getCompleter(); mainCmp.addToPendingCount(1); final GLMModel.GetScoringModelTask [] tasks = new GLMModel.GetScoringModelTask[pgs._glms.length]; H2OCallback c = new H2OCallback(mainCmp) { @Override public String toString(){ return "GetScoringModelTask.Callback, completer = " + getCompleter() == null?"null":getCompleter().toString(); } AtomicReference<CountedCompleter> _cmp = new AtomicReference<CountedCompleter>(); @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter cc) { assert _cmp.compareAndSet(null,cc):"Double completion, first " + _cmp.get().getClass().getName() + ", second from " + cc.getClass().getName(); for(int i = 1; i < tasks.length; ++i) xvalModels[i-1] = tasks[i]._res; mainCmp.addToPendingCount(1); new GLMXValidationTask(tasks[0]._res, curentLambda, xvalModels, thresholds,mainCmp).asyncExec(_srcDinfo._adaptedFrame); } }; c.addToPendingCount(tasks.length-1); for(int i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) (tasks[i] = new GLMModel.GetScoringModelTask(c,pgs._glms[i].dest(),curentLambda)).forkTask(); } } private GLMModel addLmaxSubmodel(GLMModel m,GLMValidation val, double [] beta){ m.submodels = new GLMModel.Submodel[]{new GLMModel.Submodel(lambda_max,beta,beta,0,0, beta.length >= sparseCoefThreshold)}; m.submodels[0].validation = val; assert val != null; return m; } public void run(boolean doLog, H2OCountedCompleter cmp){ if(doLog) logStart(); // if this is cross-validated task, don't do actual computation, // just fork off the nfolds+1 tasks and wait for the results assert alpha.length == 1; start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(nlambdas == -1)nlambdas = 100; if(lambda_search && nlambdas <= 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(LogInfo("GLM2: nlambdas must be > 1 when running with lambda search.")); Futures fs = new Futures(); Key dst = dest(); new YMUTask(GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, n_folds,new H2OCallback<YMUTask>(cmp) { @Override public String toString(){ return "YMUTask callback. completer = " + getCompleter() != null?"null":getCompleter().toString(); } @Override public void callback(final YMUTask ymut) { if (ymut._ymin == ymut._ymax) throw new IllegalArgumentException(LogInfo("GLM2: attempted to run with constant response. Response == " + ymut._ymin + " for all rows in the training set.")); if(ymut.nobs() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(LogInfo("GLM2: got no active rows in the dataset after discarding rows with NAs")); _ymu = ymut.ymu(); _nobs = ymut.nobs(); if( == Family.binomial && prior != -1 && prior != _ymu && !Double.isNaN(prior)) { _iceptAdjust = -Math.log(_ymu * (1-prior)/(prior * (1-_ymu))); } else prior = _ymu; H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter(); cmp.addToPendingCount(1); // public GLMIterationTask(int noff, Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMParams glm, boolean computeGram, boolean validate, boolean computeGradient, double [] beta, double ymu, double reg, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) { new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, _glm, false, true, true, nullModelBeta(_srcDinfo,_ymu), _ymu, 1.0/_nobs, thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(cmp){ @Override public String toString(){ return "LMAXTask callback. completer = " + (getCompleter() != null?"NULL":getCompleter().toString()); } @Override public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt){ double [] beta = glmt._beta; if(beta_start == null) { beta_start = beta; } _nullDeviance = glmt._val.residualDeviance(); _currentLambda = lambda_max = Math.max(Utils.maxValue(glmt._grad),-Utils.minValue(glmt._grad))/Math.max(1e-3,alpha[0]); _lastResult = makeIterationInfo(0,glmt,null,glmt.gradient(0,0)); GLMModel model = new GLMModel(GLM2.this, dest(), _srcDinfo, _glm, glmt._val, beta_epsilon, alpha[0], lambda_max, _ymu, prior); model.start_training(start_time); if(lambda_search) { assert !Double.isNaN(lambda_max) : LogInfo("running lambda_value search, but don't know what is the lambda_value max!"); model = addLmaxSubmodel(model, glmt._val, beta); if (nlambdas == -1) { lambda = null; } else { if (lambda_min_ratio == -1) lambda_min_ratio = _nobs > 25 * _srcDinfo.fullN() ? 1e-4 : 1e-2; final double d = Math.pow(lambda_min_ratio, 1.0 / (nlambdas - 1)); if (nlambdas == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("nlambdas must be > 0 when running lambda search."); lambda = new double[nlambdas]; lambda[0] = lambda_max; if (nlambdas == 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of lambdas must be > 1 when running with lambda_search!"); for (int i = 1; i < lambda.length; ++i) lambda[i] = lambda[i - 1] * d; lambda_min = lambda[lambda.length - 1]; max_iter = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA * nlambdas; } _runAllLambdas = false; } else { if(lambda == null || lambda.length == 0) lambda = new double[]{DEFAULT_LAMBDA}; int i = 0; while(i < lambda.length && lambda[i] > lambda_max)++i; if(i == lambda.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given lambda(s) are all > lambda_max = " + lambda_max + ", have nothing to run with. lambda = " + Arrays.toString(lambda)); if(i > 0) { model.addWarning("Removed " + i + " lambdas greater than lambda_max."); lambda = Utils.append(new double[]{lambda_max},Arrays.copyOfRange(lambda,i,lambda.length)); addLmaxSubmodel(model,glmt._val, beta); } } model.delete_and_lock(self()); lambda_min = lambda[lambda.length-1]; if(n_folds > 1){ final H2OCountedCompleter futures = new H2OEmptyCompleter(); final GLM2 [] xvals = new GLM2[n_folds+1]; futures.addToPendingCount(xvals.length-2); for(int i = 0; i < xvals.length; ++i){ xvals[i] = (GLM2)GLM2.this.clone(); xvals[i].n_folds = 0; xvals[i].standardize = standardize; xvals[i].family = family; xvals[i].link = link; xvals[i].beta_epsilon = beta_epsilon; xvals[i].max_iter = max_iter; xvals[i].variable_importances = variable_importances; if(i != 0){ xvals[i]._srcDinfo = _srcDinfo.getFold(i-1,n_folds); xvals[i].destination_key = Key.make(dest().toString() + "_xval_" + i, (byte) 1, Key.HIDDEN_USER_KEY, H2O.SELF); xvals[i]._nobs = ymut.nobs(i-1); xvals[i]._ymu = ymut.ymu(i-1); final int fi = i; final double ymu = ymut.ymu(fi-1); // new GLMIterationTask(offset_cols.length,GLM2.this.self(), _srcDinfo, _glm, false, true, true,nullModelBeta(),_ymu,1.0/_nobs, thresholds, new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(cmp){ new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,self(),xvals[i]._srcDinfo,_glm, false,true,true, nullModelBeta(xvals[fi]._srcDinfo,ymu),ymu,1.0/ymut.nobs(fi-1),thresholds,new H2OCallback<GLMIterationTask>(futures){ @Override public String toString(){ return "Xval LMAXTask callback., completer = " + getCompleter() == null?"null":getCompleter().toString(); } @Override public void callback(GLMIterationTask t) { xvals[fi].beta_start = t._beta; xvals[fi]._currentLambda = xvals[fi].lambda_max = Math.max(Utils.maxValue(glmt._grad),-Utils.minValue(glmt._grad))/Math.max(1e-3,alpha[0]); assert xvals[fi].lambda_max > 0; xvals[fi]._lastResult = makeIterationInfo(0,t,null,t.gradient(alpha[0],0)); GLMModel m = new GLMModel(GLM2.this, xvals[fi].destination_key, xvals[fi]._srcDinfo, _glm, t._val, beta_epsilon, alpha[0], xvals[fi].lambda_max, xvals[fi]._ymu, prior);//.delete_and_lock(self()); m.submodels = new Submodel[]{new Submodel(xvals[fi].lambda_max,t._beta,t._beta,0,0, t._beta.length >= sparseCoefThreshold)}; m.submodels[0].validation = t._val; assert t._val != null; m.setSubmodelIdx(0); m.delete_and_lock(self()); if(xvals[fi].lambda_max > lambda_max){ futures.addToPendingCount(1); new ParallelGLMs(GLM2.this,new GLM2[]{xvals[fi]},lambda_max,1,futures).fork(); } } }).asyncExec(xvals[i]._srcDinfo._adaptedFrame); } } _xvals = xvals; futures.join(); } getCompleter().addToPendingCount(1); nextLambda(nextLambdaValue(), new LambdaIteration(getCompleter())); } }).asyncExec(_srcDinfo._adaptedFrame); } }).asyncExec(_srcDinfo._adaptedFrame); } private double [] nullModelBeta(DataInfo dinfo, double ymu){ double[] beta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_srcDinfo.fullN() + (dinfo._hasIntercept?1:0) - _noffsets); if(intercept) { double icpt = _noffsets == 0?,ymu,offset,response); if (dinfo._hasIntercept) beta[beta.length - 1] = icpt; } return beta; } public double nextLambdaValue(){ assert lambda == null || lambda_min == lambda[lambda.length-1]; return (lambda == null)?pickNextLambda():lambda[++_lambdaIdx]; } private transient int _iter1 = 0; void nextLambda(final double currentLambda, final H2OCountedCompleter cmp){ if(currentLambda > lambda_max){ _done = true; cmp.tryComplete(); return; } if(_beta != null) beta_start = _beta; _iter1 = _iter; LogInfo("starting computation of lambda = " + currentLambda + ", previous lambda = " + _currentLambda); _done = false; final double previousLambda = _currentLambda; _currentLambda = currentLambda; if(n_folds > 1){ // if we're cross-validated tasks, just fork off the parallel glms and wait for result! for(int i = 0; i < _xvals.length; ++i) if(_xvals[i]._lastResult._fullGrad == null){ RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException(LogInfo("missing full gradient at lambda = " + previousLambda + " at fold " + i)); Log.err(re); throw re; } ParallelGLMs pgs = new ParallelGLMs(this,_xvals,currentLambda, H2O.CLOUD.size(),new XvalidationCallback(cmp)); pgs.fork(); return; } else { if(lambda_search){ // if we are in lambda_search, we want only limited number of iters per lambda! max_iter = _iter + MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA; } final double[] grad = _lastResult.fullGrad(alpha[0],previousLambda); assert grad != null; activeCols(_currentLambda, previousLambda, grad); if(_activeCols != null && _activeCols.length == _noffsets) { // nothing to do but to store the null model and report back... setSubmodel(_lastResult._glmt._beta,_lastResult._glmt._val,cmp); _done = true; cmp.tryComplete(); return; } assert cmp.getPendingCount() == 0; // expand the beta // todo make this work again // if (Arrays.equals(_lastResult._activeCols, _activeCols) && _lastResult._glmt._gram != null) { // set of coefficients did not change // new Iteration(cmp, false).callback(_lastResult._glmt); // _lastResult._glmt.tryComplete(); // shortcut to reuse the last gram if same active columns // } else new GLMIterationTask(_noffsets,GLM2.this.self(), _activeData, _glm, true, false, false, resizeVec(_lastResult._glmt._beta, _activeCols, _lastResult._activeCols), _ymu, 1.0 / _nobs, thresholds, new Iteration(cmp)).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);; } } private final double l2pen(){return 0.5*_currentLambda*(1-alpha[0]);} private final double l1pen(){return _currentLambda*alpha[0];} private final double proxPen(double [] beta){ double [] fullBeta = expandVec(beta,_activeCols); double res = 0; if(_bgs != null && _rho != null) { for(int i = 0; i < _bgs.length; ++i){ double diff = fullBeta[i] - _bgs[i]; res += _rho[i]*diff*diff; } } // System.out.println("beta = " + Utils.pprint(new double[][]{beta})); // System.out.println("bgvn = " + Utils.pprint(new double[][]{_bgs})); // System.out.println("rhos = " + Utils.pprint(new double[][]{_rho})); // System.out.println("pen = " + .5*res); return .5*res; } // // filter the current active columns using the strong rules // // note: strong rules are update so tha they keep all previous coefficients in, to prevent issues with line-search private double pickNextLambda(){ final double[] grad = _lastResult.fullGrad(alpha[0],_currentLambda); return pickNextLambda(_currentLambda, grad, Math.max((int) (Math.min(_srcDinfo.fullN(),_nobs) * 0.05), 1)); } private double pickNextLambda(final double oldLambda, final double[] grad, int maxNewVars){ double [] g = grad.clone(); for(int i = 0; i < g.length; ++i) g[i] = g[i] < 0?g[i]:-g[i]; if(_activeCols != null) { // not interested in cols which are already active! for (int i : _activeCols) g[i] *= -1; } Arrays.sort(g); if(maxNewVars < (g.length-1) && g[maxNewVars] == g[maxNewVars+1]){ double x = g[maxNewVars]; while(maxNewVars > 0 && g[maxNewVars] == x)--maxNewVars; } double res = 0.5*(-g[maxNewVars]/Math.max(1e-3,alpha[0]) + oldLambda); return res < oldLambda?res:oldLambda*0.9; } // filter the current active columns using the strong rules private int [] activeCols(final double l1, final double l2, final double [] grad){ if(_allIn) return null; final double rhs = alpha[0]*(2*l1-l2); int [] cols = MemoryManager.malloc4(_srcDinfo.fullN()); int selected = 0; int j = 0; if(_activeCols == null)_activeCols = new int[]{-1}; for(int i = 0; i < _srcDinfo.fullN() - _noffsets; ++i) if((j < _activeCols.length && i == _activeCols[j]) || !(grad[i] < rhs && grad[i] > -rhs) /* note negated here to have column included in case its gradient came as NaN */){ cols[selected++] = i; if(j < _activeCols.length && i == _activeCols[j])++j; } for(int c = _srcDinfo.fullN()-_noffsets; c < _srcDinfo.fullN(); ++c) cols[selected++] = c; if(!strong_rules || selected == _srcDinfo.fullN()){ _activeCols = null; _allIn = true; _activeData._adaptedFrame = _srcDinfo._adaptedFrame; _activeData = _srcDinfo; } else { _activeCols = Arrays.copyOf(cols,selected); _activeData = _srcDinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols); } LogInfo("strong rule at lambda_value=" + l1 + ", got " + (selected - _noffsets) + " active cols out of " + (_srcDinfo.fullN() - _noffsets) + " total."); assert _activeCols == null || _activeData.fullN() == _activeCols.length:LogInfo("mismatched number of cols, got " + _activeCols.length + " active cols, but data info claims " + _activeData.fullN()); return _activeCols; } // Expand grid search related argument sets @Override protected NanoHTTPD.Response serveGrid(NanoHTTPD server, Properties parms, RequestType type) { return superServeGrid(server, parms, type); } public static final DecimalFormat AUC_DFORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#.###"); public static final String aucStr(double auc){ return AUC_DFORMAT.format(Math.round(1000 * auc) * 0.001); } public static final DecimalFormat AIC_DFORMAT = new DecimalFormat("###.###"); public static final String aicStr(double aic){ return AUC_DFORMAT.format(Math.round(1000*aic)*0.001); } public static final DecimalFormat DEV_EXPLAINED_DFORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#.###"); public static final String devExplainedStr(double dev){ return AUC_DFORMAT.format(Math.round(1000*dev)*0.001); } public static class GLMGrid extends Lockable<GLMGrid> { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. final Key _jobKey; final long _startTime; @API(help="mean of response in the training dataset") public final Key [] destination_keys; final double [] _alphas; public GLMGrid (Key gridKey,Key jobKey, GLM2 [] jobs){ super(gridKey); _jobKey = jobKey; _alphas = new double [jobs.length]; destination_keys = new Key[jobs.length]; for(int i = 0; i < jobs.length; ++i){ destination_keys[i] = jobs[i].destination_key; _alphas[i] = jobs[i].alpha[0]; } _startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public static class UnlockGridTsk extends DTask.DKeyTask<UnlockGridTsk,GLMGrid> { final Key _jobKey; public UnlockGridTsk(Key gridKey, Key jobKey, H2OCountedCompleter cc){ super(cc,gridKey); _jobKey = jobKey; } @Override public void map(GLMGrid g) { addToPendingCount(g.destination_keys.length); for(Key k:g.destination_keys) new GLMModel.UnlockModelTask(this,k,_jobKey).forkTask(); g.unlock(_jobKey); } } public static class DeleteGridTsk extends DTask.DKeyTask<DeleteGridTsk,GLMGrid> { public DeleteGridTsk(H2OCountedCompleter cc, Key gridKey){ super(cc,gridKey); } @Override public void map(GLMGrid g) { addToPendingCount(g.destination_keys.length); for(Key k:g.destination_keys) new GLMModel.DeleteModelTask(this,k).forkTask(); assert g.is_unlocked():"not unlocked??"; g.delete(); } } @Override protected Futures delete_impl(Futures fs) {return fs;} @Override protected String errStr() { return null; } } public class GLMGridSearch extends Job { public final int _maxParallelism; transient private AtomicInteger _idx; public final GLM2 [] _jobs; public final GLM2 _glm2; public GLMGridSearch(int maxP, GLM2 glm2, Key destKey){ super(glm2.self(), destKey); _glm2 = glm2; description = "GLM Grid on data " + glm2._srcDinfo.toString() ; _maxParallelism = maxP; _jobs = new GLM2[glm2.alpha.length]; _idx = new AtomicInteger(_maxParallelism); for(int i = 0; i < _jobs.length; ++i) { _jobs[i] = (GLM2)_glm2.clone(); _jobs[i]._grid = true; _jobs[i].alpha = new double[]{glm2.alpha[i]}; _jobs[i].destination_key = Key.make(glm2.destination_key + "_" + i); _jobs[i]._progressKey = Key.make(dest().toString() + "_progress_" + i, (byte) 1, Key.HIDDEN_USER_KEY, dest().home_node()); _jobs[i].job_key = Key.make(glm2.job_key + "_" + i); } } @Override public float progress(){ float sum = 0f; for(GLM2 g:_jobs)sum += g.progress(); return sum/_jobs.length; } private transient boolean _cancelled; @Override public void cancel(){ _cancelled = true; for(GLM2 g:_jobs) g.cancel(); source.unlock(self()); DKV.remove(destination_key); super.cancel(); } @Override public GLMGridSearch fork(){ System.out.println("read-locking " + source._key + " by job " + self()); source.read_lock(self()); Futures fs = new Futures(); new GLMGrid(destination_key,self(),_jobs).delete_and_lock(self()); // keep *this* separate from what's stored in K/V as job (will be changing it!) assert _maxParallelism >= 1; final Job job = this; _fjtask = new H2O.H2OEmptyCompleter(); H2OCountedCompleter fjtask = new H2OCallback<ParallelGLMs>(_fjtask) { @Override public String toString(){ return "GLMGrid.Job.Callback, completer = " + getCompleter() == null?"null":getCompleter().toString(); } @Override public void callback(ParallelGLMs parallelGLMs) { _glm2._done = true; // we're gonna get success-callback after cancelling forked tasks since forked glms do not propagate exception if part of grid search if(!_cancelled) { source.unlock(self()); Lockable.unlock_lockable(destination_key, self()); remove(); } } @Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable t, CountedCompleter cmp){ if(!(t instanceof JobCancelledException) && (t.getMessage() == null || !t.getMessage().contains("job was cancelled"))) { job.cancel(t); } return true; } }; start(_fjtask); // modifying GLM2 object, don't want job object to be the same instance fs.blockForPending(); H2O.submitTask(new ParallelGLMs(this,_jobs,Double.NaN,H2O.CLOUD.size(),fjtask)); return this; } @Override public Response redirect() { String n = GridSearchProgress.class.getSimpleName(); return Response.redirect( this, n, "job_key", job_key, "destination_key", destination_key); } } private static class GLMT extends DTask<GLMT> { private final GLM2 _glm; private final double _lambda; public GLMT(H2OCountedCompleter cmp, GLM2 glm, double lambda){ super(cmp); _glm = glm; _lambda = lambda; } @Override public void compute2() { assert Double.isNaN(_lambda) || _glm._lastResult._fullGrad != null:_glm.LogInfo("missing full gradient"); if(Double.isNaN(_lambda)) _glm.fork(this); else { _glm.nextLambda(_lambda, this); } } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter cc){ if(!Double.isNaN(_lambda)) { assert _glm._done : _glm.LogInfo("GLMT hit onCompletion but glm is not done yet!"); assert _glm._lastResult._fullGrad != null : _glm.LogInfo(" GLMT done with missing full gradient"); } } } // class to execute multiple GLM runs in parallel // (with user-given limit on how many to run in parallel) public static class ParallelGLMs extends H2OCountedCompleter { transient final private GLM2 [] _glms; transient final private GLMT [] _tasks; transient final Job _job; transient final public int _maxP; transient private AtomicInteger _nextTask; public final double _lambda; public ParallelGLMs(Job j, GLM2 [] glms){this(j,glms,Double.NaN);} public ParallelGLMs(Job j, GLM2 [] glms, double lambda){this(j,glms,lambda, H2O.CLOUD.size());} public ParallelGLMs(Job j, GLM2 [] glms, double lambda, int maxP){ _job = j; _lambda = lambda; _glms = glms; _maxP = maxP; _tasks = new GLMT[_glms.length]; addToPendingCount(_glms.length); } public ParallelGLMs(Job j, GLM2 [] glms, double lambda, int maxP, H2OCountedCompleter cmp){ super(cmp); _lambda = lambda; _job = j; _glms = glms; _maxP = maxP; _tasks = new GLMT[_glms.length]; addToPendingCount(_glms.length); } private void forkDTask(int i){ int nodeId = i%H2O.CLOUD.size(); forkDTask(i,H2O.CLOUD._memary[nodeId]); } private void forkDTask(final int i, H2ONode n){ _tasks[i] = new GLMT(new Callback(n,i),_glms[i],_lambda); assert Double.isNaN(_lambda) || _tasks[i]._glm._lastResult._fullGrad != null; if(n == H2O.SELF) H2O.submitTask(_tasks[i]); else new RPC(n,_tasks[i]).call(); } class Callback extends H2OCallback<H2OCountedCompleter> { final int i; final H2ONode n; public Callback(H2ONode n, int i){super(ParallelGLMs.this); this.n = n; this.i = i;} @Override public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter cc){ int i; if((i = _nextTask.getAndIncrement()) < _glms.length) { // not done yet forkDTask(i, n); } } @Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter caller){ _job.cancel(ex); return true; } } @Override public void compute2(){ final int n = Math.min(_maxP, _glms.length); _nextTask = new AtomicInteger(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) forkDTask(i); tryComplete(); } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter cc){ if(!Double.isNaN(_lambda)) for(int i= 0; i < _tasks.length; ++i) { assert _tasks[i]._glm._lastResult._fullGrad != null; _glms[i] = _tasks[i]._glm; } } } }