package hex.glm; import hex.FrameTask; import water.H2O; import water.Iced; import water.MemoryManager; import water.api.DocGen; import water.api.Request.API; public final class GLMParams extends Iced { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. @API(help="family") final Family family; @API(help="link") final Link link; @API(help="tweedie variance power") final double tweedie_variance_power; @API(help="tweedie link power") final double tweedie_link_power; public GLMParams(Family f){this(f,0,f.defaultLink,0);} public GLMParams(Family f,Link l){this(f,0,l,0);} public GLMParams(Family f, double twVar){this(f,twVar,f.defaultLink,1-twVar);} public GLMParams(Family f, double twVar, Link l, double twLnk){ family = f; if(l == Link.family_default) link = family.defaultLink; else { // check we have compatible link link = l; switch(family){ case gaussian: if(link != Link.identity && link != Link.log && link != Link.inverse) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible link function for selected family. Only identity, log and inverse links are allowed for family=gaussian."); break; case binomial: if(link != Link.logit && link != Link.log) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible link function for selected family. Only logit and log links are allowed for family=binomial."); break; case poisson: if(link != Link.log && link != Link.identity) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible link function for selected family. Only log and identity links are allowed for family=poisson."); break; case gamma: if(link != Link.inverse && link != Link.log && link != Link.identity) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible link function for selected family. Only inverse, log and identity links are allowed for family=gamma."); break; case tweedie: if(link != Link.tweedie) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible link function for selected family. Only tweedie link allowed for family=tweedie."); break; default:; } } tweedie_variance_power = twVar; tweedie_link_power = twLnk; } public final double variance(double mu){ switch( family ) { case gaussian: return 1; case binomial: // assert (0 <= mu && mu <= 1) : "mu out of bounds<0,1>:" + mu; return mu * (1 - mu); case poisson: return mu; case gamma: return mu * mu; case tweedie: return Math.pow(mu, tweedie_variance_power); default: throw new RuntimeException("unknown family Id " + this); } } public final boolean canonical(){ switch(family){ case gaussian: return link == Link.identity; case binomial: return link == Link.logit; case poisson: return link == Link.log; case gamma: return false; //return link == Link.inverse; case tweedie: return false; default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } } public final double mustart(double y, double ymu) { switch( family ) { case gaussian: case binomial: case poisson: return ymu; case gamma: return y; case tweedie: return y + (y==0?0.1:0); default: throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } } public final double deviance(double yr, double ym){ switch(family){ case gaussian: return (yr - ym) * (yr - ym); case binomial: return 2 * ((y_log_y(yr, ym)) + y_log_y(1 - yr, 1 - ym)); case poisson: if( yr == 0 ) return 2 * ym; return 2 * ((yr * Math.log(yr / ym)) - (yr - ym)); case gamma: if( yr == 0 ) return -2; return -2 * (Math.log(yr / ym) - (yr - ym) / ym); case tweedie: // Theory of Dispersion Models: Jorgensen // pg49: $$ d(y;\mu) = 2 [ y \cdot \left(\tau^{-1}(y) - \tau^{-1}(\mu) \right) - \kappa \{ \tau^{-1}(y)\} + \kappa \{ \tau^{-1}(\mu)\} ] $$ // pg133: $$ \frac{ y^{2 - p} }{ (1 - p) (2-p) } - \frac{y \cdot \mu^{1-p}}{ 1-p} + \frac{ \mu^{2-p} }{ 2 - p }$$ double one_minus_p = 1 - tweedie_variance_power; double two_minus_p = 2 - tweedie_variance_power; return Math.pow(yr, two_minus_p) / (one_minus_p * two_minus_p) - (yr * (Math.pow(ym, one_minus_p)))/one_minus_p + Math.pow(ym, two_minus_p)/two_minus_p; default: throw new RuntimeException("unknown family " + family); } } public final double link(double x) { switch( link ) { case identity: return x; case logit: assert 0 <= x && x <= 1:"x out of bounds, expected <0,1> range, got " + x; return Math.log(x / (1 - x)); case log: return Math.log(x); case inverse: double xx = (x < 0) ? Math.min(-1e-5, x) : Math.max(1e-5, x); return 1.0 / xx; case tweedie: return Math.pow(x, tweedie_link_power); default: throw new RuntimeException("unknown link function " + this); } } public final double linkDeriv(double x) { double res = 0; switch( link ) { case logit: res = +1.0 / (x * (1 - x)); break; case identity: res = +1.0 ; break; case log: res = +1.0 / x ; break; case inverse: res = -1.0 / (x * x) ; break; case tweedie: res = tweedie_link_power * Math.pow(x, tweedie_link_power - 1); break; default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } if(res > 1e5) res = 1e5; else if(res < -1e5) res = -1e5; return res; } public final double linkInv(double x) { switch( link ) { case identity: return x; case logit: return 1.0 / (Math.exp(-x) + 1.0); case log: return Math.exp(x); case inverse: double xx = (x < 0) ? Math.min(-1e-5, x) : Math.max(1e-5, x); return 1.0 / xx; case tweedie: return Math.pow(x, 1/tweedie_link_power); default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected link function id " + this); } } public final double linkInvDeriv(double x) { switch( link ) { case identity: return 1; case logit: double g = Math.exp(-x); double gg = (g + 1) * (g + 1); return g / gg; case log: //return (x == 0)?MAX_SQRT:1/x; return Math.max(Math.exp(x), Double.MIN_NORMAL); case inverse: double xx = (x < 0) ? Math.min(-1e-5, x) : Math.max(1e-5, x); return -1 / (xx * xx); case tweedie: double vp = (1. - tweedie_link_power) / tweedie_link_power; return (1/tweedie_link_power) * Math.pow(x, vp); default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected link function id " + this); } } // supported families public enum Family { gaussian(Link.identity), binomial(Link.logit), poisson(Link.log), gamma(Link.inverse), tweedie(Link.tweedie); public final Link defaultLink; Family(Link link){defaultLink = link;} } public static enum Link {family_default, identity, logit, log,inverse,tweedie;} // helper function static final double y_log_y(double y, double mu) { if(y == 0)return 0; if(mu < Double.MIN_NORMAL) mu = Double.MIN_NORMAL; return y * Math.log(y / mu); } public Family getFamily() { return family; } }