package water.api; import; import; import hex.*; import hex.GridSearch.GridSearchProgress; import hex.KMeans2.KMeans2ModelView; import hex.KMeans2.KMeans2Progress; import hex.anomaly.Anomaly; import hex.deepfeatures.DeepFeatures; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning; import hex.drf.DRF; import hex.gapstat.GapStatistic; import hex.gapstat.GapStatisticModelView; import hex.gbm.GBM; import hex.glm.*; import hex.nb.NBModelView; import hex.nb.NBProgressPage; import hex.gapstat.GapStatisticProgressPage; import hex.nb.NaiveBayes; import hex.pca.PCA; import hex.pca.PCAModelView; import hex.pca.PCAProgressPage; import hex.pca.PCAScore; import hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRF; import hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRFModelView; import hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRFProgressPage; import water.*; import water.api.Upload.PostFile; import water.api.handlers.ModelBuildersMetadataHandlerV1; import water.deploy.LaunchJar; import; import water.schemas.HTTP404V1; import water.schemas.HTTP500V1; import water.schemas.Schema; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Log.Tag.Sys; import water.util.Utils.ExpectedExceptionForDebug; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** This is a simple web server. */ public class RequestServer extends NanoHTTPD { private static final int LATEST_VERSION = 2; public enum API_VERSION { V_1(1, "/"), V_2(2, "/2/"); // FIXME: better should be /v2/ final private int _version; final private String _prefix; public final String prefix() { return _prefix; } private API_VERSION(int version, String prefix) { _version = version; _prefix = prefix; } } static RequestServer SERVER; // cache of all loaded resources private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String,byte[]> _cache = new ConcurrentHashMap(); protected static final HashMap<String,Request> _requests = new HashMap(); // An array of regexs-over-URLs and handling Methods. // The list is searched in-order, first match gets dispatched. protected static final LinkedHashMap<String,Method> _handlers = new LinkedHashMap<String,Method>(); static final Request _http404; static final Request _http500; public static final Response response404(NanoHTTPD server, Properties parms) { return _http404.serve(server, parms, Request.RequestType.www); } public static final Response response500(NanoHTTPD server, Properties parms) { return _http500.serve(server, parms, Request.RequestType.www); } // initialization ------------------------------------------------------------ static { boolean USE_NEW_TAB = true; _http404 = registerRequest(new HTTP404()); _http500 = registerRequest(new HTTP500()); registerGET("/1/metadata/modelbuilders/.*", ModelBuildersMetadataHandlerV1.class, "show"); registerGET("/1/metadata/modelbuilders", ModelBuildersMetadataHandlerV1.class, "list"); // Data Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new ImportFiles2()), "Import Files", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Upload2()), "Upload", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Parse2()), "Parse", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Inspector()), "Inspect", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new SummaryPage2()), "Summary", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new QuantilesPage()), "Quantiles", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Impute()), "Impute", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Interaction()), "Interaction", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new CreateFrame()), "Create Frame", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new FrameSplitPage()),"Split Frame", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new StoreView()), "View All", "Data"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new ExportFiles()), "Export Files", "Data"); // Register Inspect2 just for viewing frames registerRequest(new Inspect2()); registerRequest(new MMStats()); registerRequest(new GLMMakeModel()); // FVec models Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new DeepLearning()),"Deep Learning", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new GLM2()), "Generalized Linear Model", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new GBM()), "Gradient Boosting Machine", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new KMeans2()), "K-Means Clustering", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new PCA()), "Principal Component Analysis", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new SpeeDRF()), "Random Forest", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new DRF()), "Random Forest - Big Data", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Anomaly()), "Anomaly Detection (Beta)", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new CoxPH()), "Cox Proportional Hazards (Beta)", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new DeepFeatures()),"Deep Feature Extractor (Beta)", "Model"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new NaiveBayes()), "Naive Bayes Classifier (Beta)", "Model"); // FVec scoring Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Predict()), "Predict", "Score"); // only for glm to allow for overriding of lambda_submodel registerRequest(new GLMPredict()); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new ConfusionMatrix()), "Confusion Matrix", "Score"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new AUC()), "AUC", "Score"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new HitRatio()), "HitRatio", "Score"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new PCAScore()), "PCAScore", "Score"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new GainsLiftTable()), "Gains/Lift Table", "Score"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Steam()), "Multi-model Scoring (Beta)","Score"); // Admin Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Jobs()), "Jobs", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Cloud()), "Cluster Status", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new WaterMeterPerfbar()), "Water Meter (Perfbar)", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new LogView()), "Inspect Log", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new JProfile()), "Profiler", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new JStack()), "Stack Dump", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new NetworkTest()), "Network Test", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new IOStatus()), "Cluster I/O", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Timeline()), "Timeline", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new UDPDropTest()), "UDP Drop Test", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new TaskStatus()), "Task Status", "Admin"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Shutdown()), "Shutdown", "Admin"); // Help and Tutorials Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Documentation()), "H2O Documentation", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Tutorials()), "Tutorials Home", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new TutorialGBM()), "GBM Tutorial", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new TutorialDeepLearning()),"Deep Learning Tutorial", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new TutorialRFIris()), "Random Forest Tutorial", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new TutorialGLMProstate()), "GLM Tutorial", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new TutorialKMeans()), "KMeans Tutorial", "Help", USE_NEW_TAB); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new AboutH2O()), "About H2O", "Help"); // Beta things should be reachable by the API and web redirects, but not put in the menu. if(H2O.OPT_ARGS.beta == null) { registerRequest(new hex.LR2()); registerRequest(new ReBalance()); registerRequest(new NFoldFrameExtractPage()); registerRequest(new Console()); registerRequest(new GapStatistic()); registerRequest(new InsertMissingValues()); registerRequest(new KillMinus3()); registerRequest(new SaveModel()); registerRequest(new LoadModel()); registerRequest(new CollectLinuxInfo()); registerRequest(new SetLogLevel()); registerRequest(new Debug()); registerRequest(new UnlockKeys()); registerRequest(new Order()); registerRequest(new RemoveVec()); registerRequest(new GarbageCollect()); } else { Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new MatrixMultiply()), "Matrix Multiply", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new hex.LR2()), "Linear Regression2", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new ReBalance()), "ReBalance", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new NFoldFrameExtractPage()),"N-Fold Frame Extract", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Console()), "Console", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new GapStatistic()), "Gap Statistic", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new InsertMissingValues()), "Insert Missing Values","Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new KillMinus3()), "Kill Minus 3", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new SaveModel()), "Save Model", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new LoadModel()), "Load Model", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new CollectLinuxInfo()), "Collect Linux Info", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new SetLogLevel()), "Set Log Level", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Debug()), "Debug Dump (floods log file)","Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new UnlockKeys()), "Unlock Keys (use with caution)","Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new Order()), "Order", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new RemoveVec()), "RemoveVec", "Beta"); Request.addToNavbar(registerRequest(new GarbageCollect()), "GarbageCollect", "Beta"); } registerRequest(new Up()); registerRequest(new Get()); // Download //Column Expand registerRequest(new OneHot()); // internal handlers //registerRequest(new StaticHTMLPage("/h2o/CoefficientChart.html","chart")); registerRequest(new Cancel()); registerRequest(new CoxPHModelView()); registerRequest(new CoxPHProgressPage()); registerRequest(new DomainMapping()); registerRequest(new DRFModelView()); registerRequest(new DRFProgressPage()); registerRequest(new DownloadDataset()); registerRequest(new Exec2()); registerRequest(new GBMModelView()); registerRequest(new GBMProgressPage()); registerRequest(new GridSearchProgress()); registerRequest(new LogView.LogDownload()); registerRequest(new NeuralNetModelView()); registerRequest(new NeuralNetProgressPage()); registerRequest(new DeepLearningModelView()); registerRequest(new DeepLearningProgressPage()); registerRequest(new KMeans2Progress()); registerRequest(new KMeans2ModelView()); registerRequest(new NBProgressPage()); registerRequest(new GapStatisticProgressPage()); registerRequest(new NBModelView()); registerRequest(new GapStatisticModelView()); registerRequest(new PCAProgressPage()); registerRequest(new PCAModelView()); registerRequest(new PostFile()); registerRequest(new water.api.Upload2.PostFile()); registerRequest(new Progress2()); registerRequest(new PutValue()); registerRequest(new Remove()); registerRequest(new RemoveAll()); registerRequest(new DeleteHDFSDir()); registerRequest(new RemoveAck()); registerRequest(new SpeeDRFModelView()); registerRequest(new SpeeDRFProgressPage()); registerRequest(new water.api.SetColumnNames2()); // Set colnames for FluidVec objects registerRequest(new LogAndEcho()); registerRequest(new ToEnum2()); registerRequest(new ToInt2()); registerRequest(new GLMProgress()); registerRequest(new hex.glm.GLMGridProgress()); registerRequest(new water.api.Levels2()); // Temporary hack to get factor levels efficiently registerRequest(new SetTimezone()); registerRequest(new GetTimezone()); registerRequest(new ListTimezones()); // Typeahead registerRequest(new TypeaheadModelKeyRequest()); registerRequest(new TypeaheadPCAModelKeyRequest()); registerRequest(new TypeaheadHexKeyRequest()); registerRequest(new TypeaheadFileRequest()); registerRequest(new TypeaheadHdfsPathRequest()); registerRequest(new TypeaheadKeysRequest("Existing H2O Key", "", null)); registerRequest(new TypeaheadS3BucketRequest()); // testing hooks registerRequest(new TestPoll()); registerRequest(new TestRedirect()); // registerRequest(new GLMProgressPage2()); registerRequest(new GLMModelView()); registerRequest(new GLMModelUpdate()); registerRequest(new GLMGridView()); // registerRequest(new GLMValidationView()); registerRequest(new LaunchJar()); Request.initializeNavBar(); // Pure APIs, no HTML, to support The New World registerRequest(new Models()); registerRequest(new Frames()); registerRequest(new ModelMetrics()); // WaterMeter support APIs registerRequest(new WaterMeterPerfbar.WaterMeterCpuTicks()); } /** * Registers the request with the request server. */ public static Request registerRequest(Request req) { assert req.supportedVersions().length > 0; for (API_VERSION ver : req.supportedVersions()) { String href = req.href(ver); assert (! _requests.containsKey(href)) : "Request with href "+href+" already registered"; _requests.put(href,req); req.registered(ver); } return req; } public static void unregisterRequest(Request req) { for (API_VERSION ver : req.supportedVersions()) { String href = req.href(ver); _requests.remove(href); } } /** Registers the request with the request server. */ public static String registerGET (String url, Class hclass, String hmeth) { return register("GET" ,url,hclass,hmeth); } public static String registerPUT (String url, Class hclass, String hmeth) { return register("PUT" ,url,hclass,hmeth); } public static String registerDELETE(String url, Class hclass, String hmeth) { return register("DELETE",url,hclass,hmeth); } public static String registerPOST (String url, Class hclass, String hmeth) { return register("POST" ,url,hclass,hmeth); } private static String register(String method, String url, Class hclass, String hmeth) { try { assert lookup(method,url)==null; // Not shadowed Method meth = hclass.getDeclaredMethod(hmeth); _handlers.put(method+url,meth); return url; } catch( NoSuchMethodException nsme ) { throw new Error("NoSuchMethodException: "+hclass.getName()+"."+hmeth); } } // Lookup the method/url in the register list, and return a matching Method private static Method lookup( String method, String url ) { String s = method+url; for( String x : _handlers.keySet() ) if( x.equals(s) ) // TODO: regex return _handlers.get(x); return null; } // Handling ------------------------------------------------------------------ private Schema handle( Request.RequestType type, Method meth, int version, Properties parms ) throws Exception { Schema S; switch( type ) { // case html: // These request-types only dictate the response-type; case java: // the normal action is always done. case json: case xml: { Class x = meth.getDeclaringClass(); Class<Handler> clz = (Class<Handler>)x; Handler h = clz.newInstance(); return h.handle(version,meth,parms); // Can throw any Exception the handler throws } case query: case help: default: throw H2O.unimpl(); } } private Response wrap( String http_code, Schema S, RequestStatics.RequestType type ) { // Convert Schema to desired output flavor switch( type ) { case json: return new Response(http_code, MIME_JSON, new String(S.writeJSON(new AutoBuffer()).buf())); /* case xml: //return new Response(http_code, MIME_XML , new String(S.writeXML (new AutoBuffer()).buf())); case java: throw H2O.unimpl(); case html: { RString html = new RString(_htmlTemplate); html.replace("CONTENTS", S.writeHTML(new water.util.DocGen.HTML()).toString()); return new Response(http_code, MIME_HTML, html.toString()); } */ default: throw; } } // Keep spinning until we get to launch the NanoHTTPD public static void start() { new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while( true ) { try { // Try to get the NanoHTTP daemon started SERVER = new RequestServer(H2O._apiSocket); break; } catch( Exception ioe ) { Log.err(Sys.HTTPD,"Launching NanoHTTP server got ",ioe); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { } // prevent denial-of-service } } } }, "Request Server launcher").start(); } public static String maybeTransformRequest (String uri) { if (uri.isEmpty() || uri.equals("/")) { return "/Tutorials.html"; } Pattern p = Pattern.compile("/R/bin/([^/]+)/contrib/([^/]+)(.*)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(uri); boolean b = m.matches(); if (b) { // On Jenkins, this command sticks his own R version's number // into the package that gets built. // // R CMD INSTALL -l $(TMP_BUILD_DIR) --build h2o-package // String versionOfRThatJenkinsUsed = "3.0"; String platform =; String version =; String therest =; String s = "/R/bin/" + platform + "/contrib/" + versionOfRThatJenkinsUsed + therest; return s; } return uri; } // uri serve ----------------------------------------------------------------- void maybeLogRequest (String uri, String method, Properties parms, Properties header) { boolean filterOutRepetitiveStuff = true; String log = String.format("%-4s %s", method, uri); for( Object arg : parms.keySet() ) { String value = parms.getProperty((String) arg); if( value != null && value.length() != 0 ) log += " " + arg + "=" + value; } Log.info_no_stdout(Sys.HTLOG, log); if (filterOutRepetitiveStuff) { if (uri.endsWith(".css")) return; if (uri.endsWith(".js")) return; if (uri.endsWith(".png")) return; if (uri.endsWith(".ico")) return; if (uri.startsWith("/Typeahead")) return; if (uri.startsWith("/2/Typeahead")) return; if (uri.endsWith("LogAndEcho.json")) return; if (uri.startsWith("/Cloud.json")) return; if (uri.contains("Progress")) return; if (uri.startsWith("/Jobs.json")) return; if (uri.startsWith("/Up.json")) return; if (uri.startsWith("/2/WaterMeter")) return; }, log); if(header.getProperty("user-agent") != null) H2O.GA.postAsync(new AppViewHit(uri).customDimension(H2O.CLIENT_TYPE_GA_CUST_DIM, header.getProperty("user-agent"))); else H2O.GA.postAsync(new AppViewHit(uri)); } ///////// Stuff for URL parsing brought over from H2O2: /** Returns the name of the request, that is the request url without the * request suffix. E.g. converts "/GBM.html/crunk" into "/GBM/crunk" */ String requestName(String url) { String s = "."+toString(); int i = url.indexOf(s); if( i== -1 ) return url; // No, or default, type return url.substring(0,i)+url.substring(i+s.length()); } // Parse version number. Java has no ref types, bleah, so return the version // number and the "parse pointer" by shift-by-16 compaction. // /1/xxx --> version 1 // /2/xxx --> version 2 // /v1/xxx --> version 1 // /v2/xxx --> version 2 // /latest/xxx--> LATEST_VERSION // /xxx --> LATEST_VERSION private int parseVersion( String uri ) { if( uri.length() <= 1 || uri.charAt(0) != '/' ) // If not a leading slash, then I am confused return (0<<16)|LATEST_VERSION; if( uri.startsWith("/latest") ) return (("/latest".length())<<16)|LATEST_VERSION; int idx=1; // Skip the leading slash int version=0; char c = uri.charAt(idx); // Allow both /### and /v### if( c=='v' ) c = uri.charAt(++idx); while( idx < uri.length() && '0' <= c && c <= '9' ) { version = version*10+(c-'0'); c = uri.charAt(++idx); } if( idx > 10 || version > LATEST_VERSION || version < 1 || uri.charAt(idx) != '/' ) return (0<<16)|LATEST_VERSION; // Failed number parse or baloney version // Happy happy version return (idx<<16)|version; } @Override public NanoHTTPD.Response serve( String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms ) { // Jack priority for user-visible requests Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY-1); // update arguments and determine control variables uri = maybeTransformRequest(uri); // determine the request type Request.RequestType type = Request.RequestType.requestType(uri); String requestName = type.requestName(uri); maybeLogRequest(uri, method, parms, header); // determine version int version = parseVersion(uri); int idx = version>>16; version &= 0xFFFF; String uripath = uri.substring(idx); String path = requestName(uripath); // Strip suffix type from middle of URI Method meth = null; try { // Find handler for url meth = lookup(method,path); if (meth != null) { return wrap(HTTP_OK,handle(type,meth,version,parms),type); } } catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) { return wrap(HTTP_BADREQUEST,new HTTP404V1(e.getMessage(),uri),type); } catch( Exception e ) { // make sure that no Exception is ever thrown out from the request return wrap(e.getMessage()!="unimplemented"? HTTP_INTERNALERROR : HTTP_NOTIMPLEMENTED, new HTTP500V1(e),type); } // Wasn't a new type of handler: try { // determine if we have known resource Request request = _requests.get(requestName); // if the request is not know, treat as resource request, or 404 if not // found if (request == null) return getResource(uri); // Some requests create an instance per call request = request.create(parms); // call the request return request.serve(this,parms,type); } catch( Exception e ) { if(!(e instanceof ExpectedExceptionForDebug)) e.printStackTrace(); // make sure that no Exception is ever thrown out from the request parms.setProperty(Request.ERROR,e.getClass().getSimpleName()+": "+e.getMessage()); return _http500.serve(this,parms,type); } } private RequestServer( ServerSocket socket ) throws IOException { super(socket,null); } // Resource loading ---------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the response containing the given uri with the appropriate mime // type. private NanoHTTPD.Response getResource(String uri) { byte[] bytes = _cache.get(uri); if( bytes == null ) { InputStream resource = Boot._init.getResource2(uri); if (resource != null) { try { bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(resource); } catch( IOException e ) { Log.err(e); } byte[] res = _cache.putIfAbsent(uri,bytes); if( res != null ) bytes = res; // Racey update; take what is in the _cache } Closeables.closeQuietly(resource); } if ((bytes == null) || (bytes.length == 0)) { // make sure that no Exception is ever thrown out from the request Properties parms = new Properties(); parms.setProperty(Request.ERROR,uri); return _http404.serve(this,parms,Request.RequestType.www); } String mime = NanoHTTPD.MIME_DEFAULT_BINARY; if (uri.endsWith(".css")) mime = "text/css"; else if (uri.endsWith(".html")) mime = "text/html"; // return new NanoHTTPD.Response(NanoHTTPD.HTTP_OK,mime,new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); NanoHTTPD.Response res = new NanoHTTPD.Response(NanoHTTPD.HTTP_OK,mime,new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); res.addHeader("Content-Length", Long.toString(bytes.length)); // res.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + uri); return res; } }